The Chrome Enterprise policy list is moving! Please update your bookmarks to

Both Chromium and Google Chrome support the same set of policies. Please note that this document may include unreleased policies (i.e. their 'Supported on' entry refers to a not-yet released version of Google Chrome) which are subject to change or removal without notice and for which no guarantees of any kind are provided, including no guarantees with respect to their security and privacy properties.

These policies are strictly intended to be used to configure instances of Google Chrome internal to your organization. Use of these policies outside of your organization (for example, in a publicly distributed program) is considered malware and will likely be labeled as malware by Google and anti-virus vendors.

These settings don't need to be configured manually! Easy-to-use templates for Windows, Mac and Linux are available for download from

The recommended way to configure policy on Windows is via GPO, although provisioning policy via registry is still supported for Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain.

Policy NameDescription
Accessibility settings
AccessibilityShortcutsEnabledEnable accessibility features shortcuts
AutoclickEnabledEnable the autoclick accessibility feature
CaretHighlightEnabledEnable the caret highlight accessibility feature
ColorCorrectionEnabledEnable the color correction accessibility feature
CursorHighlightEnabledEnable the cursor highlight accessibility feature
DeviceLoginScreenAccessibilityShortcutsEnabledEnable accessibility features shortcuts on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenAutoclickEnabledEnable autoclick on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenCaretHighlightEnabledEnable caret highlight on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenCursorHighlightEnabledEnable the cursor highlight on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenDefaultHighContrastEnabledSet the default state of high contrast mode on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenDefaultLargeCursorEnabledSet default state of the large cursor on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenDefaultScreenMagnifierTypeSet the default screen magnifier type enabled on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenDefaultSpokenFeedbackEnabledSet the default state of spoken feedback on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenDefaultVirtualKeyboardEnabledSet default state of the on-screen keyboard on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenDictationEnabledEnable the dictation on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenHighContrastEnabledEnable the high contrast on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenKeyboardFocusHighlightEnabledEnable the keyboard focus highlighting accessibility feature
DeviceLoginScreenLargeCursorEnabledEnable the large cursor on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenMonoAudioEnabledEnable mono audio on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenScreenMagnifierTypeSet the screen magnifier type on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenSelectToSpeakEnabledEnable the select to speak on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenShowOptionsInSystemTrayMenuShow accessibility options in system tray menu in the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenSpokenFeedbackEnabledEnable the spoken feedback on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenStickyKeysEnabledEnable sticky keys on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenVirtualKeyboardEnabledEnable the accessibility virtual keyboard on the login screen
DictationEnabledEnable the dictation accessibility feature
EnhancedNetworkVoicesInSelectToSpeakAllowedAllow the enhanced network text-to-speech voices in Select-to-speak
FloatingAccessibilityMenuEnabledEnables the floating accessibility menu
HighContrastEnabledEnable high contrast mode
KeyboardDefaultToFunctionKeysMedia keys default to function keys
KeyboardFocusHighlightEnabledEnable the keyboard focus highlighting accessibility feature
LargeCursorEnabledEnable large cursor
MonoAudioEnabledEnable the mono audio accessibility feature
ScreenMagnifierTypeSet screen magnifier type
SelectToSpeakEnabledEnable select to speak
ShowAccessibilityOptionsInSystemTrayMenuShow accessibility options in system tray menu
SpokenFeedbackEnabledEnable spoken feedback
StickyKeysEnabledEnable sticky keys
UiAutomationProviderEnabledEnable the browser's UI Automation accessibility framework provider on Windows
VirtualKeyboardEnabledEnable the accessibility virtual keyboard
VirtualKeyboardFeaturesEnable or disable various features on the on-screen keyboard
Allow or deny screen capture
MultiScreenCaptureAllowedForUrlsEnables automatic screencapture of multiple screens
SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOriginsAllow Same Origin Tab capture by these origins
ScreenCaptureAllowedAllow or deny screen capture
ScreenCaptureAllowedByOriginsAllow Desktop, Window, and Tab capture by these origins
TabCaptureAllowedByOriginsAllow Tab capture by these origins
WindowCaptureAllowedByOriginsAllow Window and Tab capture by these origins
Android settings
ArcAppInstallEventLoggingEnabledLog events for Android app installs
ArcAppToWebAppSharingEnabledEnable sharing from Android apps to Web apps
ArcBackupRestoreServiceEnabledControl Android backup and restore service
ArcCertificatesSyncModeSet certificate availability for ARC-apps
ArcEnabledEnable ARC
ArcGoogleLocationServicesEnabledControl Android Google location services
ArcPolicyConfigure ARC
UnaffiliatedArcAllowedAllow unaffiliated users to use ARC
UnaffiliatedDeviceArcAllowedAllow enterprise users to use ARC on unaffiliated devices.
UserBorealisAllowedAllow users to use Borealis on Google ChromeOS
Certificate management settings
CACertificateManagementAllowedAllow users to manage installed CA certificates.
CAPlatformIntegrationEnabledUse user-added TLS certificates from platform trust stores for server authentication
RequiredClientCertificateForDeviceRequired device-wide Client Certificates
RequiredClientCertificateForUserRequired Client Certificates
GoogleWorkspaceCloudUploadConfigures the Cloud Upload flow for Google Drive and Google Workspace
MicrosoftOfficeCloudUploadConfigures the Cloud Upload flow for Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365
Content settings
AutoSelectCertificateForUrlsAutomatically select client certificates for these sites
AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrlsAllow automatic fullscreen on these sites
AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrlsBlock automatic fullscreen on these sites
ClipboardAllowedForUrlsAllow clipboard on these sites
ClipboardBlockedForUrlsBlock clipboard on these sites
CookiesAllowedForUrlsAllow cookies on these sites
CookiesBlockedForUrlsBlock cookies on these sites
CookiesSessionOnlyForUrlsLimit cookies from matching URLs to the current session
DataUrlInSvgUseEnabledData URL support for SVGUseElement.
DefaultClipboardSettingDefault clipboard setting
DefaultCookiesSettingDefault cookies setting
DefaultDirectSocketsSettingControl use of the Direct Sockets API
DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSettingControl use of the File System API for reading
DefaultFileSystemWriteGuardSettingControl use of the File System API for writing
DefaultGeolocationSettingDefault geolocation setting
DefaultImagesSettingDefault images setting
DefaultInsecureContentSettingControl use of insecure content exceptions
DefaultJavaScriptJitSettingControl use of JavaScript JIT
DefaultJavaScriptSettingDefault JavaScript setting
DefaultLocalFontsSettingDefault Local Fonts permission setting
DefaultMediaStreamSettingDefault mediastream setting
DefaultNotificationsSettingDefault notification setting
DefaultPopupsSettingDefault pop-ups setting
DefaultSensorsSettingDefault sensors setting
DefaultSerialGuardSettingControl use of the Serial API
DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSettingDefault third-party storage partitioning setting
DefaultWebBluetoothGuardSettingControl use of the Web Bluetooth API
DefaultWebHidGuardSettingControl use of the WebHID API
DefaultWebUsbGuardSettingControl use of the WebUSB API
DefaultWindowManagementSettingDefault Window Management permission setting
DefaultWindowPlacementSettingDefault Window Placement permission setting
DirectSocketsAllowedForUrlsAllow Direct Sockets API on these sites
DirectSocketsBlockedForUrlsBlock Direct Sockets API on these sites
FileSystemReadAskForUrlsAllow read access via the File System API on these sites
FileSystemReadBlockedForUrlsBlock read access via the File System API on these sites
FileSystemWriteAskForUrlsAllow write access to files and directories on these sites
FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrlsBlock write access to files and directories on these sites
GetDisplayMediaSetSelectAllScreensAllowedForUrlsEnables auto-select for multi screen captures
ImagesAllowedForUrlsAllow images on these sites
ImagesBlockedForUrlsBlock images on these sites
InsecureContentAllowedForUrlsAllow insecure content on these sites
InsecureContentBlockedForUrlsBlock insecure content on these sites
JavaScriptAllowedForUrlsAllow JavaScript on these sites
JavaScriptBlockedForUrlsBlock JavaScript on these sites
JavaScriptJitAllowedForSitesAllow JavaScript to use JIT on these sites
JavaScriptJitBlockedForSitesBlock JavaScript from using JIT on these sites
LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainListRevert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on these sites
LocalFontsAllowedForUrlsAllow Local Fonts permission on these sites
LocalFontsBlockedForUrlsBlock Local Fonts permission on these sites
NotificationsAllowedForUrlsAllow notifications on these sites
NotificationsBlockedForUrlsBlock notifications on these sites
PdfLocalFileAccessAllowedForDomainsAllow local file access to file:// URLs on these sites in the PDF Viewer
PopupsAllowedForUrlsAllow pop-ups on these sites
PopupsBlockedForUrlsBlock pop-ups on these sites
RegisteredProtocolHandlersRegister protocol handlers
SensorsAllowedForUrlsAllow access to sensors on these sites
SensorsBlockedForUrlsBlock access to sensors on these sites
SerialAllowAllPortsForUrlsAutomatically grant permission to sites to connect all serial ports.
SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrlsAutomatically grant permission to sites to connect to USB serial devices.
SerialAskForUrlsAllow the Serial API on these sites
SerialBlockedForUrlsBlock the Serial API on these sites
ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOriginsDisable third-party storage partitioning for specific top-level origins
WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrlsAutomatically grant permission to sites to connect to any HID device.
WebHidAllowDevicesForUrlsAutomatically grant permission to these sites to connect to HID devices with the given vendor and product IDs.
WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrlsAutomatically grant permission to these sites to connect to HID devices containing top-level collections with the given HID usage.
WebHidAskForUrlsAllow the WebHID API on these sites
WebHidBlockedForUrlsBlock the WebHID API on these sites
WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrlsAutomatically grant permission to these sites to connect to USB devices with the given vendor and product IDs.
WebUsbAskForUrlsAllow WebUSB on these sites
WebUsbBlockedForUrlsBlock WebUSB on these sites
WindowManagementAllowedForUrlsAllow Window Management permission on these sites
WindowManagementBlockedForUrlsBlock Window Management permission on these sites
WindowPlacementAllowedForUrlsAllow Window Placement permission on these sites
WindowPlacementBlockedForUrlsBlock Window Placement permission on these sites
Date and time
CalendarIntegrationEnabledEnable Google Calendar Integration
SystemTimezoneAutomaticDetectionConfigure the automatic timezone detection method
SystemUse24HourClockUse 24 hour clock by default
Default search provider
DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLsList of alternate URLs for the default search provider
DefaultSearchProviderEnabledEnable the default search provider
DefaultSearchProviderEncodingsDefault search provider encodings
DefaultSearchProviderImageURLParameter providing search-by-image feature for the default search provider
DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParamsParameters for image URL which uses POST
DefaultSearchProviderKeywordDefault search provider keyword
DefaultSearchProviderNameDefault search provider name
DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURLDefault search provider new tab page URL
DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLDefault search provider search URL
DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParamsParameters for search URL which uses POST
DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLDefault search provider suggest URL
DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParamsParameters for suggest URL which uses POST
Desk Connector Settings
DeskAPIThirdPartyAccessEnabledEnable Desk API for third-party Google ChromeOS control
DeskAPIThirdPartyAllowlistEnable Desk API for a list of third-party domains
Device update settings
ChromeOsReleaseChannelRelease channel
ChromeOsReleaseChannelDelegatedUsers may configure the Google ChromeOS release channel
DeviceAutoUpdateDisabledDisable Auto Update
DeviceAutoUpdateP2PEnabledAuto update P2P enabled
DeviceAutoUpdateTimeRestrictionsUpdate Time Restrictions
DeviceExtendedAutoUpdateEnabledEnable/disable Extended Automatic Updates
DeviceMinimumVersionConfigure minimum allowed Google ChromeOS version for the device.
DeviceMinimumVersionAueMessageConfigure auto update expiration message for DeviceMinimumVersion policy
DeviceQuickFixBuildTokenProvide users with Quick Fix Build
DeviceRollbackAllowedMilestonesNumber of milestones rollback is allowed
DeviceRollbackToTargetVersionRoll back OS to target version
DeviceTargetVersionPrefixTarget Auto Update Version
DeviceUpdateAllowedConnectionTypesConnection types allowed for updates
DeviceUpdateHttpDownloadsEnabledAllow autoupdate downloads via HTTP
DeviceUpdateScatterFactorAuto update scatter factor
DeviceUpdateStagingScheduleThe staging schedule for applying a new update
RebootAfterUpdateAutomatically reboot after update
DeviceDisplayResolutionSet display resolution and scale factor
DisplayRotationDefaultSet default display rotation, reapplied on every reboot
DriveDisabledDisable Drive in the Google ChromeOS Files app
DriveDisabledOverCellularDisable Google Drive over cellular connections in the Google ChromeOS Files app
DriveFileSyncAvailableGoogle ChromeOS file sync
MicrosoftOneDriveAccountRestrictionsRestricts accounts that can use the Microsoft OneDrive integration
MicrosoftOneDriveMountConfigures the mounting of Microsoft OneDrive
BlockExternalExtensionsBlocks external extensions from being installed
DeviceLoginScreenExtensionManifestV2AvailabilityControl Manifest v2 extension availability
ExtensionAllowedTypesConfigure allowed app/extension types
ExtensionDeveloperModeSettingsControl the availability of developer mode on extensions page
ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrlsConfigure a list of origins that grant extended background lifetime to the connecting extensions.
ExtensionInstallAllowlistConfigure extension installation allow list
ExtensionInstallBlocklistConfigure extension installation blocklist
ExtensionInstallForcelistConfigure the list of force-installed apps and extensions
ExtensionInstallSourcesConfigure extension, app, and user script install sources
ExtensionInstallTypeBlocklistBlocklist for install types of extensions
ExtensionManifestV2AvailabilityControl Manifest v2 extension availability
ExtensionOAuthRedirectUrlsConfigure additional OAuth redirect URLs per extension
ExtensionSettingsExtension management settings
ExtensionUnpublishedAvailabilityControl availability of extensions unpublished on the Chrome Web Store.
MandatoryExtensionsForIncognitoNavigationExtensions that have to be allowed to run in Incognito by the user in order to navigate in Incognito mode
First-Party Sets Settings
FirstPartySetsEnabledEnable First-Party Sets.
FirstPartySetsOverridesOverride First-Party Sets.
Gaia user identity management settings
GaiaOfflineSigninTimeLimitDaysLimit the time for which a user authenticated via GAIA without SAML can log in offline
Generative AI
CreateThemesSettingsSettings for Create Themes with AI
DevToolsGenAiSettingsSettings for DevTools Generative AI Features
GenAILocalFoundationalModelSettingsSettings for GenAI local foundational model
GenAIVcBackgroundSettingsSettings for Generative AI VC Background feature
GenAIWallpaperSettingsSettings for Generative AI Wallpaper feature
HelpMeReadSettingsSettings for Help Me Read feature
HelpMeWriteSettingsSettings for Help Me Write
HistorySearchSettingsSettings for AI-powered History Search
TabCompareSettingsTab Compare settings
TabOrganizerSettingsSettings for Tab Organizer
Google Assistant
AssistantVoiceMatchEnabledDuringOobeEnable Google Assistant voice match flow
VoiceInteractionContextEnabledAllow Google Assistant to access screen context
VoiceInteractionHotwordEnabledAllow Google Assistant to listen for the voice activation phrase
Google Cast
AccessCodeCastDeviceDurationSpecifies how long (in seconds) a cast device selected with an access code or QR code stays in the Google Cast menu's list of cast devices.
AccessCodeCastEnabledAllow users to select cast devices with an access code or QR code from within the Google Cast menu.
EnableMediaRouterEnable Google Cast
MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPsAllow Google Cast to connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses.
ShowCastIconInToolbarShow the Google Cast toolbar icon
ShowCastSessionsStartedByOtherDevicesShow media controls for Google Cast sessions started by other devices on the local network
HTTP authentication
AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOriginsList of origins allowing all HTTP authentication
AllowCrossOriginAuthPromptCross-origin HTTP Authentication prompts
AuthAndroidNegotiateAccountTypeAccount type for HTTP Negotiate authentication
AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlistKerberos delegation server allowlist
AuthNegotiateDelegateByKdcPolicyUse KDC policy to delegate credentials.
AuthSchemesSupported authentication schemes
AuthServerAllowlistAuthentication server allowlist
BasicAuthOverHttpEnabledAllow Basic authentication for HTTP
DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookupDisable CNAME lookup when negotiating Kerberos authentication
EnableAuthNegotiatePortInclude non-standard port in Kerberos SPN
GSSAPILibraryNameGSSAPI library name
NtlmV2EnabledEnable NTLMv2 authentication.
Idle Browser Actions
IdleTimeoutDelay before running idle actions
IdleTimeoutActionsActions to run when the computer is idle
KerberosAccountsConfigure Kerberos accounts
KerberosAddAccountsAllowedUsers can add Kerberos accounts
KerberosCustomPrefilledConfigPrefilled configuration for Kerberos tickets
KerberosDomainAutocompleteAutocomplete domain for new Kerberos tickets
KerberosEnabledEnable Kerberos functionality
KerberosRememberPasswordEnabledEnable 'Remember password' feature for Kerberos
KerberosUseCustomPrefilledConfigChange the prefilled configuration for Kerberos tickets
Kiosk settings
AllowKioskAppControlChromeVersionAllow the auto launched with zero delay kiosk app to control Google ChromeOS version
DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginBailoutEnabledEnable bailout keyboard shortcut for auto-login
DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginDelayDevice-local account auto-login timer
DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginIdDevice-local account for auto-login
DeviceLocalAccountPromptForNetworkWhenOfflineEnable network configuration prompt when offline
DeviceLocalAccountsDevice-local accounts
DeviceWeeklyScheduledSuspendSchedule weekly suspend intervals
KioskActiveWiFiCredentialsScopeChangeEnabledExpose per-app kiosk active WiFi credentials to the device level
KioskTroubleshootingToolsEnabledEnable Kiosk troubleshooting tools
KioskWebAppOfflineEnabledAllow kiosk web app to show network prompt on app launch if the device is offline
NewWindowsInKioskAllowedAllow Web Kiosk to open more than one browser window on any screen
Legacy Browser Support
AlternativeBrowserParametersCommand-line parameters for the alternative browser.
AlternativeBrowserPathAlternative browser to launch for configured websites.
BrowserSwitcherChromeParametersCommand-line parameters for switching from the alternative browser.
BrowserSwitcherChromePathPath to Chrome for switching from the alternative browser.
BrowserSwitcherDelayDelay before launching alternative browser (milliseconds)
BrowserSwitcherEnabledEnable the Legacy Browser Support feature.
BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrlURL of an XML file that contains URLs that should never trigger a browser switch.
BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrlURL of an XML file that contains URLs to load in an alternative browser.
BrowserSwitcherKeepLastChromeTabKeep last tab open in Chrome.
BrowserSwitcherParsingModeSitelist parsing mode
BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylistWebsites that should never trigger a browser switch.
BrowserSwitcherUrlListWebsites to open in alternative browser
BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelistUse Internet Explorer's SiteList policy for Legacy Browser Support.
Linux container
CrostiniAllowedUser is enabled to run Crostini
CrostiniAnsiblePlaybookCrostini Ansible playbook
CrostiniExportImportUIAllowedUser is enabled to export / import Crostini containers via the UI
CrostiniPortForwardingAllowedAllow users to [enable/configure] Crostini port forwarding
DeviceUnaffiliatedCrostiniAllowedAllow unaffiliated users to use Crostini
SystemTerminalSshAllowedAllow SSH outgoing client connections in Terminal System App
VirtualMachinesAllowedAllow devices to run virtual machines on ChromeOS
Microsoft® Active Directory® management settings
CloudAPAuthEnabledAllow automatic sign-in to Microsoft® cloud identity providers
AbusiveExperienceInterventionEnforceAbusive Experience Intervention Enforce
AccessibilityImageLabelsEnabledEnable Get Image Descriptions from Google.
AccessibilityPerformanceFilteringAllowedAllow Accessibility Performance Filtering.
AdHocCodeSigningForPWAsEnabledNative application signing during Progressive Web Application installation
AdditionalDnsQueryTypesEnabledAllow DNS queries for additional DNS record types
AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSitesAds setting for sites with intrusive ads
AdvancedProtectionAllowedEnable additional protections for users enrolled in the Advanced Protection program
AllowBackForwardCacheForCacheControlNoStorePageEnabledAllow pages with Cache-Control: no-store header to enter back/forward cache
AllowChromeDataInBackupsAllow backup of Google Chrome data
AllowDeletingBrowserHistoryEnable deleting browser and download history
AllowDinosaurEasterEggAllow Dinosaur Easter Egg Game
AllowExcludeDisplayInMirrorModeShow a UI toggle to exclude a display in mirror mode.
AllowFileSelectionDialogsAllow invocation of file selection dialogs
AllowScreenLockPermit locking the screen
AllowSystemNotificationsAllows system notifications
AllowWebAuthnWithBrokenTlsCertsAllow Web Authentication requests on sites with broken TLS certificates.
AllowedDomainsForAppsDefine domains allowed to access Google Workspace
AllowedInputMethodsConfigure the allowed input methods in a user session
AllowedLanguagesConfigure the allowed languages in a user session
AlternateErrorPagesEnabledEnable alternate error pages
AlwaysOnVpnPreConnectUrlAllowlistAllow user browser access to a list of URLs while Always-on VPN is active in strict mode with lockdown enabled and the VPN is not connected
AlwaysOpenPdfExternallyAlways Open PDF files externally
AmbientAuthenticationInPrivateModesEnabledEnable Ambient Authentication for profile types.
AppLaunchAutomationApp Launch Automation
AppStoreRatingEnabledAllows users to be shown the iOS App Store Rating promo
ApplicationBoundEncryptionEnabledEnable Application Bound Encryption
ApplicationLocaleValueApplication locale
ArcVmDataMigrationStrategyMigration strategy for ARC VM Data Migration
AudioCaptureAllowedAllow or deny audio capture
AudioCaptureAllowedUrlsURLs that will be granted access to audio capture devices without prompt
AudioOutputAllowedAllow playing audio
AudioProcessHighPriorityEnabledAllow the audio process to run with priority above normal on Windows
AudioSandboxEnabledAllow the audio sandbox to run
AutoFillEnabledEnable AutoFill
AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOriginsDefine a list of protocols that can launch an external application from listed origins without prompting the user
AutoOpenAllowedForURLsURLs where AutoOpenFileTypes can apply
AutoOpenFileTypesList of file types that should be automatically opened on download
AutofillAddressEnabledEnable AutoFill for addresses
AutofillCreditCardEnabledEnable AutoFill for credit cards
AutoplayAllowedAllow media autoplay
AutoplayAllowlistAllow media autoplay on a allowlist of URL patterns
BackForwardCacheEnabledControl the BackForwardCache feature.
BackgroundModeEnabledContinue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed
BatterySaverModeAvailabilityEnable Battery Saver Mode
BlockThirdPartyCookiesBlock third party cookies
BookmarkBarEnabledEnable Bookmark Bar
BrowserAddPersonEnabledEnable add person in user manager
BrowserGuestModeEnabledEnable guest mode in browser
BrowserGuestModeEnforcedEnforce browser guest mode
BrowserLabsEnabledBrowser experiments icon in toolbar
BrowserLegacyExtensionPointsBlockedBlock Browser Legacy Extension Points
BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabledAllow queries to a Google time service
BrowserSigninBrowser sign in settings
BrowserThemeColorConfigure the color of the browser's theme
BrowsingDataLifetimeBrowsing Data Lifetime Settings
BuiltInDnsClientEnabledUse built-in DNS client
CORSNonWildcardRequestHeadersSupportCORS non-wildcard request headers support
CSSCustomStateDeprecatedSyntaxEnabledControls whether the deprecated :--foo syntax for CSS custom state is enabled
CaptivePortalAuthenticationIgnoresProxyCaptive portal authentication ignores proxy
CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCasDisable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes
CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrlsDisable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of URLs
ChromeForTestingAllowedAllow Chrome for Testing
ChromeOsLockOnIdleSuspendEnable lock when the device suspends or the lid is closed
ChromeOsMultiProfileUserBehaviorControl the user behavior in a multiprofile session
ChromeVariationsDetermine the availability of variations
ClearBrowsingDataOnExitListClear Browsing Data on Exit
ClickToCallEnabledEnable the Click to Call Feature
ClientCertificateManagementAllowedAllow users to manage installed client certificates.
CloudManagementEnrollmentMandatoryEnable mandatory cloud management enrollment
CloudManagementEnrollmentTokenThe enrollment token of cloud policy
CloudPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicyGoogle Chrome cloud policy overrides Platform policy.
CloudUserPolicyMergeEnables merging of user cloud policies into machine-level policies
CloudUserPolicyOverridesCloudMachinePolicyAllow user cloud policies to override Chrome Browser Cloud Management policies.
CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabledEnable security warnings for command-line flags
ComponentUpdatesEnabledEnable component updates in Google Chrome
ContextMenuPhotoSharingSettingsAllow saving images directly to Google Photos
ContextualGoogleIntegrationsConfigurationContextual integrations of Google services on Google ChromeOS
ContextualGoogleIntegrationsEnabledContextual integrations of Google services on Google ChromeOS
ContextualSearchEnabledEnable Touch to Search
CreatePasskeysInICloudKeychainControl whether passkey creation will default to iCloud Keychain.
CredentialProviderPromoEnabledAllows users to be shown the Credential Provider Extension promo
DNSInterceptionChecksEnabledDNS interception checks enabled
DataLeakPreventionClipboardCheckSizeLimitSet minimal size limit for data leak prevention clipboard restriction
DataLeakPreventionReportingEnabledEnable data leak prevention reporting
DataLeakPreventionRulesListSets a list of data leak prevention rules.
DefaultBrowserSettingEnabledSet Google Chrome as Default Browser
DefaultDownloadDirectorySet default download directory
DefaultHandlersForFileExtensionsAssigns apps as default handlers for specified file extensions
DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowedAllow default search provider context menu search access
DeleteKeyModifierControl the shortcut used to trigger the Delete "six pack" key
DesktopSharingHubEnabledEnable desktop sharing in the omnibox and 3-dot menu
DeveloperToolsAvailabilityControl where Developer Tools can be used
DeveloperToolsDisabledDisable Developer Tools
DeviceAllowBluetoothAllow bluetooth on device
DeviceAllowEnterpriseRemoteAccessConnectionsAllow enterprise remote access connections to this machine
DeviceAllowMGSToStoreDisplayPropertiesAllow Managed guest session to persist display properties
DeviceAllowRedeemChromeOsRegistrationOffersAllow users to redeem offers through Google ChromeOS Registration
DeviceAllowedBluetoothServicesOnly allow connection to the Bluetooth services in the list
DeviceAttributesAllowedForOriginsAllow origins to query device attributes
DeviceAuthenticationURLAllowlistAllow access to a list of URLs during authentication
DeviceAuthenticationURLBlocklistBlock access to a list of URL patterns during authentication
DeviceBlockDevmodeBlock developer mode
DeviceChromeVariationsDetermine the availability of variations on Google ChromeOS
DeviceDebugPacketCaptureAllowedAllow debug network packet captures
DeviceDlcPredownloadListSelect DLCs (Downloadable Content) that need to be pre downloaded
DeviceEncryptedReportingPipelineEnabledEnable the Encrypted Reporting Pipeline
DeviceEphemeralNetworkPoliciesEnabledControls the enablement of the EphemeralNetworkPolicies feature
DeviceHardwareVideoDecodingEnabledEnable GPU hardware video decoding
DeviceI18nShortcutsEnabledAllows enabling/disabling international shortcut keys remaps
DeviceKeyboardBacklightColorDefault keyboard backlight color
DeviceKeylockerForStorageEncryptionEnabledControls use of AES Keylocker for user storage encryption if supported
DeviceLoginScreenGeolocationAccessLevelAllow or deny device geolocation access
DeviceLoginScreenPrimaryMouseButtonSwitchSwitch the primary mouse button to the right button on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenWebHidAllowDevicesForUrlsAutomatically grant permission to these sites to connect to HID devices with the given vendor and product IDs on the login screen.
DeviceLoginScreenWebUsbAllowDevicesForUrlsAutomatically grant permission to these sites to connect to USB devices with the given vendor and product IDs on the login screen.
DeviceOffHoursOff hours intervals when the specified device policies are released
DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabledEnable Thunderbolt/USB4 peripheral data access
DevicePolicyRefreshRateRefresh rate for Device Policy
DevicePostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabledEnable post-quantum key agreement for TLS for device
DevicePowerwashAllowedAllow the device to request powerwash
DeviceQuirksDownloadEnabledEnable queries to Quirks Server for hardware profiles
DeviceRebootOnUserSignoutForce device reboot when user sign out
DeviceReleaseLtsTagAllow device to receive LTS updates
DeviceRestrictedManagedGuestSessionEnabledRestricted managed guest sessions
DeviceScheduledRebootSet custom schedule to reboot devices
DeviceScheduledUpdateCheckSet custom schedule to check for updates
DeviceShowLowDiskSpaceNotificationShow notification when disk space is low
DeviceSwitchFunctionKeysBehaviorEnabledControls the setting "Use the launcher/search key to change the behavior of function keys"
DeviceSystemWideTracingEnabledAllow collection of system-wide performance trace
Disable3DAPIsDisable support for 3D graphics APIs
DisableScreenshotsDisable taking screenshots
DisabledSchemesDisable URL protocol schemes
DiskCacheDirSet disk cache directory
DiskCacheSizeSet disk cache size in bytes
DnsOverHttpsModeControls the mode of DNS-over-HTTPS
DnsOverHttpsTemplatesSpecify URI template of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver
DocumentScanAPITrustedExtensionsExtensions allowed to skip confirmation dialogs when accessing scanners via chrome.documentScan API
DomainReliabilityAllowedAllow reporting of domain reliability related data
DownloadDirectorySet download directory
DownloadManagerSaveToDriveSettingsAllow saving files directly to Google Drive
DownloadRestrictionsAllow download restrictions
DynamicCodeSettingsDynamic Code Settings
EasyUnlockAllowedAllow Smart Lock to be used
EcheAllowedAllow Eche to be enabled.
EditBookmarksEnabledEnable or disable bookmark editing
EmojiPickerGifSupportEnabledGIF Support in Emoji Picker
EmojiSuggestionEnabledEnable Emoji Suggestion
EnableExperimentalPoliciesEnables experimental policies
EnableOnlineRevocationChecksEnable online OCSP/CRL checks
EnableSyncConsentEnable displaying Sync Consent during sign-in
EncryptedClientHelloEnabledEnable TLS Encrypted ClientHello
EnterpriseAuthenticationAppLinkPolicyExternal authentication app launch URLs
EnterpriseCustomLabelSet a custom enterprise label
EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabledEnables managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API
EnterpriseLogoUrlEnterprise Logo URL
EnterpriseProfileBadgeToolbarSettingsControls visibility of enterprise profile badge in the toolbar
EnterpriseProfileCreationKeepBrowsingDataKeep browsing data when creating enterprise profile by default
EssentialSearchEnabledEnable only essential cookies and data in search
ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarningsDisable download file type extension-based warnings for specified file types on domains
ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPortsExplicitly allowed network ports
ExtensionCacheSizeSet Apps and Extensions cache size (in bytes)
ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckboxShow an "Always open" checkbox in external protocol dialog.
ExternalStorageDisabledDisable mounting of external storage
ExternalStorageReadOnlyTreat external storage devices as read-only
F11KeyModifierControl the shortcut used to trigger F11
F12KeyModifierControl the shortcut used to trigger F12
FastPairEnabledEnable Fast Pair (fast Bluetooth pairing)
FeedbackSurveysEnabledSpecifies whether in-product Google Chrome surveys are shown to users.
FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdownFetch keepalive duration on Shutdown
FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOriginsAllow file or directory picker APIs to be called without prior user gesture
FloatingWorkspaceEnabledEnable Floating Workspace Service
FocusModeSoundsEnabledEnable Sounds in Focus Mode for ChromeOS
ForceBrowserSigninEnable force sign in for Google Chrome
ForceEphemeralProfilesEphemeral profile
ForceGoogleSafeSearchForce Google SafeSearch
ForceLogoutUnauthenticatedUserEnabledForce logout the user when their account becomes unauthenticated
ForceMaximizeOnFirstRunMaximize the first browser window on first run
ForcePermissionPolicyUnloadDefaultEnabledControls whether unload event handlers can be disabled.
ForceSafeSearchForce SafeSearch
ForceYouTubeRestrictForce minimum YouTube Restricted Mode
ForceYouTubeSafetyModeForce YouTube Safety Mode
ForcedLanguagesConfigure the content and order of preferred languages
FullRestoreEnabledEnable the full restore feature
FullRestoreModeConfigure app restore on login
FullscreenAlertEnabledEnable fullscreen alert
FullscreenAllowedAllow fullscreen mode
GaiaLockScreenOfflineSigninTimeLimitDaysLimit the time for which a user authenticated via GAIA without SAML can log in offline at the lock screen
GhostWindowEnabledEnable the ghost window feature
GloballyScopeHTTPAuthCacheEnabledEnable globally scoped HTTP auth cache
GoogleLocationServicesEnabledControl Google ChromeOS access to Google location services
GoogleSearchSidePanelEnabledEnable Google Search Side Panel
HSTSPolicyBypassListList of names that will bypass the HSTS policy check
HardwareAccelerationModeEnabledUse graphics acceleration when available
HeadlessModeControl use of the Headless Mode
HideWebStoreIconHide the web store from the New Tab Page and app launcher
HighEfficiencyModeEnabledEnable High Efficiency Mode
HistoryClustersVisibleShow a view of Chrome history with groups of pages
HomeAndEndKeysModifierControl the shortcut used to trigger the Home/End "six pack" keys
HttpAllowlistHTTP Allowlist
HttpsOnlyModeAllow HTTPS-Only Mode to be enabled
HttpsUpgradesEnabledEnable automatic HTTPS upgrades
ImportAutofillFormDataImport autofill form data from default browser on first run
ImportBookmarksImport bookmarks from default browser on first run
ImportHistoryImport browsing history from default browser on first run
ImportHomepageImport of homepage from default browser on first run
ImportSavedPasswordsImport saved passwords from default browser on first run
ImportSearchEngineImport search engines from default browser on first run
IncognitoEnabledEnable Incognito mode
IncognitoModeAvailabilityIncognito mode availability
InsecureFormsWarningsEnabledEnable warnings for insecure forms
InsertKeyModifierControl the shortcut used to trigger the Insert "six pack" key
InsightsExtensionEnabledEnable insights extension for reporting usage metrics
InstantTetheringAllowedAllow Instant Tethering to be used.
IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabledControl the IntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature.
IntranetRedirectBehaviorIntranet Redirection Behavior
IsolateOriginsEnable Site Isolation for specified origins
IsolateOriginsAndroidEnable Site Isolation for specified origins on Android devices
IsolatedWebAppInstallForceListConfigure list of force-installed Isolated Web Apps
JavascriptEnabledEnable JavaScript
KeepFullscreenWithoutNotificationUrlAllowListList of URLs which are allowed to remain in full screen mode without showing a notification
KeyPermissionsKey Permissions
KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabledEnable keyboard focusable scrollers
KioskBrowserPermissionsAllowedForOriginsAllow origins to access browser permissions available to the web kiosk install origin.
LacrosAvailabilityMake the Lacros browser available
LacrosDataBackwardMigrationModeChoose what happens with user data after Lacros is disabled
LacrosSelectionSelect Lacros browser binary
LensCameraAssistedSearchEnabledAllow Google Lens camera assisted search
LensDesktopNTPSearchEnabledAllow Google Lens button to be shown in the search box on the New Tab page if supported.
LensOnGalleryEnabledEnables the Lens / Gallery App integration on Google ChromeOS
LensOverlaySettingsSettings for the Lens Overlay feature
LensRegionSearchEnabledAllow Google Lens region search menu item to be shown in context menu if supported.
ListenToThisPageEnabledEnable read aloud (text distillation and text-to-speech synthesis) for web pages
LockScreenAutoStartOnlineReauthAutomatic start of online re-authentication on the lock screen
LockScreenMediaPlaybackEnabledAllows users to play media when the device is locked
LoginDisplayPasswordButtonEnabledShow the display password button on the login and lock screen
LookalikeWarningAllowlistDomainsSuppress lookalike domain warnings on domains
ManagedAccountsSigninRestrictionAdd restrictions on managed accounts
ManagedBookmarksManaged Bookmarks
ManagedConfigurationPerOriginSets managed configuration values to websites to specific origins
ManagedGuestSessionPrivacyWarningsEnabledReduce Managed-guest session auto-launch notifications
MaxConnectionsPerProxyMaximal number of concurrent connections to the proxy server
MaxInvalidationFetchDelayMaximum fetch delay after a policy invalidation
MediaRecommendationsEnabledEnable Media Recommendations
MemorySaverModeSavingsChange Memory Saver Mode Savings
MetricsReportingEnabledEnable reporting of usage and crash-related data
MutationEventsEnabledRe-enable deprecated/removed Mutation Events
NTPCardsVisibleShow cards on the New Tab Page
NTPContentSuggestionsEnabledShow content suggestions on the New Tab page
NTPCustomBackgroundEnabledAllow users to customize the background on the New Tab page
NTPMiddleSlotAnnouncementVisibleShow the middle slot announcement on the New Tab Page
NativeClientForceAllowedForces Native Client (NaCl) to be allowed to run.
NativeHostsExecutablesLaunchDirectlyForce Windows executable Native Messaging hosts to launch directly
NearbyShareAllowedAllow Nearby Share to be enabled.
NetworkPredictionOptionsEnable network prediction
NetworkServiceSandboxEnabledEnable the network service sandbox
NoteTakingAppsLockScreenAllowlistThe list of note-taking apps allowed on the Google ChromeOS lock screen
OpenNetworkConfigurationUser-level network configuration
OrcaEnabledControl the enablement of ChromeOS "Help me write" feature
OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabledAllows origin-keyed agent clustering by default.
OsColorModeChromeOS color mode
OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOriginOrigins or hostname patterns for which restrictions on insecure origins should not apply
PageUpAndPageDownKeysModifierControl the shortcut used to trigger the PageUp/PageDown "six pack" keys
ParcelTrackingEnabledAllows users to track their packages on Chrome.
PaymentMethodQueryEnabledAllow websites to query for available payment methods.
PdfAnnotationsEnabledEnable PDF Annotations
PdfUseSkiaRendererEnabledUse Skia renderer for PDF rendering
PdfViewerOutOfProcessIframeEnabledUse out-of-process iframe PDF Viewer
PhoneHubAllowedAllow Phone Hub to be enabled.
PhoneHubCameraRollAllowedAllow recent photos and videos taken on the phone to be accessed via Phone Hub.
PhoneHubNotificationsAllowedAllow Phone Hub notifications to be enabled.
PhoneHubTaskContinuationAllowedAllow Phone Hub task continuation to be enabled.
PhysicalKeyboardAutocorrectControl the autocorrect feature on the physical keyboard
PhysicalKeyboardPredictiveWritingControl the predictive writing feature on the physical keyboard
PinnedLauncherAppsList of pinned apps to show in the launcher
PolicyAtomicGroupsEnabledEnables the concept of policy atomic groups
PolicyDictionaryMultipleSourceMergeListAllow merging dictionary policies from different sources
PolicyListMultipleSourceMergeListAllow merging list policies from different sources
PolicyRefreshRateRefresh rate for user policy
PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabledEnable post-quantum key agreement for TLS
PrefixedVideoFullscreenApiAvailabilityManage the deprecated prefixed video fullscreen API's availability
PrimaryMouseButtonSwitchSwitch the primary mouse button to the right button
ProfilePickerOnStartupAvailabilityProfile picker availability on startup
ProfileReauthPromptPrompt users to re-authenticate to the profile
PromotionalTabsEnabledEnable showing full-tab promotional content
PromotionsEnabledEnable showing promotional content
PromptForDownloadLocationAsk where to save each file before downloading
PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificatesPrompt when multiple certificates match
ProxySettingsProxy settings
QRCodeGeneratorEnabledEnable QR Code Generator
QuicAllowedAllow QUIC protocol
QuickOfficeForceFileDownloadEnabledForce downloading of Office documents (e.g. .docx) instead of opening them in the Basic Editor
RelaunchHeadsUpPeriodSet the time of the first user relaunch notification
RelaunchNotificationNotify a user that a browser relaunch or device restart is recommended or required
RelaunchNotificationPeriodSet the time period for update notifications
RelaunchWindowSet the time interval for relaunch
RemoteDebuggingAllowedAllow remote debugging
RendererAppContainerEnabledEnable Renderer App Container
RendererCodeIntegrityEnabledEnable Renderer Code Integrity
ReportCrostiniUsageEnabledReport information about usage of Linux apps
RequireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchorsRequire online OCSP/CRL checks for local trust anchors
RestrictAccountsToPatternsRestrict accounts that are visible in Google Chrome
RestrictSigninToPatternRestrict which Google accounts are allowed to be set as browser primary accounts in Google Chrome
RestrictedManagedGuestSessionExtensionCleanupExemptListConfigure the list of extension IDs exempt from the restricted managed guest session clean-up procedure
RoamingProfileLocationSet the roaming profile directory
RoamingProfileSupportEnabledEnable the creation of roaming copies for Google Chrome profile data
SSLErrorOverrideAllowedAllow proceeding from the SSL warning page
SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOriginsAllow proceeding from the SSL warning page on specific origins
SafeBrowsingForTrustedSourcesEnabledEnable Safe Browsing for trusted sources
SafeSitesFilterBehaviorControl SafeSites adult content filtering.
SamlLockScreenOfflineSigninTimeLimitDaysLimit the time for which a user authenticated via SAML can log in offline at the lock screen
SandboxExternalProtocolBlockedAllow Chrome to block navigations toward external protocols in sandboxed iframes
SavingBrowserHistoryDisabledDisable saving browser history
SchedulerConfigurationSelect task scheduler configuration
ScreenCaptureLocationSet location to store screen captures
ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOriginsAllow screen capture without prior user gesture
ScrollToTextFragmentEnabledEnable scrolling to text specified in URL fragments
SearchSuggestEnabledEnable search suggestions
SecondaryGoogleAccountSigninAllowedAllow Sign-in To Additional Google Accounts
SecurityKeyPermitAttestationURLs/domains automatically permitted direct Security Key attestation
SecurityTokenSessionBehaviorAction on security token removal (e.g., smart card) for Google ChromeOS.
SecurityTokenSessionNotificationSecondsDuration of the notification on smart card removal for Google ChromeOS.
SelectParserRelaxationEnabledControls whether the new HTML parser behavior for the <select> element is enabled
SessionLengthLimitLimit the length of a user session
SessionLocalesSet the recommended locales for a managed session
SharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowedSpecifies whether SharedArrayBuffers can be used in a non cross-origin-isolated context
SharedClipboardEnabledEnable the Shared Clipboard Feature
ShelfAlignmentControl the shelf position
ShelfAutoHideBehaviorControl shelf auto-hiding
ShoppingListEnabledAllow the shopping list feature to be enabled
ShortcutCustomizationAllowedAllow customization of system shortcuts
ShowAiIntroScreenEnabledEnable displaying the introduction screen for in-session AI features during sign-in flow
ShowAppsShortcutInBookmarkBarShow the apps shortcut in the bookmark bar
ShowDisplaySizeScreenEnabledEnable displaying display size setting screen during sign-in
ShowFullUrlsInAddressBarShow Full URLs
ShowGeminiIntroScreenEnabledEnable displaying the introduction screen for Gemini during sign-in flow
ShowLogoutButtonInTrayAdd a logout button to the system tray
ShowTouchpadScrollScreenEnabledEnable displaying touchpad scrolling direction screen during sign-in
SideSearchEnabledAllow showing the most recent default search engine results page in a Browser side panel
SignedHTTPExchangeEnabledEnable Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support
SigninAllowedAllow sign in to Google Chrome
SigninInterceptionEnabledEnable signin interception
SitePerProcessRequire Site Isolation for every site
SitePerProcessAndroidEnable Site Isolation for every site
SiteSearchSettingsSite search settings
SmsMessagesAllowedAllow SMS Messages to be synced from phone to Chromebook.
SpellCheckServiceEnabledEnable or disable spell checking web service
SpellcheckEnabledEnable spellcheck
SpellcheckLanguageForce enable spellcheck languages
SpellcheckLanguageBlocklistForce disable spellcheck languages
StandardizedBrowserZoomEnabledEnable Standardized Browser Zoom Behavior
StartupBrowserWindowLaunchSuppressedSuppress launching of browser window
StrictMimetypeCheckForWorkerScriptsEnabledEnable strict MIME type checking for worker scripts
SubAppsAPIsAllowedWithoutGestureAndAuthorizationForOriginsAllow subApps APIs to be called without prior user gesture or requiring user confirmation.
SuggestLogoutAfterClosingLastWindowDisplay the logout confirmation dialog
SuggestedContentEnabledEnable Suggested Content
SuppressDifferentOriginSubframeDialogsSuppress JavaScript Dialogs triggered from different origin subframes
SuppressUnsupportedOSWarningSuppress the unsupported OS warning
SyncDisabledDisable synchronization of data with Google
SyncTypesListDisabledList of types that should be excluded from synchronization
SystemFeaturesDisableListConfigure the camera, browser settings, os settings, scanning, web store, canvas, explore, crosh, gallery, terminal and recorder features to be disabled
SystemFeaturesDisableModeSet the user experience of disabled features
SystemProxySettingsConfigures System-proxy service for Google ChromeOS.
SystemShortcutBehaviorAllows applications to capture and override default system shortcuts.
TPMFirmwareUpdateSettingsConfigure TPM firmware update behavior
TabDiscardingExceptionsURL pattern Exceptions to tab discarding
TaskManagerEndProcessEnabledEnable ending processes in Task Manager
TermsOfServiceURLSet the Terms of Service for a device-local account
ThirdPartyBlockingEnabledEnable third party software injection blocking
TosDialogBehaviorConfiguring the ToS behavior during first-run for CCT
TotalMemoryLimitMbSet limit on megabytes of memory a single Chrome instance can use.
TouchVirtualKeyboardEnabledEnable the touch virtual keyboard
TranslateEnabledEnable Translate
TrashEnabledEnable capability to send files to the Trash (on supported filesystems) in the Google ChromeOS Files app
URLAllowlistAllow access to a list of URLs
URLBlocklistBlock access to a list of URLs
UnifiedDesktopEnabledByDefaultMake Unified Desktop available and turn on by default
UnsafelyTreatInsecureOriginAsSecureOrigins or hostname patterns for which restrictions on insecure origins should not apply
UrlKeyedAnonymizedDataCollectionEnabledEnable URL-keyed anonymized data collection
UsbDetachableAllowlistAllowlist of USB detachable devices
UsbDetectorNotificationEnabledShow a notification when a USB device is detected
UserAgentReductionEnable or disable the User-Agent Reduction.
UserAvatarCustomizationSelectorsEnabledAllow customization of user avatar image using Google profile image or local images.
UserAvatarImageUser avatar image
UserDataDirSet user data directory
UserDataSnapshotRetentionLimitLimits the number of user data snapshots retained for use in case of emergency rollback.
UserDisplayNameSet the display name for device-local accounts
UserFeedbackAllowedAllow user feedback
VideoCaptureAllowedAllow or deny video capture
VideoCaptureAllowedUrlsURLs that will be granted access to video capture devices without prompt
VirtualKeyboardResizesLayoutByDefaultThe virtual keyboard resizes the layout viewport by default
VirtualKeyboardSmartVisibilityEnabledLet the on-screen keyboard appear when appropriate.
VmManagementCliAllowedSpecify VM CLI permission
VpnConfigAllowedAllow the user to manage VPN connections
WPADQuickCheckEnabledEnable WPAD optimization
WallpaperGooglePhotosIntegrationEnabledWallpaper selection from Google Photos
WallpaperImageWallpaper image
WarnBeforeQuittingEnabledShow a warning dialog when the user is attempting to quit
WebAnnotationsAllow detecting plain text entities in web pages.
WebAppInstallForceListConfigure list of force-installed Web Apps
WebAppSettingsWeb App management settings
WebAudioOutputBufferingEnabledEnable adaptive buffering for Web Audio
WebAuthnFactorsConfigure allowed WebAuthn factors
WebRtcEventLogCollectionAllowedAllow collection of WebRTC event logs from Google services
WebRtcIPHandlingThe IP handling policy of WebRTC
WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrlsURLs for which local IPs are exposed in WebRTC ICE candidates
WebRtcTextLogCollectionAllowedAllow WebRTC text logs collection from Google Services
WebRtcUdpPortRangeRestrict the range of local UDP ports used by WebRTC
WebXRImmersiveArEnabledAllow creating WebXR's "immersive-ar" sessions
WifiSyncAndroidAllowedAllow Wi-Fi network configurations to be synced across Google ChromeOS devices and a connected Android phone.
WindowOcclusionEnabledEnable Window Occlusion
Native Messaging
NativeMessagingAllowlistConfigure native messaging allowlist
NativeMessagingBlocklistConfigure native messaging blocklist
NativeMessagingUserLevelHostsAllow user-level Native Messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions)
Network File Shares settings
NTLMShareAuthenticationEnabledControls enabling NTLM as an authentication protocol for SMB mounts
NetBiosShareDiscoveryEnabledControls Network File Share discovery via NetBIOS
NetworkFileSharesAllowedControls Network File Shares for ChromeOS availability
NetworkFileSharesPreconfiguredSharesList of preconfigured network file shares.
Network settings
AccessControlAllowMethodsInCORSPreflightSpecConformantMake Access-Control-Allow-Methods matching in CORS preflight spec conformant
CompressionDictionaryTransportEnabledEnable compression dictionary transport support
DataURLWhitespacePreservationEnabledDataURL Whitespace Preservation for all media types
DeviceDataRoamingEnabledEnable data roaming
DeviceDockMacAddressSourceDevice MAC address source when docked
DeviceHostnameTemplateDevice network hostname template
DeviceHostnameUserConfigurableAllow user to configure their device hostname
DeviceOpenNetworkConfigurationDevice-level network configuration
DeviceWiFiAllowedEnable WiFi
DeviceWiFiFastTransitionEnabledEnable 802.11r Fast Transition
DnsOverHttpsExcludedDomainsSpecify domains to be excluded from being resolved using DNS-over-HTTPS
DnsOverHttpsIncludedDomainsSpecify domains to be resolved using DNS-over-HTTPS
DnsOverHttpsSaltSpecify a salt value to be used in DnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers when evaluating identity information
DnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiersSpecify URI template of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver with identity information
IPv6ReachabilityOverrideEnabledEnable IPv6 reachability check override
NetworkThrottlingEnabledEnable throttling network bandwidth
OutOfProcessSystemDnsResolutionEnabledEnable system DNS resolution outside of the network service
ZstdContentEncodingEnabledEnable zstd content-encoding support
Parental supervision settings
EduCoexistenceToSVersionThe valid version of Edu Coexistence Terms of Service
ParentAccessCodeConfigParent Access Code Configuration
PerAppTimeLimitsPer-App Time Limits
PerAppTimeLimitsAllowlistPer-App Time Limits Allowlist
UsageTimeLimitTime Limit
Password manager
DeletingUndecryptablePasswordsEnabledEnable deleting undecryptable passwords
PasswordDismissCompromisedAlertEnabledEnable dismissing compromised password alerts for entered credentials
PasswordLeakDetectionEnabledEnable leak detection for entered credentials
PasswordManagerEnabledEnable saving passwords to the password manager
PasswordSharingEnabledEnable sharing user credentials with other users
ThirdPartyPasswordManagersAllowedAllow using Third-Party Password Managers in Google Chrome on Android
PluginVmAllowedAllow devices to use a PluginVm on Google ChromeOS
PluginVmDataCollectionAllowedAllow PluginVm Product Analytics
PluginVmImagePluginVm image
PluginVmRequiredFreeDiskSpaceRequired free disk space for PluginVm
PluginVmUserIdPluginVm user id
UserPluginVmAllowedAllow users to use a PluginVm on Google ChromeOS
Power and shutdown
DeviceLoginScreenPowerManagementPower management on the login screen
DeviceRebootOnShutdownAutomatic reboot on device shutdown
UptimeLimitLimit device uptime by automatically rebooting
Power management
AllowScreenWakeLocksAllow screen wake locks
AllowWakeLocksAllow wake locks
DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfigSet advanced battery charge mode day config
DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabledEnable advanced battery charge mode
DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStartChargingSet battery charge custom start charging in percent
DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStopChargingSet battery charge custom stop charging in percent
DeviceBatteryChargeModeBattery charge mode
DeviceBootOnAcEnabledEnable boot on AC (alternating current)
DeviceChargingSoundsEnabledEnable Charging Sounds
DeviceLowBatterySoundEnabledEnable Low Battery Sound
DevicePowerAdaptiveChargingEnabledEnable adaptive charging model to hold charging process to extend battery life
DevicePowerPeakShiftBatteryThresholdSet power peak shift battery threshold in percent
DevicePowerPeakShiftDayConfigSet power peak shift day config
DevicePowerPeakShiftEnabledEnable peak shift power management
DeviceUsbPowerShareEnabledEnable USB power share
IdleActionAction to take when the idle delay is reached
IdleActionACAction to take when the idle delay is reached while running on AC power
IdleActionBatteryAction to take when the idle delay is reached while running on battery power
IdleDelayACIdle delay when running on AC power
IdleDelayBatteryIdle delay when running on battery power
IdleWarningDelayACIdle warning delay when running on AC power
IdleWarningDelayBatteryIdle warning delay when running on battery power
LidCloseActionAction to take when the user closes the lid
PowerManagementIdleSettingsPower management settings when the user becomes idle
PowerManagementUsesAudioActivitySpecify whether audio activity affects power management
PowerManagementUsesVideoActivitySpecify whether video activity affects power management
PowerSmartDimEnabledEnable smart dim model to extend the time until the screen is dimmed
PresentationScreenDimDelayScalePercentage by which to scale the screen dim delay in presentation mode
ScreenBrightnessPercentScreen brightness percent
ScreenDimDelayACScreen dim delay when running on AC power
ScreenDimDelayBatteryScreen dim delay when running on battery power
ScreenLockDelayACScreen lock delay when running on AC power
ScreenLockDelayBatteryScreen lock delay when running on battery power
ScreenLockDelaysScreen lock delays
ScreenOffDelayACScreen off delay when running on AC power
ScreenOffDelayBatteryScreen off delay when running on battery power
UserActivityScreenDimDelayScalePercentage by which to scale the screen dim delay if the user becomes active after dimming
WaitForInitialUserActivityWait for initial user activity
CloudPrintProxyEnabledEnable Google Cloud Print proxy
DefaultPrinterSelectionDefault printer selection rules
DeletePrintJobHistoryAllowedAllow print job history to be deleted
DeviceExternalPrintServersExternal print servers
DeviceExternalPrintServersAllowlistEnabled external print servers
DevicePrintersEnterprise printer configuration file for devices
DevicePrintersAccessModeDevice printers configuration access policy.
DevicePrintersAllowlistEnabled enterprise device printers
DevicePrintersBlocklistDisabled enterprise device printers
DevicePrintingClientNameTemplateTemplate for the 'client-name' Internet Printing Protocol attribute
DisablePrintPreviewDisable Print Preview
ExternalPrintServersExternal print servers
ExternalPrintServersAllowlistEnabled external print servers
OopPrintDriversAllowedOut-of-process print drivers allowed
PrintHeaderFooterPrint Headers and Footers
PrintJobHistoryExpirationPeriodSet the time period in days for storing print jobs metadata
PrintPdfAsImageAvailabilityPrint PDF as Image Available
PrintPdfAsImageDefaultPrint PDF as Image Default
PrintPostScriptModePrint PostScript Mode
PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinterUse System Default Printer as Default
PrintRasterizationModePrint Rasterization Mode
PrintRasterizePdfDpiPrint Rasterize PDF DPI
PrinterTypeDenyListDisable printer types on the deny list
PrintersConfigures a list of printers
PrintersBulkAccessModePrinter configuration access policy.
PrintersBulkAllowlistEnabled enterprise printers
PrintersBulkBlocklistDisabled enterprise printers
PrintersBulkConfigurationEnterprise printer configuration file
PrintingAPIExtensionsAllowlistExtensions allowed to skip confirmation dialog when sending print jobs via chrome.printing API
PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModesRestrict background graphics printing mode
PrintingAllowedColorModesRestrict printing color mode
PrintingAllowedDuplexModesRestrict printing duplex mode
PrintingAllowedPinModesRestrict PIN printing mode
PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefaultDefault background graphics printing mode
PrintingColorDefaultDefault printing color mode
PrintingDuplexDefaultDefault printing duplex mode
PrintingEnabledEnable printing
PrintingLPACSandboxEnabledEnable Printing LPAC Sandbox
PrintingMaxSheetsAllowedMaximal number of sheets allowed to use for a single print job
PrintingPaperSizeDefaultDefault printing page size
PrintingPinDefaultDefault PIN printing mode
PrintingSendUsernameAndFilenameEnabledSend username and filename to native printers
UserPrintersAllowedAllow access to CUPS printers
Privacy Sandbox policies
PrivacySandboxAdMeasurementEnabledChoose whether the Privacy Sandbox ad measurement setting can be disabled
PrivacySandboxAdTopicsEnabledChoose whether the Privacy Sandbox Ad topics setting can be disabled
PrivacySandboxPromptEnabledChoose whether the Privacy Sandbox prompt can be shown to your users
PrivacySandboxSiteEnabledAdsEnabledChoose whether the Privacy Sandbox Site-suggested ads setting can be disabled
Privacy screen settings
DeviceLoginScreenPrivacyScreenEnabledSet the state of privacy screen on the login screen
PrivacyScreenEnabledEnable privacy screen
Private network request settings
InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedSpecifies whether to allow websites to make requests to more-private network endpoints in an insecure manner
InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrlsAllow the listed sites to make requests to more-private network endpoints in an insecure manner.
PrivateNetworkAccessRestrictionsEnabledSpecifies whether to apply restrictions to requests to more-private network endpoints
Proxy server
ProxyBypassListProxy bypass rules
ProxyModeChoose how to specify proxy server settings
ProxyPacUrlURL to a proxy .pac file
ProxyServerAddress or URL of proxy server
ProxyServerModeChoose how to specify proxy server settings
Quick Answers
QuickAnswersDefinitionEnabledEnable Quick Answers Definition
QuickAnswersEnabledEnable Quick Answers
QuickAnswersTranslationEnabledEnable Quick Answers Translation
QuickAnswersUnitConversionEnabledEnable Quick Answers Unit Conversion
Quick unlock
PinUnlockAutosubmitEnabledEnable PIN auto-submit feature on the lock and login screen.
PinUnlockMaximumLengthSet the maximum length of the lock screen PIN
PinUnlockMinimumLengthSet the minimum length of the lock screen PIN
PinUnlockWeakPinsAllowedEnable users to set weak PINs for the lock screen PIN
QuickUnlockModeAllowlistConfigure allowed quick unlock modes
QuickUnlockTimeoutSet how often user has to enter password to use quick unlock
Related Website Sets Settings
RelatedWebsiteSetsEnabledEnable Related Website Sets
RelatedWebsiteSetsOverridesOverride Related Website Sets.
Remote access
RemoteAccessHostAllowClientPairingEnable or disable PIN-less authentication for remote access hosts
RemoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseFileTransferEnable file transfer capability in enterprise remote support sessions
RemoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseRemoteSupportConnectionsAllow enterprise remote support connections to this machine
RemoteAccessHostAllowFileTransferAllow remote access users to transfer files to/from the host
RemoteAccessHostAllowPinAuthenticationAllow PIN and pairing authentication methods for remote access hosts
RemoteAccessHostAllowRelayedConnectionEnable the use of relay servers by the remote access host
RemoteAccessHostAllowRemoteAccessConnectionsAllow remote access connections to this machine
RemoteAccessHostAllowRemoteSupportConnectionsAllow remote support connections to this machine
RemoteAccessHostAllowUiAccessForRemoteAssistanceAllow remote users to interact with elevated windows in remote assistance sessions
RemoteAccessHostAllowUrlForwardingAllow remote access users to open host-side URLs in their local client browser
RemoteAccessHostClientDomainConfigure the required domain name for remote access clients
RemoteAccessHostClientDomainListConfigure the required domain names for remote access clients
RemoteAccessHostClipboardSizeBytesThe maximum size, in bytes, that can be transferred between client and host via clipboard synchronization
RemoteAccessHostDomainConfigure the required domain name for remote access hosts
RemoteAccessHostDomainListConfigure the required domain names for remote access hosts
RemoteAccessHostFirewallTraversalEnable firewall traversal from remote access host
RemoteAccessHostMatchUsernameRequire that the name of the local user and the remote access host owner match
RemoteAccessHostMaximumSessionDurationMinutesMaximum session duration allowed for remote access connections
RemoteAccessHostRequireCurtainEnable curtaining of remote access hosts
RemoteAccessHostUdpPortRangeRestrict the UDP port range used by the remote access host
Remote attestation
AttestationExtensionAllowlistExtensions allowed to to use the remote attestation API
AttestationForContentProtectionEnabledEnable the use of remote attestation for content protection for the device
DeviceWebBasedAttestationAllowedUrlsURLs that will be granted access to perform the device attestation during SAML authentication
Safe Browsing settings
DisableSafeBrowsingProceedAnywayDisable proceeding from the Safe Browsing warning page
PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURLConfigure the change password URL.
PasswordProtectionLoginURLsConfigure the list of enterprise login URLs where password protection service should capture salted hashes of passwords.
PasswordProtectionWarningTriggerPassword protection warning trigger
SafeBrowsingAllowlistDomainsConfigure the list of domains on which Safe Browsing will not trigger warnings.
SafeBrowsingDeepScanningEnabledAllow download deep scanning for Safe Browsing-enabled users
SafeBrowsingEnabledEnable Safe Browsing
SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingEnabledEnable Safe Browsing Extended Reporting
SafeBrowsingProtectionLevelSafe Browsing Protection Level
SafeBrowsingProxiedRealTimeChecksAllowedAllow Safe Browsing Proxied Real Time Checks
SafeBrowsingSurveysEnabledAllow Safe Browsing Surveys
Saml user identity management settings
LockScreenReauthenticationEnabledEnables online re-authentication on lock screen for SAML users
SAMLOfflineSigninTimeLimitLimit the time for which a user authenticated via SAML can log in offline
SamlInSessionPasswordChangeEnabledPassword synchronization between third-party SSO providers and Chrome devices
SamlPasswordExpirationAdvanceWarningDaysHow many days in advance to notify SAML users when their password is due to expire
ProjectorDogfoodForFamilyLinkEnabledEnable Screencast dogfood for Family Link users
ProjectorEnabledEnable Screencast
Screensaver Settings
DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenEnabledDevice screensaver login screen enabled.
DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenIdleTimeoutSecondsDevice screensaver login screen idle timeout.
DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenImageDisplayIntervalSecondsDevice screensaver login screen image display interval.
DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenImagesDevice screensaver login screen image source.
ScreensaverLockScreenEnabledUser screensaver lock screen enabled.
ScreensaverLockScreenIdleTimeoutSecondsUser screensaver lock screen idle timeout.
ScreensaverLockScreenImageDisplayIntervalSecondsUser screensaver lock screen image display interval.
ScreensaverLockScreenImagesUser screensaver lock screen image source.
BoundSessionCredentialsEnabledBind Google credentials to a device
DeviceAllowNewUsersAllow creation of new user accounts
DeviceAuthenticationFlowAutoReloadIntervalAutomatically reload authentication flow on ChromeOS
DeviceAutofillSAMLUsernameAutofill username on SAML IdP page
DeviceEphemeralUsersEnabledWipe user data on sign-out
DeviceFamilyLinkAccountsAllowedAllow addition of Family Link accounts to the device
DeviceGuestModeEnabledEnable guest mode
DeviceLoginScreenAutoSelectCertificateForUrlsAutomatically select client certificates for these sites on the sign-in screen
DeviceLoginScreenDomainAutoCompleteEnable domain name autocomplete during user sign in
DeviceLoginScreenExtensionsConfigure the list of installed apps and extensions on the login screen
DeviceLoginScreenInputMethodsDevice sign-in screen keyboard layouts
DeviceLoginScreenLocalesDevice sign-in screen locale
DeviceLoginScreenPromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificatesPrompt when multiple certificates match on the sign-in screen
DeviceLoginScreenSystemInfoEnforcedForce the sign-in screen to show or hide system information.
DeviceRunAutomaticCleanupOnLoginControl automatic cleanup during login
DeviceSecondFactorAuthenticationIntegrated second factor authentication mode
DeviceShowNumericKeyboardForPasswordShow numeric keyboard for password
DeviceShowUserNamesOnSigninShow usernames on login screen
DeviceTransferSAMLCookiesTransfer SAML IdP cookies during login
DeviceUserAllowlistLogin user allow list
DeviceWallpaperImageDevice wallpaper image
LoginAuthenticationBehaviorConfigure the login authentication behavior
LoginVideoCaptureAllowedUrlsURLs that will be granted access to video capture devices on SAML login pages
ProfileSeparationDomainExceptionListEnterprise profile separation secondary domain allowlist
RecoveryFactorBehaviorAccount recovery
Startup, Home page and New Tab page
HomepageIsNewTabPageUse New Tab Page as homepage
HomepageLocationConfigure the home page URL
NewTabPageLocationConfigure the New Tab page URL
RestoreOnStartupAction on startup
RestoreOnStartupURLsURLs to open on startup
ShowHomeButtonShow Home button on toolbar
Turn SkyVault on or off
LocalUserFilesAllowedEnable local user files
User and device reporting
DeviceActivityHeartbeatEnabledEnable device activity heartbeat reporting
DeviceExtensionsSystemLogEnabledEnable extensions system logging
DeviceFlexHwDataForProductImprovementEnabledSend hardware data to Google to support improvements to ChromeOS Flex
DeviceMetricsReportingEnabledEnable metrics reporting
DeviceReportNetworkEventsReport network events
DeviceReportRuntimeCountersReport device runtime counters
DeviceReportXDREventsReport extended detection and response (XDR) events
HeartbeatEnabledSend network packets to the management server to monitor online status
HeartbeatFrequencyFrequency of monitoring network packets
LogUploadEnabledSend system logs to the management server
ReportAppInventoryApp inventory reporting
ReportAppUsageApp usage reporting
ReportArcStatusEnabledReport information about status of Android
ReportCRDSessionsReport CRD sessions
ReportDeviceActivityTimesReport device activity times
ReportDeviceAppInfoReport applications information
ReportDeviceAudioStatusReport device audio status
ReportDeviceBacklightInfoReport backlight info
ReportDeviceBluetoothInfoReport Bluetooth info
ReportDeviceBoardStatusReport board status
ReportDeviceBootModeReport device boot mode
ReportDeviceCpuInfoReport CPU info
ReportDeviceCrashReportInfoReport information about crash reports.
ReportDeviceFanInfoReport fan info
ReportDeviceGraphicsStatusReport display and graphics statuses
ReportDeviceHardwareStatusReport hardware status
ReportDeviceLoginLogoutReport login/logout
ReportDeviceMemoryInfoReport memory info
ReportDeviceNetworkConfigurationReport network configuration
ReportDeviceNetworkInterfacesReport device network interfaces
ReportDeviceNetworkStatusReport network status
ReportDeviceOsUpdateStatusReport OS update status
ReportDevicePeripheralsReport peripheral details
ReportDevicePowerStatusReport power status
ReportDevicePrintJobsReport print jobs
ReportDeviceSecurityStatusReport device security status
ReportDeviceSessionStatusReport information about active kiosk sessions
ReportDeviceStorageStatusReport storage status
ReportDeviceSystemInfoReport system info
ReportDeviceTimezoneInfoReport Timezone info
ReportDeviceUsersReport device users
ReportDeviceVersionInfoReport OS and firmware version
ReportDeviceVpdInfoReport VPD info
ReportUploadFrequencyFrequency of device status report uploads
ReportWebsiteActivityAllowlistWebsite activity reporting allowlist
ReportWebsiteTelemetryWebsite telemetry reporting
ReportWebsiteTelemetryAllowlistWebsite telemetry reporting allowlist

Accessibility settings

Configure Google ChromeOS accessibility features.
Back to top


Enable accessibility features shortcuts
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 81
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable accessibility features shortcuts.

If this policy is set to true, accessibility features shortcuts will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to false, accessibility features shortcuts will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, accessibility features shortcuts will be enabled by default.

Back to top


Enable the autoclick accessibility feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the autoclick accessibility feature.

This feature is responsible to click without physically pressing your mouse or touchpad, hover over the object you'd like to click.

If this policy is set to enabled, the autoclick will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to disabled, the autoclick will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the autoclick is disabled initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

Back to top


Enable the caret highlight accessibility feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the caret highlight accessibility feature.

This feature is responsible for highlighting the area that surrounds the caret while editing.

If this policy is set to enabled, the caret highlight will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to disabled, the caret highlight will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the caret highlight is disabled initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable the color correction accessibility feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the color correction accessibility feature.

This feature enables users to adjust the color correction settings on their managed Google ChromeOS devices, which may make it easier for users with color vision deficiency to perceive colors on their screen.

If this policy is set to enabled, color correction will always be enabled; users will need to go into Settings to pick their specific color correction options (e.g. Deuteranomaly/Protanomaly/Tritanamaly/Greyscale filter and intensity). Color correction settings are displayed to the user on first use.

If this policy is set to disabled, color correction will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the color correction feature is disabled initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable the cursor highlight accessibility feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the cursor highlight accessibility feature.

This feature is responsible for highlighting the area that surrounds the mouse cursor while moving it.

If this policy is set to enabled, the cursor highlight will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to disabled, the cursor highlight will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the cursor highlight is disabled initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable accessibility features shortcuts on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 81
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Enable accessibility features shortcuts on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, accessibility features shortcuts will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, accessibility features shortcuts will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, accessibility features shortcuts will be enabled by default on the login screen.

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Enable autoclick on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the autoclick accessibility feature on the login screen.

This feature allows to automatically click when the mouse cursor stops, without requiring the user to physically press the mouse or touchpad buttons.

If this policy is set to true, the autoclick will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the autoclick will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the autoclick is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable caret highlight on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the caret highlight accessibility feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, the caret highlight will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the caret highlight will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the caret highlight is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable the cursor highlight on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the cursor highlight accessibility feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, the cursor highlight will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the cursor highlight will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the cursor highlight is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Set the default state of high contrast mode on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to True turns High-contrast mode on at the sign-in screen. Setting the policy to False turns High-contrast mode off at the screen.

If you set the policy, users can temporarily change High-contrast mode, turning it on or off. When the sign-in screen reloads or stays idle for a minute, it reverts to its original state.

If not set, High-contrast mode is off at the sign-in screen. Users can turn it on any time, and its status on the sign-in screen persists across users.

Note: DeviceLoginScreenHighContrastEnabled overrides this policy if the former is specified.

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Set default state of the large cursor on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to True turns the large cursor on at the sign-in screen. Setting the policy to False turns the large cursor off at the sign-in screen.

If you set the policy, users can temporarily turn the large cursor on or off. When the sign-in screen reloads or stays idle for a minute, it reverts to its original state.

If not set, the large cursor is off at the sign-in screen. Users can turn it on any time, and its status on the sign-in screen persists across users.

Note: DeviceLoginScreenLargeCursorEnabled overrides this policy if the former is specified.

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Set the default screen magnifier type enabled on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to None turns screen magnification off at the sign-in screen.

If you set the policy, users can temporarily turn the screen magnifier on or off. When the sign-in screen reloads or stays idle for a minute, it reverts to its original state.

If not set, the screen magnifier is off at the sign-in screen. Users can turn it on any time, and its status on the sign-in screen persists across users.

Valid values: • 0 = Off • 1 = On • 2 = Docked magnifier on

Note: DeviceLoginScreenScreenMagnifierType overrides this policy if the former is specified.

  • 0 = Screen magnifier disabled
  • 1 = Full-screen magnifier enabled
  • 2 = Docked magnifier enabled
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Set the default state of spoken feedback on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to True turns spoken feedback on at the sign-in screen. Setting the policy to False turns spoken feedback off at the screen.

If you set the policy, users can temporarily turn spoken feedback on or off. When the sign-in screen reloads or stays idle for a minute, it reverts to its original state.

If not set, spoken feedback is off at the sign-in screen. Users can turn it on any time, and its status on the sign-in screen persists across users.

Note: DeviceLoginScreenSpokenFeedbackEnabled overrides this policy if the former is specified.

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DeviceLoginScreenDefaultVirtualKeyboardEnabled (Deprecated)

Set default state of the on-screen keyboard on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 34
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

This policy is deprecated, please use the DeviceLoginScreenVirtualKeyboardEnabled policy instead.

Setting the policy to True turns the on-screen keyboard on at sign-in. Setting the policy to False turns the on-screen keyboard off at sign-in.

If you set the policy, users can temporarily turn the on-screen keyboard on or off. When the sign-in screen reloads or stays idle for a minute, it reverts to its original state.

If not set, the on-screen keyboard is off at the sign-in screen. Users can turn it on any time, and its status on the sign-in screen persists across users.

Note: DeviceLoginScreenVirtualKeyboardEnabled overrides this policy if the former is specified.

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Enable the dictation on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the dictation accessibility feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, the dictation will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the dictation will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the dictation is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable the high contrast on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the high contrast accessibility feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, the high contrast will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the high contrast will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the high contrast is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable the keyboard focus highlighting accessibility feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the keyboard focus highlighting accessibility feature on the login screen.

This feature is responsible for highlighting the object that is focused by the keyboard.

If this policy is set to enabled, the keyboard focus highlighting will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to disabled, the keyboard focus highlighting will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the keyboard focus highlighting is disabled initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable the large cursor on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the large cursor accessibility feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, the large cursor will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the large cursor will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the large cursor is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable mono audio on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the mono audio accessibility feature on the login screen.

This feature allows to switch the device mode from the default stereo audio to the mono audio.

If this policy is set to true, the mono audio will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the mono audio will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the mono audio is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Set the screen magnifier type on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

If this policy is set, it controls the type of screen magnifier that is enabled.

If this policy is set to "Full-screen", the screen magnifier will always be enabled in full-screen magnifier mode on the login screen.

If this policy is set to "Docked", the screen magnifier will always be enabled in docked magnifier mode on the login screen.

If this policy is set to "None", the screen magnifier will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the screen magnifier is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

  • 0 = Screen magnifier disabled
  • 1 = Full-screen magnifier enabled
  • 2 = Docked magnifier enabled
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Enable the select to speak on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the select to speak accessibility feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, the select to speak will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the select to speak will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the select to speak is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Show accessibility options in system tray menu in the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to True displays the accessibility options in the system tray menu. If you set the policy to False, the options don't appear in the menu.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, accessibility options don't appear in the menu, but users can make them appear through the Settings page.

If you turn on accessibility features by other means (for example, by key combination), accessibility options always appear in the system tray menu.

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Enable the spoken feedback on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the spoken feedback accessibility feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, the spoken feedback will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the spoken feedback will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the spoken feedback is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable sticky keys on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the sticky keys accessibility feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, the sticky keys will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the sticky keys will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the sticky keys is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable the accessibility virtual keyboard on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Enable the virtual keyboard accessibility feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, the accessibility virtual keyboard will always be enabled on the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, the accessibility virtual keyboard will always be disabled on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the accessibility virtual keyboard is disabled on the login screen initially but can be enabled by the user anytime via accessibility settings.

This policy does not affect whether the touch virtual keyboard is enabled. For example, the touch virtual keyboard will still show up on a tablet device even if this policy is set to false.

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Enable the dictation accessibility feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the dictation accessibility feature.

If this policy is set to enabled, the dictation will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to disabled, the dictation will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the dictation is disabled initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Allow the enhanced network text-to-speech voices in Select-to-speak
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allow the enhanced network text-to-speech voices in Select-to-speak accessibility feature. These voices send text to Google's servers to synthesize natural-sounding speech.

If this policy is set to false, the enhanced network text-to-speech voices feature in Select-to-speak will always be disabled.

If this policy is set to true or unset, the enhanced network text-to-speech voices feature in Select-to-speak can be enabled or disabled by the user.

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Enables the floating accessibility menu
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

In kiosk mode, controls whether the floating accessibility menu is being shown.

If this policy is set to enabled, the floating accessibility menu will be always shown.

If this policy is set to disabled or left unset, the floating accessibility menu will never be shown.

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Enable high contrast mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True keeps High-contrast mode on. Setting the policy to False keeps High-contrast mode off.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, High-contrast mode is off, but users can turn it on any time.

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Media keys default to function keys
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 35
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True makes the top row of keys on the keyboard act as function key commands. Pressing the Search key changes their behavior back to media keys.

If set to False or not set, the keyboard defaults to producing media key commands. Pressing the Search key changes them to function keys.

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Enable the keyboard focus highlighting accessibility feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the keyboard focus highlighting accessibility feature.

This feature is responsible for highlighting the object that has the focus by the keyboard.

If this policy is set to enabled, the keyboard focus highlighting will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to disabled, the keyboard focus highlighting will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the keyboard focus highlighting is disabled initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Enable large cursor
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True keeps the large cursor on. Setting the policy to False keeps the large cursor off.

If you set the policy, users can't change the feature. If not set, the large cursor is off at first, but users can turn it on any time.

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Enable the mono audio accessibility feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the mono audio accessibility feature.

This feature is responsible for outputing stereo audio which includes different left and right channels, so different ears get different sounds.

If this policy is set to enabled, the mono audio will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to disabled, the mono audio will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the mono audio is disabled initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Set screen magnifier type
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to None turns the screen magnifier off.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, the screen magnifier is off at first, but users can turn it on any time.

  • 0 = Screen magnifier disabled
  • 1 = Full-screen magnifier enabled
  • 2 = Docked magnifier enabled
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Enable select to speak
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 77
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the select to speak accessibility feature.

If this policy is set to true, the select to speak will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to false, the select to speak will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the select to speak is disabled initially but can be enabled by the user anytime.

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Show accessibility options in system tray menu
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 27
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True displays the accessibility options in the system tray menu. If you set the policy to False, the options don't appear in the menu.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, accessibility options don't appear in the menu, but users can make them appear through the Settings page.

If you turn on accessibility features by other means (for example, by key combination), accessibility options always appear in the system tray menu.

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Enable spoken feedback
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True keeps spoken feedback on. Setting the policy to False keeps spoken feedback off.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, spoken feedback is off at first, but users can turn it on any time.

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Enable sticky keys
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 76
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True keeps sticky keys on. Setting the policy to False keeps sticky keys off.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, sticky keys is off at first, but users can turn it on any time.

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Enable the browser's UI Automation accessibility framework provider on Windows
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 125
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Enables the UI Automation accessibility framework provider in Google Chrome for use by accessibility tools.

This policy is supported in Google Chrome for a one-year transition period to allow enterprise administrators to control the deployment of the browser's UI Automation accessibility framework provider. Accessibility and other tools that use the UI Automation accessibility framework to interoperate with the browser may require updates to function properly with the browser's UI Automation provider. Administrators can use this policy to temporarily disable the browser's UI Automation provider (thereby reverting to the old behavior) while they work with vendors to provide updates to impacted tools.

When set to false, Google Chrome only enables its Microsoft Active Accessibility provider. Accessibility and other tools that use the newer UI Automation accessibility framework to interoperate with the browser will communicate with it by way of a compatibility shim in Microsoft® Windows®.

When set to true, Google Chrome enables its UI Automation provider in addition to its Microsoft Active Accessibility provider. Accessibility and other tools that use the newer UI Automation accessibility framework to interoperate with the browser will communicate directly with it.

When left unset, the variations framework in Google Chrome is used to enable or disable the provider.

Support for this policy setting will end in Google Chrome 136.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
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Enable the accessibility virtual keyboard
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 34
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the virtual keyboard accessibility feature.

If this policy is set to true, the accessibility virtual keyboard will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to false, the accessibility virtual keyboard will always be disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the accessibility virtual keyboard is disabled initially but can be enabled by the user at any time by using the accessibility settings.

This policy does not affect whether the touch virtual keyboard is enabled. For example, the touch virtual keyboard will still show up on a tablet device even if this policy is set to false. Use the TouchVirtualKeyboardEnabled policy to control the behavior of the touch virtual keyboard.

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Enable or disable various features on the on-screen keyboard
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable or disable various features on the on-screen keyboard. This policy takes effect only when "VirtualKeyboardEnabled" policy is enabled.

If one feature in this policy is set to True, it will be enabled on the on-screen keyboard.

If one feature in this policy is set to False or left unset, it will be disabled on the on-screen keyboard.

NOTE: this policy is only supported in PWA Kiosk mode.

{ "properties": { "auto_complete_enabled": { "description": "A boolean flag indicating if the on-screen keyboard can provide auto-complete.", "type": "boolean" }, "auto_correct_enabled": { "description": "A boolean flag indicating if the on-screen keyboard can provide auto-correct.", "type": "boolean" }, "handwriting_enabled": { "description": "A boolean flag indicating if the on-screen keyboard can provide input via handwriting recognition.", "type": "boolean" }, "spell_check_enabled": { "description": "A boolean flag indicating if the on-screen keyboard can provide spell-check.", "type": "boolean" }, "voice_input_enabled": { "description": "A boolean flag indicating if the on-screen keyboard can provide voice input.", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }
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Allow or deny screen capture

Configure policies to control the level of screen-share APIs (e.g., getDisplayMedia() or the Desktop Capture extension API) that a site may capture (e.g. tab, window or desktop capture).
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Enables automatic screencapture of multiple screens
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 130
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

The getAllScreensMedia API allows isolated web applications (identified by their origin) to capture multiple surfaces at once without additional user permission. If the policy is not set, getAllScreensMedia is not available for any web application. In order to improve privacy, this policy will not support mid-session updates of the policy value and therefore changes will only apply after the user logged out and logged in again. The user can be sure that no additional apps will be able to capture the screens after login if it were not allowed at session start already.

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Allow Same Origin Tab capture by these origins
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 95
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can capture tabs with their same Origin.

Leaving the policy unset means that sites will not be considered for an override at this level of capture.

Note that windowed Chrome Apps with the same origin as this site will still be allowed to be captured.

If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the following policies will not be considered: TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowed.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOriginsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow or deny screen capture
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 81
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 81
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 81
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 81
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If enabled or not configured (default), a Web page can use screen-share APIs (e.g., getDisplayMedia() or the Desktop Capture extension API) to prompt the user to select a tab, window or desktop to capture.

When this policy is disabled, any calls to screen-share APIs will fail with an error; however this policy is not considered (and a site will be allowed to use screen-share APIs) if the site matches an origin pattern in any of the following policies: ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : ScreenCaptureSettings
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Allow Desktop, Window, and Tab capture by these origins
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 95
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can use Desktop, Window, and Tab Capture.

Leaving the policy unset means that sites will not be considered for an override at this level of Capture.

This policy is not considered if a site matches a URL pattern in any of the following policies: WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins.

If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the ScreenCaptureAllowed will not be considered.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ScreenCaptureAllowedByOriginsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow Tab capture by these origins
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 95
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can use Tab Capture.

Leaving the policy unset means that sites will not be considered for an override at this level of capture.

Note that windowed Chrome Apps will still be allowed to be captured.

This policy is not considered if a site matches a URL pattern in the SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins policy.

If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the following policies will not be considered: WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowed.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="TabCaptureAllowedByOriginsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow Window and Tab capture by these origins
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 95
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can use Window and Tab Capture.

Leaving the policy unset means that sites will not be considered for an override at this level of Capture.

This policy is not considered if a site matches a URL pattern in any of the following policies: TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins.

If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the following policies will not be considered: ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowed.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WindowCaptureAllowedByOriginsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top

Android settings

Controls settings for the Android container (ARC) and Android apps.
Back to top


Log events for Android app installs
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 67
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True sends reports of key, policy-triggered Android app installation events to Google.

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset means no events are captured.

Back to top


Enable sharing from Android apps to Web apps
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True enables sharing text/files from Android apps to supported Web Apps, using the built-in Android sharing system. When enabled, this will send metadata for installed Web Apps to Google to generate and install a shim Android app. Setting the policy to False disables this functionality.

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Control Android backup and restore service
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 68
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to BackupAndRestoreEnabled means Android backup and restore is initially on. Setting the policy to BackupAndRestoreDisabled or leaving it unset keeps backup and restore off during setup.

Setting the policy to BackupAndRestoreUnderUserControl means users see prompts to use backup and restore. If they turn on backup and restore, Android app data is uploaded to Android backup servers and restored during reinstallations of compatible apps.

After initial setup, users can turn backup and restore on or off.

  • 0 = Backup and restore disabled
  • 1 = User decides whether to enable backup and restore
  • 2 = Backup and restore enabled
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Set certificate availability for ARC-apps
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 52
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to CopyCaCerts makes all ONC-installed CA certificates with Web TrustBit available for ARC-apps.

Setting to None or leaving it unset makes Google ChromeOS certificates unavailable for ARC-apps.

  • 0 = Disable usage of Google ChromeOS certificates to ARC-apps
  • 1 = Enable Google ChromeOS CA certificates to ARC-apps
Back to top


Enable ARC
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 50
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Unless Ephemeral mode or multiple sign-in is on during the user's session, setting ArcEnabled to True turns ARC on for the user. Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset means enterprise users can't use ARC.

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ArcGoogleLocationServicesEnabled (Deprecated)

Control Android Google location services
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 68
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Warning! This policy is deprecated, please use GoogleLocationServicesEnabled instead. Google ChromeOS now has a system location toggle, which governs the entire system including Android. The Android toggle is now read-only and reflects the Google ChromeOS location state.

Unless the DefaultGeolocationSetting policy is set to BlockGeolocation, then setting GoogleLocationServicesEnabled turns Google location services on during initial setup. Setting the policy to GoogleLocationServicesDisabled or leaving it unset keeps location services off during setup.

Setting policy to GoogleLocationServicesUnderUserControl prompts users about whether or not to use Google location services. If they turn it on, Android apps, Google ChromeOS apps, websites, and system services use the services to search the device location and send anonymous location data to Google.

After initial setup, users can turn Google location services on or off.

  • 0 = Google location services disabled
  • 1 = User decides whether to enable Google location services
  • 2 = Google location services enabled
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Configure ARC
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 50
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies a set of policies to hand over to the ARC runtime. Admins can use it to select the Android apps that autoinstall. Enter value in valid JSON format.

To pin apps to the launcher, see PinnedLauncherApps.

{ "properties": { "applications": { "items": { "properties": { "defaultPermissionPolicy": { "description": "Policy for granting permission requests to apps. PERMISSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED: Policy not specified. If no policy is specified for a permission at any level, then the `PROMPT` behavior is used by default. PROMPT: Prompt the user to grant a permission. GRANT: Automatically grant a permission. DENY: Automatically deny a permission.", "enum": [ "PERMISSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED", "PROMPT", "GRANT", "DENY" ], "type": "string" }, "installType": { "description": "Specifies how an app is installed. AVAILABLE: The app is not installed automatically, but the user can install it. This is the default if this policy is not specified. FORCE_INSTALLED: The app is installed automatically and the user cannot uninstall it. BLOCKED: The app is blocked and cannot be installed. If the app was installed under a previous policy it will be uninstalled.", "enum": [ "AVAILABLE", "FORCE_INSTALLED", "BLOCKED" ], "type": "string" }, "managedConfiguration": { "description": "App-specific JSON configuration object with a set of key-value pairs, e.g. '\"managedConfiguration\": { \"key1\": value1, \"key2\": value2 }'. The keys are defined in the app manifest.", "type": "object" }, "packageName": { "description": "Android app identifier, e.g. \"\" for Gmail", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


Allow unaffiliated users to use ARC
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 64
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No

Unless ARC is turned off by other means, then setting the policy to True or leaving it unset lets users use ARC. Setting the policy to False means unaffiliated users may not use ARC.

Changes to the policy only apply while ARC isn't running, for example, while starting ChromeOS.

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Allow enterprise users to use ARC on unaffiliated devices.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Unless ARC is turned off by other means, then setting the policy to True or leaving it unset lets managed users use ARC on unaffiliated devices. Setting the policy to False means managed users may not use ARC on unaffiliated devices.

Note that other restrictions, like those imposed by ArcEnabled and UnaffiliatedArcAllowed policies, continue to be respected, and ARC gets disabled if any of them specifies so.

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Controls policies related to the Borealis subsystem.
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Allow users to use Borealis on Google ChromeOS
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Controls the availability of Borealis for this user.

If the policy is unset, or is set to false, Borealis will be unavailable. When the policy is set to true Borealis will be available if and only if no other policy or setting disables it.

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Certificate management settings

Controls user and device policies for certificate management.
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Allow users to manage installed CA certificates.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to All (0) or leaving it unset lets users edit trust settings for all CA certificates, remove user-imported certificates, and import certificates using Certificate Manager. Setting the policy to UserOnly (1) lets users manage only user-imported certificates, but not change trust settings of built-in certificates. Setting it to None (2) lets users view (not manage) CA certificates.

  • 0 = Allow users to manage all certificates
  • 1 = Allow users to manage user certificates
  • 2 = Disallow users from managing certificates
Back to top


Use user-added TLS certificates from platform trust stores for server authentication
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 131
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 131
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 131
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If enabled(or not set), user-added TLS certificates from platform trust stores will be used in path-building for TLS server authentication.

If disabled, user-added TLS certificates from platform trust stores will not be used in path-building for TLS server authentication.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Required device-wide Client Certificates
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: Yes, Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Specifies device-wide client certificates that should be enrolled using the device management protocol.

{ "items": { "properties": { "cert_profile_id": { "description": "The identifier for this client certificate.", "type": "string" }, "enable_remote_attestation_check": { "description": "Enable an additional security check based on remote attestation (optional, default: True).", "type": "boolean" }, "key_algorithm": { "description": "The algorithm for key pair generation.", "enum": [ "rsa" ], "type": "string" }, "name": { "description": "The name of the certificate profile.", "type": "string" }, "policy_version": { "description": "The client should not interpret this data and should forward it verbatim. The DMServer uses policy_version to verify that the policy view of DMServer matches the view of ChromeOS device.", "type": "string" }, "protocol_version": { "description": "Version of the certificate provisioning protocol. Defaults to 1. 1 is the 'static' protocol. 2 is the 'dynamic' protocol.", "type": "integer" }, "renewal_period_seconds": { "description": "Number of seconds before expiration of a certificate when renewal should be triggered", "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "cert_profile_id", "key_algorithm" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Back to top


Required Client Certificates
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: Yes, Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Specifies client certificates that should be enrolled using the device management protocol.

{ "items": { "properties": { "cert_profile_id": { "description": "The identifier for this client certificate.", "type": "string" }, "enable_remote_attestation_check": { "description": "Enable an additional security check based on remote attestation (optional, default: True).", "type": "boolean" }, "key_algorithm": { "description": "The algorithm for key pair generation.", "enum": [ "rsa" ], "type": "string" }, "name": { "description": "The name of the certificate profile.", "type": "string" }, "policy_version": { "description": "The client should not interpret this data and should forward it verbatim. The DMServer uses policy_version to verify that the policy view of DMServer matches the view of ChromeOS device.", "type": "string" }, "protocol_version": { "description": "Version of the certificate provisioning protocol. Defaults to 1. 1 is the 'static' protocol. 2 is the 'dynamic' protocol.", "type": "integer" }, "renewal_period_seconds": { "description": "Number of seconds before expiration of a certificate when renewal should be triggered", "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "cert_profile_id", "key_algorithm" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Back to top


Controls settings related to the Cloud Upload feature.
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Configures the Cloud Upload flow for Google Drive and Google Workspace
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 122
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy allows the admins to configure the Cloud Upload flow for Google Drive and Google Workspace on Google ChromeOS.

Setting the policy to 'allowed' lets the user set up the Cloud Upload flow for Google Drive and Google Workspace if they wish to. After completing the setup process, files with matching file formats will by default be moved to Google Drive and handled by one of the Google Workspace apps when the user attempts to open them.

Setting the policy to 'disallowed' prohibits the user from setting up the Cloud Upload flow for Google Drive as described above and removes Google Workspace apps from the list of potential file handlers.

Setting the policy to 'automated' sets up the Cloud Upload flow for Google Drive and Google Workspace automatically, so that files with matching file formats will by default be moved to Google Drive and handled by one of the Google Workspace apps when the user attempts to open them.

Leaving the policy unset is functionally equivalent to setting it to 'allowed' for regular users; for enterprise users unset policy defaults to 'disallowed'.

  • "allowed" = Allow the Cloud Upload flow for Google Drive and Google Workspace
  • "disallowed" = Disallow the Cloud Upload flow for Google Drive and Google Workspace
  • "automated" = Automate the Cloud Upload flow for Google Drive and Google Workspace
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Configures the Cloud Upload flow for Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 122
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy allows the admins to configure the Cloud Upload flow for Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365 on Google ChromeOS.

Setting the policy to 'allowed' lets the user set up the Cloud Upload flow for Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365 if they wish to. After completing the setup process, files with matching file formats will by default be moved to Microsoft OneDrive and handled by the Microsoft 365 app when the user attempts to open them.

Setting the policy to 'disallowed' prohibits the user from setting up the Cloud Upload flow for Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365 as described above and removes Microsoft 365 from the list of potential file handlers.

Setting the policy to 'automated' sets up the Cloud Upload flow for Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365 automatically, so that files with matching file formats will by default be moved to Microsoft OneDrive and handled by the Microsoft 365 app when the user attempts to open them.

Leaving the policy unset is functionally equivalent to setting it to 'allowed' for regular users; for enterprise users unset policy defaults to 'disallowed'.

  • "allowed" = Allow the Cloud Upload flow for Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365
  • "disallowed" = Disallow the Cloud Upload flow for Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365
  • "automated" = Automate the Cloud Upload flow for Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365
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Content settings

Content settings allow you to specify how contents of a specific type (for example Cookies, Images or JavaScript) is handled.
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Automatically select client certificates for these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 15
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 15
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you make a list of URL patterns that specify sites for which Chrome can automatically select a client certificate. The value is an array of stringified JSON dictionaries, each with the form { "pattern": "$URL_PATTERN", "filter" : $FILTER }, where $URL_PATTERN is a content setting pattern. $FILTER restricts the client certificates the browser automatically selects from. Independent of the filter, only certificates that match the server's certificate request are selected.

Examples for the usage of the $FILTER section:

* When $FILTER is set to { "ISSUER": { "CN": "$ISSUER_CN" } }, only client certificates issued by a certificate with the CommonName $ISSUER_CN are selected.

* When $FILTER contains both the "ISSUER" and the "SUBJECT" sections, only client certificates that satisfy both conditions are selected.

* When $FILTER contains a "SUBJECT" section with the "O" value, a certificate needs at least one organization matching the specified value to be selected.

* When $FILTER contains a "SUBJECT" section with a "OU" value, a certificate needs at least one organizational unit matching the specified value to be selected.

* When $FILTER is set to {}, the selection of client certificates is not additionally restricted. Note that filters provided by the web server still apply.

Leaving the policy unset means there's no autoselection for any site.

{ "items": { "properties": { "filter": { "properties": { "ISSUER": { "id": "CertPrincipalFields", "properties": { "CN": { "type": "string" }, "L": { "type": "string" }, "O": { "type": "string" }, "OU": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "SUBJECT": { "properties": { "CN": { "type": "string" }, "L": { "type": "string" }, "O": { "type": "string" }, "OU": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "pattern": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoSelectCertificateForUrls\1 = "{"pattern":"","filter":{"ISSUER":{"CN":"certificate issuer name", "L": "certificate issuer location", "O": "certificate issuer org", "OU": "certificate issuer org unit"}, "SUBJECT":{"CN":"certificate subject name", "L": "certificate subject location", "O": "certificate subject org", "OU": "certificate subject org unit"}}}"
[ "{"pattern":"","filter":{"ISSUER":{"CN":"certificate issuer name", "L": "certificate issuer location", "O": "certificate issuer org", "OU": "certificate issuer org unit"}, "SUBJECT":{"CN":"certificate subject name", "L": "certificate subject location", "O": "certificate subject org", "OU": "certificate subject org unit"}}}" ]
<array> <string>{"pattern":"","filter":{"ISSUER":{"CN":"certificate issuer name", "L": "certificate issuer location", "O": "certificate issuer org", "OU": "certificate issuer org unit"}, "SUBJECT":{"CN":"certificate subject name", "L": "certificate subject location", "O": "certificate subject org", "OU": "certificate subject org unit"}}}</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AutoSelectCertificateForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;{"pattern":"","filter":{"ISSUER":{"CN":"certificate issuer name", "L": "certificate issuer location", "O": "certificate issuer org", "OU": "certificate issuer org unit"}, "SUBJECT":{"CN":"certificate subject name", "L": "certificate subject location", "O": "certificate subject org", "OU": "certificate subject org unit"}}}"/>
Back to top


Allow automatic fullscreen on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 124
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 124
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

For security reasons, the requestFullscreen() web API requires a prior user gesture ("transient activation") to be called or will otherwise fail. Users' personal settings may allow certain origins to call this API without a prior user gesture, as described in

This policy supersedes users' personal settings and allows matching origins to call the API without a prior user gesture.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Origins matching both blocked and allowed policy patterns will be blocked. Origins not specified by policy nor user settings will require a prior user gesture to call this API.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block automatic fullscreen on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 124
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 124
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

For security reasons, the requestFullscreen() web API requires a prior user gesture ("transient activation") to be called or will otherwise fail. Users' personal settings may allow certain origins to call this API without a prior user gesture, as described in

This policy supersedes users' personal settings and blocks matching origins from calling the API without a prior user gesture.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Origins matching both blocked and allowed policy patterns will be blocked. Origins not specified by policy nor user settings will require a prior user gesture to call this API.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow clipboard on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 103
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 103
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can use the clipboard site permission. This does not include all clipboard operations on origins matching the patterns. For instance, users will still be able to paste using keyboard shortcuts as this isn't gated by the clipboard site permission.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultClipboardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClipboardAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClipboardAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ClipboardAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block clipboard on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 103
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 103
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can't use the clipboard site permission. This does not include all clipboard operations on origins matching the patterns. For instance, users will still be able to paste using keyboard shortcuts as this isn't gated by the clipboard site permission.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultClipboardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClipboardBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClipboardBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ClipboardBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow cookies on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set a list of url patterns that specify sites which are allowed to set cookies.

URL patterns may be a single URL indicating that the site may use cookies on all top-level sites.

Patterns may also be two URLs delimited by a comma. The first specifies the site that should be allowed to use cookies. The second specifies the top-level site that the first value should be applied on.

If you use a pair of URLs, the first value in the pair supports * but the second value does not. Using * for the first value indicates that all sites may use cookies when the second URL is the top-level site.

If this policy is left not set the global default value will be used for all sites either from the DefaultCookiesSetting or BlockThirdPartyCookies policies if they are set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise.

See also policies CookiesBlockedForUrls and CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls. Note that there must be no conflicting URL patterns between these three policies - it is unspecified which policy takes precedence.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CookiesAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CookiesAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CookiesAllowedForUrls\3 = "," Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CookiesAllowedForUrls\4 = "*,"
[ "", "[*.]", ",", "*," ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> <string>,</string> <string>*,</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="CookiesAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.];3&#xF000;,;4&#xF000;*,"/>
Back to top


Block cookies on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you make a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can't set cookies.

Leaving the policy unset results in the use of DefaultCookiesSetting for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

While no specific policy takes precedence, see CookiesAllowedForUrls and CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls. URL patterns among these 3 policies must not conflict.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CookiesBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CookiesBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="CookiesBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Limit cookies from matching URLs to the current session
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Unless the RestoreOnStartup policy is set to permanently restore URLs from previous sessions, then setting CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls lets you make a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can and can't set cookies for one session.

Leaving the policy unset results in the use of DefaultCookiesSetting for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies. URLs not covered by the patterns specified also result in the use of defaults.

While no specific policy takes precedence, see CookiesBlockedForUrls and CookiesAllowedForUrls. URL patterns among these 3 policies must not conflict.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="CookiesSessionOnlyForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Data URL support for SVGUseElement.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 120
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy enables Data URL support for SVGUseElement, which will be disabled by default starting in M119. If this policy is set to Enabled, Data URLs will continue to work in SVGUseElement. If this policy is set to Disabled or not set, Data URLs won't work in SVGUseElement.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Default clipboard setting
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 103
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 103
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 2 blocks sites from using the clipboard site permission. Setting the policy to 3 or leaving it unset lets the user change the setting and decide if the clipboard APIs are available when a site wants to use one.

This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the ClipboardAllowedForUrls and ClipboardBlockedForUrls policies.

This policy only affects clipboard operations controlled by the clipboard site permission, and does not affect sanitized clipboard writes or trusted copy and paste operations.

  • 2 = Do not allow any site to use the clipboard site permission
  • 3 = Allow sites to ask the user to grant the clipboard site permission
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultClipboardSetting" value="2"/>
Back to top


Default cookies setting
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 10
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Unless the RestoreOnStartup policy is set to permanently restore URLs from previous sessions, then setting CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls lets you make a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can and can't set cookies for one session.

Leaving the policy unset results in the use of DefaultCookiesSetting for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies. URLs not covered by the patterns specified also result in the use of defaults.

While no specific policy takes precedence, see CookiesBlockedForUrls and CookiesAllowedForUrls. URL patterns among these 3 policies must not conflict.

  • 1 = Allow all sites to set local data
  • 2 = Do not allow any site to set local data
  • 4 = Keep cookies for the duration of the session
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Android), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultCookiesSetting" value="1"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : CookiesSettings
Back to top


Control use of the Direct Sockets API
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

The Direct Sockets API allows communication with arbitrary endpoints using TCP and UDP. Please see for details.

Setting the policy to 1 or leaving it unset allows Isolated Web App origins to use Direct Sockets.

Setting the policy to 2 blocks Isolated Web App origins from using Direct Sockets.

  • 1 = Allow Isolated Web App origins to use Direct Sockets
  • 2 = Do not allow Isolated Web App origins to use Direct Sockets
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : DirectSocketsSettings
Back to top


Control use of the File System API for reading
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 3 lets websites ask for read access to files and directories in the host operating system's file system via the File System API. Setting the policy to 2 denies access.

Leaving it unset lets websites ask for access, but users can change this setting.

  • 2 = Do not allow any site to request read access to files and directories via the File System API
  • 3 = Allow sites to ask the user to grant read access to files and directories via the File System API
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting" value="2"/>
Back to top


Control use of the File System API for writing
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 3 lets websites ask for write access to files and directories in the host operating system's file system. Setting the policy to 2 denies access.

Leaving it unset lets websites ask for access, but users can change this setting.

  • 2 = Do not allow any site to request write access to files and directories
  • 3 = Allow sites to ask the user to grant write access to files and directories
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting" value="2"/>
Back to top


Default geolocation setting
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 10
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 1 lets sites track the users' physical location as the default state. Setting the policy to 2 denies this tracking by default. You can set the policy to ask whenever a site wants to track the users' physical location.

Leaving the policy unset means the AskGeolocation policy applies, but users can change this setting.

  • 1 = Allow sites to track the users' physical location
  • 2 = Do not allow any site to track the users' physical location
  • 3 = Ask whenever a site wants to track the users' physical location
Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

(Warning! Soon this dependency will be dropped, please start using GoogleLocationServicesEnabled instead) If this policy is set to BlockGeolocation, Google ChromeOS system services and Android apps cannot access location information. If you set this policy to any other value or leave it unset, the user is asked to allow when an Android app wants to access location information.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Android), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultGeolocationSetting" value="1"/>
Back to top


Default images setting
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 10
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 1 lets all websites display images. Setting the policy to 2 denies image display.

Leaving it unset allows images, but users can change this setting.

  • 1 = Allow all sites to show all images
  • 2 = Do not allow any site to show images
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultImagesSetting" value="1"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : ImageSettings
Back to top


Control use of insecure content exceptions
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set whether users can add exceptions to allow mixed content for specific sites.

This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the 'InsecureContentAllowedForUrls' and 'InsecureContentBlockedForUrls' policies.

If this policy is left not set, users will be allowed to add exceptions to allow blockable mixed content and disable autoupgrades for optionally blockable mixed content.

  • 2 = Do not allow any site to load mixed content
  • 3 = Allow users to add exceptions to allow mixed content
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultInsecureContentSetting" value="2"/>
Back to top


Control use of JavaScript JIT
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 93
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set whether Google Chrome will run the v8 JavaScript engine with JIT (Just In Time) compiler enabled or not.

Disabling the JavaScript JIT will mean that Google Chrome may render web content more slowly, and may also disable parts of JavaScript including WebAssembly. Disabling the JavaScript JIT may allow Google Chrome to render web content in a more secure configuration.

This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites and JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites policies.

If this policy is left not set, JavaScript JIT is enabled.

  • 1 = Allow any site to run JavaScript JIT
  • 2 = Do not allow any site to run JavaScript JIT
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Android), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting" value="1"/>
Back to top


Default JavaScript setting
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 10
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 1 lets websites run JavaScript. Setting the policy to 2 denies JavaScript.

Leaving it unset allows JavaScript, but users can change this setting.

  • 1 = Allow all sites to run JavaScript
  • 2 = Do not allow any site to run JavaScript
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Android), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultJavaScriptSetting" value="1"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : JavascriptSettings
Back to top


Default Local Fonts permission setting
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 103
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 103
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to BlockLocalFonts (value 2) automatically denies the local fonts permission to sites by default. This will limit the ability of sites to see information about local fonts.

Setting the policy to AskLocalFonts (value 3) will prompt the user when the local fonts permission is requested by default. If users allow the permission, it will extend the ability of sites to see information about local fonts.

Leaving the policy unset means the default behavior applies which is to prompt the user, but users can change this setting

  • 2 = Denies the Local Fonts permission on all sites by default
  • 3 = Ask every time a site wants obtain the Local Fonts permission
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultLocalFontsSetting" value="2"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : LocalFontsSettings
Back to top

DefaultMediaStreamSetting (Deprecated)

Default mediastream setting
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 22
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 22
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set whether websites are allowed to get access to media capture devices. Access to media capture devices can be allowed by default, or the user can be asked every time a website wants to get access to media capture devices.

If this policy is left not set, 'PromptOnAccess' will be used and the user will be able to change it.

  • 2 = Do not allow any site to access the camera and microphone
  • 3 = Ask every time a site wants to access the camera and/or microphone
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultMediaStreamSetting" value="2"/>
Back to top


Default notification setting
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 10
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 1 lets websites display desktop notifications. Setting the policy to 2 denies desktop notifications.

Leaving it unset means AskNotifications applies, but users can change this setting.

  • 1 = Allow sites to show desktop notifications
  • 2 = Do not allow any site to show desktop notifications
  • 3 = Ask every time a site wants to show desktop notifications
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultNotificationsSetting" value="2"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : NotificationsSettings
Back to top


Default pop-ups setting
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 10
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 33
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 1 lets websites display pop-ups. Setting the policy to 2 denies pop-ups.

Leaving it unset means BlockPopups applies, but users can change this setting.

  • 1 = Allow all sites to show pop-ups
  • 2 = Do not allow any site to show pop-ups
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Android), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultPopupsSetting" value="1"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : PopupsSettings
Back to top


Default sensors setting
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 88
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 1 lets websites access and use sensors such as motion and light. Setting the policy to 2 denies access to sensors.

Leaving it unset means AllowSensors applies, but users can change this setting.

  • 1 = Allow sites to access sensors
  • 2 = Do not allow any site to access sensors
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Android), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSensorsSetting" value="2"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : SensorsSettings
Back to top


Control use of the Serial API
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 3 lets websites ask for access to serial ports. Setting the policy to 2 denies access to serial ports.

Leaving it unset lets websites ask for access, but users can change this setting.

  • 2 = Do not allow any site to request access to serial ports via the Serial API
  • 3 = Allow sites to ask the user to grant access to a serial port
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSerialGuardSetting" value="2"/>
Back to top


Default third-party storage partitioning setting
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 113
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether third-party storage partitioning is allowed by default.

If this policy is set to 1 - AllowPartitioning, or unset, third-party storage partitioning will be allowed by default. This default may be overridden for specific top-level origins by other means.

If this policy is set to 2 - BlockPartitioning, third-party storage partitioning will be disabled for all contexts.

Use ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins to disable third-party storage partitioning for specific top-level origins. For detailed information on third-party storage partitioning, please see

  • 1 = Allow third-party storage partitioning by default.
  • 2 = Disable third-party storage partitioning.
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Android), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting" value="1"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSettings
Back to top


Control use of the Web Bluetooth API
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 50
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 50
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 50
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 50
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 50
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 3 lets websites ask for access to nearby Bluetooth devices. Setting the policy to 2 denies access to nearby Bluetooth devices.

Leaving the policy unset lets sites ask for access, but users can change this setting.

  • 2 = Do not allow any site to request access to Bluetooth devices via the Web Bluetooth API
  • 3 = Allow sites to ask the user to grant access to a nearby Bluetooth device
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Android), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultWebBluetoothGuardSetting" value="2"/>
Back to top


Control use of the WebHID API
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 3 lets websites ask for access to HID devices. Setting the policy to 2 denies access to HID devices.

Leaving it unset lets websites ask for access, but users can change this setting.

This policy can be overridden for specific url patterns using the WebHidAskForUrls and WebHidBlockedForUrls policies.

  • 2 = Do not allow any site to request access to HID devices via the WebHID API
  • 3 = Allow sites to ask the user to grant access to a HID device
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultWebHidGuardSetting" value="2"/>
Back to top


Control use of the WebUSB API
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 67
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 3 lets websites ask for access to connected USB devices. Setting the policy to 2 denies access to connected USB devices.

Leaving it unset lets websites ask for access, but users can change this setting.

  • 2 = Do not allow any site to request access to USB devices via the WebUSB API
  • 3 = Allow sites to ask the user to grant access to a connected USB device
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Android), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting" value="2"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : WebUsbSettings
Back to top


Default Window Management permission setting
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 111
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to BlockWindowManagement (value 2) automatically denies the window management permission to sites by default. This will limit the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens and use that information to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.

Setting the policy to AskWindowManagement (value 3) will prompt the user when the window management permission is requested by default. If users allow the permission, it will extend the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens and use that information to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.

Leaving the policy unset means the AskWindowManagement policy applies, but users can change this setting.

This replaces the deprecated DefaultWindowPlacementSetting policy.

  • 2 = Denies the Window Management permission on all sites by default
  • 3 = Ask every time a site wants obtain the Window Management permission
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultWindowManagementSetting" value="2"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : WindowManagementSettings
Back to top

DefaultWindowPlacementSetting (Deprecated)

Default Window Placement permission setting
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to BlockWindowPlacement (value 2) automatically denies the window placement permission to sites by default. This will limit the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens and use that information to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.

Setting the policy to AskWindowPlacement (value 3) will prompt the user when the window placement permission is requested by default. If users allow the permission, it will extend the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens and use that information to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.

Leaving the policy unset means the AskWindowPlacement policy applies, but users can change this setting.

  • 2 = Denies the Window Placement permission on all sites by default
  • 3 = Ask every time a site wants obtain the Window Placement permission
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultWindowPlacementSetting" value="2"/>
Back to top


Allow Direct Sockets API on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

The Direct Sockets API allows communication with arbitrary endpoints using TCP and UDP. Please see for details.

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites are allowed to use Direct Sockets API. Valid patterns are limited to Isolated Web Apps.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultDirectSocketsSetting applies for all sites, if it's set.

URL patterns must not conflict with DirectSocketsBlockedForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Back to top


Block Direct Sockets API on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

The Direct Sockets API allows communication with arbitrary endpoints using TCP and UDP. Please see for details.

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites are not allowed to communicate using the Direct Sockets API. Valid patterns are limited to Isolated Web Apps.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultDirectSocketsSetting applies for all sites, if it's set.

URL patterns must not conflict with DirectSocketsAllowedForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Back to top


Allow read access via the File System API on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them read access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system via the File System API.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.

URL patterns must not conflict with FileSystemReadBlockedForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FileSystemReadAskForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FileSystemReadAskForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="FileSystemReadAskForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block read access via the File System API on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can't ask users to grant them read access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system via the File System API.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.

URL patterns can't conflict with FileSystemReadAskForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FileSystemReadBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FileSystemReadBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="FileSystemReadBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow write access to files and directories on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them write access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.

URL patterns must not conflict with FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FileSystemWriteAskForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FileSystemWriteAskForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="FileSystemWriteAskForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block write access to files and directories on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can't ask users to grant them write access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.

URL patterns can't conflict with FileSystemWriteAskForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Enables auto-select for multi screen captures
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 102
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 111 until version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

The getDisplayMediaSet API allows web applications to capture multiple surfaces at once. This policy unlocks the autoSelectAllScreens property for web applications at defined origins. If the autoSelectAllScreens property is defined in a getDisplayMediaSet request, all screen surfaces are automatically captured without requiring explicit user permission. If the policy is not set, autoSelectAllScreens is not available for any web application. In order to improve privacy, starting with Google Chrome version 116, this policy will not support dynamic refresh anymore. Therefore, the user can be sure that no additional pages will be able to capture the screens after login if it were not allowed at session start already.

Back to top


Allow images on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify sites that may display images.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultImagesSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Note that previously this policy was erroneously enabled on Android, but this functionality has never been fully supported on Android.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ImagesAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ImagesAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ImagesAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block images on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can't display images.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultImagesSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Note that previously this policy was erroneously enabled on Android, but this functionality has never been fully supported on Android.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ImagesBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ImagesBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ImagesBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow insecure content on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set a list of url patterns that specify sites which are allowed to display blockable (i.e. active) mixed content (i.e. HTTP content on HTTPS sites) and for which optionally blockable mixed content upgrades will be disabled.

If this policy is left not set blockable mixed content will be blocked and optionally blockable mixed content will be upgraded, and users will be allowed to set exceptions to allow it for specific sites.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\InsecureContentAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\InsecureContentAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="InsecureContentAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block insecure content on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set a list of url patterns that specify sites which are not allowed to display blockable (i.e. active) mixed content (i.e. HTTP content on HTTPS sites), and for which optionally blockable (i.e. passive) mixed content will be upgraded.

If this policy is left not set blockable mixed content will be blocked and optionally blockable mixed content will be upgraded, but users will be allowed to set exceptions to allow it for specific sites.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\InsecureContentBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\InsecureContentBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="InsecureContentBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow JavaScript on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify the sites that can run JavaScript.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultJavaScriptSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\JavaScriptAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\JavaScriptAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="JavaScriptAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block JavaScript on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify the sites that can't run JavaScript.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultJavaScriptSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Note that this policy blocks JavaScript based on whether the origin of the top-level document (usually the page URL that is also displayed in the address bar) matches any of the patterns. Therefore this policy is not appropriate for mitigating web supply-chain attacks. For example, supplying the pattern "https://[*.]" will not prevent a page hosted on, say, from running a script loaded from Furthermore, supplying the pattern "" will not prevent a document from from running scripts if it is not the top-level document, but embedded as a sub-frame into a page hosted on another origin, say,

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\JavaScriptBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\JavaScriptBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="JavaScriptBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow JavaScript to use JIT on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 93
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which are allowed to run JavaScript with JIT (Just In Time) compiler enabled.

For detailed information on valid site url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

JavaScript JIT policy exceptions will only be enforced at a site granularity (eTLD+1). A policy set for only will not correctly apply to or since they both resolve to the same eTLD+1 ( for which there is no policy. In this case, policy must be set on to apply correctly for both and

This policy applies on a frame-by-frame basis and not based on top level origin url alone, so e.g. if is listed in the JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites policy but loads a frame containing then will have JavaScript JIT enabled, but will use the policy from DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting, if set, or default to JavaScript JIT enabled.

If this policy is not set for a site then the policy from DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise Javascript JIT is enabled for the site.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites\1 = "[*.]"
[ "[*.]" ]
<array> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="JavaScriptJitAllowedForSitesDesc" value="1&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block JavaScript from using JIT on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 93
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which are not allowed to run JavaScript JIT (Just In Time) compiler enabled.

Disabling the JavaScript JIT will mean that Google Chrome may render web content more slowly, and may also disable parts of JavaScript including WebAssembly. Disabling the JavaScript JIT may allow Google Chrome to render web content in a more secure configuration.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

JavaScript JIT policy exceptions will only be enforced at a site granularity (eTLD+1). A policy set for only will not correctly apply to or since they both resolve to the same eTLD+1 ( for which there is no policy. In this case, policy must be set on to apply correctly for both and

This policy applies on a frame-by-frame basis and not based on top level origin url alone, so e.g. if is listed in the JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites policy but loads a frame containing then will have JavaScript JIT disabled, but will use the policy from DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting, if set, or default to JavaScript JIT enabled.

If this policy is not set for a site then the policy from DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise JavaScript JIT is enabled for the site.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites\1 = "[*.]"
[ "[*.]" ]
<array> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="JavaScriptJitBlockedForSitesDesc" value="1&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Cookies set for domains matching these patterns will revert to legacy SameSite behavior. Reverting to legacy behavior causes cookies that don't specify a SameSite attribute to be treated as if they were "SameSite=None", removes the requirement for "SameSite=None" cookies to carry the "Secure" attribute, and skips the scheme comparison when evaluating if two sites are same-site. See for full description.

For cookies on domains not covered by the patterns specified here, or for all cookies if this policy is not set, the global default value will be the user's personal configuration.

For detailed information on valid patterns, please see

Note that patterns you list here are treated as domains, not URLs, so you should not specify a scheme or port.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainListDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow Local Fonts permission on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 103
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 103
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Sets a list of site url patterns that specify sites which will automatically grant the local fonts permission. This will extend the ability of sites to see information about local fonts.

For detailed information on valid site url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

If this policy is not set for a site then the policy from DefaultLocalFontsSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise the permission will follow the browser's defaults and allow users to choose this permission per site.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\LocalFontsAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\LocalFontsAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="LocalFontsAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block Local Fonts permission on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 103
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 103
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Sets a list of site url patterns that specify sites which will automatically deny the local fonts permission. This will limit the ability of sites to see information about local fonts.

For detailed information on valid site url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

If this policy is not set for a site then the policy from DefaultLocalFontsSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise the permission will follow the browser's defaults and allow users to choose this permission per site.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\LocalFontsBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\LocalFontsBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="LocalFontsBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow notifications on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 16
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 16
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 16
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 16
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify the sites that can display notifications.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultNotificationsSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\NotificationsAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\NotificationsAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="NotificationsAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block notifications on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 16
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 16
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 16
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 16
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify the sites that can't display notifications.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultNotificationsSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\NotificationsBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\NotificationsBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="NotificationsBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow local file access to file:// URLs on these sites in the PDF Viewer
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 110
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 110
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 110
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 110
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting this policy allows the domains listed to access file:// URLs in the PDF Viewer. Adding to the policy allows the domain to access file:// URLs in the PDF Viewer. Removing from the policy disallows the domain from accessing file:// URLs in the PDF Viewer. Leaving the policy unset disallows all domains from accessing file:// URLs in the PDF Viewer.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PdfLocalFileAccessAllowedForDomains\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PdfLocalFileAccessAllowedForDomains\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PdfLocalFileAccessAllowedForDomainsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Allow pop-ups on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 34
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify the sites that can open pop-ups.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultPopupsSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PopupsAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PopupsAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PopupsAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block pop-ups on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 34
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify the sites that can't open pop-ups.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultPopupsSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PopupsBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PopupsBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PopupsBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Register protocol handlers
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 37
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 37
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 37
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 37
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: No, Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy (as recommended only) lets you register a list of protocol handlers, which merge with the ones that the user registers, putting both sets in use. Set the property "protocol" to the scheme, such as "mailto", and set the property "URL" to the URL pattern of the application that handles the scheme specified in the "protocol" field. The pattern can include a "%s" placeholder, which the handled URL replaces.

Users can't remove a protocol handler registered by policy. However, by installing a new default handler, they can change the protocol handlers installed by policy.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

The protocol handlers set via this policy are not used when handling Android intents.

{ "items": { "properties": { "default": { "description": "A boolean flag indicating if the protocol handler should be set as the default.", "type": "boolean" }, "protocol": { "description": "The protocol for the protocol handler.", "type": "string" }, "url": { "description": "The URL of the protocol handler.", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "protocol", "url" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\Recommended\RegisteredProtocolHandlers = [ { "default": true, "protocol": "mailto", "url": "" } ]
RegisteredProtocolHandlers: [ { "default": true, "protocol": "mailto", "url": "" } ]
<key>RegisteredProtocolHandlers</key> <array> <dict> <key>default</key> <true/> <key>protocol</key> <string>mailto</string> <key>url</key> <string>;url=%s</string> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RegisteredProtocolHandlers" value="{"default": true, "protocol": "mailto", "url": ""}"/>
Back to top


Allow access to sensors on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 88
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify the sites that can access sensors like motion and light sensors.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultSensorsSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

If the same URL pattern exists in both this policy and the SensorsBlockedForUrls policy, the latter is prioritized and access to motion or light sensors will be blocked.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SensorsAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SensorsAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SensorsAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block access to sensors on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 88
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify the sites that can't access sensors like motion and light sensors.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultSensorsSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

If the same URL pattern exists in both this policy and the SensorsAllowedForUrls policy, this policy is prioritized and access to motion or light sensors will be blocked.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SensorsBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SensorsBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SensorsBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Automatically grant permission to sites to connect all serial ports.
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 94
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy allows you to list sites which are automatically granted permission to access all available serial ports.

The URLs must be valid, otherwise the policy is ignored. Only the origin (scheme, host and port) of the URL is considered.

On Google ChromeOS, this policy only applies to affiliated users.

This policy overrides DefaultSerialGuardSetting, SerialAskForUrls, SerialBlockedForUrls and the user's preferences.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls\1 = ""
[ "" ]
<array> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SerialAllowAllPortsForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Automatically grant permission to sites to connect to USB serial devices.
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 94
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy allows you to list sites which are automatically granted permission to access USB serial devices with vendor and product IDs matching the vendor_id and product_id fields. Omitting the product_id field allows the given sites permission to access devices with a vendor ID matching the vendor_id field and any product ID.

The URLs must be valid, otherwise the policy is ignored. Only the origin (scheme, host and port) of the URL is considered.

On ChromeOS, this policy only applies to affiliated users.

This policy overrides DefaultSerialGuardSetting, SerialAskForUrls, SerialBlockedForUrls and the user's preferences.

This policy only affects access to USB devices through the Web Serial API. To grant access to USB devices through the WebUSB API see the WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls policy.

{ "items": { "properties": { "devices": { "items": { "properties": { "product_id": { "maximum": 65535, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "vendor_id": { "maximum": 65535, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "vendor_id" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "urls": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "devices", "urls" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls = [ { "devices": [ { "product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234 } ], "urls": [ "" ] }, { "devices": [ { "vendor_id": 1234 } ], "urls": [ "" ] } ]
SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls: [ { "devices": [ { "product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234 } ], "urls": [ "" ] }, { "devices": [ { "vendor_id": 1234 } ], "urls": [ "" ] } ]
<key>SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls</key> <array> <dict> <key>devices</key> <array> <dict> <key>product_id</key> <integer>5678</integer> <key>vendor_id</key> <integer>1234</integer> </dict> </array> <key>urls</key> <array> <string></string> </array> </dict> <dict> <key>devices</key> <array> <dict> <key>vendor_id</key> <integer>1234</integer> </dict> </array> <key>urls</key> <array> <string></string> </array> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls" value="{"devices": [{"product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234}], "urls": [""]}, {"devices": [{"vendor_id": 1234}], "urls": [""]}"/>
Back to top


Allow the Serial API on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them access to a serial port.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultSerialGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.

For URL patterns which do not match the policy SerialBlockedForUrls (if there is a match), DefaultSerialGuardSetting (if set), or the users' personal settings take precedence, in that order.

URL patterns must not conflict with SerialBlockedForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SerialAskForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SerialAskForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SerialAskForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block the Serial API on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can't ask users to grant them access to a serial port.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultSerialGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

For URL patterns which do not match the policy SerialAskForUrls (if there is a match), DefaultSerialGuardSetting (if set), or the users' personal settings take precedence, in that order.

URL patterns can't conflict with SerialAskForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SerialBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SerialBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SerialBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Disable third-party storage partitioning for specific top-level origins
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 113
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy allows you to set a list of URL patterns that specify top-level origins for which third-party storage partitioning (partitioning of cross-origin iframe storage) should be disabled.

If this policy is left unset or if a top-level origin doesn't match one of the URL patterns, DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting will apply.

For detailed information on valid patterns, please see Note that patterns you list here are treated as origins, not URLs, so you should not specify a path.

For detailed information on third-party storage partitioning, please see

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOriginsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Automatically grant permission to sites to connect to any HID device.
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy allows you to list sites which are automatically granted permission to access all available devices.

The URLs must be valid, otherwise the policy is ignored. Only the origin (scheme, host and port) of the URL is considered.

On ChromeOS, this policy only applies to affiliated users.

This policy overrides DefaultWebHidGuardSetting, WebHidAskForUrls, WebHidBlockedForUrls and the user's preferences.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to HID devices with the given vendor and product IDs.
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy lets you list the URLs that specify which sites are automatically granted permission to access a HID device with the given vendor and product IDs. Each item in the list requires both devices and urls fields for the item to be valid, otherwise the item is ignored. Each item in the devices field must have a vendor_id and may have a product_id field. Omitting the product_id field will create a policy matching any device with the specified vendor ID. An item which has a product_id field without a vendor_id field is invalid and is ignored.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultWebHidGuardSetting applies, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

URLs in this policy shouldn't conflict with those configured through WebHidBlockedForUrls. If they do, this policy takes precedence over WebHidBlockedForUrls.

{ "items": { "properties": { "devices": { "items": { "properties": { "product_id": { "maximum": 65535, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "vendor_id": { "maximum": 65535, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "vendor_id" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "urls": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "devices", "urls" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls = [ { "devices": [ { "product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234 } ], "urls": [ "", "" ] } ]
WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls: [ { "devices": [ { "product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234 } ], "urls": [ "", "" ] } ]
<key>WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls</key> <array> <dict> <key>devices</key> <array> <dict> <key>product_id</key> <integer>5678</integer> <key>vendor_id</key> <integer>1234</integer> </dict> </array> <key>urls</key> <array> <string></string> <string></string> </array> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls" value="{"devices": [{"product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234}], "urls": ["", ""]}"/>
Back to top


Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to HID devices containing top-level collections with the given HID usage.
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy lets you list the URLs that specify which sites are automatically granted permission to access a HID device containing a top-level collection with the given HID usage. Each item in the list requires both usages and urls fields for the policy to be valid. Each item in the usages field must have a usage_page and may have a usage field. Omitting the usage field will create a policy matching any device containing a top-level collection with a usage from the specified usage page. An item which has a usage field without a usage_page field is invalid and is ignored.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultWebHidGuardSetting applies, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

URLs in this policy shouldn't conflict with those configured through WebHidBlockedForUrls. If they do, this policy takes precedence over WebHidBlockedForUrls.

{ "items": { "properties": { "urls": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "usages": { "items": { "properties": { "usage": { "maximum": 65535, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "usage_page": { "maximum": 65535, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "usage_page" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "usages", "urls" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls = [ { "urls": [ "", "" ], "usages": [ { "usage": 5678, "usage_page": 1234 } ] } ]
WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls: [ { "urls": [ "", "" ], "usages": [ { "usage": 5678, "usage_page": 1234 } ] } ]
<key>WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls</key> <array> <dict> <key>urls</key> <array> <string></string> <string></string> </array> <key>usages</key> <array> <dict> <key>usage</key> <integer>5678</integer> <key>usage_page</key> <integer>1234</integer> </dict> </array> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls" value="{"urls": ["", ""], "usages": [{"usage": 5678, "usage_page": 1234}]}"/>
Back to top


Allow the WebHID API on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them access to a HID device.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultWebHidGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.

For URL patterns which do not match the policy, the following take precedence, in this order:

* WebHidBlockedForUrls (if there is a match),

* DefaultWebHidGuardSetting (if set), or

* Users' personal settings.

URL patterns must not conflict with WebHidBlockedForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebHidAskForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebHidAskForUrls\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebHidAskForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Block the WebHID API on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can't ask users to grant them access to a HID device.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultWebHidGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.

For URL patterns which do not match the policy, the following take precedence, in this order:

* WebHidAskForUrls (if there is a match),

* DefaultWebHidGuardSetting (if set), or

* Users' personal settings.

URL patterns can't conflict with WebHidAskForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebHidBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebHidBlockedForUrls\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebHidBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to USB devices with the given vendor and product IDs.
Data type:
Dictionary [Android:string, Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 75
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 74
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 74
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 74
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites are automatically granted permission to access a USB device with the given vendor and product IDs. Each item in the list requires both devices and urls fields for the policy to be valid. Each item in the devices field can have a vendor_id and product_id field. Omitting the vendor_id field will create a policy matching any device. Omitting the product_id field will create a policy matching any device with the given vendor ID. A policy which has a product_id field without a vendor_id field is invalid.

The USB permission model will grant the specified URL permission to access the USB device as a top-level origin. If embedded frames need to access USB devices, the 'usb' feature-policy header should be used to grant access. The URL must be valid, otherwise the policy is ignored.

Deprecated: The USB permission model used to support specifying both the requesting and embedding URLs. This is deprecated and only supported for backwards compatibility in this manner: if both a requesting and embedding URL is specified, then the embedding URL will be granted the permission as top-level origin and the requesting URL will be ignored entirely.

This policy overrides DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting, WebUsbAskForUrls, WebUsbBlockedForUrls and the user's preferences.

This policy only affects access to USB devices through the WebUSB API. To grant access to USB devices through the Web Serial API see the SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls policy.

{ "items": { "properties": { "devices": { "items": { "properties": { "product_id": { "maximum": 65535, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "vendor_id": { "maximum": 65535, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "urls": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "devices", "urls" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls = [ { "devices": [ { "product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234 } ], "urls": [ "" ] } ]
WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls: [ { "devices": [ { "product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234 } ], "urls": [ "" ] } ]
<key>WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls</key> <array> <dict> <key>devices</key> <array> <dict> <key>product_id</key> <integer>5678</integer> <key>vendor_id</key> <integer>1234</integer> </dict> </array> <key>urls</key> <array> <string></string> </array> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls" value="{"devices": [{"product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234}], "urls": [""]}"/>
Back to top


Allow WebUSB on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 68
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 68
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 68
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 68
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 68
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them access to a USB device.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.

URL patterns must not conflict with WebUsbAskForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebUsbAskForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebUsbAskForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebUsbAskForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block WebUSB on these sites
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 68
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 68
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 68
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 68
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 68
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can't ask users to grant them access to a USB device.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

URL patterns can't conflict with WebUsbAskForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebUsbBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebUsbBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebUsbBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow Window Management permission on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 111
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which will automatically grant the window management permission. This will extend the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens and use that information to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.

For detailed information on valid site url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

If this policy is not set for a site then the policy from DefaultWindowManagementSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise the permission will follow the browser's defaults and allow users to choose this permission per site.

This replaces the deprecated WindowPlacementAllowedForUrls policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WindowManagementAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WindowManagementAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WindowManagementAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Block Window Management permission on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 111
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which will automatically deny the window management permission. This will limit the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens and use that information to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.

For detailed information on valid site url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

If this policy is not set for a site then the policy from DefaultWindowManagementSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise the permission will follow the browser's defaults and allow users to choose this permission per site.

This replaces the deprecated WindowPlacementBlockedForUrls policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WindowManagementBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WindowManagementBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WindowManagementBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top

WindowPlacementAllowedForUrls (Deprecated)

Allow Window Placement permission on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which will automatically grant the window placement permission. This will extend the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens and use that information to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.

For detailed information on valid site url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

If this policy is not set for a site then the policy from DefaultWindowPlacementSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise the permission will follow the browser's defaults and allow users to choose this permission per site.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WindowPlacementAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WindowPlacementAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WindowPlacementAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top

WindowPlacementBlockedForUrls (Deprecated)

Block Window Placement permission on these sites
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which will automatically deny the window placement permission. This will limit the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens and use that information to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.

For detailed information on valid site url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

If this policy is not set for a site then the policy from DefaultWindowPlacementSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise the permission will follow the browser's defaults and allow users to choose this permission per site.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WindowPlacementBlockedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WindowPlacementBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WindowPlacementBlockedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top

Date and time

Controls clock and time zone settings.
Back to top


Enable Google Calendar Integration
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable Google Calendar integration which allows Google ChromeOS users to fetch events from Google Calendar to populate Google ChromeOS calendar widget in system status bar.

If this policy is enabled, Google ChromeOS device can retrieve Google Calendar events to populate Google ChromeOS calendar widget in system status bar for the logged in user.

If this policy is disabled, Google ChromeOS device cannot retrieve Google Calendar events to populate Google ChromeOS calendar widget in system status bar for the logged in user.

If this policy is left unset, the Google Calendar feature is enabled by default for enterprise users.

Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : DateAndTime
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Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 22
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy specifies a device's time zone and turns off location-based automatic time zone adjustment while overriding the SystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection policy. Users can't change the time zone.

New devices start with the time zone set to US Pacific. Value format follows the names in the IANA Time Zone Database ( ). Entering an invalid value activates the policy using GMT.

If not set or if you enter an empty string, the device uses the currently active time zone, but users can change it.

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Configure the automatic timezone detection method
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 53
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Unless the SystemTimezone policy turns off automatic time zone detection, then setting the policy outlines the automatic time zone detection method, which users can't change.

Setting the policy to: * TimezoneAutomaticDetectionDisabled keeps automatic time zone detection off. * TimezoneAutomaticDetectionIPOnly keeps automatic time zone detection on, using the IP-only method. * TimezoneAutomaticDetectionSendWiFiAccessPoints keeps automatic time zone detection on, continually sending the list of visible Wi-Fi access-points to the Geolocation API server for finer-grained time zone detection. * TimezoneAutomaticDetectionSendAllLocationInfo keeps automatic time zone detection on, continually sending location information (such as Wi-Fi access points, reachable cell towers) to a server for the most fine-grained time zone detection.

If not set, set to Let users decide, or set to None, then users control automatic time zone detection using normal controls in chrome://os-settings.

Note: If you're using this policy to resolve the time zone automatically, don't forget to set GoogleLocationServicesEnabled policy to either Allow or OnlyAllowedForSystemServices.

  • 0 = Let users decide
  • 1 = Never auto-detect timezone
  • 2 = Always use coarse timezone detection
  • 3 = Always send WiFi access-points to server while resolving timezone
  • 4 = Always send any available location signals to the server while resolving timezone
Back to top


Use 24 hour clock by default
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to True gives a device's sign-in screen a 24-hour clock format.

Setting the policy to False gives a device's sign-in screen a 12-hour clock format.

Leaving the policy unset makes a device use the format from the current locale.

User sessions also default to the device format, but users can change an account's clock format.

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Default search provider

Configures the default search provider. You can specify the default search provider that the user will use or choose to disable default search.
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List of alternate URLs for the default search provider
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 24
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 24
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 24
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 24
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs specifies a list of alternate URLs for extracting search terms from the search engine. The URLs should include the string '{searchTerms}'.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs unset means no alternate URLs are used to extract search terms.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs\1 = "{searchTerms}" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs\2 = "{searchTerms}"
[ "{searchTerms}", "{searchTerms}" ]
<array> <string>{searchTerms}</string> <string>{searchTerms}</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLsDesc" value="1&#xF000;{searchTerms}&#xF000;2&#xF000;{searchTerms}"/>
Back to top


Enable the default search provider
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means a default search is performed when a user enters non-URL text in the address bar. To specify the default search provider, set the rest of the default search policies. If you leave those policies empty, the user can choose the default provider. Setting the policy to Disabled means there's no search when the user enters non-URL text in the address bar. The Disabled value is not supported by the Google Admin console.

If you set the policy, users can't change it in Google Chrome. If not set, the default search provider is on, and users can set the search provider list.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : DefaultSearchProvider
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Default search provider encodings
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, setting DefaultSearchProviderEncodings specifies the character encodings supported by the search provider. Encodings are code page names such as UTF-8, GB2312, and ISO-8859-1. They're tried in the order provided.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderEncodings unset puts UTF-8 in use.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings\1 = "UTF-8" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings\2 = "UTF-16" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings\3 = "GB2312" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings\4 = "ISO-8859-1"
[ "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "GB2312", "ISO-8859-1" ]
<array> <string>UTF-8</string> <string>UTF-16</string> <string>GB2312</string> <string>ISO-8859-1</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderEncodingsDesc" value="1&#xF000;UTF-8&#xF000;2&#xF000;UTF-16&#xF000;3&#xF000;GB2312&#xF000;4&#xF000;ISO-8859-1"/>
Back to top


Parameter providing search-by-image feature for the default search provider
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 29
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderImageURL specifies the URL of the search engine used for image search. (If DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams is set, then image search requests use the POST method instead.)

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderImageURL unset means no image search is used.

If image search uses the GET method, then the URL must specify image parameters using a valid combination of the following placeholders: '{google:imageURL}', '{google:imageOriginalHeight}', '{google:imageOriginalWidth}', '{google:processedImageDimensions}', '{google:imageSearchSource}', '{google:imageThumbnail}', '{google:imageThumbnailBase64}'.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderImageURL" value=""/>
Back to top


Parameters for image URL which uses POST
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 29
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams specifies the parameters during image search with POST. It consists of comma-separated, name-value pairs. If a value is a template parameter, such as {imageThumbnail}, real image thumbnail data replaces it.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams unset means image search request is sent using the GET method.

The URL must specify the image parameter using a valid combination of the following placeholders depending on what the search provider supports: '{google:imageURL}', '{google:imageOriginalHeight}', '{google:imageOriginalWidth}', '{google:processedImageDimensions}', '{google:imageSearchSource}', '{google:imageThumbnail}', '{google:imageThumbnailBase64}'.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams" value="content={google:imageThumbnail},url={google:imageURL},sbisrc={google:imageSearchSource}"/>
Back to top


Default search provider keyword
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30 until version 121
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88 until version 121
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderKeyword specifies the keyword or shortcut used in the address bar to trigger the search for this provider.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderKeyword unset means no keyword activates the search provider.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderKeyword" value="mis"/>
Back to top


Default search provider name
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderName specifies the default search provider's name.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderName unset means the hostname specified by the search URL is used.

Example value:
"My Intranet Search"
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderName" value="My Intranet Search"/>
Back to top


Default search provider new tab page URL
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 30
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30 until version 121
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88 until version 121
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL specifies the URL of the search engine used to provide a New Tab page.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL unset means no new tab page is provided.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL" value=""/>
Back to top


Default search provider search URL
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL specifies the URL of the search engine used during a default search. The URL should include the string '{searchTerms}', replaced in the query by the user's search terms.

You can specify Google's search URL as: '{google:baseURL}search?q={searchTerms}&{google:RLZ}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}{google:searchClient}{google:sourceId}ie={inputEncoding}'.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL" value="{searchTerms}"/>
Back to top


Parameters for search URL which uses POST
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 29
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams specifies the parameters when searching a URL with POST. It consists of comma-separated, name-value pairs. If a value is a template parameter, such as '{searchTerms}', real search terms data replaces it.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams unset means search requests are sent using the GET method.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams" value="q={searchTerms},ie=utf-8,oe=utf-8"/>
Back to top


Default search provider suggest URL
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL specifies the URL of the search engine to provide search suggestions. The URL should include the string '{searchTerms}', replaced in the query by the user's search terms.

You can specify Google's search URL as: '{google:baseURL}complete/search?output=chrome&q={searchTerms}'.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL" value="{searchTerms}"/>
Back to top


Parameters for suggest URL which uses POST
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 29
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams specifies the parameters during suggestion search with POST. It consists of comma-separated, name-value pairs. If a value is a template parameter, such as '{searchTerms}', real search terms data replaces it.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams unset unset means suggest search requests are sent using the GET method.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams" value="q={searchTerms},ie=utf-8,oe=utf-8"/>
Back to top

Desk Connector Settings

Controls settings for the desk connector API.
Back to top


Enable Desk API for third-party Google ChromeOS control
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 115
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled allows third-party web applications to use Desk API to control Google ChromeOS desks. If the policy is not set or disabled, the Desk API will be unavailable. The policy will only take effect on enrolled devices.

Back to top


Enable Desk API for a list of third-party domains
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 115
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Specifies the list of third-party web application domains that are allowed to use Desk API to control Google ChromeOS desks. These URL patterns should follow the format defined for "matches" property in

Back to top

Device update settings

Controls how and when Google ChromeOS updates are applied.
Back to top


Release channel
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Specifies the release channel that this device should be locked to.

Setting ChromeOsReleaseChannel only has an effect if ChromeOsReleaseChannelDelegated is set to False.

  • "lts-channel" = LTS channel
  • "ltc-channel" = LTC channel
  • "stable-channel" = Stable channel
  • "beta-channel" = Beta channel
  • "dev-channel" = Dev channel (may be unstable)
Back to top


Users may configure the Google ChromeOS release channel
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 19
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Users are only allowed to change the release channel of the device if this policy is set to True. If this policy is False or not set, users are not allowed to change the channel.

Setting ChromeOsReleaseChannel only has an effect if ChromeOsReleaseChannelDelegated is set to False.

Back to top


Disable Auto Update
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 19
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Disables automatic updates when set to True.

Google ChromeOS devices automatically check for updates when this setting is not configured or set to False.

Warning: It is recommended to keep auto-updates enabled so that users receive software updates and critical security fixes. Turning off auto-updates might leave users at risk.

Back to top


Auto update P2P enabled
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 31
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Specifies whether P2P is to be used for OS update payloads. If set to True, devices will share and attempt to consume update payloads on the LAN, potentially reducing Internet bandwidth usage and congestion. If the update payload is not available on the LAN, the device will fall back to downloading from an update server. If set to False, P2P will not be used.

NOTE: The default behavior for consumer and enterprise devices differs: on managed devices P2P will be enabled, while on non-managed devices it will not be enabled.

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Update Time Restrictions
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls the time frames during which the Google ChromeOS device is not allowed to check for updates automatically. When this policy is set to a non-empty list of time intervals: Devices will not be able to check for updates automatically during the specified time intervals. Devices that require an enterprise rollback or are below the minimum Google ChromeOS version will not be affected by this policy due to potential security issues. Furthermore, this policy will not block update checks requested by users or administrators. Starting from M88, this policy cancels an ongoing update when a restricted time interval is reached. The next auto update after the restricted time interval ends will automatically resume the update. Devices updating to a Quick Fix Build will not be affected by this policy. When this policy is unset or contains no time intervals: No automatic update checks will be blocked by this policy, but they may be blocked by other policies. Till M88, this feature is only enabled on Google ChromeOS devices configured as auto-launch kiosks. Other devices will not be restricted by this policy. However starting from M89, this policy is enabled on all Google ChromeOS devices.

{ "items": { "description": "Time interval that spans at most one week. If the start time is later than the end time, then the interval will wrap around.", "properties": { "end": { "description": "Start time of the interval, inclusive.", "id": "DisallowedTimeInterval", "properties": { "day_of_week": { "description": "Day of the week for the interval.", "enum": [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ], "type": "string" }, "hours": { "description": "Hours elapsed since the start of the day in (24 hour format).", "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minutes": { "description": "Minutes elapsed in the current hour.", "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "day_of_week", "minutes", "hours" ], "type": "object" }, "start": { "description": "Start time of the interval, inclusive.", "properties": { "day_of_week": { "description": "Day of the week for the interval.", "enum": [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ], "type": "string" }, "hours": { "description": "Hours elapsed since the start of the day in (24 hour format).", "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minutes": { "description": "Minutes elapsed in the current hour.", "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "day_of_week", "minutes", "hours" ], "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "start", "end" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Back to top


Enable/disable Extended Automatic Updates
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 126
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allow eligible devices that will lose Android support to be opted into Extended Automatic Updates.

If the policy is Enabled, devices will opt in to Extended Automatic Updates.

If the policy is Disabled or unset, devices will stop receiving updates after the original Auto Update Expiration date.

This policy is only relevant for older models not automatically receiving extended updates.

For more details please see

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Configure minimum allowed Google ChromeOS version for the device.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configures the requirement of the minimum allowed version of Google ChromeOS.

When this policy is set to a non-empty list: If none of the entries has a chromeos_version greater than the current version of the device, then no restrictions are applied and the already existing restrictions are revoked. If at least one of the entries has a chromeos_version greater than the current version, the entry whose version is greater and closest to the current version is chosen. In case of conflict, preference is given to the entry with lower warning_period or aue_warning_period and the policy is applied using that entry.

If the current version becomes obsolete during user session and the current network limits auto updates, an on-screen notification is shown to update the device within the warning_period shown in the notification. No notifications are shown if the current network allows auto updates and the device must be updated within the warning_period. The warning_period starts from the time the policy is applied. If the device is not updated till the expiry of the warning_period, the user is signed out of the session. If the current version is found to be obsolete at the time of login with expired warning_period, the user is required to update the device before signing in.

If the current version becomes obsolete during user session and the device has reached auto update expiration, an on-screen notification is shown to return the device within aue_warning_period. If the device is found to have reached auto update expiration at the time of login with expired aue_warning_period, the device is blocked for any user to sign in.

Unmanaged user sessions do not receive notifications and force log out if unmanaged_user_restricted is unset or set to False.

If this policy is not set or set to empty, no restrictions are applied, already existing restrictions are revoked and user can sign in regardless of Google ChromeOS version.

Here chromeos_version can be either an exact version like '13305.0.0' or a version prefix, like '13305'. The warning_period and aue_warning_period are optional values specified in number of days. Default value for them is 0 days, which means that there is no warning period. The unmanaged_user_restricted is an optional property with default value as False.

{ "properties": { "requirements": { "items": { "properties": { "aue_warning_period": { "description": "Time in days after auto update expiration post which the user will be signed out if Google ChromeOS version is less than the specified chromeos_version", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "chromeos_version": { "description": "Minimum allowed Google ChromeOS version", "type": "string" }, "warning_period": { "description": "Time in days after which the user will be signed out if Google ChromeOS version is less than the specified chromeos_version", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "chromeos_version" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "unmanaged_user_restricted": { "description": "A boolean flag indicating whether unmanaged user sessions should receive notifications and force log out if update is required as per this policy.", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }
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Configure auto update expiration message for DeviceMinimumVersion policy
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy is only effective when the device has reached auto update expiration and does not meet the minimum allowed version of Google ChromeOS set through DeviceMinimumVersion policy.

When this policy is set to a non-empty string : If the warning time mentioned in DeviceMinimumVersion policy has expired, this message is shown at the login screen when the device is blocked for any user to sign in. If the warning time mentioned in DeviceMinimumVersion policy has not expired, this message is shown on the Chrome management page after user sign in.

If this policy is not set or set to empty, the default auto update expiration message is shown to the user in both of the above cases. The auto update expiration message must be plain text without any formatting. No markup is allowed.

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Provide users with Quick Fix Build
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls whether or not the device should be updated to a Quick Fix Build.

If policy value is set to a token that maps to a Quick Fix Build, the device will be updated to the corresponding Quick Fix Build if the update is not blocked by another policy.

If this policy is not set, or if its value does not map to a Quick Fix Build, then the device won't be updated to a Quick Fix Build. If the device is already running a Quick Fix Build and the policy is not set anymore or its value does not map to a Quick Fix Build anymore, then the device will be updated to a regular build if the update is not blocked by another policy.

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Number of milestones rollback is allowed
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 67
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Specifies the minimum number of Google ChromeOS milestones rollback should be allowed starting from the stable version at any time.

Default is 0 for consumer, 4 (approx. half a year) for enterprise enrolled devices.

Setting this policy prevents rollback protection to apply for at least this number of milestones.

Setting this policy to a lower value has a permanent effect: the device MAY not be able to roll back to earlier versions even after the policy is reset to a larger value.

Actual rollback possibilities may also depend on the board and critical vulnerability patches.

  • Minimum:0
  • Maximum:4
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Roll back OS to target version
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 67
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Specifies whether the device should roll back to the version set by DeviceTargetVersionPrefix if it's already running a later version.

Default is RollbackDisabled.

  • 1 = Do not roll back OS to target version.
  • 3 = Roll back device to target version if current OS version is newer than target. The device is powerwashed but device-wide network configurations without certificates are preserved and it automatically re-enrolls. Rollback to Google ChromeOS version 106 or earlier is not supported.
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Target Auto Update Version
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 19
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Sets a target version for Auto Updates.

Specifies the prefix of a target version Google ChromeOS should update to. If the device is running a version that's before the specified prefix, it will update to the latest version with the given prefix. If the device is already on a later version, effects depend on the value of DeviceRollbackToTargetVersion. The prefix format works component-wise as is demonstrated in the following example:

"" (or not configured): update to latest version available. "1412.": update to any minor version of 1412 (e.g. 1412.24.34 or 1412.60.2) "1412.2.": update to any minor version of 1412.2 (e.g. 1412.2.34 or 1412.2.2) "1412.24.34": update to this specific version only

Warning: It is not recommended to configure version restrictions as they may prevent users from receiving software updates and critical security fixes. Restricting updates to a specific version prefix might leave users at risk.

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Connection types allowed for updates
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 21
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

The types of connections that are allowed to use for OS updates. OS updates potentially put heavy strain on the connection due to their size and may incur additional cost. Therefore, they are by default not enabled for connection types that are considered expensive (currently only "cellular").

The recognized connection type identifiers are "ethernet", "wifi", and "cellular".

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Allow autoupdate downloads via HTTP
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Auto-update payloads on Google ChromeOS can be downloaded via HTTP instead of HTTPS. This allows transparent HTTP caching of HTTP downloads.

If this policy is set to true, Google ChromeOS will attempt to download auto-update payloads via HTTP. If the policy is set to false or not set, HTTPS will be used for downloading auto-update payloads.

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Auto update scatter factor
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 20
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Specifies the number of seconds up to which a device may randomly delay its download of an update from the time the update was first pushed out to the server. The device may wait a portion of this time in terms of wall-clock-time and the remaining portion in terms of the number of update checks. In any case, the scatter is upper bounded to a constant amount of time so that a device does not ever get stuck waiting to download an update forever.

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The staging schedule for applying a new update
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

This policy defines a list of percentages that will define the fraction of Google ChromeOS devices in the OU to update per day starting from the day the update is first discovered. The discovery time is later than the update published time, since it could be a while after the update publishing until the device checks for updates.

Each (day, percentage) pair contains which percentage of the fleet has to be updated by the given number of days since the update has been discovered. For example, if we have the pairs [(4, 40), (10, 70), (15, 100)], then 40% of the fleet should have been updated 4 days after seeing the update. 70% should be updated after 10 days, and so on.

If there is a value defined for this policy, updates will ignore the DeviceUpdateScatterFactor policy and follow this policy instead.

If this list is empty, there will be no staging and updates will be applied according to other device policies.

This policy does not apply for channel switches.

{ "items": { "description": "Contains the number of days and the percentage of the fleet that should be updated after those days have passed.", "id": "DayPercentagePair", "properties": { "days": { "description": "Days from update discovery.", "maximum": 28, "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "percentage": { "description": "Percentage of the fleet that should be updated after the given days.", "maximum": 100, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
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Automatically reboot after update
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Schedule an automatic reboot after a Google ChromeOS update has been applied.

When this policy is set to true, an automatic reboot is scheduled when a Google ChromeOS update has been applied and a reboot is required to complete the update process. The reboot is scheduled immediately but may be delayed on the device by up to 24 hours if a user is currently using the device.

When this policy is set to false, no automatic reboot is scheduled after applying a Google ChromeOS update. The update process is completed when the user next reboots the device.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

Note: Currently, automatic reboots are only enabled while the login screen is being shown or a kiosk app session is in progress.

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Controls display settings.
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Set display resolution and scale factor
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 72
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy sets the resolution and scale factor for each display. External display settings apply to connected displays. (The policy doesn't apply if a display doesn't support the specified resolution or scale.)

Setting external_use_native to True means the policy ignores external_width and external_height and sets external displays to their native resolution. Setting external_use_native to False or leaving it and external_width or external_height unset means the policy doesn't affect external displays.

Setting the recommended flag to True lets users change resolution and scale factor of any display through the settings page, but their settings change back at the next reboot. Setting the recommended flag to False or leaving it unset means users can't change the display settings.

Note: Set external_width and external_height in pixels and external_scale_percentage and internal_scale_percentage in percents.

{ "properties": { "external_height": { "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "external_scale_percentage": { "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "external_use_native": { "type": "boolean" }, "external_width": { "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "internal_scale_percentage": { "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "recommended": { "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : Display
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Set default display rotation, reapplied on every reboot
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 48
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy has each display rotate to the specified orientation on every reboot and the first time it's connected after the policy value changes. Users may change the display rotation through the settings page after signing in, but it changes back at the next reboot. This policy applies to primary and secondary displays.

If not set, the default value is 0 degrees and users are free to change it. In this case, the default value isn't reapplied at restart.

  • 0 = Rotate screen by 0 degrees
  • 1 = Rotate screen clockwise by 90 degrees
  • 2 = Rotate screen by 180 degrees
  • 3 = Rotate screen clockwise by 270 degrees
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Configure cloud drives (Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive) in Google ChromeOS.
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Disable Drive in the Google ChromeOS Files app
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 19
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled turns off Google Drive syncing in the Google ChromeOS Files app. No data is uploaded to Drive.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset lets users transfer files to Drive.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy does not prevent the user from using the Android Google Drive app. If you want to prevent access to Google Drive, you should disallow installation of the Android Google Drive app as well.

Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : Drive
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Disable Google Drive over cellular connections in the Google ChromeOS Files app
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 19
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled turns off Google Drive syncing in the Google ChromeOS Files app when on a cellular connection. Data is only synced to Drive when connected through Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset lets users transfer files to Drive on cellular connections.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the Android Google Drive app. If you want to prevent use of Google Drive over cellular connections, you should disallow installation of the Android Google Drive app.

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Google ChromeOS file sync
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 119
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Google ChromeOS file sync automatically makes Google Drive files in a user's “My Drive” available offline (space permitting) on Chromebook Plus devices.

Once the feature is on, all new files will also be made available offline automatically. If later there is insufficient space, all new files will stop being made available offline automatically. However, the user can still manually make items available offline.

Setting the policy to visible: Shows file sync in the Files app and Settings. The user can turn file sync on or off.

Setting the policy to disabled: Turns off file sync if it was previously turned on by the user. Hides the feature from the Files app and Settings so the user can’t turn it back on. Existing files that were made available offline by the user will remain available offline. The user can still manually make items available offline.

If the policy is unset: visible is the default selection.

  • "disabled" = The user can't see any of the UI relating to the Google ChromeOS file sync feature.
  • "visible" = The user can use the Google ChromeOS file sync feature.
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Restricts accounts that can use the Microsoft OneDrive integration
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 122
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy allows admins to restrict which accounts are allowed to sign-in for Microsoft OneDrive when the MicrosoftOneDriveMount policy is enabled.

If this policy contains a value of 'common', any account can be used to sign-in.

If this policy contains a value of 'organizations', work or school accounts can be used to sign-in.

If this policy contains a value of 'consumers', personal Microsoft accounts can be used to sign-in.

If this policy contains domain names or tenant IDs, accounts from these domain names or tenant IDs (see can be used to sign-in.

If this policy is unset or only contains an empty value, it behaves as if 'common' was specified for regular users; for enterprise users it behaves as if 'organizations' was specified.

Changing restrictions might lead to users being signed out of their Microsoft OneDrive account if it does not adhere to the new restrictions.

Note: At this time only the first entry will be taken into account. Later extensions will support multiple entries.

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Configures the mounting of Microsoft OneDrive
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 122
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy allows the admins to configure the mounting of Microsoft OneDrive.

Setting the policy to 'allowed' lets the user set up Microsoft OneDrive if they wish to. After completing the setup process, Microsoft OneDrive will be mounted in the file manager.

Setting the policy to 'disallowed' prohibits the user from setting up Microsoft OneDrive.

Setting the policy to 'automated' attempts to set up Microsoft OneDrive automatically. This requires the user to log in to Google ChromeOS with a Microsoft account. In case of failure it falls back to showing the setup flow.

Leaving the policy unset is functionally equivalent to setting it to 'allowed' for regular users; for enterprise users unset policy defaults to 'disallowed'.

It is possible to add further account restrict with the MicrosoftOneDriveAccountRestrictions policy.

  • "allowed" = Allow setup of Microsoft OneDrive
  • "disallowed" = Disallow setup of Microsoft OneDrive
  • "automated" = Automate setup of Microsoft OneDrive
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Configures extension-related policies. The user is not allowed to install blocked extensions unless they are whitelisted. You can also force Google Chrome to automatically install extensions by specifying them in ExtensionInstallForcelist. Force-installed extensions are installed regardless whether they are present in the blocklist.
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Blocks external extensions from being installed
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Controls external extensions installation.

Setting this policy to Enabled blocks external extensions from being installed.

Setting this policy to Disabled or leaving it unset allows external extensions to be installed.

External extensions and their installation are documented at

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Control Manifest v2 extension availability
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Control if Manifest v2 extensions can be used on the Google ChromeOS sign-in screen.

Manifest v2 extensions support will be deprecated and all extensions need to be migrated to v3 in the future. More information and timeline of the migration can be found at

If the policy is set to Default (0) or not set, v2 extensions loading are decided by device, following the timeline above. If the policy is set to Disable (1), v2 extensions installation are blocked, existing ones are disabled. The option is going to be treated the same as if the policy is not set after v2 support is turned off by default. If the policy is set to Enable (2), v2 extensions are allowed. The option is going to be treated the same as if the policy is not set before v2 support is turned off by default. If the policy is set to EnableForForcedExtensions (3), force installed v2 extensions are allowed. This includes extensions that are listed by ExtensionInstallForcelist or ExtensionSettings with installation_mode "force_installed" or "normal_installed". All other v2 extensions are disabled. The option is always available regardless of the migration state.

Extensions availability are still controlled by other policies.

  • 0 = Default device behavior
  • 1 = Manifest v2 is disabled
  • 2 = Manifest v2 is enabled
  • 3 = Manifest v2 is enabled for forced extensions only
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Configure allowed app/extension types
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 25
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 25
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy controls which apps and extensions may be installed in Google Chrome, which hosts they can interact with, and limits runtime access.

Leaving the policy unset results in no restrictions on the acceptable extension and app types.

Extensions and apps which have a type that's not on the list won't be installed. Each value should be one of these strings:

* "extension"

* "theme"

* "user_script"

* "hosted_app"

* "legacy_packaged_app"

* "platform_app"

See the Google Chrome extensions documentation for more information on these types.

Versions earlier than 75 that use multiple comma separated extension IDs aren't supported and are skipped. The rest of the policy applies.

Note: This policy also affects extensions and apps to be force-installed using ExtensionInstallForcelist.

  • "extension" = Extension
  • "theme" = Theme
  • "user_script" = User script
  • "hosted_app" = Hosted app
  • "legacy_packaged_app" = Legacy packaged app
  • "platform_app" = Platform app
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionAllowedTypes\1 = "hosted_app"
[ "hosted_app" ]
<array> <string>hosted_app</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionAllowedTypes" value=""hosted_app""/>
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Control the availability of developer mode on extensions page
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 128
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Control if users can turn on Developer Mode on chrome://extensions.

If the policy is not set, users can turn on developer mode on extension page unless DeveloperToolsAvailability policy is set to DeveloperToolsDisallowed (2). If the policy is set to Allow (0), users can turn on developer mode on extensions page. If the policy is set to Disallow (1), users can not turn on developer mode on extensions page.

If this policy is set, DeveloperToolsAvailability can no longer control extensions developer mode.

  • 0 = Allow the usage of developer mode on extensions page
  • 1 = Do not allow the usage of developer mode on extensions page
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionDeveloperModeSettings" value="1"/>
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Configure a list of origins that grant extended background lifetime to the connecting extensions.
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 112
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 112
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Extensions that connect to one of these origins will be be kept running as long as the port is connected.

If unset, the policy's default values will be used. These are app origins that offer SDKs that are known to not offer the possibility to restart a closed connection to a previous state: - Smart Card Connector - Citrix Receiver (stable, beta, back-up) - VMware Horizon (stable, beta)

If set, the default value list is extended with the newly configured values. Both defaults and the policy-provided entries will grant the exception to the connecting extensions, as long as the port is connected.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls\1 = "chrome-extension://abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop/" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls\2 = "chrome-extension://bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa/"
[ "chrome-extension://abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop/", "chrome-extension://bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa/" ]
<array> <string>chrome-extension://abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop/</string> <string>chrome-extension://bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa/</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;chrome-extension://abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop/&#xF000;2&#xF000;chrome-extension://bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa/"/>
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Configure extension installation allow list
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies which extensions are not subject to the blocklist.

A blocklist value of * means all extensions are blocked and users can only install extensions listed in the allow list.

By default, all extensions are allowed. But, if you prohibited extensions by policy, use the list of allowed extensions to change that policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallAllowlist\1 = "extension_id1" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallAllowlist\2 = "extension_id2"
[ "extension_id1", "extension_id2" ]
<array> <string>extension_id1</string> <string>extension_id2</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionInstallAllowlistDesc" value="1&#xF000;extension_id1&#xF000;2&#xF000;extension_id2"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : Extensions
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Configure extension installation blocklist
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to specify which extensions the users can NOT install. Extensions already installed will be disabled if blocked, without a way for the user to enable them. Once an extension disabled due to the blocklist is removed from it, it will automatically get re-enabled.

A blocklist value of '*' means all extensions are blocked unless they are explicitly listed in the allowlist.

If this policy is left not set the user can install any extension in Google Chrome.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallBlocklist\1 = "extension_id1" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallBlocklist\2 = "extension_id2"
[ "extension_id1", "extension_id2" ]
<array> <string>extension_id1</string> <string>extension_id2</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionInstallBlocklistDesc" value="1&#xF000;extension_id1&#xF000;2&#xF000;extension_id2"/>
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Configure the list of force-installed apps and extensions
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 9
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies a list of apps and extensions that install silently, without user interaction, and which users can't uninstall or turn off. Permissions are granted implicitly, including for the enterprise.deviceAttributes and enterprise.platformKeys extension APIs. (These 2 APIs aren't available to apps and extensions that aren't force-installed.)

Leaving the policy unset means no apps or extensions are autoinstalled, and users can uninstall any app or extension in Google Chrome.

This policy supersedes ExtensionInstallBlocklist policy. If a previously force-installed app or extension is removed from this list, Google Chrome automatically uninstalls it.

The source code of any extension may be altered by users through developer tools, potentially rendering the extension dysfunctional. If this is a concern, set the DeveloperToolsDisabled policy.

Each list item of the policy is a string that contains an extension ID and, optionally, an update URL separated by a semicolon (;). The extension ID is the 32-letter string found, for example, on chrome://extensions when in Developer mode. If specified, the update URL should point to an Update Manifest XML document ( ). The update URL should use one of the following schemes: http, https or file. By default, the Chrome Web Store's update URL is used. The update URL set in this policy is only used for the initial installation; subsequent updates of the extension use the update URL in the extension's manifest. The update url for subsequent updates can be overridden using the ExtensionSettings policy, see

On Microsoft® Windows® instances, apps and extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store can only be forced installed if the instance is joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS instances, apps and extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store can only be force installed if the instance is managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Note: This policy doesn't apply to Incognito mode. Read about hosting extensions ( ).

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

Android apps can be force-installed from the Google Admin console using Google Play. They do not use this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist\1 = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist\2 = "abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop"
[ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;", "abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop" ]
<array> <string>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;</string> <string>abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionInstallForcelistDesc" value="1&#xF000;aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;;2&#xF000;abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop"/>
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Configure extension, app, and user script install sources
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 21
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 21
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 21
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 21
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies which URLs may install extensions, apps, and themes. Before Google Chrome 21, users could click on a link to a *.crx file, and Google Chrome would offer to install the file after a few warnings. Afterwards, such files must be downloaded and dragged to the Google Chrome settings page. This setting allows specific URLs to have the old, easier installation flow.

Each item in this list is an extension-style match pattern (see Users can easily install items from any URL that matches an item in this list. Both the location of the *.crx file and the page where the download is started from (the referrer) must be allowed by these patterns.

ExtensionInstallBlocklist takes precedence over this policy. That is, an extension on the blocklist won't be installed, even if it happens from a site on this list.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallSources\1 = "*"
[ "*" ]
<array> <string>*</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionInstallSourcesDesc" value="1&#xF000;*"/>
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Blocklist for install types of extensions
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

The blocklist controls which extensions install types are disallowed.

Setting "command_line" will block extension from being loaded from command line.

  • "command_line" = Blocks extensions from being loaded from command line
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallTypeBlocklist\1 = "command_line"
[ "command_line" ]
<array> <string>command_line</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionInstallTypeBlocklist" value=""command_line""/>
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Control Manifest v2 extension availability
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 110
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 110
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 110
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 110
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Control if Manifest v2 extensions can be used by browser.

Manifest v2 extensions support will be deprecated and all extensions need to be migrated to v3 in the future. More information and timeline of the migration can be found at

If the policy is set to Default (0) or not set, v2 extensions loading are decided by browser, following the timeline above. If the policy is set to Disable (1), v2 extensions installation are blocked, existing ones are disabled. The option is going to be treated the same as if the policy is not set after v2 support is turned off by default. If the policy is set to Enable (2), v2 extensions are allowed. The option is going to be treated the same as if the policy is not set before v2 support is turned off by default. If the policy is set to EnableForForcedExtensions (3), force installed v2 extensions are allowed. This includes extensions that are listed by ExtensionInstallForcelist or ExtensionSettings with installation_mode "force_installed" or "normal_installed". All other v2 extensions are disabled. The option is always available regardless of the migration state.

Extensions availability are still controlled by other policies.

  • 0 = Default browser behavior
  • 1 = Manifest v2 is disabled
  • 2 = Manifest v2 is enabled
  • 3 = Manifest v2 is enabled for forced extensions only
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionManifestV2Availability" value="2"/>
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Configure additional OAuth redirect URLs per extension
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 118
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting this policy specifies, for each affected extension, a list of OAuth redirect URLs that can be used by extensions with the identity API ( in addition to the standard https://<extension id> redirect URL.

Leaving the policy unset, or providing an empty list of URLs means that all the apps or extensions may only use the standard redirect URL when using the identity API.

{ "additionalProperties": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "type": "object" }
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Extension management settings
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 62
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 62
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 62
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 62
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy controls extension management settings for Google Chrome, including any controlled by existing extension-related policies. The policy supersedes any legacy policies that might be set.

This policy maps an extension ID or an update URL to its specific setting only. A default configuration can be set for the special ID "*", which applies to all extensions without a custom configuration in this policy. With an update URL, configuration applies to extensions with the exact update URL stated in the extension manifest ( ). If the 'override_update_url' flag is set to true, the extension is installed and updated using the "update" URL specified in the ExtensionInstallForcelist policy or in 'update_url' field in this policy. The flag 'override_update_url' is ignored if the 'update_url' is a Chrome Web Store url.

On Microsoft® Windows® instances, apps and extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store can only be forced installed if the instance is joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS instances, apps and extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store can only be force installed if the instance is managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

{ "patternProperties": { "^[a-p]{32}(?:,[a-p]{32})*,?$": { "properties": { "allowed_permissions": { "id": "ListOfPermissions", "items": { "pattern": "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9.]*$", "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "blocked_install_message": { "description": "text that will be displayed to the user in the chrome webstore if installation is blocked.", "type": "string" }, "blocked_permissions": { "items": { "pattern": "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9.]*$", "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "file_url_navigation_allowed": { "type": "boolean" }, "installation_mode": { "enum": [ "blocked", "allowed", "force_installed", "normal_installed", "removed" ], "type": "string" }, "minimum_version_required": { "pattern": "^[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)*$", "type": "string" }, "override_update_url": { "type": "boolean" }, "runtime_allowed_hosts": { "id": "ListOfUrlPatterns", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "runtime_blocked_hosts": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "toolbar_pin": { "enum": [ "force_pinned", "default_unpinned" ], "type": "string" }, "update_url": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "^update_url:": { "properties": { "allowed_permissions": { "items": { "pattern": "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9.]*$", "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "blocked_permissions": { "items": { "pattern": "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9.]*$", "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "installation_mode": { "enum": [ "blocked", "allowed", "removed" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" } }, "properties": { "*": { "properties": { "allowed_types": { "items": { "enum": [ "extension", "theme", "user_script", "hosted_app", "legacy_packaged_app", "platform_app" ], "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "blocked_install_message": { "type": "string" }, "blocked_permissions": { "items": { "pattern": "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9.]*$", "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "install_sources": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "installation_mode": { "enum": [ "blocked", "allowed", "removed" ], "type": "string" }, "runtime_allowed_hosts": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "runtime_blocked_hosts": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }
Expanded schema description:
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionSettings = { "*": { "allowed_types": [ "hosted_app" ], "blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "blocked_permissions": [ "downloads", "bookmarks" ], "install_sources": [ "https://company-intranet/chromeapps" ], "installation_mode": "blocked", "runtime_allowed_hosts": [ "*://" ], "runtime_blocked_hosts": [ "*://*" ] }, "abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop": { "blocked_permissions": [ "history" ], "file_url_navigation_allowed": true, "installation_mode": "allowed", "minimum_version_required": "1.0.1", "toolbar_pin": "force_pinned" }, "bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa": { "allowed_permissions": [ "downloads" ], "installation_mode": "force_installed", "runtime_allowed_hosts": [ "*://" ], "runtime_blocked_hosts": [ "*://*" ], "update_url": "" }, "cdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopab": { "blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "installation_mode": "blocked" }, "defghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabc,efghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcd": { "blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "installation_mode": "blocked" }, "fghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcde": { "blocked_install_message": "Custom removal message.", "installation_mode": "removed" }, "ghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcdef": { "installation_mode": "force_installed", "override_update_url": true, "update_url": "" }, "update_url:": { "allowed_permissions": [ "downloads" ], "blocked_permissions": [ "wallpaper" ], "installation_mode": "allowed" } }
ExtensionSettings: { "*": { "allowed_types": [ "hosted_app" ], "blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "blocked_permissions": [ "downloads", "bookmarks" ], "install_sources": [ "https://company-intranet/chromeapps" ], "installation_mode": "blocked", "runtime_allowed_hosts": [ "*://" ], "runtime_blocked_hosts": [ "*://*" ] }, "abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop": { "blocked_permissions": [ "history" ], "file_url_navigation_allowed": true, "installation_mode": "allowed", "minimum_version_required": "1.0.1", "toolbar_pin": "force_pinned" }, "bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa": { "allowed_permissions": [ "downloads" ], "installation_mode": "force_installed", "runtime_allowed_hosts": [ "*://" ], "runtime_blocked_hosts": [ "*://*" ], "update_url": "" }, "cdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopab": { "blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "installation_mode": "blocked" }, "defghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabc,efghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcd": { "blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "installation_mode": "blocked" }, "fghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcde": { "blocked_install_message": "Custom removal message.", "installation_mode": "removed" }, "ghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcdef": { "installation_mode": "force_installed", "override_update_url": true, "update_url": "" }, "update_url:": { "allowed_permissions": [ "downloads" ], "blocked_permissions": [ "wallpaper" ], "installation_mode": "allowed" } }
<key>ExtensionSettings</key> <dict> <key>*</key> <dict> <key>allowed_types</key> <array> <string>hosted_app</string> </array> <key>blocked_install_message</key> <string>Custom error message.</string> <key>blocked_permissions</key> <array> <string>downloads</string> <string>bookmarks</string> </array> <key>install_sources</key> <array> <string>https://company-intranet/chromeapps</string> </array> <key>installation_mode</key> <string>blocked</string> <key>runtime_allowed_hosts</key> <array> <string>*://</string> </array> <key>runtime_blocked_hosts</key> <array> <string>*://*</string> </array> </dict> <key>abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop</key> <dict> <key>blocked_permissions</key> <array> <string>history</string> </array> <key>file_url_navigation_allowed</key> <true/> <key>installation_mode</key> <string>allowed</string> <key>minimum_version_required</key> <string>1.0.1</string> <key>toolbar_pin</key> <string>force_pinned</string> </dict> <key>bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa</key> <dict> <key>allowed_permissions</key> <array> <string>downloads</string> </array> <key>installation_mode</key> <string>force_installed</string> <key>runtime_allowed_hosts</key> <array> <string>*://</string> </array> <key>runtime_blocked_hosts</key> <array> <string>*://*</string> </array> <key>update_url</key> <string></string> </dict> <key>cdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopab</key> <dict> <key>blocked_install_message</key> <string>Custom error message.</string> <key>installation_mode</key> <string>blocked</string> </dict> <key>defghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabc,efghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcd</key> <dict> <key>blocked_install_message</key> <string>Custom error message.</string> <key>installation_mode</key> <string>blocked</string> </dict> <key>fghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcde</key> <dict> <key>blocked_install_message</key> <string>Custom removal message.</string> <key>installation_mode</key> <string>removed</string> </dict> <key>ghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcdef</key> <dict> <key>installation_mode</key> <string>force_installed</string> <key>override_update_url</key> <true/> <key>update_url</key> <string></string> </dict> <key>update_url:</key> <dict> <key>allowed_permissions</key> <array> <string>downloads</string> </array> <key>blocked_permissions</key> <array> <string>wallpaper</string> </array> <key>installation_mode</key> <string>allowed</string> </dict> </dict>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionSettings" value=""*": {"allowed_types": ["hosted_app"], "blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "blocked_permissions": ["downloads", "bookmarks"], "install_sources": ["https://company-intranet/chromeapps"], "installation_mode": "blocked", "runtime_allowed_hosts": ["*://"], "runtime_blocked_hosts": ["*://*"]}, "abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop": {"blocked_permissions": ["history"], "installation_mode": "allowed", "minimum_version_required": "1.0.1", "toolbar_pin": "force_pinned", "file_url_navigation_allowed": true}, "bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa": {"allowed_permissions": ["downloads"], "installation_mode": "force_installed", "runtime_allowed_hosts": ["*://"], "runtime_blocked_hosts": ["*://*"], "update_url": ""}, "cdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopab": {"blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "installation_mode": "blocked"}, "defghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabc,efghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcd": {"blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "installation_mode": "blocked"}, "fghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcde": {"blocked_install_message": "Custom removal message.", "installation_mode": "removed"}, "ghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcdef": {"installation_mode": "force_installed", "override_update_url": true, "update_url": ""}, "update_url:": {"allowed_permissions": ["downloads"], "blocked_permissions": ["wallpaper"], "installation_mode": "allowed"}"/>
Back to top


Control availability of extensions unpublished on the Chrome Web Store.
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 115
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 115
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 115
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 115
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this policy is enabled, extensions that are unpublished on the Chrome Web Store will be disabled in Google Chrome. This policy only applies to extensions that are installed and updated from the Chrome Web Store.

Off-store extensions such as unpacked extensions installed using developer mode and extensions installed using the command-line switch are ignored. Force-installed extensions that are self-hosted are ignored. All version-pinned extensions are also ignored.

If the policy is set to AllowUnpublished (0) or not set, extensions that are unpublished on the Chrome Web Store are allowed. If the policy is set to DisableUnpublished (1), extensions that are unpublished on the Chrome Web Store are disabled.

  • 0 = Allow unpublished extensions
  • 1 = Disable unpublished extensions
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExtensionUnpublishedAvailability" value="1"/>
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Extensions that have to be allowed to run in Incognito by the user in order to navigate in Incognito mode
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 114
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy allows administrators to configure a list of extension ids required for Incognito mode navigation.

The user must explicitly allow all extensions in this list to run in Incognito mode, otherwise navigation in Incognito is not allowed.

If an extension specified in this policy is not installed, Incognito navigation is blocked.

This policy is applied to the Incognito mode. This means Incognito must be enabled in the browser. If Incognito mode is disabled via the policy IncognitoModeAvailability, this policy has no effect.

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First-Party Sets Settings

Controls policies for the First-Party Sets feature.
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Enable First-Party Sets.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 113
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is provided as a way to opt-out of the First-Party Sets feature.

When this policy is unset or set to Enabled, the First-Party Sets feature is enabled.

When this policy is set to Disabled, the First-Party Sets feature is disabled.

It controls whether Chrome supports First-Party Sets related integrations.

This is the equivalent of the RelatedWebsiteSetsEnabled policy. Either policy may be used, but this one will be deprecated soon so the RelatedWebsiteSetsEnabled policy is preferred. They both have the same effect on the browser's behavior.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Override First-Party Sets.
Data type:
Dictionary [Android:string, Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 113
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This policy provides a way to override the list of sets the browser uses for First-Party Sets features.

Each set in the browser's list of First-Party Sets must meet the requirements of a First-Party Set. A First-Party Set must contain a primary site and one or more member sites. A set can also contain a list of service sites that it owns, as well as a map from a site to all of its ccTLD variants. See for more information on First-Party Sets are used by Google Chrome.

All sites in a First-Party Set must be a registrable domain served over HTTPS. Each site in a First-Party Set must also be unique, meaning a site cannot be listed more than once in a First-Party Set.

When this policy is given an empty dictionary, the browser uses the public list of First-Party Sets.

For all sites in a First-Party Set from the replacements list, if a site is also present on a First-Party Set in the browser's list, then that site will be removed from the browser's First-Party Set. After this, the policy's First-Party Set will be added to the browser's list of First-Party Sets.

For all sites in a First-Party Set from the additions list, if a site is also present on a First-Party Set in the browser's list, then the browser's First-Party Set will be updated so that the new First-Party Set can be added to the browser's list. After the browser's list has been updated, the policy's First-Party Set will be added to the browser's list of First-Party Sets.

The browser's list of First-Party Sets requires that for all sites in its list, no site is in more than one set. This is also required for both the replacements list and the additions list. Similarly, a site cannot be in both the replacements list and the additions list.

Wildcards (*) are not supported as a policy value, nor within any First-Party Set in these lists.

All sets provided by the policy must be valid First-Party Sets, if they aren't then an appropriate error will be outputted.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

This is the equivalent of the RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides policy. Either policy may be used, but this one will be deprecated soon so the RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides policy is preferred. They both have the same effect on the browser's behavior.

{ "properties": { "additions": { "items": { "properties": { "associatedSites": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "ccTLDs": { "additionalProperties": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "type": "object" }, "primary": { "type": "string" }, "serviceSites": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "primary", "associatedSites" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "replacements": { "items": { "properties": { "associatedSites": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "ccTLDs": { "additionalProperties": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "type": "object" }, "primary": { "type": "string" }, "serviceSites": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "primary", "associatedSites" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FirstPartySetsOverrides = { "additions": [ { "associatedSites": [ "https://associate2.test" ], "ccTLDs": { "https://associate2.test": [ "" ] }, "primary": "https://primary2.test", "serviceSites": [ "https://associate2-content.test" ] } ], "replacements": [ { "associatedSites": [ "https://associate1.test" ], "ccTLDs": { "https://associate1.test": [ "" ] }, "primary": "https://primary1.test", "serviceSites": [ "https://associate1-content.test" ] } ] }
FirstPartySetsOverrides: { "additions": [ { "associatedSites": [ "https://associate2.test" ], "ccTLDs": { "https://associate2.test": [ "" ] }, "primary": "https://primary2.test", "serviceSites": [ "https://associate2-content.test" ] } ], "replacements": [ { "associatedSites": [ "https://associate1.test" ], "ccTLDs": { "https://associate1.test": [ "" ] }, "primary": "https://primary1.test", "serviceSites": [ "https://associate1-content.test" ] } ] }
<key>FirstPartySetsOverrides</key> <dict> <key>additions</key> <array> <dict> <key>associatedSites</key> <array> <string>https://associate2.test</string> </array> <key>ccTLDs</key> <dict> <key>https://associate2.test</key> <array> <string></string> </array> </dict> <key>primary</key> <string>https://primary2.test</string> <key>serviceSites</key> <array> <string>https://associate2-content.test</string> </array> </dict> </array> <key>replacements</key> <array> <dict> <key>associatedSites</key> <array> <string>https://associate1.test</string> </array> <key>ccTLDs</key> <dict> <key>https://associate1.test</key> <array> <string></string> </array> </dict> <key>primary</key> <string>https://primary1.test</string> <key>serviceSites</key> <array> <string>https://associate1-content.test</string> </array> </dict> </array> </dict>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="FirstPartySetsOverrides" value=""additions": [{"associatedSites": ["https://associate2.test"], "ccTLDs": {"https://associate2.test": [""]}, "primary": "https://primary2.test", "serviceSites": ["https://associate2-content.test"]}], "replacements": [{"associatedSites": ["https://associate1.test"], "ccTLDs": {"https://associate1.test": [""]}, "primary": "https://primary1.test", "serviceSites": ["https://associate1-content.test"]}]"/>
Back to top

Gaia user identity management settings

Controls settings for users authenticated againts Gaia without SAML.
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Limit the time for which a user authenticated via GAIA without SAML can log in offline
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

During login, Google ChromeOS can authenticate against a server (online) or using a cached password (offline).

When this policy is set to a value of -1, this policy will not enforce online authentication and will allow the user to use offline authentication until a different reason than this policy enforces an online login. If the policy is set to a value of 0, online login will always be required. When this policy is set to any other value, it specifies the length of time since the last online authentication after which the user must use online authentication again in the next sign-in.

Leaving this policy not set will make Google ChromeOS use offline login.

This policy affects only users who authenticated using GAIA without SAML.

The policy value should be specified in days.

  • Minimum:-1
  • Maximum:365
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Generative AI

Configure the various features that use Generative AI.
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Settings for Create Themes with AI
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 121
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 121
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 121
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 121
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Create Themes with AI lets users create custom themes/wallpapers by preselecting from a list of options.

0 = Enable the feature for users, and send relevant data to Google to help train or improve AI models. Relevant data may include prompts, inputs, outputs, and source materials, depending on the feature. It may be reviewed by humans for the sole purpose of improving AI models. 0 is the default value, except when noted below.

1 = Enable the feature for users, but do not send data to Google to train or improve AI models. 1 is the default value for Enterprise users managed by Google Admin console and for Education accounts managed by Google Workspace.

2 = Disable the feature.

For more information on data handling for generative AI features, please see

  • 0 = Allow Create Themes and improve AI models.
  • 1 = Allow Create Themes without improving AI models.
  • 2 = Do not allow Create Themes.
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="CreateThemesSettings" value="2"/>
Back to top


Settings for DevTools Generative AI Features
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 125
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 125
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 125
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 125
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

These features in Google Chrome's DevTools employ generative AI models to provide additional debugging information. To use these features, Google Chrome has to collect data such as error messages, stack traces, code snippets, and network requests and send them to a server owned by Google, which runs a generative AI model. Response body or authentication and cookie headers in network requests are not included in the data sent to the server.

0 = Enable the feature for users, and send relevant data to Google to help train or improve AI models. Relevant data may include prompts, inputs, outputs, and source materials, depending on the feature. It may be reviewed by humans for the sole purpose of improving AI models. 0 is the default value, except when noted below.

1 = Enable the feature for users, but do not send data to Google to train or improve AI models. 1 is the default value for Enterprise users managed by Google Admin console and for Education accounts managed by Google Workspace.

2 = Disable the feature.

DevTools Generative AI features include:

- Console Insights: explains console messages and offers suggestions on how to fix console errors. - AI assistance: helps users to understand CSS styles with AI-powered insights.

  • 0 = Allow DevTools Generative AI Features and improve AI models.
  • 1 = Allow DevTools Generative AI Features without improving AI models.
  • 2 = Do not allow DevTools Generative AI Features.
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DevToolsGenAiSettings" value="2"/>
Back to top


Settings for GenAI local foundational model
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 124
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Configure how Google Chrome downloads the foundational GenAI model and uses for inference locally.

When the policy is set to Allowed (0) or not set, the model is downloaded automatically, and used for inference.

When the policy is set to Disabled (1), the model will not be downloaded.

Model downloading can also be disabled by ComponentUpdatesEnabled.

  • 0 = Downloads model automatically
  • 1 = Do not download model
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="GenAILocalFoundationalModelSettings" value="1"/>
Back to top


Settings for Generative AI VC Background feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 130
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Generative AI VC Background allows users to self-express using generative AI features to create personalized video conferencing backgrounds in Google Chrome.

0 = Enable the feature for users, and send relevant data to Google to help train or improve AI models. Relevant data may include prompts, inputs, outputs, and source materials, depending on the feature. It may be reviewed by humans for the sole purpose of improving AI models. 0 is the default value, except when noted below.

1 = Enable the feature for users, but do not send data to Google to train or improve AI models. 1 is the default value for Enterprise users managed by Google Admin console and for Education accounts managed by Google Workspace.

2 = Disable the feature.

For more information on data handling for generative AI features, please see

  • 0 = Allow Generative AI VC Background and improve AI models
  • 1 = Allow Generative AI VC Background without improving AI models
  • 2 = Do not allow Generative AI VC Background
Back to top


Settings for Generative AI Wallpaper feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 130
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Generative AI Wallpaper allows users to self-express using generative AI features to create personalized wallpapers in Google Chrome.

0 = Enable the feature for users, and send relevant data to Google to help train or improve AI models. Relevant data may include prompts, inputs, outputs, and source materials, depending on the feature. It may be reviewed by humans for the sole purpose of improving AI models. 0 is the default value, except when noted below.

1 = Enable the feature for users, but do not send data to Google to train or improve AI models. 1 is the default value for Enterprise users managed by Google Admin console and for Education accounts managed by Google Workspace.

2 = Disable the feature.

For more information on data handling for generative AI features, please see

  • 0 = Allow Generative AI VC Background and improve AI models
  • 1 = Allow Generative AI Wallpaper without improving AI models
  • 2 = Do not allow Generative AI Wallpaper
Back to top


Settings for Help Me Read feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 130
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls the settings of the Help Me Read feature for Google Chrome.

0 = Enable the feature for users, and send relevant data to Google to help train or improve AI models. Relevant data may include prompts, inputs, outputs, and source materials, depending on the feature. It may be reviewed by humans for the sole purpose of improving AI models. 0 is the default value, except when noted below.

1 = Enable the feature for users, but do not send data to Google to train or improve AI models. 1 is the default value for Enterprise users managed by Google Admin console and for Education accounts managed by Google Workspace.

2 = Disable the feature.

  • 0 = Allow Help Me Read and improve AI models.
  • 1 = Allow Help Me Read without improving AI models.
  • 2 = Do not allow Help Me Read.
Back to top


Settings for Help Me Write
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 121
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 121
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 121
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 121
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Help Me Write is an AI-based writing assistant for short-form content on the web. Suggested content is based on prompts entered by the user and the content of the web page.

0 = Enable the feature for users, and send relevant data to Google to help train or improve AI models. Relevant data may include prompts, inputs, outputs, and source materials, depending on the feature. It may be reviewed by humans for the sole purpose of improving AI models. 0 is the default value, except when noted below.

1 = Enable the feature for users, but do not send data to Google to train or improve AI models. 1 is the default value for Enterprise users managed by Google Admin console and for Education accounts managed by Google Workspace.

2 = Disable the feature.

For more information on data handling for generative AI features, please see

  • 0 = Allow Help Me Write and improve AI models.
  • 1 = Allow Help Me Write without improving AI models.
  • 2 = Do not allow Help Me Write.
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="HelpMeWriteSettings" value="2"/>
Back to top


Settings for AI-powered History Search
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 128
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

AI History Search is a feature that allows users to search their browsing history and receive generated answers based on page contents and not just the page title and URL.

0 = Enable the feature for users, and send relevant data to Google to help train or improve AI models. Relevant data may include prompts, inputs, outputs, and source materials, depending on the feature. It may be reviewed by humans for the sole purpose of improving AI models. 0 is the default value, except when noted below.

1 = Enable the feature for users, but do not send data to Google to train or improve AI models. 1 is the default value for Enterprise users managed by Google Admin console and for Education accounts managed by Google Workspace.

2 = Disable the feature.

If the policy is unset, the default behavior is 0 for regular consumer users and 2 for managed users on Google ChromeOS.

For more information on data handling for generative AI features, please see

  • 0 = Allow AI History Search and improve AI models.
  • 1 = Allow AI History Search without improving AI models.
  • 2 = Do not allow AI History Search.
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="HistorySearchSettings" value="2"/>
Back to top


Tab Compare settings
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 129
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 129
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 129
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 129
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Tab Compare is an AI-powered tool for comparing information across a user's tabs. As an example, the feature can be offered to the user when multiple tabs with products in a similar category are open.

0 = Enable the feature for users, and send relevant data to Google to help train or improve AI models. Relevant data may include prompts, inputs, outputs, and source materials, depending on the feature. It may be reviewed by humans for the sole purpose of improving AI models. 0 is the default value, except when noted below.

1 = Enable the feature for users, but do not send data to Google to train or improve AI models. 1 is the default value for Enterprise users managed by Google Admin console and for Education accounts managed by Google Workspace.

2 = Disable the feature.

  • 0 = Allow Tab Compare and improve AI models.
  • 1 = Allow Tab Compare without improving AI models.
  • 2 = Do not allow Tab Compare.
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="TabCompareSettings" value="2"/>
Back to top


Settings for Tab Organizer
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 121
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 121
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 121
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 121
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Tab Organizer is an AI-based tool that automatically creates tab groups based on a user's open tabs. Suggestions are based on open tabs (but not page content).

0 = Enable the feature for users, and send relevant data to Google to help train or improve AI models. Relevant data may include prompts, inputs, outputs, and source materials, depending on the feature. It may be reviewed by humans for the sole purpose of improving AI models. 0 is the default value, except when noted below.

1 = Enable the feature for users, but do not send data to Google to train or improve AI models. 1 is the default value for Enterprise users managed by Google Admin console and for Education accounts managed by Google Workspace.

2 = Disable the feature.

For more information on data handling for generative AI features, please see

  • 0 = Allow Tab Organizer and improve AI models.
  • 1 = Allow Tab Organizer without improving AI models.
  • 2 = Do not allow Tab Organizer.
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="TabOrganizerSettings" value="2"/>
Back to top

Google Assistant

Controls settings for Google Assistant.
Back to top


Enable Google Assistant voice match flow
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled lets show Google Assistant voice match flow during initial setup. Setting the policy to Disabled keeps Google Assistant from showing voice match flow during initial setup.

Leaving the policy unset means it is Enabled.

Back to top


Allow Google Assistant to access screen context
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled lets Google Assistant access screen context and send that data to a server. Setting the policy to Disabled keeps Google Assistant from screen context.

Leaving the policy unset lets users decide to turn this feature on or off.

Back to top


Allow Google Assistant to listen for the voice activation phrase
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled lets Google Assistant listen for the voice activation phrase. Setting the policy to Disabled keeps Google Assistant from listening for the phrase.

Leaving the policy unset lets users decide to turn this feature on or off.

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Google Cast

Configure policies for Google Cast, a feature that allows users to send the contents of tabs, sites or the desktop from the browser to remote displays and sound systems.
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Specifies how long (in seconds) a cast device selected with an access code or QR code stays in the Google Cast menu's list of cast devices.
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 103
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 103
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy specifies how long (in seconds) a cast device that was previously selected via an access code or QR code can be seen within the Google Cast menu of cast devices. The lifetime of an entry starts at the time the access code was first entered or the QR code was first scanned. During this period the cast device will appear in the Google Cast menu's list of cast devices. After this period, in order to use the cast device again the access code must be reentered or the QR code must be rescanned. By default, the period is zero seconds, so cast devices will not stay in the Google Cast menu, and so the access code must be reentered, or the QR code rescanned, in order to initiate a new casting session. Note that this policy only affects how long a cast devices appears in the Google Cast menu, and has no effect on any ongoing cast session which will continue even if the period expires. This policy has no effect unless the AccessCodeCastEnabled policy is Enabled.

Example value:
0x0000003c (Windows), 60 (Linux), 60 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AccessCodeCastDeviceDuration" value="60"/>
Back to top


Allow users to select cast devices with an access code or QR code from within the Google Cast menu.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 102
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 102
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 102
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 102
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether a user will be presented with an option, within the Google Cast menu which allows them to cast to cast devices that do not appear in the Google Cast menu, using either the access code or QR code displayed on the cast devices's screen. By default, a user must reenter the access code or rescan the QR code in order to initiate a subsequent casting session, but if the AccessCodeCastDeviceDuration policy has been set to a non-zero value (the default is zero), then the cast device will remain in the list of available cast devices until the specified period of time has expired. When this policy is set to Enabled, users will be presented with the option to select cast devices by using an access code or by scanning a QR code. When this policy is set to Disabled or not set, users will not be given the option to select cast devices by using an access code or by scanning a QR code.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable Google Cast
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 52
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 52
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 52
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 52
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 52
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset turns on Google Cast, which users can launch from the app menu, page context menus, media controls on Cast-enabled websites, and (if shown) the Cast toolbar icon.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns off Google Cast.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow Google Cast to connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 67
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 67
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Unless EnableMediaRouter is set to Disabled, setting MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs to Enabled connects Google Cast to Cast devices on all IP addresses, not just RFC1918/RFC4193 private addresses.

Setting the policy to Disabled connects Google Cast to Cast devices only on RFC1918/RFC4193.

Leaving the policy unset connects Google Cast to Cast devices only on RFC1918/RFC4193, unless the CastAllowAllIPs feature is turned on.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Show the Google Cast toolbar icon
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 58
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 58
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 58
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 58
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled displays the Cast toolbar icon on the toolbar or the overflow menu, and users can't remove it.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset lets users pin or remove the icon through its contextual menu.

If the policy EnableMediaRouter is set to Disabled, then this policy's value has no effect, and the toolbar icon doesn't appear.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Show media controls for Google Cast sessions started by other devices on the local network
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 110
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 110
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 110
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 110
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

When this policy is enabled, media playback controls UI is available for Google Cast sessions started by other devices on the local network.

When this policy is unset for enterprise users or is disabled, media playback controls UI is unavailable for Google Cast sessions started by other devices on the local network.

If the policy EnableMediaRouter is disabled, then this policy's value has no effect, as the entire Google Cast functionality is disabled.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

HTTP authentication

Policies related to integrated HTTP authentication.
Back to top


List of origins allowing all HTTP authentication
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 100
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies for which origins to allow all the HTTP authentication schemes Google Chrome supports regardless of the AuthSchemes policy.

Format the origin pattern according to this format ( Up to 1,000 exceptions can be defined in AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins. Wildcards are allowed for the whole origin or parts of the origin, either the scheme, host, port.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins\1 = "*"
[ "*" ]
<array> <string>*</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOriginsDesc" value="1&#xF000;*"/>
Back to top


Cross-origin HTTP Authentication prompts
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 13
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 13
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 13
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 62
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled allows third-party images on a page to show an authentication prompt.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset renders third-party images unable to show an authentication prompt.

Typically, this policy is Disabled as a phishing defense.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Account type for HTTP Negotiate authentication
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 46
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 49
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies the type of accounts provided by the Android authentication app that supports HTTP Negotiate authentication (such as Kerberos authentication). This information should be available from the supplier of the authentication app. For details, see The Chromium Projects ( )

Leaving the policy unset turns off HTTP Negotiate authentication on Android.

Example value:
Back to top


Kerberos delegation server allowlist
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy assigns servers that Google Chrome may delegate to. Separate multiple server names with commas. Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Leaving the policy unset means Google Chrome won't delegate user credentials, even if a server is detected as intranet.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist" value="*,"/>
Back to top


Use KDC policy to delegate credentials.
Data type:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 74
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 74
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled means HTTP authentication respects approval by KDC policy. In other words, Google Chrome delegates user credentials to the service being accessed if the KDC sets OK-AS-DELEGATE on the service ticket. See RFC 5896 ( ). The service should also be allowed by AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means KDC policy is ignored on supported platforms and only AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist is respected.

On Microsoft® Windows®, KDC policy is always respected.

Example value:
true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Back to top


Supported authentication schemes
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 46
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 62
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies which HTTP authentication schemes Google Chrome supports.

Leaving the policy unset employs all 4 schemes.

Valid values:

* basic

* digest

* ntlm

* negotiate

Note: Separate multiple values with commas.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AuthSchemes" value="basic,digest,ntlm,negotiate"/>
Back to top


Authentication server allowlist
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 86
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies which servers should be allowed for integrated authentication. Integrated authentication is only on when Google Chrome gets an authentication challenge from a proxy or from a server in this permitted list.

Leaving the policy unset means Google Chrome tries to detect if a server is on the intranet. Only then will it respond to IWA requests. If a server is detected as internet, then Google Chrome ignores IWA requests from it.

Note: Separate multiple server names with commas. Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AuthServerAllowlist" value="*,"/>
Back to top


Allow Basic authentication for HTTP
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 88
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset will allow Basic authentication challenges received over non-secure HTTP.

Setting the policy to Disabled forbids non-secure HTTP requests from using the Basic authentication scheme; only secure HTTPS is allowed.

This policy setting is ignored (and Basic is always forbidden) if the AuthSchemes policy is set and does not include Basic.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Disable CNAME lookup when negotiating Kerberos authentication
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 46
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 62
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled skips CNAME lookup. The server name is used as entered when generating the Kerberos SPN.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means CNAME lookup determines the canonical name of the server when generating the Kerberos SPN.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Include non-standard port in Kerberos SPN
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 9
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 62
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled and entering a nonstandard port (in other words, a port other than 80 or 443) includes it in the generated Kerberos SPN.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means the generated Kerberos SPN won't include a port.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


GSSAPI library name
Data type:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 9
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies which GSSAPI library to use for HTTP authentication. Set the policy to either a library name or a full path.

Leaving the policy unset means Google Chrome uses a default library name.

Example value:
Back to top


Enable NTLMv2 authentication.
Data type:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 63
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 63
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 63
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 63
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 63
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset turns NTLMv2 on.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns NTLMv2 off.

All recent versions of Samba and Microsoft® Windows® servers support NTLMv2. This should only be turned off for backward compatibility as it reduces the security of authentication.

Example value:
true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Back to top

Idle Browser Actions

Controls actions that run when the browser is idle.
Back to top


Delay before running idle actions
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Triggers an action when the computer is idle.

If this policy is set, it specifies the length of time without user input (in minutes) before the browser runs actions configured via the IdleTimeoutActions policy.

If this policy is not set, no action will be ran.

The minimum threshold is 1 minute.

"User input" is defined by Operating System APIs, and includes things like moving the mouse or typing on the keyboard.

  • Minimum:1
Example value:
0x0000001e (Windows), 30 (Linux), 30 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="IdleTimeout" value="30"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : BrowserIdle
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Actions to run when the computer is idle
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

List of actions to run when the timeout from the IdleTimeout policy is reached.

Warning: Setting this policy can impact and permanently remove local personal data. It is recommended to test your settings before deploying to prevent accidental deletion of personal data.

If the IdleTimeout policy is unset, this policy has no effect.

When the timeout from the IdleTimeout policy is reached, the browser runs the actions configured in this policy.

If this policy is empty or left unset, the IdleTimeout policy has no effect.

Supported actions are:

'close_browsers': close all browser windows and PWAs for this profile. Not supported on Android and iOS.

'close_tabs': close all open tabs in open windows. Only supported on iOS.

'show_profile_picker': show the Profile Picker window. Not supported on Android and iOS.

'sign_out': Signs out the current signed in user. Only supported on iOS.

'clear_browsing_history', 'clear_download_history', 'clear_cookies_and_other_site_data', 'clear_cached_images_and_files', 'clear_password_signing', 'clear_autofill', 'clear_site_settings', 'clear_hosted_app_data': clear the corresponding browsing data. See the ClearBrowsingDataOnExitList policy for more details. The types supported on iOS are 'clear_browsing_history', 'clear_cookies_and_other_site_data', 'clear_cached_images_and_files', 'clear_password_signing', and 'clear_autofill'

'reload_pages': reload all webpages. For some pages, the user may be prompted for confirmation first. Not supported on iOS.

Setting 'clear_browsing_history', 'clear_password_signing', 'clear_autofill', and 'clear_site_settings' will disable sync for the respective data types if neither `Chrome Sync` is disabled by setting the SyncDisabled policy nor BrowserSignin is disabled.

  • "close_browsers" = Close Browsers
  • "show_profile_picker" = Show Profile Picker
  • "clear_browsing_history" = Clear Browsing History
  • "clear_download_history" = Clear Download History
  • "clear_cookies_and_other_site_data" = Clear Cookies and Other Site Data
  • "clear_cached_images_and_files" = Clear Cached Images and Files
  • "clear_password_signin" = Clear Password Signin
  • "clear_autofill" = Clear Autofill
  • "clear_site_settings" = Clear Site Settings
  • "clear_hosted_app_data" = Clear Hosted App Data
  • "reload_pages" = Reload Pages
  • "sign_out" = Sign Out
  • "close_tabs" = Close Tabs
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\IdleTimeoutActions\1 = "close_browsers" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\IdleTimeoutActions\2 = "show_profile_picker"
[ "close_browsers", "show_profile_picker" ]
<array> <string>close_browsers</string> <string>show_profile_picker</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="IdleTimeoutActions" value=""close_browsers", "show_profile_picker""/>
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Policies related to Kerberos authentication.
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Configure Kerberos accounts
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Adds prefilled Kerberos accounts. If the Kerberos credentials match the login credentials, an account can be configured to reuse the login credentials by specifying '${LOGIN_EMAIL}' and ${PASSWORD}' for principal and password, respectively, so that the Kerberos ticket can be retrieved automatically, unless two-factor authentication is configured. Users cannot modify accounts added via this policy.

If this policy is enabled, the list of accounts defined by the policy is added to the Kerberos Accounts settings.

If this policy is disabled or not set, no accounts are added to the Kerberos Accounts settings and all accounts previously added with this policy are removed. Users may still add accounts manually if the 'Users can add Kerberos accounts' policy is enabled.

{ "items": { "properties": { "krb5conf": { "description": "Kerberos configuration (one line per array item), see", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "password": { "description": "Kerberos password. The placeholder ${PASSWORD} is replaced by the login password.", "sensitiveValue": true, "type": "string" }, "principal": { "description": "User principal 'user@realm'. The placeholder ${LOGIN_ID} is replaced by the username 'user'. The placeholder ${LOGIN_EMAIL} is replaced by the full principal 'user@realm'.", "pattern": "^(?:[^@]+@[^@]+)|(?:\\${LOGIN_ID})|(?:\\${LOGIN_EMAIL})$", "type": "string" }, "remember_password_from_policy": { "description": "Whether to remember the Kerberos password value set in this policy item. If not set or set to true, the password is remembered. If set to false, the password is not remembered. Ignored if the password field is not specified for this account. This field is supported since ChromeOS version 116.", "type": "boolean" } }, "required": [ "principal" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
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Users can add Kerberos accounts
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Controls whether users may add Kerberos accounts.

If this policy is enabled or not set, users may add Kerberos accounts via the Kerberos Accounts settings in the Kerberos settings page. Users have full control over accounts they added and may modify or remove them.

If this policy is disabled, users may not add Kerberos accounts. Accounts can only be added via the 'Configure Kerberos accounts' policy. This is an effective way to lock down accounts.

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Prefilled configuration for Kerberos tickets
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Specifies the suggested krb5 configuration for the new manually created tickets.

If the 'KerberosUseCustomPrefilledConfig' policy is enabled, the policy's value is applied as the suggested configuration and shown in the "Advanced" section of the Kerberos authentication dialog. Setting this policy to an empty string, or leaving it unset, will result in deleting the recommended Google ChromeOS configuration.

If the 'KerberosUseCustomPrefilledConfig' policy is disabled, the value of this policy is not used.

Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : KerberosPrefilledConfig
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Autocomplete domain for new Kerberos tickets
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Adds a prefilled domain to the Kerberos authentication dialog.

If this policy is set, the "Kerberos username" field shows the prefilled domain on the right. If the user enters their username it is going to be concatenated with the prefilled domain. If the user's input contains "@", the prefilled domain is not shown and does not affect the input.

If this policy is unset, no additional information is shown and creating the ticket works as usual.

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Enable Kerberos functionality
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Controls whether the Kerberos functionality is enabled. Kerberos is an authentication protocol that can be used to authenticate to web apps and file shares.

If this policy is enabled, Kerberos functionality is enabled. Kerberos accounts can be added either through the 'Configure Kerberos accounts' policy or through the Kerberos Accounts settings in the Kerberos settings page.

If this policy is disabled or not set, the Kerberos Accounts settings are disabled. No Kerberos accounts can be added and Kerberos authentication cannot be used. All existing Kerberos accounts are deleted, all stored passwords are deleted.

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Enable 'Remember password' feature for Kerberos
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Controls whether the 'Remember password' feature is enabled in the Kerberos authentication dialog. Passwords are stored encrypted on disk, only accessible to the Kerberos system daemon and during a user session.

If this policy is enabled or not set, users can decide whether Kerberos passwords are remembered, so that they do not have to be entered again. Kerberos tickets are automatically fetched unless additional authentication is required (two-factor authentication).

If this policy is disabled, passwords are never remembered and all previously stored passwords are removed. Users have to enter their password every time they need to authenticate with the Kerberos system. Depending on server settings, this usually happens between every 8 hours to several months.

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Change the prefilled configuration for Kerberos tickets
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Changes the suggested krb5 configuration for the new manually created tickets.

If this policy is enabled, the value of 'KerberosCustomPrefilledConfig' policy is applied as the suggested configuration and shown in the "Advanced" section of the Kerberos authentication dialog.

If this policy is disabled or not set, the recommended Google ChromeOS configuration is applied instead. Note that it is also shown in the "Advanced" section of the Kerberos authentication dialog.

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Kiosk settings

Controls public session and kiosk account types.
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Allow the auto launched with zero delay kiosk app to control Google ChromeOS version
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 51
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means the value of the required_platform_version manifest key of the zero-delay, autolaunched kiosk app is used as the autoupdate target version prefix.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means the required_platform_version manifest key is ignored and autoupdate proceeds as normal.

Warning: Do not delegate control of the Google ChromeOS version to a kiosk app, because it might prevent the device from getting software updates and critical security fixes. Delegating control of the Google ChromeOS version might leave users at risk.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

If the kiosk app is an Android app, it will have no control over the Google ChromeOS version, even if this policy is set to True.

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Enable bailout keyboard shortcut for auto-login
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 28
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means a device-local account is set up for zero-delay, automatic sign-in. Google ChromeOS honors the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+S for bypassing automatic sign-in and showing the sign-in screen.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't bypass zero-delay automatic sign-in (if configured).

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Device-local account auto-login timer
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy determines the amount of time in milliseconds without user activity before automatically signing in to the device-local account specified by the DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginId policy.

Leaving it unset means 0 milliseconds is used as the timeout.

If the DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginId policy is unset, this policy has no effect.

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Device-local account for auto-login
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy means the specified session is automatically signed if there is no user interaction at the sign-in screen within the time specified in DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginDelay. The device-local account must already be set up (see DeviceLocalAccounts).

Leaving it unset means there's no automatic sign-in.

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Enable network configuration prompt when offline
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 33
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means when a device is offline, if a device-local account is set for zero-delay, automatic sign-in, Google ChromeOS shows a network-configuration prompt.

Setting the policy to Disabled has an error message displayed instead.

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Device-local accounts
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 25
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy specifies the list of device-local accounts to display on the sign-in screen. Identifiers tell the different device-local accounts apart.

If the policy is unset or an empty list, there are no device-local accounts.

Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : Kiosk
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Schedule weekly suspend intervals
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 125
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

This policy establishes a series of weekly intervals for scheduling automated suspension. When an interval starts, the Google ChromeOS device will enter suspend mode, and wake up when the interval ends.

Schedules with overlapping intervals are not supported. This policy will not have any effect if it contains any two overlapping intervals.

Google ChromeOS devices will use the system timezone to apply these intervals.

Important Note: The schedules set by this policy may not occur as expected if they conflict with other power management settings, such as PowerManagementIdleSettings. Ensure these settings are configured to allow the scheduled suspend intervals to take effect.

{ "items": { "description": "Use WeeklyTimeIntervalChecked in new code.", "properties": { "end": { "description": "Use WeeklyTimeChecked in new code.", "properties": { "day_of_week": { "enum": [ "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" ], "type": "string" }, "time": { "description": "Milliseconds since midnight.", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "start": { "description": "Use WeeklyTimeChecked in new code.", "properties": { "day_of_week": { "enum": [ "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" ], "type": "string" }, "time": { "description": "Milliseconds since midnight.", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
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Expose per-app kiosk active WiFi credentials to the device level
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 130
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means Google ChromeOS will automatically save the active kiosk WiFi credentials at the device level: the active WiFi can be used by any other kiosk apps or users on the device. Leaving this policy unset or setting it to Disabled means kiosk active WiFi credentials are stored at the kiosk level: WiFi configured in a kiosk app can only be used in that same kiosk app. This policy is not recommended and has to be used when no other options are available (e.g. OpenNetworkConfiguration policy).

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Enable Kiosk troubleshooting tools
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means Kiosk troubleshooting tools are available to be used in a Kiosk session: - Chrome developer tools - Chrome browser window - Task manager Leaving this policy unset or setting to Disabled means Kiosk troubleshooting tools are disabled.

Please remember not to keep this policy enabled at all times, especially in production deployments.

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Allow kiosk web app to show network prompt on app launch if the device is offline
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 130
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If the policy is disabled, it represents that the kiosk web app cannot function offline. A network prompt will be shown on a kiosk session start only if the device is offline. This will make sure that the device is online before the app is successfully launched.

This network prompt might not be shown if an app is set to auto-launch and the DeviceLocalAccountPromptForNetworkWhenOffline ( is disabled.

This policy has no effect on Chrome App or Web app which has a install URL which performs a cross-origin redirect to a different Web app (For eg. if the app install URL is, but, on load it redirects to a different Web App i.e.

If the policy is set to true or not set, web apps will be launched even if the device is offline.

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Allow Web Kiosk to open more than one browser window on any screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means a Kiosk Web App can open another browser window which can be placed on the same screen or on a different screen. To open a new window, Web App should call, target, windowFeatures) JavaScript function.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means a Kiosk Web App can use only the main browser window and cannot open a new window. Calling any Javascript functions for opening a new window will be ignored.

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Legacy Browser Support

Configure policies to switch between browsers. Configured websites will automatically open in another browser than Google Chrome.
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Command-line parameters for the alternative browser.
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 71
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to a list of strings means each string is passed to the alternative browser as separate command-line parameters. On Microsoft® Windows®, the parameters are joined with spaces. On macOS and Linux®, a parameter can have spaces and still be treated as a single parameter.

If a parameter contains ${url}, ${url} is replaced with the URL of the page to open. If no parameter contains ${url}, the URL is appended at the end of the command line.

Environment variables are expanded. On Microsoft® Windows®, %ABC% is replaced with the value of the ABC environment variable. On macOS and Linux®, ${ABC} is replaced with the value of the ABC environment variable.

Leaving the policy unset means only the URL is passed as a command-line parameter.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AlternativeBrowserParameters\1 = "-foreground" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AlternativeBrowserParameters\2 = "-new-window" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AlternativeBrowserParameters\3 = "${url}" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AlternativeBrowserParameters\4 = "-profile" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AlternativeBrowserParameters\5 = "%HOME%\browser_profile"
[ "-foreground", "-new-window", "${url}", "-profile", "%HOME%\browser_profile" ]
<array> <string>-foreground</string> <string>-new-window</string> <string>${url}</string> <string>-profile</string> <string>%HOME%\browser_profile</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AlternativeBrowserParametersDesc" value="1&#xF000;-foreground&#xF000;2&#xF000;-new-window&#xF000;3&#xF000;${url}&#xF000;4&#xF000;-profile&#xF000;5&#xF000;%HOME%\browser_profile"/>
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Alternative browser to launch for configured websites.
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 71
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy controls which command to use to open URLs in an alternative browser. The policy can be set to one of ${ie}, ${firefox}, ${safari}, ${opera}, ${edge} or a file path. When this policy is set to a file path, that file is used as an executable file. ${ie} is only available on Microsoft® Windows®. ${safari} and ${edge} are only available on Microsoft® Windows® and macOS.

Leaving the policy unset puts a platform-specific default in use: Internet Explorer® for Microsoft® Windows®, or Safari® for macOS. On Linux®, launching an alternative browser will fail.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AlternativeBrowserPath" value="${ie}"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : BrowserSwitcher
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Command-line parameters for switching from the alternative browser.
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to a list of strings means the strings are joined with spaces and passed from Internet Explorer® to Google Chrome as command-line parameters. If a parameter contains ${url}, ${url} is replaced with the URL of the page to open. If no parameter contains ${url}, the URL is appended at the end of the command line.

Environment variables are expanded. On Microsoft® Windows®, %ABC% is replaced with the value of the ABC environment variable.

Leaving the policy unset means Internet Explorer® only passes the URL to Google Chrome as a command-line parameter.

Note: If the Legacy Browser Support add-in for Internet Explorer® isn't installed, this policy has no effect.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\BrowserSwitcherChromeParameters\1 = "--force-dark-mode"
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowserSwitcherChromeParametersDesc" value="1&#xF000;--force-dark-mode"/>
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Path to Chrome for switching from the alternative browser.
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls the command to use to open URLs in Google Chrome when switching from Internet Explorer®. This policy can be set to an executable file path or ${chrome} to autodetect the location of Google Chrome.

Leaving the policy unset means Internet Explorer® autodetects Google Chrome's own executable path when launching Google Chrome from Internet Explorer.

Note: If the Legacy Browser Support add-in for Internet Explorer® isn't installed, this policy has no effect.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowserSwitcherChromePath" value="${chrome}"/>
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Delay before launching alternative browser (milliseconds)
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 74
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 74
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to a number has Google Chrome show a message for that number of milliseconds, then it opens an alternative browser.

Leaving the policy unset or set to 0 means navigating to a designated URL immediately opens it in an alternative browser.

Example value:
0x00002710 (Windows), 10000 (Linux), 10000 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowserSwitcherDelay" value="10000"/>
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Enable the Legacy Browser Support feature.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 73
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 73
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 73
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means Google Chrome will try to launch some URLs in an alternate browser, such as Internet Explorer®. This feature is set using the policies in the Legacy Browser support group.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means Google Chrome won't try to launch designated URLs in an alternate browser.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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URL of an XML file that contains URLs that should never trigger a browser switch.
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 77
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 77
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 77
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to a valid URL has Google Chrome download the site list from that URL and apply the rules as if they were set up with the BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist policy. These policies prevent Google Chrome and the alternative browser from opening one another.

Leaving it unset (or set to a invalid URL) means Google Chrome doesn't use the policy as a source of rules for not switching browsers.

Note: This policy points to an XML file in the same format as Internet Explorer®'s SiteList policy. This loads rules from an XML file, without sharing those rules with Internet Explorer®. Read more on Internet Explorer®'s SiteList policy ( )

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl" value=""/>
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URL of an XML file that contains URLs to load in an alternative browser.
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 72
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 72
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 72
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to a valid URL has Google Chrome download the site list from that URL and apply the rules as if they were set up with the BrowserSwitcherUrlList policy.

Leaving it unset (or set to a invalid URL) means Google Chrome doesn't use the policy as a source of rules for switching browsers.

Note: This policy points to an XML file in the same format as Internet Explorer®'s SiteList policy. This loads rules from an XML file, without sharing those rules with Internet Explorer®. Read more on Internet Explorer®'s SiteList policy (

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl" value=""/>
Back to top


Keep last tab open in Chrome.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 74
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 74
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset has Google Chrome keep at least one tab open, after switching to an alternate browser.

Setting the policy to Disabled has Google Chrome close the tab after switching to an alternate browser, even if it was the last tab. This causes Google Chrome to exit completely.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Sitelist parsing mode
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 95
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls how Google Chrome interprets sitelist/greylist policies for the Legacy Browser Support feature. It affects the following policies: BrowserSwitcherUrlList, BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist, BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelist, BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl, and BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl.

If 'Default' (0) or unset, URL matching is less strict. Rules that do not contain "/" look for a substring anywhere in the URL's hostname. Matching the path component of a URL is case-sensitive.

If 'IESiteListMode' (1), URL matching is more strict. Rules that do not contain "/" only match at the end of the hostname. They must also be at a domain name boundary. Matching the path component of a URL is case-insensitive. This is more compatible with Microsoft® Internet Explorer® and Microsoft® Edge®.

For example, with the rules "" and "":

"", "" and "" match regardless of parsing mode.

"", "", "http://example.comabc/" only match in 'Default' mode.

"" only matches in 'IESiteListMode'.

  • 0 = Default behavior for LBS.
  • 1 = More compatible with Microsoft IE/Edge enterprise mode sitelists.
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowserSwitcherParsingMode" value="1"/>
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Websites that should never trigger a browser switch.
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 71
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy controls the list of websites that will never cause a browser switch. Each item is treated as a rule. Those rules that match won't open an alternative browser. Unlike the BrowserSwitcherUrlList policy, rules apply to both directions. When the Internet Explorer® add-in is on, it also controls whether Internet Explorer® should open these URLs in Google Chrome.

Leaving the policy unset adds no websites to the list.

Note: Elements can also be added to this list through the BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist\2 = "!" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist\3 = ""
[ "", "!", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>!</string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylistDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;!;3&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Websites to open in alternative browser
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 71
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy controls the list of websites to open in an alternative browser. Each item is treated as a rule for something to open in an alternative browser. Google Chrome uses those rules when choosing if a URL should open in an alternative browser. When the Internet Explorer® add-in is on, Internet Explorer® switches back to Google Chrome when the rules don't match. If rules contradict each other, Google Chrome uses the most specific rule.

Leaving the policy unset adds no websites to the list.

Note: Elements can also be added to this list through the BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelist and BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl policies.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\BrowserSwitcherUrlList\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\BrowserSwitcherUrlList\2 = "!" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\BrowserSwitcherUrlList\3 = ""
[ "", "!", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>!</string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowserSwitcherUrlListDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;!;3&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Use Internet Explorer's SiteList policy for Legacy Browser Support.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 71
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether to load rules from Internet Explorer®'s SiteList policy.

When this policy is set to true, Google Chrome reads Internet Explorer®'s SiteList to obtain the site list's URL. Google Chrome then downloads the site list from that URL, and applies the rules as if they had been configured with the BrowserSwitcherUrlList policy.

When this policy is false or unset, Google Chrome does not use Internet Explorer®'s SiteList policy as a source of rules for switching browsers.

For more information on Internet Explorer's SiteList policy:

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

Linux container

Controls settings for the Linux container (Crostini).
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User is enabled to run Crostini
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 70
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users run Crostini, as long as VirtualMachinesAllowed and CrostiniAllowed are set to Enabled. Setting the policy to Disabled turns Crostini off for the user. Changing it to Disabled starts applying the policy to starting new Crostini containers, not those already running.

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Crostini Ansible playbook
Data type:
External data reference
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Provides an Ansible playbook that should be executed in the default Crostini container.

This policy allows to provide an Ansible playbook to be applied to the default Crostini container if it is available on the given device and allowed by policies.

The size of the data must not exceed 1MB (1000000 bytes) and must be encoded in YAML. The cryptographic hash is used to verify the integrity of the download.

The configuration is downloaded and cached. It will be re-downloaded whenever the URL or the hash changes.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, users can continue using default Crostini container in its ongoing configuration if Crostini is allowed by policies.

{ "properties": { "hash": { "description": "The SHA-256 hash of the Ansible playbook.", "type": "string" }, "url": { "description": "The URL from which the Ansible playbook can be downloaded.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


User is enabled to export / import Crostini containers via the UI
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset makes the export-import UI available to users. Setting the policy to Disabled renders the export-import UI unavailable to users.

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Allow users to [enable/configure] Crostini port forwarding
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Specifies whether port forwarding into Crostini containers is allowed.

If this policy is set to True or not set, users will be able to configure port forwarding into their Crostini containers.

If this policy is set to False, port forwarding into Crostini containers will be disabled.

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Allow unaffiliated users to use Crostini
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 70
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets all users use Crostini as long as all 3 policies, VirtualMachinesAllowed, CrostiniAllowed, and DeviceUnaffiliatedCrostiniAllowed are set to Enabled. Setting the policy to Disabled means unaffiliated users can't use Crostini. Changing it to Disabled starts applying the policy to starting new Crostini containers, not those already running.

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Allow SSH outgoing client connections in Terminal System App
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 102
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this policy doesn't exist (e.g. for unmanaged users), the SSH (Secure SHell) outgoing client connections feature in Terminal System App is enabled (default True). If the user is managed, and the policy is unset or Disabled, the feature is disabled in Terminal. Setting the policy to Enabled allows managed users to create outgoing client SSH connections in Terminal.

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Allow devices to run virtual machines on ChromeOS
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 66
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled lets the device run virtual machines on Google ChromeOS. VirtualMachinesAllowed and CrostiniAllowed must be Enabled to use Crostini. Setting the policy to Disabled means the device can't run virtual machines. Changing it to Disabled starts applying the policy to starting new virtual machines, not those already running.

When this policy is not set on a managed device, the device can't run virtual machines. Unmanaged devices can run virtual machines.

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Microsoft® Active Directory® management settings

Controls settings specific to Microsoft® Active Directory® managed Google ChromeOS devices.
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Allow automatic sign-in to Microsoft® cloud identity providers
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configures automatic user sign-in for accounts backed by a Microsoft® cloud identity provider.

By setting this policy to 1 (Enabled), users who sign into their computer with an account backed by a Microsoft® cloud identity provider (i.e., Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or the consumer Microsoft® account identity provider) or who have added a work or school account to Microsoft® Windows® can be signed into web properties using that identity automatically. Information pertaining to the user's device and account is transmitted to the user's cloud identity provider for each authentication event.

By setting this policy to 0 (Disabled) or leaving it unset, automatic sign-in as described above is disabled.

This feature is available starting in Microsoft® Windows® 10.

Note: This policy doesn't apply to Incognito or Guest modes.

  • 0 = Disable Microsoft® cloud authentication
  • 1 = Enable Microsoft® cloud authentication
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="CloudAPAuthEnabled" value="1"/>
Back to top


Abusive Experience Intervention Enforce
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 65
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 65
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If SafeBrowsingEnabled is not Disabled, then setting AbusiveExperienceInterventionEnforce to Enabled or leaving it unset prevents sites with abusive experiences from opening new windows or tabs.

Setting SafeBrowsingEnabled to Disabled or AbusiveExperienceInterventionEnforce to Disabled lets sites with abusive experiences open new windows or tabs.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable Get Image Descriptions from Google.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 84
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 84
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 84
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

The Get Image Descriptions from Google accessibility feature enables visually-impaired screen reader users to get descriptions of unlabeled images on the web. Users who choose to enable it will have the option of using an anonymous Google service to provide automatic descriptions for unlabeled images they encounter on the web.

If this feature is enabled, the content of images will be sent to Google servers in order to generate a description. No cookies or other user data is sent, and Google does not save or log any image content.

If this policy is set to Enabled, the Get Image Descriptions from Google feature will be enabled, though it will only affect users who are using a screen reader or other similar assistive technology.

If this policy is set to Disabled, users will not have the option of enabling the feature.

If this policy is not set, user can choose to use this feature or not.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow Accessibility Performance Filtering.
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

A policy to control whether the accessibility engine is allowed to dynamically compute a filter for the accessibility tree in Google Chrome to improve performance. When the policy is either set to Enabled or not set, the accessibility engine is allowed to dynamically compute filter modes for the accessibility tree in Google Chrome, which may lead to a performance improvement. When the policy is set to Disabled, the accessibility engine is not allowed to dynamically compute filter modes for the accessibility tree.

Example value:
false (Android)
Back to top


Native application signing during Progressive Web Application installation
Data type:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 129
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset enables the use of ad-hoc signatures for the native application that is created when installing a Progressive Web Application (PWA). This ensures that each installed application has a unique identity to macOS system components.

Setting the policy to Disabled will result in every native application created when installing Progressive Web Applications having the same identity. This can interfere with macOS functionality.

Only turn off the policy if you are using an endpoint security solution that blocks applications with an ad-hoc signature.

Example value:
<false /> (Mac)
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Allow DNS queries for additional DNS record types
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 92
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 92
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls whether Google Chrome may query additional DNS record types when making insecure DNS requests. This policy has no effect on DNS queries made via Secure DNS, which may always query additional DNS types.

If this policy is unset or set to Enabled, additional types such as HTTPS (DNS type 65) may be queried in addition to A (DNS type 1) and AAAA (DNS type 28).

If this policy is set to Disabled, DNS will only be queried for A (DNS type 1) and/or AAAA (DNS type 28).

This policy is a temporary measure and will be removed in future versions of Google Chrome. After removal of the policy, Google Chrome will always be able to query additional DNS types.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Ads setting for sites with intrusive ads
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 65
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 65
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Unless SafeBrowsingEnabled is set to False, then setting AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites to 1 or leaving it unset allows ads on all sites.

Setting the policy to 2 blocks ads on sites with intrusive ads.

  • 1 = Allow ads on all sites
  • 2 = Do not allow ads on sites with intrusive ads
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites" value="1"/>
Back to top


Enable additional protections for users enrolled in the Advanced Protection program
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 83
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether users enrolled in the Advanced Protection program receive extra protections. Some of these features may involve the sharing of data with Google (for example, Advanced Protection users will be able to send their downloads to Google for malware scanning). If set to True or not set, enrolled users will receive extra protections. If set to False, Advanced Protection users will receive only the standard consumer features.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow pages with Cache-Control: no-store header to enter back/forward cache
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 116
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 117
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: Yes, Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Internal Only: No, Per Profile: Yes, Platform Only: No, Unlisted: No

This policy controls if a page with Cache-Control: no-store header can be stored in back/forward cache. The website setting this header may not expect the page to be restored from back/forward cache since some sensitive information could still be displayed after the restoration even if it is no longer accessible.

If the policy is enabled or unset, the page with Cache-Control: no-store header might be restored from back/forward cache unless the cache eviction is triggered (e.g. when there is HTTP-only cookie change to the site).

If the policy is disabled, the page with Cache-Control: no-store header will not be stored in back/forward cache.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow backup of Google Chrome data
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 121
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If this policy is set to False, Google Chrome data, including cookies and website local storage, will be excluded from iCloud and local backups on iOS. If this policy is set to True or unset, Google Chrome may be included in backups.

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Enable deleting browser and download history
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 57
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 57
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 57
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 57
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means browser history and download history can be deleted in Chrome, and users can't change this setting.

Setting the policy to Disabled means browser history and download history can't be deleted. Even with this policy off, the browsing and download history are not guaranteed to be retained. Users may be able to edit or delete the history database files directly, and the browser itself may expire or archive any or all history items at any time.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow Dinosaur Easter Egg Game
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 48
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 48
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 48
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 48
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True allows users to play the dinosaur game. Setting the policy to False means users can't play the dinosaur easter egg game when device is offline.

Leaving the policy unset means users can't play the game on enrolled Google ChromeOS, but can under other circumstances.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Show a UI toggle to exclude a display in mirror mode.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting this policy shows a new UI toggle under each display in display settings. Normal mirror mode turns all displays into one display, but the new toggle allows users to exclude one display from mirroring and appear as an extended display.

If the policy is set to Enabled, the toggle will appear for each display to exclude it from mirror mode, and users can choose one to enable.

If the policy is unset or Disabled, the toggle will be hidden.

Note: This policy will only affect UI, and ChromeOS will keep the existing settings when UI is hidden.

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Allow invocation of file selection dialogs
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 12
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means Chrome can display, and users can open, file selection dialogs.

Setting the policy to Disabled means that whenever users perform actions provoking a file selection dialog, such as importing bookmarks, uploading files, and saving links, a message appears instead. The user is assumed to have clicked Cancel on the file selection dialog.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Permit locking the screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 52
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users who authenticate with a password lock the screen.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't lock the screen. (They can only sign out from the user session.)

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Allows system notifications
Data type:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Configures whether Google Chrome on Linux will use system notifications.

If set to True or not set, Google Chrome is allowed to use system notifications.

If set to False, Google Chrome will not use system notifications. Google Chrome's Message Center will be used as a fallback.

Example value:
true (Linux)
Back to top


Allow Web Authentication requests on sites with broken TLS certificates.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 110
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 110
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 110
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 110
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 110
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If set to Enabled, Google Chrome will allow Web Authentication requests on websites that have TLS certificates with errors (i.e. websites considered not secure).

If the policy is set to Disabled or left unset, the default behavior of blocking such requests will apply.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 51
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 51
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 51
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 51
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 51
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy turns on Chrome's restricted sign-in feature in Google Workspace and prevents users from changing this setting. Users can only access Google tools using accounts from the specified domains (to allow gmail or googlemail accounts, add consumer_accounts to the list of domains). This setting prevents users from signing in and adding a Secondary Account on a managed device that requires Google authentication, if that account doesn't belong to one of the explicitly allowed domains.

Leaving this setting empty or unset means users can access Google Workspace with any account.

Users cannot change or override this setting.

Note: This policy causes the X-GoogApps-Allowed-Domains header to be appended to all HTTP and HTTPS requests to all domains, as described in

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AllowedDomainsForApps" value=","/>
Back to top


Configure the allowed input methods in a user session
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets users choose one of the input methods for Google ChromeOS sessions that you specify.

If you leave it unset or set to an empty list, users can select all supported input methods.

Starting with version M106 allowed input methods are automatically enabled in kiosk session.

Note: If the current input method is unsupported, it switches to the hardware keyboard layout (if allowed) or the first valid entry in this list. Invalid or unsupported methods are ignored.

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Configure the allowed languages in a user session
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 72
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets users add only one of the languages listed in this policy to the list of preferred languages.

If not set or set to an empty list, users can specify languages as preferred.

If set to a list with invalid values, those values are ignored. If users added languages not allowed by this policy to the list of preferred languages, they're removed. If they had Google ChromeOS displayed in a language not allowed by this policy, the next time they sign in, the display language switches to an allowed UI language. Otherwise, if this policy only has invalid entries, Google ChromeOS switches to the first valid value specified by this policy or a fallback locale such as en-US.

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Enable alternate error pages
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True means Google Chrome uses alternate error pages built into (such as "page not found"). Setting the policy to False means Google Chrome never uses alternate error pages.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, the policy is on, but users can change this setting.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow user browser access to a list of URLs while Always-on VPN is active in strict mode with lockdown enabled and the VPN is not connected
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 122
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy only applies to browser traffic; the Play Store, Android apps web navigation and other user traffic like Linux VM traffic or print jobs, still honor the restrictions imposed by the Always-on VPN. This policy is only enforced while the VPN is not connected and only for user browser traffic. While this policy is enforced, system traffic can also bypass the Always-on VPN to perform tasks like policy fetches and synchronizing the system clock.

Use this policy to open exceptions to certain schemes, subdomains of other domains, ports, or specific paths, using the format specified at The most specific filter determines if a URL is blocked or allowed.

If the AlwaysOnVpnPreConnectUrlAllowlist is set, an Always-on VPN is configured and the Always-on VPN is not connected, navigation to all hosts is blocked, except for those allowed by the AlwaysOnVpnPreConnectUrlAllowlist policy. In this device state, the URLBlocklist and URLAllowlist are ignored. When the Always-on VPN connects, the URLBlocklist and URLAllowlist policies are applied and the AlwaysOnVpnPreConnectUrlAllowlist policy is ignored.

This policy is limited to 1,000 entries.

Leaving the policy unset prevents any browser navigation while the Always-on VPN with strict mode is active and the VPN is not connected.

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Always Open PDF files externally
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 55
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 55
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 55
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled turns the internal PDF viewer off in Google Chrome, treats PDF files as a download, and lets users open PDFs with the default application.

Setting the policy to Disabled means that unless users turns off the PDF plugin, it will open PDF files.

If you set the policy, users can't change it in Google Chrome. If not set, users can choose whether to open PDF externally or not.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable Ambient Authentication for profile types.
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 80
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configuring this policy will allow/disallow ambient authentication for Incognito and Guest profiles in Google Chrome.

Ambient Authentication is http authentication with default credentials if explicit credentials are not provided via NTLM/Kerberos/Negotiate challenge/response schemes.

Setting the RegularOnly (value 0), allows ambient authentication for Regular sessions only. Incognito and Guest sessions wouldn't be allowed to ambiently authenticate.

Setting the IncognitoAndRegular (value 1), allows ambient authentication for Incognito and Regular sessions. Guest sessions wouldn't be allowed to ambiently authenticate.

Setting the GuestAndRegular (value 2), allows ambient authentication for Guest and Regular sessions. Incognito sessions wouldn't be allowed to ambiently authenticate.

Setting the All (value 3), allows ambient authentication for all sessions.

Note that, ambient authentication is always allowed on regular profiles.

In Google Chrome version 81 and later, if the policy is left not set, ambient authentication will be enabled in regular sessions only.

  • 0 = Enable ambient authentication in regular sessions only.
  • 1 = Enable ambient authentication in incognito and regular sessions.
  • 2 = Enable ambient authentication in guest and regular sessions.
  • 3 = Enable ambient authentication in regular, incognito and guest sessions.
Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), 0 (Linux), 0 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AmbientAuthenticationInPrivateModesEnabled" value="0"/>
Back to top


App Launch Automation
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting this policy allows administrators to configure automation for launching apps on Google Chrome devices. These apps can be launched on user login, or users can launch them together from the launcher.

{ "items": { "properties": { "auto_launch_on_startup": { "type": "boolean" }, "created_time_usec": { "type": "string" }, "desk": { "properties": { "apps": { "items": { "properties": { "app_type": { "enum": [ "android", "browser", "chrome_app", "isolated_web_app", "progressive_web_app" ], "type": "string" }, "browser_tabs": { "items": { "properties": { "url": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "window_id": { "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "updated_time_usec": { "type": "string" }, "uuid": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Back to top


Allows users to be shown the iOS App Store Rating promo
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 110
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

When the policy is not set or set to Enabled, the App Store Rating promo may be shown to the user, at most once per year. When the policy is set to Disabled, the App Store Rating promo will not be shown to the user.

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Enable Application Bound Encryption
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 125
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset binds encryption keys used for local data storage to Google Chrome whenever that is possible.

Setting the policy to Disabled has a detrimental effect on Google Chrome's security as unknown and potentially hostile apps can retrieve encryption keys used to secure data.

Only turn off the policy if there are compatibility issues, such as other applications that need legitimate access to Google Chrome's data, encrypted user data is expected to be fully portable between different computers or the integrity and location of Google Chrome's executable files is not consistent.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Application locale
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies the locale Google Chrome uses.

Turning it off or leaving it unset means the locale will be the first valid locale from: 1) The user specified locale (if configured). 2) The system locale. 3) The fallback locale (en-US).

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ApplicationLocaleValue" value="en"/>
Back to top


Migration strategy for ARC VM Data Migration
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 114
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies the action to take when the user's ARC data directory was created with virtio-fs. Unless virtio-fs data is migrated to virtio-blk, Android apps might run slower on ARC VM.

Setting the policy to:

* DoNotPrompt means do not ask the user to go through the migration flow. This is the default value when policy is unset.

* Prompt (or an unsupported value) means that, at sign-in, user is prompted to go through the data migration flow. This can take up to 10 minutes.

This policy only applies to ARM devices migrating to ARCVM.

  • 0 = Do not prompt users to migrate.
  • 1 = Prompt users to migrate.
Back to top


Allow or deny audio capture
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 25
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 23
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means that, with the exception of URLs set in the AudioCaptureAllowedUrls list, users get prompted for audio capture access.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns off prompts, and audio capture is only available to URLs set in the AudioCaptureAllowedUrls list.

Note: The policy affects all audio input (not just the built-in microphone).

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

For Android apps, this policy affects the microphone only. When this policy is set to true, the microphone is muted for all Android apps, with no exceptions.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


URLs that will be granted access to audio capture devices without prompt
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 29
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy means you specify the URL list whose patterns get matched to the security origin of the requesting URL. A match grants access to audio capture devices without prompt

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Note, however, that the pattern "*", which matches any URL, is not supported by this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AudioCaptureAllowedUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AudioCaptureAllowedUrls\2 = "https://[*.]"
[ "", "https://[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>https://[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AudioCaptureAllowedUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;https://[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow playing audio
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 23
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset allows all supported audio outputs on the users' devices.

Setting the policy to Disabled allows no audio output while users are signed in.

Note: The policy affects all audio output, including audio accessibility features. Do not turn the policy off if a user requires a screen reader.

Back to top


Allow the audio process to run with priority above normal on Windows
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This policy controls the priority of the audio process on Windows. If this policy is enabled, the audio process will run with above normal priority. If this policy is disabled, the audio process will run with normal priority. If this policy is not set, the default configuration for the audio process will be used. This policy is intended as a temporary measure to give enterprises the ability to run audio with higher priority to address certain performance issues with audio capture. This policy will be removed in the future.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow the audio sandbox to run
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This policy controls the audio process sandbox. If this policy is enabled, the audio process will run sandboxed. If this policy is disabled, the audio process will run unsandboxed and the WebRTC audio-processing module will run in the renderer process. This leaves users open to security risks related to running the audio subsystem unsandboxed. If this policy is not set, the default configuration for the audio sandbox will be used, which may differ per platform. This policy is intended to give enterprises flexibility to disable the audio sandbox if they use security software setups that interfere with the sandbox.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

AutoFillEnabled (Deprecated)

Enable AutoFill
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated in M70, please use AutofillAddressEnabled and AutofillCreditCardEnabled instead.

Enables Google Chrome's AutoFill feature and allows users to auto complete web forms using previously stored information such as address or credit card information.

If you disable this setting, AutoFill will be inaccessible to users.

If you enable this setting or do not set a value, AutoFill will remain under the control of the user. This will allow them to configure AutoFill profiles and to switch AutoFill on or off at their own discretion.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Define a list of protocols that can launch an external application from listed origins without prompting the user
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set a list of protocols, and for each protocol an associated list of allowed origin patterns, that can launch an external application without prompting the user. The trailing separator should not be included when listing the protocol, so list "skype" instead of "skype:" or "skype://".

If this policy is set, a protocol will only be permitted to launch an external application without prompting by policy if the protocol is listed, and the origin of the site trying to launch the protocol matches one of the origin patterns in that protocol's allowed_origins list. If either condition is false the external protocol launch prompt will not be omitted by policy.

If this policy is not set, no protocols can launch without a prompt by default. Users may opt out of prompts on a per-protocol/per-site basis unless the ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox policy is set to Disabled. This policy has no impact on per-protocol/per-site prompt exemptions set by users.

The origin matching patterns use a similar format to those for the 'URLBlocklist' policy, which are documented at

However, origin matching patterns for this policy cannot contain "/path" or "@query" elements. Any pattern that does contain a "/path" or "@query" element will be ignored.

{ "items": { "properties": { "allowed_origins": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "protocol": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "protocol", "allowed_origins" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins = [ { "allowed_origins": [ "", "" ], "protocol": "spotify" }, { "allowed_origins": [ "", "" ], "protocol": "teams" }, { "allowed_origins": [ "*" ], "protocol": "outlook" } ]
AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins: [ { "allowed_origins": [ "", "" ], "protocol": "spotify" }, { "allowed_origins": [ "", "" ], "protocol": "teams" }, { "allowed_origins": [ "*" ], "protocol": "outlook" } ]
<key>AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins</key> <array> <dict> <key>allowed_origins</key> <array> <string></string> <string></string> </array> <key>protocol</key> <string>spotify</string> </dict> <dict> <key>allowed_origins</key> <array> <string></string> <string></string> </array> <key>protocol</key> <string>teams</string> </dict> <dict> <key>allowed_origins</key> <array> <string>*</string> </array> <key>protocol</key> <string>outlook</string> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins" value="{"allowed_origins": ["", ""], "protocol": "spotify"}, {"allowed_origins": ["", ""], "protocol": "teams"}, {"allowed_origins": ["*"], "protocol": "outlook"}"/>
Back to top


URLs where AutoOpenFileTypes can apply
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 84
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 84
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 84
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

List of URLs specifying which urls AutoOpenFileTypes will apply to. This policy has no impact on automatically open values set by users.

If this policy is set, files will only automatically open by policy if the url is part of this set and the file type is listed in AutoOpenFileTypes. If either condition is false the download won't automatically open by policy.

If this policy isn't set, all downloads where the file type is in AutoOpenFileTypes will automatically open.

A URL pattern has to be formatted according to

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs\2 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs\3 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs\4 = "https://server:8080/path" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs\5 = ""
[ "", "", "", "https://server:8080/path", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> <string></string> <string>https://server:8080/path</string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AutoOpenAllowedForURLsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;;3&#xF000;;4&#xF000;https://server:8080/path&#xF000;5&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


List of file types that should be automatically opened on download
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 84
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 84
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 84
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

List of file types that should be automatically opened on download. The leading separator should not be included when listing the file type, so list "txt" instead of ".txt".

Files with types that should be automatically opened will still be subject to the enabled safe browsing checks and won't be opened if they fail those checks.

If this policy isn't set, only file types that a user has already specified to automatically be opened will do so when downloaded.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoOpenFileTypes\1 = "exe" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoOpenFileTypes\2 = "txt"
[ "exe", "txt" ]
<array> <string>exe</string> <string>txt</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AutoOpenFileTypesDesc" value="1&#xF000;exe&#xF000;2&#xF000;txt"/>
Back to top


Enable AutoFill for addresses
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 69
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset gives users control of Autofill for addresses in the UI.

Setting the policy to False means Autofill never suggests or fills address information, nor does it save additional address information that users submit while browsing the web.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable AutoFill for credit cards
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 63
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 63
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 63
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 63
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 63
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset means users can control autofill suggestions for credit cards in the UI.

Setting the policy to False means autofill never suggests or fills credit card information, nor will it save additional credit card information that users might submit while browsing the web.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow media autoplay
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 66
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 66
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 66
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 66
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True lets Google Chrome autoplay media. Setting the policy to False stops Google Chrome from autoplaying media.

By default, Google Chrome doesn't autoplay media. But, for certain URL patterns, you can use the AutoplayAllowlist policy to change this setting.

If this policy changes while Google Chrome is running, it only applies to newly opened tabs.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow media autoplay on a allowlist of URL patterns
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets videos play automatically (without user consent) with audio content in Google Chrome. If AutoplayAllowed policy is set to True, then this policy has no effect. If AutoplayAllowed is set to False, then any URL patterns set in this policy can still play. If this policy changes while Google Chrome is running, it only applies to newly opened tabs.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoplayAllowlist\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoplayAllowlist\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="AutoplayAllowlistDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Control the BackForwardCache feature.
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

When enabled the BackForwardCache feature allows the use of the back-forward cache. When navigating away from a page, its current state (document tree, script, etc.) may be preserved in the back-forward cache. If the browser navigates back to the page, the page may be restored from the back-forward cache and displayed in the state it was in before being cached.

This feature might cause issues for some websites that do not expect this caching. In particular, some websites depend on the "unload" event being dispatched when the browser navigates away from the page. The "unload" event will not be dispatched if the page enters the back-forward cache.

If this policy is set to enabled or not set, the BackForwardCache feature will be enabled.

If this policy is set to disabled then the feature will be force disabled.

Example value:
true (Android)
Back to top


Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 19
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 19
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled turns background mode on. In background mode, a Google Chrome process is started on OS sign-in and keeps running when the last browser window is closed, allowing background apps and the browsing session to remain active. The background process displays an icon in the system tray and can always be closed from there.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns background mode off.

If you set the policy, users can't change it in the browser settings. If unset, background mode is off at first, but users can change it.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable Battery Saver Mode
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 108
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 108
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 108
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 108
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy enables or disables the Battery Saver Mode setting. On Chrome, this setting makes it so that frame rate is throttled to lower power consumption. If this policy is unset, the end user can control this setting in chrome://settings/performance. On ChromeOS, this setting makes it so that frame rate and CPU frequency are throttled, backlights are dimmed, and Android is put in Battery Saver Mode. On devices with multiple CPUs, some CPUs will be turned off. The different levels are: Disabled (0): Battery Saver Mode will be disabled. EnabledBelowThreshold (1): Battery Saver Mode will be enabled when the device is on battery power and battery level is low. EnabledOnBattery (2): This value is deprecated as of M121. From M121 onwards, values will be treated as EnabledBelowThreshold.

  • 0 = Battery Saver Mode will be disabled.
  • 1 = Battery Saver Mode will be enabled when the device is on battery power and battery level is low.
  • 2 = This value is deprecated as of M121. In M121 and after, values will be treated as EnabledBelowThreshold.
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BatterySaverModeAvailability" value="1"/>
Back to top


Block third party cookies
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 10
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 83
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled prevents webpage elements that aren't from the domain that's in the browser's address bar from setting cookies. Setting the policy to Disabled lets those elements set cookies and prevents users from changing this setting.

Leaving it unset turns third-party cookies on, but users can change this setting.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable Bookmark Bar
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 12
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 12
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True displays a bookmark bar in Google Chrome. Setting the policy to False means users never see the bookmark bar.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, users decide whether to use this function.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable add person in user manager
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 39
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 39
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 39
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If this policy is set to true or not configured, Google Chrome and Lacros will allow to add a new person from the user manager.

If this policy is set to false, Google Chrome and Lacros will not allow adding a new person from the user manager.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable guest mode in browser
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 38
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 38
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 38
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If this policy is set to true or not configured, Google Chrome and Lacros will enable guest logins. Guest logins are Google Chrome profiles where all windows are in incognito mode.

If this policy is set to false, Google Chrome and Lacros will not allow guest profiles to be started.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enforce browser guest mode
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 77
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 77
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 77
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled means Google Chrome enforces guest sessions and prevents profile sign-ins. Guest sign-ins are Google Chrome profiles where windows are in Incognito mode.

Setting the policy to Disabled, leaving it unset, or disabling browser Guest mode (through BrowserGuestModeEnabled) allows the use of new and existing profiles.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Browser experiments icon in toolbar
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 89
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving the policy unset means that users can access browser experimental features through an icon in the toolbar

Setting the policy to Disabled removes the browser experimental features icon from the toolbar.

chrome://flags and any other means of turning off and on browser features will still behave as expected regardless of whether this policy is Enabled or Disabled.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Block Browser Legacy Extension Points
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 95
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset will permit Google Chrome to apply the additional extension point security mitigation to block legacy extension points in the Browser process.

Setting the policy to Disabled has a detrimental effect on Google Chrome's security and stability as unknown and potentially hostile code can load inside Google Chrome's browser process. Only turn off the policy if there are compatibility issues with third-party software that must run inside Google Chrome's browser process.

Note: Read more about Process mitigation policies ( ).

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow queries to a Google time service
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 60
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 60
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 60
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means Google Chrome send occasional queries to a Google server to retrieve an accurate timestamp.

Setting the policy to Disabled stops Google Chrome from sending these queries.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Browser sign in settings
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 70
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 70
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 70
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 70
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This policy controls the sign-in behavior of the browser. It allows you to specify if the user can sign in to Google Chrome with their account and use account related services like Google Chrome Sync.

If the policy is set to "Disable browser sign-in" then the user cannot sign in to the browser and use account-based services. In this case browser-level features like Google Chrome Sync cannot be used and will be unavailable. On iOS, if the user was signed in and the policy is set to "Disabled" they will be signed out immediately. On other platforms, they will be signed out the next time they run Google Chrome. On all platforms, their local profile data like bookmarks, passwords etc. will be preserved and still usable. The user will still be able to sign into and use Google web services like Gmail.

If the policy is set to "Enable browser sign-in," then the user is allowed to sign in to the browser. On all platforms except iOS, the user is automatically signed in to the browser when signed in to Google web services like Gmail. Being signed in to the browser means the user's account information will be kept by the browser. However, it does not mean that Google Chrome Sync will be turned on by default; the user must separately opt-in to use this feature. Enabling this policy will prevent the user from turning off the setting that allows browser sign-in. To control the availability of Google Chrome Sync, use the SyncDisabled policy.

If the policy is set to "Force browser sign-in" the user is presented with an account selection dialog and has to choose and sign in to an account to use the browser. This ensures that for managed accounts the policies associated with the account are applied and enforced. The default value of BrowserGuestModeEnabled will be set to disabled. Note that existing unsigned profiles will be locked and inaccessible after enabling this policy. For more information, see help center article: . This option is not supported on Linux nor Android, where it will fall back to "Enable browser sign-in" if used.

If this policy is not set then the user can decide if they want to enable browser sign-in in the Google Chrome settings and use it as they see fit.

  • 0 = Disable browser sign-in
  • 1 = Enable browser sign-in
  • 2 = Force users to sign-in to use the browser
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Android), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowserSignin" value="2"/>
Back to top


Configure the color of the browser's theme
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy allows admins to configure the color of Google Chrome's theme. The input string should be a valid hex color string matching the format "#RRGGBB".

Setting the policy to a valid hex color causes a theme based on that color to be automatically generated and applied to the browser. Users won't be able to change the theme set by the policy.

Leaving the policy unset lets users change their browser's theme as preferred.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowserThemeColor" value="#FFFFFF"/>
Back to top


Browsing Data Lifetime Settings
Data type:
Dictionary [Android:string, Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 89
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Configures browsing data lifetime settings for Google Chrome. This policy allows admins to configure (per data-type) when data is deleted by the browser. This is useful for customers that work with sensitive customer data.

Warning: Setting this policy can impact and permanently remove local personal data. It is recommended to test your settings before deploying to prevent accidental deletion of personal data.

The available data types are 'browsing_history', 'download_history', 'cookies_and_other_site_data', 'cached_images_and_files', 'password_signin', 'autofill', 'site_settings' and 'hosted_app_data'. 'download_history' and 'hosted_app_data' are not supported on Android.

The browser will automatically remove data of selected types that is older than 'time_to_live_in_hours'. The minimum value that can be set is 1 hour.

The deletion of expired data will happen 15 seconds after the browser starts then every 30 minutes while the browser is running.

Until Chrome 114, this policy required the SyncDisabled policy to be set to true. Starting Chrome 115, setting this policy will disable sync for the respective data types if neither `Chrome Sync` is disabled by setting the SyncDisabled policy nor BrowserSignin is disabled.

{ "items": { "properties": { "data_types": { "items": { "enum": [ "browsing_history", "download_history", "cookies_and_other_site_data", "cached_images_and_files", "password_signin", "autofill", "site_settings", "hosted_app_data" ], "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "time_to_live_in_hours": { "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\BrowsingDataLifetime = [ { "data_types": [ "browsing_history" ], "time_to_live_in_hours": 24 }, { "data_types": [ "password_signin", "autofill" ], "time_to_live_in_hours": 12 } ]
BrowsingDataLifetime: [ { "data_types": [ "browsing_history" ], "time_to_live_in_hours": 24 }, { "data_types": [ "password_signin", "autofill" ], "time_to_live_in_hours": 12 } ]
<key>BrowsingDataLifetime</key> <array> <dict> <key>data_types</key> <array> <string>browsing_history</string> </array> <key>time_to_live_in_hours</key> <integer>24</integer> </dict> <dict> <key>data_types</key> <array> <string>password_signin</string> <string>autofill</string> </array> <key>time_to_live_in_hours</key> <integer>12</integer> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="BrowsingDataLifetime" value="{"data_types": ["browsing_history"], "time_to_live_in_hours": 24}, {"data_types": ["password_signin", "autofill"], "time_to_live_in_hours": 12}"/>
Back to top


Use built-in DNS client
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 73
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 25
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 73
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls which software stack is used to communicate with the DNS server: the Operating System DNS client, or Google Chrome's built-in DNS client. This policy does not affect which DNS servers are used: if, for example, the operating system is configured to use an enterprise DNS server, that same server would be used by the built-in DNS client. It also does not control if DNS-over-HTTPS is used; Google Chrome will always use the built-in resolver for DNS-over-HTTPS requests. Please see the DnsOverHttpsMode policy for information on controlling DNS-over-HTTPS.

If this policy is set to Enabled or is left unset, the built-in DNS client will be used.

If this policy is set to Disabled, the built-in DNS client will only be used when DNS-over-HTTPS is in use.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


CORS non-wildcard request headers support
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 97
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Configures support of CORS non-wildcard request headers.

Google Chrome version 97 introduces support for CORS non-wildcard request headers. When scripts make a cross-origin network request via fetch() and XMLHttpRequest with a script-added Authorization header, the header must be explicitly allowed by the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header in the CORS preflight response. "Explicitly" here means that the wild card symbol "*" doesn't cover the Authorization header. See for more detail.

If this policy is not set, or set to True, Google Chrome will support the CORS non-wildcard request headers and behave as described above.

When this policy is set to False, chrome will allow the wildcard symbol ("*") in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header in the CORS preflight response to cover the Authorization header.

This Enterprise policy is temporary; it's intended to be removed in the future.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Controls whether the deprecated :--foo syntax for CSS custom state is enabled
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 127
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 127
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 127
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 127
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 127
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 127
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

The :--foo syntax for the CSS custom state feature is being changed to :state(foo) in Google Chrome in order to comply with changes that have been made in Firefox and Safari. This policy allows the old deprecated syntax to be enabled until M133.

The deprecation may break some Google Chrome-only websites which use the deprecated :--foo syntax.

If this policy is enabled, then the old deprecated syntax will be enabled.

If this policy is disabled, then the old deprecated syntax will be disabled.

If this policy is not set, then the old deprecated syntax will be disabled.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Captive portal authentication ignores proxy
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 41
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled lets Google ChromeOS bypass any proxy for captive portal authentication. These authentication webpages, starting from the captive portal sign-in page until Chrome detects a successful internet connection, open in a separate window, ignoring all policy settings and restrictions for the current user. This policy only takes effect if a proxy is set up (by policy, extension, or the user in chrome://settings).

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means any captive portal authentication pages are shown in a (regular) new browser tab, using the current user's proxy settings.

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Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 67
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 67
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy turns off enforcement of Certificate Transparency disclosure requirements for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes. Enterprise hosts can keep using certificates that otherwise wouldn't be trusted (because they weren't properly publicly disclosed). To turn off enforcement, the hash must meet one of these conditions:

* It's of the server certificate's subjectPublicKeyInfo.

* It's of a subjectPublicKeyInfo that appears in a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate in the certificate chain. That CA certificate is constrained through the X.509v3 nameConstraints extension, one or more directoryName nameConstraints are present in the permittedSubtrees, and the directoryName has an organizationName attribute.

* It's of a subjectPublicKeyInfo that appears in a CA certificate in the certificate chain, the CA certificate has one or more organizationName attributes in the certificate Subject, and the server's certificate has the same number of organizationName attributes, in the same order, and with byte-for-byte identical values.

Specify a subjectPublicKeyInfo hash by linking the hash algorithm name, a slash, and the Base64 encoding of that hash algorithm applied to the DER-encoded subjectPublicKeyInfo of the specified certificate. Base64 encoding format matches that of an SPKI Fingerprint. The only recognized hash algorithm is sha256; others are ignored.

Leaving the policy unset means that if certificates requiring disclosure through Certificate Transparency aren't disclosed, then Google Chrome doesn't trust those certificates.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas\1 = "sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas\2 = "sha256//////////////////////w=="
[ "sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==", "sha256//////////////////////w==" ]
<array> <string>sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==</string> <string>sha256//////////////////////w==</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCasDesc" value="1&#xF000;sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==&#xF000;2&#xF000;sha256//////////////////////w=="/>
Back to top


Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of URLs
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 53
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 53
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 53
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 53
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 53
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy turns off Certificate Transparency disclosure requirements for the hostnames in the specified URLs. While making it harder to detect misissued certificates, hosts can keep using certificates that otherwise wouldn't be trusted (because they weren't properly publicly disclosed).

Leaving the policy unset means that if certificates requiring disclosure through Certificate Transparency aren't disclosed, then Google Chrome doesn't trust those certificates.

A URL pattern follows this format ( ). However, because the validity of certificates for a given hostname is independent of the scheme, port, or path, Google Chrome only considers the hostname portion of the URL. Wildcard hosts aren't supported.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Allow Chrome for Testing
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 123
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 123
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 123
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Controls whether users may use Chrome for Testing.

If this policy is set to Enabled or not set, users may install and run Chrome for Testing.

If this policy is set to Disabled, users are not allowed to run Chrome for Testing. Users will still be able to install Chrome for Testing, however it will not run with the profiles where this policy is set to Disabled.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable lock when the device suspends or the lid is closed
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 9
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means Google ChromeOS asks users for a password to unlock the device when it suspends or the lid is closed.

Devices will lock when the lid is closed except if they are docked (using an external monitor). In such a case, the device will not lock when the lid closes, but will lock if the external monitor is removed and the lid is still closed.

Until Google ChromeOS M106, this policy would only lock the device when it suspends. From M106 onwards, this policy will lock the device when it suspends or the lid is closed.

By setting this policy to Enabled, and LidCloseAction to LidCloseActionDoNothing, a device will lock when the lid is closed, but will only suspend if and when configured to do so in PowerManagementIdleSettings.

Note that if this policy is set to Enabled and AllowScreenLock is set to Disabled, the device cannot be locked and the user will be logged out instead.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users are not asked for a password to unlock the device.

Leaving the policy unset lets the user choose whether to be prompted for a password to unlock the device.

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Control the user behavior in a multiprofile session
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 31
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Control the user behavior in a multiprofile session on Google ChromeOS devices.

If this policy is set to 'MultiProfileUserBehaviorUnrestricted', the user can be either primary or secondary user in a multiprofile session.

If this policy is set to 'MultiProfileUserBehaviorMustBePrimary', the user can only be the primary user in a multiprofile session.

If this policy is set to 'MultiProfileUserBehaviorNotAllowed', the user cannot be part of a multiprofile session.

If you set this setting, users cannot change or override it.

If the setting is changed while the user is signed into a multiprofile session, all users in the session will be checked against their corresponding settings. The session will be closed if any one of the users is no longer allowed to be in the session.

If the policy is left not set, the default value 'MultiProfileUserBehaviorMustBePrimary' applies for enterprise-managed users and 'MultiProfileUserBehaviorUnrestricted' will be used for non-managed users.

  • "unrestricted" = Allow enterprise user to be both primary and secondary (Default behavior for non-managed users)
  • "primary-only" = Allow enterprise user to be primary multiprofile user only (Default behavior for enterprise-managed users)
  • "not-allowed" = Do not allow enterprise user to be part of multiprofile (primary or secondary)
Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

When multiple users are logged in, only the primary user can use Android apps.

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Determine the availability of variations
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configuring this policy allows to specify which variations are allowed to be applied in Google Chrome.

Variations provide a means for offering modifications to Google Chrome without shipping a new version of the browser by selectively enabling or disabling already existing features. See for more information.

Setting the VariationsEnabled (value 0), or leaving the policy not set allows all variations to be applied to the browser.

Setting the CriticalFixesOnly (value 1), allows only variations considered critical security or stability fixes to be applied to Google Chrome.

Setting the VariationsDisabled (value 2), prevent all variations from being applied to the browser. Please note that this mode can potentially prevent the Google Chrome developers from providing critical security fixes in a timely manner and is thus not recommended.

  • 0 = Enable all variations
  • 1 = Enable variations concerning critical fixes only
  • 2 = Disable all variations
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Android), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ChromeVariations" value="1"/>
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Clear Browsing Data on Exit
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 89
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 89
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Configures a list of browsing data types that should be deleted when the user closes all browser windows.

Warning: Setting this policy can impact and permanently remove local personal data. It is recommended to test your settings before deploying to prevent accidental deletion of personal data.

The available data types are browsing history (browsing_history), download history (download_history), cookies (cookies_and_other_site_data), cache(cached_images_and_files), autofill (autofill), passwords (password_signin), site settings (site_settings) and hosted apps data (hosted_app_data). This policy does not take precedence over AllowDeletingBrowserHistory.

Until Chrome 114, this policy required the SyncDisabled policy to be set to true. Starting Chrome 115, setting this policy will disable sync for the respective data types if neither `Chrome Sync` is disabled by setting the SyncDisabled policy nor BrowserSignin is disabled.

If for some reason the data deletion has started and did not complete, the browsing data will be cleared the next time the profile is loaded.

If Google Chrome does not exit cleanly (for example, if the browser or the OS crashes), the browsing data will not be cleared since the browser closing was not a result of the use closing all the browser windows.

  • "browsing_history" = Browsing history
  • "download_history" = Download history
  • "cookies_and_other_site_data" = Cookies and other site data
  • "cached_images_and_files" = Cached images and files
  • "password_signin" = Password signin
  • "autofill" = Autofill
  • "site_settings" = Site settings
  • "hosted_app_data" = Hosted apps data
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClearBrowsingDataOnExitList\1 = "browsing_history" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClearBrowsingDataOnExitList\2 = "download_history" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClearBrowsingDataOnExitList\3 = "cookies_and_other_site_data" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClearBrowsingDataOnExitList\4 = "cached_images_and_files" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClearBrowsingDataOnExitList\5 = "password_signin" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClearBrowsingDataOnExitList\6 = "autofill" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClearBrowsingDataOnExitList\7 = "site_settings" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ClearBrowsingDataOnExitList\8 = "hosted_app_data"
[ "browsing_history", "download_history", "cookies_and_other_site_data", "cached_images_and_files", "password_signin", "autofill", "site_settings", "hosted_app_data" ]
<array> <string>browsing_history</string> <string>download_history</string> <string>cookies_and_other_site_data</string> <string>cached_images_and_files</string> <string>password_signin</string> <string>autofill</string> <string>site_settings</string> <string>hosted_app_data</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ClearBrowsingDataOnExitList" value=""browsing_history", "download_history", "cookies_and_other_site_data", "cached_images_and_files", "password_signin", "autofill", "site_settings", "hosted_app_data""/>
Back to top


Enable the Click to Call Feature
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the Click to Call feature which allows users to send phone numbers from Chrome Desktops to an Android device when the user is Signed-in. For more information, see help center article:

If this policy is set to enabled, the capability of sending phone numbers to Android devices will be enabled for the Chrome user.

If this policy is set to disabled, the capability of sending phone numbers to Android devices will be disabled for the Chrome user.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the Click to Call feature is enabled by default.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow users to manage installed client certificates.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 'All' (value 0) or leaving it unset lets users manage certificates. Setting the policy to 'None' (value 2) means users can only view (not manage) certificates.

Setting the policy to 'UserOnly' (value 1) lets users manage user certificates, but not device-wide certificates.

  • 0 = Allow users to manage all certificates
  • 1 = Allow users to manage user certificates
  • 2 = Disallow users from managing certificates
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Enable mandatory cloud management enrollment
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 72
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 72
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 72
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled mandates Chrome Browser Cloud Management enrollment and blocks Google Chrome launch process if failed.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset renders Chrome Browser Cloud Management optional and doesn't block Google Chrome launch process if failed.

Machine scope cloud policy enrollment on desktop uses this policy. See for details.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


The enrollment token of cloud policy
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 72
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 72
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 72
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy means Google Chrome tries to register itself with Chrome Browser Cloud Management. The value of this policy is an enrollment token you can retrieve from the Google Admin console.

See for details.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="CloudManagementEnrollmentToken" value="37185d02-e055-11e7-80c1-9a214cf093ae"/>
Back to top


Google Chrome cloud policy overrides Platform policy.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 75
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 75
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 75
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Metapolicy Type: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled means cloud policy takes precedence if it conflicts with platform policy.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means platform policy takes precedence if it conflicts with cloud policy.

This mandatory policy affects machine scope cloud policies.

This policy is only available on Google Chrome; it has no effect on Google Update.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enables merging of user cloud policies into machine-level policies
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 121
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Metapolicy Type: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled allows policies associated with a Google Workspace account to be merged into machine-level policies.

Only policies originating from secure users can be merged. A secure user is affiliated with the organization that manages their browser using Chrome Browser Cloud Management. All other user-level policies will always be ignored.

Policies that need to be merged also need to be set in either PolicyListMultipleSourceMergeList or PolicyDictionaryMultipleSourceMergeList. This policy will be ignored if neither of the two aforementioned policies is configured.

Leaving the policy unset or setting it to Disabled prevents user-level cloud policies from being merged with policies from any other sources.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow user cloud policies to override Chrome Browser Cloud Management policies.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 96
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 96
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 96
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 105
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Metapolicy Type: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled allows policies associated with a Google Workspace account to take precedence if they conflict with Chrome Browser Cloud Management policies.

Only policies originating from secure users can take precedence. A secure user is affiliated with the organization that manages their browser using Chrome Browser Cloud Management. All other user-level policies will have default precedence.

The policy can be combined with CloudPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicy. If both policies are enabled, user cloud policies will also take precedence over conflicting platform policies.

Leaving the policy unset or setting it to disabled causes user-level cloud policies to have default priority.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable security warnings for command-line flags
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 76
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 76
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 76
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means security warnings appear when potentially dangerous command-line flags are used to launch Chrome.

Setting the policy to Disabled prevents security warnings from appearing when Chrome is launched with potentially dangerous command-line flags.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable component updates in Google Chrome
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 54
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 54
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 54
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 54
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 105
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 105
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Enables component updates for all components in Google Chrome when not set or set to enabled.

If set to disabled, updates to components are disabled. However, some components are exempt from this policy: updates to any component that does not contain executable code and is critical for the security of the browser will not be disabled. Examples of such components include the certificate revocation lists and subresource filters.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow saving images directly to Google Photos
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether the user is allowed to save images to Google Photos directly from the context menu. Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset allows the user to save images to Google Photos from the context menu. Setting the policy to Disabled prevent users seeing the option in the context menu. This policy does not prevent users from saving images to Google Photos using other ways beside the context menu.

  • 0 = The context menu will have a menu item to share images to Google Photos.
  • 1 = The context menu will not have a menu item to share images to Google Photos.
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Contextual integrations of Google services on Google ChromeOS
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 125
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Improve productivity by allowing information from Google apps and services to appear on Google ChromeOS system surfaces.

An integration will be displayed if the associated Google service is turned on.

When ContextualGoogleIntegrationsEnabled is Disabled, all services will be disabled, regardless the settings of this policy.

When ContextualGoogleIntegrationsEnabled is Enabled or not set, services can be selected by this policy.

If this policy is left unset, all services will be enabled.

Otherwise, only selected services will be enabled.

  • "GoogleCalendar" = Google Calendar
  • "GoogleClassroom" = Google Classroom
  • "GoogleTasks" = Google Tasks
  • "ChromeSync" = Chrome Sync
  • "GoogleDrive" = Google Drive
  • "Weather" = Weather
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Contextual integrations of Google services on Google ChromeOS
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 125
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Improve productivity by allowing information from Google apps and services to appear on Google ChromeOS system surfaces.

If this policy is Enabled or left unset, the integrations selected in ContextualGoogleIntegrationsConfiguration are enabled.

If this policy is Disabled, all integrations are disabled.

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Enable Touch to Search
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 40
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset makes Touch to Search available to the user, and they can turn the feature on or off.

Setting the policy to False turns Touch to Search off completely.

Example value:
true (Android)
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Control whether passkey creation will default to iCloud Keychain.
Data type:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 118
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Google Chrome may direct passkey/WebAuthn creation requests directly to iCloud Keychain on macOS 13.5 or later. If iCloud Keychain syncing has not been enabled yet, this will prompt the user to sign in with iCloud, or may prompt them to enable iCloud Keychain syncing.

If this policy is set to false, iCloud Keychain will not be used by default and the previous behavior (of creating the credential in the Google Chrome profile) may be used instead. Users will still be able to select iCloud Keychain as an option, and may still see iCloud Keychain credentials when signing in.

If this policy is set to "true" then iCloud Keychain will be the default whenever the WebAuthn request is compatible with that choice.

If this policy is not set then the default depends on factors such as whether iCloud Drive is enabled, and whether the user has recently used or created a credential in their Google Chrome profile.

Example value:
<false /> (Mac)
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Allows users to be shown the Credential Provider Extension promo
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 112
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

When the policy is not set or set to Enabled, the Credential Provider Extension promo may be shown to the user. When the policy is set to Disabled, the Credential Provider Extension promo will not be shown to the user.

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DNS interception checks enabled
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 80
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy configures a local switch that can be used to disable DNS interception checks. The checks attempt to discover whether the browser is behind a proxy that redirects unknown host names.

This detection may not be necessary in an enterprise environment where the network configuration is known, since it causes some amount of DNS and HTTP traffic on start-up and each DNS configuration change.

When this policy is not set, or is enabled, the DNS interception checks are performed. When explicitly disabled, they're not.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Set minimal size limit for data leak prevention clipboard restriction
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 93
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This policy sets the minimal data size (in bytes) of the data in the clipboard that will be checked against clipboard restriction rules defined in DataLeakPreventionRulesList policy. If not set, it defaults to 0 that means that all pastes from the clipboard will be checked according to the configured rules.

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Enable data leak prevention reporting
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 92
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This policy is a general switch for all rules defined in the DataLeakPreventionRulesList policy. Setting this policy to True will switch on real-time reporting of data leak prevention events. Setting this policy to False or leaving it unset will switch off the reporting. Rules defined with ALLOW level restrictions in DataLeakPreventionRulesList will not report events in both cases.

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Sets a list of data leak prevention rules.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 92
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Configures a list of rules to prevent data leak on Google ChromeOS. Data leak can happen by copying and pasting data, transferring files, printing, screensharing, or taking screenshots ...etc.

Each rule consists of the following: - A list of sources defined as URLs. Any data in the sources will be considered confidential data, to which the restrictions will be applied. - A list of destinations defined as URLs or components, to which the confidential data is either allowed or disallowed to be shared. - A list of restrictions to be applied on the data of the sources.

Rules can be added to: - Control the clipboard data shared between the sources and the destinations. - Control taking screenshots of any of the sources. - Control printing of any of the sources. - Control the privacy screen when any of the sources is visible. - Control screen sharing of any of the sources. - Control files downloaded from any of the sources when they are transferred to the destination. Supported on Google ChromeOS version 108 and higher.

The restriction level can be set to BLOCK, ALLOW, REPORT, WARN. - If the restriction level is set to BLOCK, the action won't be allowed. If DataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled is set to True, the blocked action will be reported to the admin. - If the restriction level is set to ALLOW, the action will be allowed. - If the restriction level is set to REPORT and DataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled is set to True, the action will be reported to the admin. - If the restriction level is set to WARN, a user will be warned and may choose to proceed with or cancel the action. If DataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled is set to True, showing the warning will be reported to the admin; proceeding with the action will also be reported.

Notes: - PRIVACY_SCREEN restriction doesn't block the ability to turn on privacy screen, but enforces it when the restriction class is set to BLOCK. - Destinations cannot be empty in case one of the restrictions is CLIPBOARD or FILES, but they don't make any difference for the remaining restrictions. - DRIVE and USB destinations are ignored for CLIPBOARD restriction. - Format the URL patterns according to this format ( ).

If the policy is left not set, no restrictions will be applied.

{ "items": { "properties": { "description": { "type": "string" }, "destinations": { "properties": { "components": { "items": { "enum": [ "ARC", "CROSTINI", "PLUGIN_VM", "DRIVE", "USB", "ONEDRIVE" ], "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "urls": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "restrictions": { "items": { "properties": { "class": { "enum": [ "CLIPBOARD", "SCREENSHOT", "PRINTING", "PRIVACY_SCREEN", "SCREEN_SHARE", "FILES" ], "type": "string" }, "level": { "enum": [ "BLOCK", "ALLOW", "REPORT", "WARN" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "rule_id": { "type": "string" }, "sources": { "properties": { "urls": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Back to top


Set Google Chrome as Default Browser
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows 7) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to True has Google Chrome always check whether it's the default browser on startup and, if possible, automatically register itself. Setting the policy to False stops Google Chrome from ever checking if it's the default and turns user controls off for this option.

Leaving the policy unset means Google Chrome lets users control whether it's the default and, if not, whether user notifications should appear.

Note: For Microsoft®Windows® administrators, turning this setting on only works for machines running Windows 7. For later versions, you must deploy a "default application associations" file that makes Google Chrome the handler for the https and http protocols (and, optionally, the ftp protocol and other file formats). See Chrome Help ( ).

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Set default download directory
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 64
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 64
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 64
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 64
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: No, Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy changes the default directory that Chrome downloads files to, but users can change the directory.

Leaving the policy unset means Chrome uses its platform-specific default directory.

This policy has no effect if the policy DownloadDirectory is set.

Note: See a list of variables you can use ( ).

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultDownloadDirectory" value="/home/${user_name}/Downloads"/>
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Assigns apps as default handlers for specified file extensions
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy allows the admins to specify apps that act as default handlers for the respective file extensions on Google ChromeOS that users can't change.

For all file extensions not specified in the policy, users are free to set their own defaults with respect to the usual workflow.

Specify Chrome apps by their ID, such as pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia; Web apps by the URL used in WebAppInstallForceList, such as; Android apps by their package name, such as; System Web Apps by their snake case name, such as projector; Virtual Tasks by their designated name prepended with VirtualTask/, such as VirtualTask/microsoft-office. Isolated Web Apps by their web bundle ID, such as egoxo6biqdjrk62rman4vvr5cbq2ozsyydig7jmdxcmohdob2ecaaaic.

Note that apps MUST declare themselves as file handlers for specified file extensions in the manifest in order for that policy item to take effect (i.e. the policy does NOT extend existing app capabilities).

Leaving the policy unset allows Google ChromeOS to select default handlers according to the internal logic.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy can also be used to specify Android apps as default file handlers.

{ "items": { "properties": { "file_extensions": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "policy_id": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "policy_id", "file_extensions" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Back to top


Allow default search provider context menu search access
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 85
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enables the use of a default search provider on the context menu.

If you set this policy to disabled the search context menu item that relies on your default search provider will not be available.

If this policy is set to enabled or not set, the context menu item for your default search provider will be available.

The policy value is only appled when the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled policy is enabled, and is not applicable otherwise.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Control the shortcut used to trigger the Delete "six pack" key
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy determines the behavior for remapping the Delete key within the 'remap keys' subpage. The 'remap keys' subpage allows users to customize keyboard keys. If enabled, this policy prevents users from customizing these specific remappings. If the policy is not set, search-based shortcuts will act as the default and allows users to configure the shortcuts.

  • 0 = Setting a shortcut for the "Delete" action is disabled.
  • 1 = Delete shortcut setting uses the shortcut that contains the alt modifier
  • 2 = Delete shortcut setting uses the shortcut that contains the search modifier
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Enable desktop sharing in the omnibox and 3-dot menu
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset lets users share or save the current webpage using actions provided by the desktop sharing hub. The sharing hub is accessed through either an omnibox icon or the 3-dot menu.

Setting the policy to False removes the sharing icon from the omnibox and the entry from the 3-dot menu.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Control where Developer Tools can be used
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 68
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 68
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 68
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 68
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to 0 (the default) means you can access the developer tools and the JavaScript console, but not in the context of extensions installed by enterprise policy or, since version 114 and if this is a managed user, extensions built into the browser. Setting the policy to 1 means you can access the developer tools and the JavaScript console in all contexts, including that of extensions installed by enterprise policy. Setting the policy to 2 means you can't access developer tools, and you can't inspect website elements.

This setting also turns off keyboard shortcuts and menu or context menu entries to open developer tools or the JavaScript console.

As of Google Chrome version 99, this setting also controls entry points for the 'View page source' feature. If you set this policy to 'DeveloperToolsDisallowed' (value 2), users cannot access source viewing via keyboard shortcut or the context menu. To fully block source viewing, you must also add 'view-source:*' to the URLBlocklist policy.

As of Google Chrome version 119, this setting also controls whether developer mode for Isolated Web Apps can be activated and used.

As of Google Chrome version 128, this setting will not control developer mode on extensions page if ExtensionDeveloperModeSettings policy is set.

  • 0 = Disallow usage of the Developer Tools on apps and extensions installed by enterprise policy or, since version 114 and if this is a managed user, extensions built into the browser. Allow usage of the Developer Tools in other contexts
  • 1 = Allow usage of the Developer Tools
  • 2 = Disallow usage of the Developer Tools
Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy also controls access to Android Developer Options. If you set this policy to 'DeveloperToolsDisallowed' (value 2), users cannot access Developer Options. If you set this policy to another value or leave it unset, users can access Developer Options by tapping seven times on the build number in the Android settings app.

Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DeveloperToolsAvailability" value="2"/>
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DeveloperToolsDisabled (Deprecated)

Disable Developer Tools
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 9
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated in M68, please use DeveloperToolsAvailability instead.

Disables the Developer Tools and the JavaScript console.

If you enable this setting, the Developer Tools can not be accessed and web-site elements can not be inspected anymore. Any keyboard shortcuts and any menu or context menu entries to open the Developer Tools or the JavaScript Console will be disabled.

Setting this option to disabled or leaving it not set allows the user to use the Developer Tools and the JavaScript console.

If the policy DeveloperToolsAvailability is set, the value of the policy DeveloperToolsDisabled is ignored.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy also controls access to Android Developer Options. If you set this policy to true, users cannot access Developer Options. If you set this policy to false or leave it unset, users can access Developer Options by tapping seven times on the build number in the Android settings app.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Allow bluetooth on device
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 52
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users turn Bluetooth on or off.

Setting the policy to Disabled means Google ChromeOS turns Bluetooth off, and users can't turn it on.

Note: To turn on Bluetooth, users must sign out and in again.

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Allow enterprise remote access connections to this machine
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 127
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If this policy is disabled, this policy prevents enterprise admins from connecting to managed Google ChromeOS devices when no user is present on the device.

This policy does not affect other remote access scenarios.

This policy is not effective if enabled, left blank, or not configured.

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Allow Managed guest session to persist display properties
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

If this policy is disabled or unset, all display settings that were set in Managed guest session will be reset as soon as the session finishes. If this policy is set to True, display properties will persist after exiting the managed guest session.

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Allow users to redeem offers through Google ChromeOS Registration
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets enterprise device users redeem offers through Google ChromeOS Registration.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't redeem these offers.

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Only allow connection to the Bluetooth services in the list
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

This policy allows admins to configure Bluetooth services that Google ChromeOS is allowed to connect to.

When this policy is set, Google ChromeOS only allows users to connect to the specified Bluetooth services with an exception when the list is empty which means any service is allowed to use. UUIDs reserved by the Bluetooth SIG can be represented as '0xABCD' or 'ABCD'. Custom UUIDs can be represented as 'AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE'. UUIDs are case insensitive. Leaving this policy unset lets users connect to any Bluetooth service.

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Allow origins to query device attributes
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy allows listed origins to get device attributes (e.g. serial number, hostname) by using Device Attributes API.

Origins must correspond to web applications that are force-installed using WebAppInstallForceList or IsolatedWebAppInstallForceList (since version 125) policy or set up as a kiosk app. For Device Attributes API specification please see

For detailed information on valid url patterns (since version 127), please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

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Allow access to a list of URLs during authentication
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy provides access to the listed URLs during authentication (e.g. in the login screen and lock screen), as exceptions to DeviceAuthenticationURLBlocklist. See that policy's description for the format of entries of this list. For example, setting DeviceAuthenticationURLBlocklist to * will block all requests, and you can use this policy to allow access to a limited list of URLs. Use it to open exceptions to certain schemes, subdomains of other domains, ports, or specific paths, using the format specified at ( ). The most specific filter determines if a URL is blocked or allowed. The DeviceAuthenticationURLAllowlist policy takes precedence over DeviceAuthenticationURLBlocklist. This policy is limited to 1,000 entries.

Leaving the policy unset allows no exceptions to DeviceAuthenticationURLBlocklist.

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Block access to a list of URL patterns during authentication
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy prevents webpages with prohibited URLs from loading during user authentication (e.g. in the login screen and lock screen). It provides a list of URL patterns that specify forbidden URLs. Leaving the policy unset means no URLs are prohibited during authentication. Format the URL pattern according to this format ( ).

Exceptions to these patterns can be defined in the related policy DeviceAuthenticationURLAllowlist.

Certain URLs are necessary for authentication to succeed, including, so they should not be blocked if online sign-in is required.

Note: This policy does not apply to in-page JavaScript URLs with dynamically loaded data. If you blocked, then could still load it using XMLHTTPRequest.

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Block developer mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 37
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means Google ChromeOS stops the device from going into Developer mode.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset keeps Developer mode available for the device.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy controls Google ChromeOS developer mode only. If you want to prevent access to Android Developer Options, you need to set the DeveloperToolsDisabled policy.

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Determine the availability of variations on Google ChromeOS
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configuring this policy allows to specify which variations are allowed to be applied on an enterprise-managed Google ChromeOS device.

Variations provide a means for offering modifications to Google ChromeOS without shipping a new version by selectively enabling or disabling already existing features. See for more information.

Setting the VariationsEnabled (value 0), or leaving the policy not set allows all variations to be applied to Google ChromeOS.

Setting the CriticalFixesOnly (value 1), allows only variations considered critical security or stability fixes to be applied to Google ChromeOS.

Setting the VariationsDisabled (value 2), will prevent all variations from being applied to the browser on the login screen. Please note that this mode can potentially prevent the Google ChromeOS developers from providing critical security fixes in a timely manner and is thus not recommended.

  • 0 = Enable all variations
  • 1 = Enable variations concerning critical fixes only
  • 2 = Disable all variations
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Allow debug network packet captures
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 92
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allow network packet captures on device for debugging.

If the policy is set to true or left unset, user will be able to perform network packet captures on device. If set to false, network packet capture won't be available on the device.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Select DLCs (Downloadable Content) that need to be pre downloaded
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 125
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy allows to set a list of DLCs (Downloadable Content) to be downloaded as soon as possible. Downloaded DLCs are then available for all users on the device.

This is useful when the administrator knows that a feature that requires the presence of the DLC will likely be used by the users of the device.

  • "scanner_drivers" = Scanners
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Enable the Encrypted Reporting Pipeline
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset allows for events, telemetry and info to be reported to the Encrypted Reporting Pipeline. Setting the policy to False disables the Encrypted Reporting Pipeline.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Controls the enablement of the EphemeralNetworkPolicies feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 119
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls the enablement of the EphemeralNetworkPolicies feature. When this policy is set to true, the DeviceOpenNetworkConfiguration entries RecommendedValuesAreEphemeral and UserCreatedNetworkConfigurationsAreEphemeral will be respected. When this policy is not set or set to false, the mentioned network policies will only be respected if the EphemeralNetworkPolicies feature is enabled. This policy will be removed when the EphemeralNetworkPolicies feature is enabled by default.

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Enable GPU hardware video decoding
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

If this policy is unset or set to true, video decoding will be hardware-accelerated where available.

If this policy is set to false, video decoding will never be hardware-accelerated.

Disabling hardware-accelerated video decoding is not advised since it will result in a higher CPU load which in turn will negatively affect device performance and battery consumption.

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Allows enabling/disabling international shortcut keys remaps
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls whether the improved international keyboard shortcut mapping is enabled. This feature ensures keyboard shortcuts work consistently with international keyboard layouts and deprecate legacy shortcuts.

If this policy is disabled, improved international keyboards shortcuts are disabled. If this policy is enabled, improved international keyboards shortcuts are enabled. If unset, this policy is enabled for managed devices and enabled for consumer-owned devices. Note this is only a temporarily policy to allow managed users to still be able to use deprecated legacy shortcuts. This policy will deprecate after customized keyboard shortcuts are available.

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Default keyboard backlight color
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 109
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to the values will default the color for a device

keyboard backlight color during user sign in.

  • 0 = Keyboard backlight color matches the current wallpaper
  • 1 = White keyboard backlight color
  • 2 = Red keyboard backlight color
  • 3 = Yellow keyboard backlight color
  • 4 = Green keyboard backlight color
  • 5 = Blue keyboard backlight color
  • 6 = Indigo keyboard backlight color
  • 7 = Purple keyboard backlight color
  • 100 = Rainbow keyboard backlight color
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Controls use of AES Keylocker for user storage encryption if supported
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 99
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls whether the AES Keylocker implementation is enabled for user storage encryption for dm-crypt user homes on ChromeOS, if supported.

This policy only applies to user homes which use dm-crypt) for encryption. Legacy user homes (those which do not use dm-crypt) do not support the use of AES Keylocker and will default to using AESNI.

If the policy value changes, existing dm-crypt user homes will be accessed using the encryption implementation configured by the policy because the AES implementations are compatible. If the policy is disabled or not set, user storage encryption for dm-crypt user homes will default to using AESNI.

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Allow or deny device geolocation access
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 114
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Set the device-level geolocation access level for Google ChromeOS system, that is effective before a user signs in. After sign-in, users can control the geolocation access level via per-user setting.

If not set or set to Allow, the login screen geolocation access is allowed for the managed devices. If an invalid policy value is sent, the access falls back to Disallow. For unmanaged devices it's always Allow.

WARNING: Be careful when changing this setting, it could break other policies involving geolocation (e.g. SystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection)! In particular, if this policy is set to Disallow, then the TimezoneAutomaticDetectionSendWiFiAccessPoints and TimezoneAutomaticDetectionSendAllLocationInfo options of the SystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection policy will malfunction and only use the IP-based location resolution on the Log-in screen.

  • 0 = Disallow geolocation access on log-in screen.
  • 1 = Allow geolocation access on log-in screen.
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Switch the primary mouse button to the right button on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Switch the primary mouse button to the right button on the login screen.

If this policy is set to enabled, the right button of the mouse will always be the primary key on the login screen.

If this policy is set to disabled, the left button of the mouse will always be the primary key on the login screen.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the left button of the mouse will be the primary key on the login screen initially, but can be switched by the user anytime.

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Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to HID devices with the given vendor and product IDs on the login screen.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy lets you list the URLs that specify which sites are automatically granted permission to access a HID device with the given vendor and product IDs on the login screen. Each item in the list requires both devices and urls fields for the item to be valid, otherwise the item is ignored. Each item in the devices field must have a vendor_id and may have a product_id field. Omitting the product_id field will create a policy matching any device with the specified vendor ID. An item which has a product_id field without a vendor_id field is invalid and is ignored.

Leaving the policy unset puts the global default value in use for all sites (no automatic access).

{ "items": { "properties": { "devices": { "items": { "properties": { "product_id": { "maximum": 65535, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "vendor_id": { "maximum": 65535, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "vendor_id" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "urls": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "devices", "urls" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Back to top


Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to USB devices with the given vendor and product IDs on the login screen.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites are automatically granted permission to access a USB device with the given vendor and product IDs on the login screen. Each item in the list requires both devices and urls fields for the policy to be valid. Each item in the devices field can have a vendor_id and product_id field. Omitting the vendor_id field will create a policy matching any device. Omitting the product_id field will create a policy matching any device with the given vendor ID. A policy which has a product_id field without a vendor_id field is invalid.

The USB permission model will grant the specified URL permission to access the USB device as a top-level origin. If embedded frames need to access USB devices, the 'usb' feature-policy header should be used to grant access. The URL must be valid, otherwise the policy is ignored.

Deprecated: The USB permission model used to support specifying both the requesting and embedding URLs. This is deprecated and only supported for backwards compatibility in this manner: if both a requesting and embedding URL is specified, then the embedding URL will be granted the permission as top-level origin and the requesting URL will be ignored entirely.

Leaving the policy unset puts the global default value in use for all sites (no automatic access).

{ "items": { "properties": { "devices": { "items": { "properties": { "product_id": { "type": "integer" }, "vendor_id": { "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "urls": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "devices", "urls" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Back to top


Off hours intervals when the specified device policies are released
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 62
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy means the specified device policies are ignored (use these policies' default settings) during the specified intervals. Device policies are reapplied by Google Chrome when the policy period starts or ends. The user is notified and forced to sign out when this period changes and device policy settings change (for example, when a user signs in with a disallowed account).

{ "properties": { "ignored_policy_proto_tags": { "items": { "type": "integer" }, "type": "array" }, "intervals": { "items": { "description": "Use WeeklyTimeIntervalChecked in new code.", "id": "WeeklyTimeIntervals", "properties": { "end": { "description": "Use WeeklyTimeChecked in new code.", "id": "WeeklyTime", "properties": { "day_of_week": { "enum": [ "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" ], "id": "WeekDay", "type": "string" }, "time": { "description": "Milliseconds since midnight.", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "start": { "description": "Use WeeklyTimeChecked in new code.", "properties": { "day_of_week": { "enum": [ "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" ], "type": "string" }, "time": { "description": "Milliseconds since midnight.", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "timezone": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
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Enable Thunderbolt/USB4 peripheral data access
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If this policy is disabled user will not be able to fully connect their Thunderbolt/USB4 peripheral device through PCIe tunneling.

If this policy is enabled, user will be able to fully connect their Thunderbolt/USB4 peripheral device through PCIe tunneling.

If policy is left unset, defaults to false and the user will be able to select whichever state (true/false) for this setting.

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Refresh rate for Device Policy
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy specifies the period in milliseconds at which the device management service is queried for device policy information. Valid values range from 1,800,000 (30 minutes) to 86,400,000 (1 day). Values outside this range will be clamped to the respective boundary.

Leaving the policy unset means Google ChromeOS uses the default value of 3 hours.

Note: Policy notifications force a refresh when the policy changes, making frequent refreshes unnecessary. So, if the platform supports these notifications, the refresh delay is 24 hours (ignoring defaults and the value of this policy).

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Enable post-quantum key agreement for TLS for device
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This device-level policy configures whether Google ChromeOS will offer a post-quantum key agreement algorithm in TLS, using the ML-KEM NIST standard. Prior to Google ChromeOS 131, the algorithm was Kyber, an earlier draft iteration of the standard. This allows supporting servers to protect user traffic from being later decrypted by quantum computers.

If this policy is Enabled, Google ChromeOS will offer a post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections. User traffic will then be protected from quantum computers when communicating with compatible servers.

If this policy is Disabled, Google ChromeOS will not offer a post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections. User traffic will then be unprotected from quantum computers.

If this policy is not set, Google ChromeOS will follow the default rollout process for offering a post-quantum key agreement.

Offering Kyber is backwards-compatible. Existing TLS servers and networking middleware are expected to ignore the new option and continue selecting previous options.

However, devices that do not correctly implement TLS may malfunction when offered the new option. For example, they may disconnect in response to unrecognized options or the resulting larger messages. Such devices are not post-quantum-ready and will interfere with an enterprise's post-quantum transition. If encountered, administrators should contact the vendor for a fix.

This policy is a temporary measure and will be removed sometime after Google ChromeOS version 141. It may be Enabled to allow you to test for issues, and may be Disabled while issues are being resolved.

If both this policy and the PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled policy are set, this policy will take precedence.

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Allow the device to request powerwash
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 77
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets a device trigger powerwash.

Setting the policy to Disabled doesn't let a device trigger powerwash. An exception to still allow a powerwash can occur if TPMFirmwareUpdateSettings is set to a value that lets the TPM firmware update, but it hasn't updated yet.

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Enable queries to Quirks Server for hardware profiles
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 51
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

The Quirks Server provides hardware-specific configuration files, like ICC display profiles to adjust monitor calibration.

When this policy is set to false, the device will not attempt to contact the Quirks Server to download configuration files.

If this policy is true or not configured then Google ChromeOS will automatically contact the Quirks Server and download configuration files, if available, and store them on the device. Such files might, for example, be used to improve display quality of attached monitors.

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Force device reboot when user sign out
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 76
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This policy, when set to ArcSession, forces the device to reboot when a user sign out if Android has started. This policy, when set to ArcSessionOrVMStart, forces the device to reboot when a user sign out if Android or a VM has started. When set to Always, it forces the device to reboot on every user sign out. If left unset, it has no effect and no reboot is forced on user sign out. The same applies if set to Never. This policy has effect only for unaffiliated users.

  • 1 = Do not reboot on user sign out.
  • 2 = Reboot on user sign out if Android has started.
  • 3 = Always reboot on user sign out.
  • 4 = Reboot on user sign out if Android or a VM has started.
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Allow device to receive LTS updates
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

If this policy is set to "lts" it allows the device to receive LTS (long term support) updates.

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Restricted managed guest sessions
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

The policy only applies to managed guest sessions. It has to be enabled for Imprivata's shared workstation mode to allow in-session user switches. Setting the policy to True will forcefully override certain policies for features, which persist sensitive user data and are not handled by the clean-up mechanism used for in-session user switches with Imprivata shared workstation mode. Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset will not override any policies.

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Set custom schedule to reboot devices
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allows setting a custom schedule to reboot devices. Once set to True, the device will reboot to the schedule. The policy must be removed to cancel any more scheduled reboots.

In user sessions and guest sessions, the following applies:

* The users are notified that the restart will occur 1 hour before the scheduled time. They have an option to restart then or wait for the scheduled reboot. The scheduled reboot cannot be deferred.

* There is a 1 hour grace period after the device is booted. Scheduled reboots are skipped during this period and rescheduled for the next day, week, or month, depending on the setting.

In kiosk sessions, there is no grace period and no notifications about the reboot.

{ "properties": { "day_of_month": { "description": "Day of month [1-31] when the reboot should happen, interpreted in the device's local time zone. Only used when 'frequency' is 'MONTHLY'. If this is more than the maximum number of days in a given month then the last day of the month will be chosen.", "maximum": 31, "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "day_of_week": { "enum": [ "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" ], "type": "string" }, "frequency": { "description": "Frequency at which the reboot should recur.", "enum": [ "DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY" ], "type": "string" }, "reboot_time": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "reboot_time", "frequency" ], "type": "object" }
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Set custom schedule to check for updates
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allows setting a custom schedule to check for updates. This applies to all users, and to all interfaces on the device. Once set, the device will check for updates according to the schedule. The policy must be removed to cancel any more scheduled update checks.

{ "properties": { "day_of_month": { "description": "Day of month [1-31] when the update check should happen, interpreted in the device's local time zone. Only used when 'frequency' is 'MONTHLY'. If this is more than the maximum number of days in a given month then the last day of the month will be chosen.", "maximum": 31, "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "day_of_week": { "enum": [ "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" ], "type": "string" }, "frequency": { "description": "Frequency with which the update check should recur.", "enum": [ "DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY" ], "type": "string" }, "update_check_time": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "update_check_time", "frequency" ], "type": "object" }
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Show notification when disk space is low
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allows enabling or disabling a notification when disk space is low. This applies to all users on the device.

Setting policy to Enabled, an notification will be shown when remaining disk space is low.

Setting policy to Disabled or not set, there won't be any low disk space notification.

This policy is ignored and the notification is always shown if the device is unmanaged or there is only one user.

If there are multiple user accounts on a managed device, the notification will only be shown when this policy is enabled.

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Controls the setting "Use the launcher/search key to change the behavior of function keys"
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 122
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls the setting "Use the launcher/search key to change the behavior of function keys". This setting allows users to hold the launcher key to change between function keys and system top-row keys.

If this policy is unset, users can freely choose the value of the setting "Use the launcher/search key to change the behavior of function keys". If this policy is disabled, the launcher/search key will be not be able to change the behavior of function keys, and this setting will not be changeable by users. If this policy is enabled, the launcher/search key will be able to change the behavior of function keys, and this setting will not be changeable by users.

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Allow collection of system-wide performance trace
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This setting allows to collect a system-wide performance trace using the system tracing service.

If this policy is disabled, the user cannot collect a system-wide trace using the system tracing service. If this policy is enabled, the user can collect a system-wide trace using system tracing service. If unset, this policy is disabled for managed devices and enabled for consumer-owned devices. Note that setting this policy to disabled only disables system-wide trace collection. Browser trace collection is unaffected by this policy.

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Disable support for 3D graphics APIs
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 9
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 9
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True (or setting HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled to False) prevents webpages from accessing the WebGL API, and plugins can't use the Pepper 3D API.

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset lets webpages use the WebGL API and plugins use the Pepper 3D API, but the browser's default settings might still require command line arguments to use these APIs.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Disable taking screenshots
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 22
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled disallows screenshots taken with keyboard shortcuts or extension APIs. Setting the policy to Disabled or not set allows screenshots.

Note that on Microsoft® Windows®, macOS and Linux, this does not prevent screenshots that are taken with operating system or third party applications.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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DisabledSchemes (Deprecated)

Disable URL protocol schemes
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 12
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 12
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated, please use URLBlocklist instead.

Disables the listed protocol schemes in Google Chrome.

URLs using a scheme from this list will not load and can not be navigated to.

If this policy is left not set or the list is empty all schemes will be accessible in Google Chrome.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\DisabledSchemes\1 = "file" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\DisabledSchemes\2 = "https"
[ "file", "https" ]
<array> <string>file</string> <string>https</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DisabledSchemesDesc" value="1&#xF000;file&#xF000;2&#xF000;https"/>
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Set disk cache directory
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 13
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 13
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 13
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy has Google Chrome use the directory you provide for storing cached files on the disk—whether or not users specify the --disk-cache-dir flag.

If not set, Google Chrome uses the default cache directory, but users can change that setting with the --disk-cache-dir command line flag.

Google Chrome manages the contents of a volume's root directory. So to avoid data loss or other errors, do not set this policy to the root directory or any directory used for other purposes. See the variables you can use ( ).

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DiskCacheDir" value="${user_home}/Chrome_cache"/>
Back to top


Set disk cache size in bytes
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 17
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 17
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 17
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to None has Google Chrome use the default cache size for storing cached files on the disk. Users can't change it.

If you set the policy, Google Chrome uses the cache size you provide—whether or not users specify the --disk-cache-size flag. (Values below a few megabytes are rounded up.)

If not set, Google Chrome uses the default size. Users can change that setting using the --disk-cache-size flag.

Note: The value specified in this policy is used as a hint to various cache subsystems in the browser. Therefore the actual total disk consumption of all caches will be higher but within the same order of magnitude as the value specified.

Example value:
0x06400000 (Windows), 104857600 (Linux), 104857600 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DiskCacheSize" value="104857600"/>
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Controls the mode of DNS-over-HTTPS
Data type:
String [Android:choice, Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 85
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 78
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 78
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 78
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Controls the mode of the DNS-over-HTTPS resolver. Please note that this policy will only set the default mode for each query. The mode may be overridden for special types of queries such as requests to resolve a DNS-over-HTTPS server hostname.

The "off" mode will disable DNS-over-HTTPS.

The "automatic" mode will send DNS-over-HTTPS queries first if a DNS-over-HTTPS server is available and may fallback to sending insecure queries on error.

The "secure" mode will only send DNS-over-HTTPS queries and will fail to resolve on error.

On Android Pie and above, if DNS-over-TLS is active, Google Chrome will not send insecure DNS requests.

If this policy is unset the browser may send DNS-over-HTTPS requests to a resolver associated with the user's configured system resolver.

  • "off" = Disable DNS-over-HTTPS
  • "automatic" = Enable DNS-over-HTTPS with insecure fallback
  • "secure" = Enable DNS-over-HTTPS without insecure fallback
Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DnsOverHttpsMode" value="off"/>
Back to top


Specify URI template of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 85
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

The URI template of the desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver. To specify multiple DNS-over-HTTPS resolvers, separate the corresponding URI templates with spaces.

If the DnsOverHttpsMode is set to "secure" then this policy must be set and not empty. On Google ChromeOS only, either this policy or the DnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers must be set, otherwise the DNS resolution will fail.

If the DnsOverHttpsMode is set to "automatic" and this policy is set then the URI templates specified will be used; if this policy is unset then hardcoded mappings will be used to attempt to upgrade the user's current DNS resolver to a DoH resolver operated by the same provider.

If the URI template contains a dns variable, requests to the resolver will use GET; otherwise requests will use POST.

Incorrectly formatted templates will be ignored.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DnsOverHttpsTemplates" value="{?dns}"/>
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Extensions allowed to skip confirmation dialogs when accessing scanners via chrome.documentScan API
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy specifies extensions that are allowed to skip confirmation dialogs when they use the Document Scanning API functions chrome.documentScan.getScannerList() and chrome.documentScan.startScan().

If the policy is set to a non-empty list and an extension is in the list, the scanning confirmation dialogs normally shown to the user when chrome.documentScan.getScannerList() or chrome.documentScan.startScan() are called will be suppressed for that extension.

If the policy is unset or set to an empty list, scanning confirmation dialogs will be shown to the user when chrome.documentScan.getScannerList() or chrome.documentScan.startScan() are called.

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Allow reporting of domain reliability related data
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 111
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

If this policy is set false, domain reliability diagnostic data reporting is disabled and no data is sent to Google. If this policy is set true or not set, domain reliability diagnostic data reporting will follow the behavior of MetricsReportingEnabled for Google Chrome or DeviceMetricsReportingEnabled for Google ChromeOS.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Set download directory
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 35
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy sets up the directory Chrome uses for downloading files. It uses the provided directory, whether or not users specify one or turned on the flag to be prompted for download location every time.

This policy overrides the DefaultDownloadDirectory policy.

Leaving the policy unset means Chrome uses the default download directory, and users can change it.

On Google ChromeOS it's possible to set it only to Google Drive directories.

Note: See a list of variables you can use ( ).

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on Android apps. Android apps always use the default downloads directory and cannot access any files downloaded by Google ChromeOS into a non-default downloads directory.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DownloadDirectory" value="/home/${user_name}/Downloads"/>
Back to top


Allow saving files directly to Google Drive
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether the user is allowed to save files to Google Drive directly from the download manager. Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset allows the user to save files to Google Drive from the download manager. Setting the policy to Disabled prevent users seeing the option in the download manager. This policy does not prevent users from saving files to Google Drive using other ways beside the download manager.

  • 0 = The download manager will have an option to save files to Google Drive.
  • 1 = The download manager will not have an option to save files to Google Drive.
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Allow download restrictions
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 61
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 61
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 61
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 61
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 131
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy means users can't bypass download security decisions.

There are many types of download warnings within Chrome, which roughly break down into these categories (learn more about Safe Browsing verdicts

* Malicious, as flagged by the Safe Browsing server * Uncommon or unwanted, as flagged by the Safe Browsing server * A dangerous file type (e.g. all SWF downloads and many EXE downloads)

Setting the policy blocks different subsets of these, depending on it's value:

0: No special restrictions. Default.

1: Blocks malicious files flagged by the Safe Browsing server AND Blocks all dangerous file types. Only recommended for OUs/browsers/users that have a high tolerance for False Positives.

2: Blocks malicious files flagged by the Safe Browsing server AND Blocks uncommon or unwanted files flagged by the Safe Browsing server AND Blocks all dangerous file types. Only recommended for OUs/browsers/users that have a high tolerance for False Positives.

3: Blocks all downloads. Not recommended, except for special use cases.

4: Blocks malicious files flagged by the Safe Browsing server, does not block dangerous file types. Recommended.

Note: These restrictions apply to downloads triggered from webpage content, as well as the Download link… menu option. They don't apply to the download of the currently displayed page or to saving as PDF from the printing options. Read more about Safe Browsing ( ).

  • 0 = No special restrictions. Default.
  • 1 = Block malicious downloads and dangerous file types.
  • 2 = Block malicious downloads, uncommon or unwanted downloads and dangerous file types.
  • 3 = Block all downloads.
  • 4 = Block malicious downloads. Recommended.
Example value:
0x00000004 (Windows), 4 (Linux), 4 (Android), 4 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DownloadRestrictions" value="4"/>
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Dynamic Code Settings
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 127
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This policy controls the dynamic code settings for Google Chrome.

Disabling dynamic code improves the security of Google Chrome by preventing potentially hostile dynamic code and third-party code from making changes to Google Chrome's behavior, but might cause compatibility issues with third-party software that must run inside the browser process.

If the policy is set to 0 - Default or left unset then Google Chrome will use the default settings.

If the policy is set to 1 - DisabledForBrowser then the Google Chrome browser process will be prevented from creating dynamic code.

Note: Read more about process mitigation policies ( ).

  • 0 = Default dynamic code settings
  • 1 = Prevent the browser process from creating dynamic code
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DynamicCodeSettings" value="1"/>
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Allow Smart Lock to be used
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 38
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If you enable this setting, users will be allowed to use Smart Lock if the requirements for the feature are satisfied.

If you disable this setting, users will not be allowed to use Smart Lock.

If this policy is left not set, the default is not allowed for enterprise-managed users and allowed for non-managed users.

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Allow Eche to be enabled.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 99
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this setting is enabled, users will be able to launch the Eche application, for example by clicking on a Phone Hub notification.

If this setting is disabled, users will not be able to launch the Eche application.

If this policy is left not set, the default is allowed for both enterprise-managed users and non-managed users.

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Enable or disable bookmark editing
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 12
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset lets users add, remove, or modify bookmarks.

Setting the policy to False means users can't add, remove, or modify bookmarks. They can still use existing bookmarks.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


GIF Support in Emoji Picker
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy enables GIF support for Emoji Picker on Google ChromeOS. If this policy is set to Enabled, Emoji picker will support GIF emoji. If this policy is set to Disabled or not set, Emoji picker will not support GIF emoji. If this policy is not set, Emoji picker will be enabled for normal users but disabled for managed users.

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Enable Emoji Suggestion
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy enables Google ChromeOS to suggest emojis when users type text with their virtual or physical keyboards. If this policy is set to true, the feature will be enabled, and users will be able to change it. This policy is defaulted to false, no emoji will be suggested and users cannot override it.

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Enables experimental policies
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 85
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 85
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows Google Chrome to load experimental policies.

WARNING: Experimental policies are unsupported and subject to change or be removed without notice in future version of the browser!

An experimental policy may not be finished or still have known or unknown defects. It may be changed or even removed without any notification. By enabling experimental policies, you could lose browser data or compromise your security or privacy.

If a policy is not in the list and it's not officially released, its value will be ignored on Beta and Stable channel.

If a policy is in the list and it's not officially released, its value will be applied.

This policy has no effect on already released policies.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\EnableExperimentalPolicies\1 = "ExtensionInstallAllowlist" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\EnableExperimentalPolicies\2 = "ExtensionInstallBlocklist"
[ "ExtensionInstallAllowlist", "ExtensionInstallBlocklist" ]
<array> <string>ExtensionInstallAllowlist</string> <string>ExtensionInstallBlocklist</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="EnableExperimentalPoliciesDesc" value="1&#xF000;ExtensionInstallAllowlist&#xF000;2&#xF000;ExtensionInstallBlocklist"/>
Back to top


Enable online OCSP/CRL checks
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 19
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 19
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 19
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 19
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to True means online OCSP/CRL checks are performed.

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset means Google Chrome won't perform online revocation checks in Google Chrome 19 and later.

Note: OCSP/CRL checks provide no effective security benefit.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable displaying Sync Consent during sign-in
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 66
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls if Sync Consent can be shown to the user during first sign-in. It should be set to false if Sync Consent is never needed for the user. If set to false, Sync Consent will not be displayed. If set to true or unset, Sync Consent can be displayed.

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Enable TLS Encrypted ClientHello
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 105
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 105
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 105
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 105
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 105
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Encrypted ClientHello (ECH) is an extension to TLS to encrypt sensitive fields of the ClientHello and improve privacy.

If this policy is not configured, or is set to enabled, Google Chrome will follow the default rollout process for ECH. If it is disabled, Google Chrome will not enable ECH.

When the feature is enabled, Google Chrome may or may not use ECH depending on server support, availability of the HTTPS DNS record, or rollout status.

ECH is an evolving protocol, so Google Chrome's implementation is subject to change. As such, this policy is a temporary measure to control the initial experimental implementation. It will be replaced with final controls as the protocol finalizes.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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External authentication app launch URLs
Data type:
Dictionary [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 105
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allows you to specify configs for authentication urls in Android WebView.

These Authentication urls would be treated special by Android WebView, such that during authentication when webpage in Android WebView is navigated to authentication urls, corresponding Identity providers authenticator app that can handle this authentication URL would be launched.

This flow of launching the Identity providers authenticator app would be used by the Identity providers to enable use cases like providing SSO across apps or provide better security by collecting zero trust device signals to understand device posture during authentication.

If there is no valid app installed to handle authentication url on the device, navigation will continue in Android WebView.

Authentication URL pattern has to be formatted according to

{ "items": { "properties": { "url": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
EnterpriseAuthenticationAppLinkPolicy: [ { "url": "" } ]
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Set a custom enterprise label
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes, User Only: Yes

This policy controls a custom label used to identify managed profiles. For managed profiles, this label will be shown next to the avatar in the toolbar. The custom label will not be translated.

When this policy is applied, any strings that surpass 16 characters will be truncated with a “...” Please refrain from using extended names.

This policy can only be set as a user policy.

Note that this policy has no effect if the EnterpriseProfileBadgeToolbarSettings policy is set to hide_expanded_enterprise_toolbar_badge (value 1).

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="EnterpriseCustomLabel" value="Chromium"/>
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Enables managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 71
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 71
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 71
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True lets extensions installed by enterprise policy use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API.

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset prevents extensions from using this API.

Note: This policy also applies to component extensions, such as the Hangout Services extension.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Enterprise Logo URL
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 125
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 125
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 125
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes, User Only: Yes

A URL to an image that will be used as an enterprise badge for a managed profile. The URL must point to an image.

This policy can only be set as a user policy.

It is recommended to use the favicon (example or an icon no smaller than 24 x 24 px.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="EnterpriseLogoUrl" value=""/>
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Controls visibility of enterprise profile badge in the toolbar
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 131
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 131
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

For work and school profiles, the toolbar will show a "Work" or "School" label by default next to the toolbar avatar. The label will only be shown if the signed in account is managed.

Setting this policy to hide_expanded_enterprise_toolbar_badge (value 1) will hide the enterprise badge for a managed profile in the toolbar.

Leaving this policy unset or setting it to show_expanded_enterprise_toolbar_badge (value 0) will show the enterprise badge.

The label is customizable via the EnterpriseCustomLabel policy.

  • 0 = Show expanded enterprise toolbar badge
  • 1 = Hide expanded enterprise toolbar badge
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="EnterpriseProfileBadgeToolbarSettings" value="1"/>
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Keep browsing data when creating enterprise profile by default
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 106
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 106
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 106
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If this policy is Enabled, the option to keep any existing browsing data when creating an enterprise profile will be checked by default.

If this policy is unset or Disabled, the option to keep any existing browsing data when creating an enterprise profile will not be checked by default.

Regardless of the value, the user will be able to decide whether or not to keep any existing browsing data when creating an enterprise profile.

This policy has no effect if the option to keep existing browsing data is not available; this happens if enterprise profile separation is strictly enforced, or if the data would be from an already managed profile.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Enable only essential cookies and data in search
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy lets admins control how Google processes cookies and data sent to Search through Google ChromeOS. When the policy is enabled, the user will be able to use the Google ChromeOS Launcher search box, and the Google Chrome Browser address box in Google ChromeOS, the cookies and data may be used only for essential purposes. When the policy is unset or disabled, the cookies and data may be used for non-essential purposes.

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Disable download file type extension-based warnings for specified file types on domains
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

You can enable this policy to create a dictionary of file type extensions with a corresponding list of domains that will be exempted from file type extension-based download warnings. This lets enterprise administrators block file type extension-based download warnings for files that are associated with a listed domain. For example, if the "jnlp" extension is associated with "", users would not see a warning when downloading "jnlp" files from "", but see a download warning when downloading "jnlp" files from "".

Files with file type extensions specified for domains identified by this policy will still be subject to non-file type extension-based security warnings such as mixed-content download warnings and Safe Browsing warnings.

If you disable this policy or don't configure it, file types that trigger extension-based download warnings will show warnings to the user.

If you enable this policy:

* The URL pattern should be formatted according to * The file type extension entered must be in lower-cased ASCII. The leading separator should not be included when listing the file type extension, so list "jnlp" should be used instead of ".jnlp".


The following example value would prevent file type extension-based download warnings on swf, exe, and jnlp extensions for * domains. It will show the user a file type extension-based download warning on any other domain for exe and jnlp files, but not for swf files.

[ { "file_extension": "jnlp", "domains": [""] }, { "file_extension": "exe", "domains": [""] }, { "file_extension": "swf", "domains": ["*"] } ]

Note that while the preceding example shows the suppression of file type extension-based download warnings for "swf" files for all domains, applying suppression of such warnings for all domains for any dangerous file type extension is not recommended due to security concerns. It is shown in the example merely to demonstrate the ability to do so.

If this policy is enabled alongside DownloadRestrictions and DownloadRestrictions is set to block dangerous file types, download blocks determined by DownloadRestrictions take precedence. For example, if this policy is set to enable "exe" extension downloads from "", and DownloadRestrictions is set to block malicious downloads and dangerous file types, then "exe" extension downloads will still be blocked in all domains. If DownloadRestrictions is not set to block dangerous file types, then file types specified in this policy will be exempted from file-type extension-based download warnings in the specified domains. Read more about DownloadRestrictions (

{ "items": { "id": "DomainFiletypePair", "properties": { "domains": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "file_extension": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings = [ { "domains": [ "", "" ], "file_extension": "jnlp" }, { "domains": [ "*" ], "file_extension": "swf" } ]
ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings: [ { "domains": [ "", "" ], "file_extension": "jnlp" }, { "domains": [ "*" ], "file_extension": "swf" } ]
<key>ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings</key> <array> <dict> <key>domains</key> <array> <string></string> <string></string> </array> <key>file_extension</key> <string>jnlp</string> </dict> <dict> <key>domains</key> <array> <string>*</string> </array> <key>file_extension</key> <string>swf</string> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings" value="{"domains": ["", ""], "file_extension": "jnlp"}, {"domains": ["*"], "file_extension": "swf"}"/>
Back to top


Explicitly allowed network ports
Data type:
List of strings [Android:multi-select]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 91
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 91
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

There is a list of restricted ports built into Google Chrome. Connections to these ports will fail. This setting permits bypassing that list. The value is a comma-separated list of zero or more ports that outgoing connections will be permitted on.

Ports are restricted to prevent Google Chrome being used as a vector to exploit various network vulnerabilities. Setting this policy may expose your network to attacks. This policy is intended as a temporary workaround for errors with code "ERR_UNSAFE_PORT" while migrating a service running on a blocked port to a standard port (ie. port 80 or 443).

Malicious websites can easily detect that this policy is set, and for what ports, and use that information to target attacks.

Each port here is labelled with a date that it can be unblocked until. After that date the port will be restricted regardless of this setting.

Leaving the value empty or unset means that all restricted ports will be blocked. If there is a mixture of valid and invalid values, the valid ones will be applied.

This policy overrides the "--explicitly-allowed-ports" command-line option.

  • "554" = port 554 (can be unblocked until 2021/10/15)
  • "10080" = port 10080 (can be unblocked until 2022/04/01)
  • "6566" = port 6566 (can be unblocked until 2021/10/15)
  • "989" = port 989 (can be unblocked until 2022/02/01)
  • "990" = port 990 (can be unblocked until 2022/02/01)
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts\1 = "10080"
[ "10080" ]
<array> <string>10080</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts" value=""10080""/>
Back to top


Set Apps and Extensions cache size (in bytes)
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 43
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No

Setting to lower than 1 MB or leaving it unset means Google ChromeOS uses the default size of 256 MiB for caching apps and extensions for installation by multiple users of a single device, avoiding the need to redownload each one for every user.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

The cache is not used for Android apps. If multiple users install the same Android app, it will be downloaded anew for each user.

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Show an "Always open" checkbox in external protocol dialog.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether or not the "Always open" checkbox is shown on external protocol launch confirmation prompts.

If this policy is set to True or not set, when an external protocol confirmation is shown, the user can select "Always allow" to skip all future confirmation prompts for the protocol on this site.

If this policy is set to False, the "Always allow" checkbox is not displayed and the user will be prompted each time an external protocol is invoked.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Disable mounting of external storage
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 22
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True makes all types of external storage media (USB flash drives, external hard drives, SD and other memory cards, optical storage) unavailable in the file browser. Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset means users can use external storage on their device.

Note: The policy doesn't affect Google Drive and internal storage. Users can still access files saved in the Downloads folder.

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Treat external storage devices as read-only
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 54
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True prevents users from writing to external storage devices.

Unless external storage is blocked, if you set ExternalStorageReadOnly to False or leave it unset, users can create and modify files of physically writable, external storage devices. (You can block external storage by setting ExternalStorageDisable to True.)

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Control the shortcut used to trigger F11
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls the selected shortcut option for remapping events to F11 in the remap keys subpage. These settings are only applicable for Google ChromeOS keyboards and are disabled by default if the policy is unset. If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

  • 0 = F11 settings are disabled
  • 1 = F11 settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier
  • 2 = F11 settings use the shortcut that contains the shift modifier
  • 3 = F11 settings use the shortcut that contains the modifiers ctrl and shift
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Control the shortcut used to trigger F12
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls the selected shortcut option for remapping events to F12 in the remap keys subpage. These settings are only applicable for Google ChromeOS keyboards and are disabled by default if the policy is unset. If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

  • 0 = F12 settings are disabled
  • 1 = F12 settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier
  • 2 = F12 settings use the shortcut that contains the shift modifier
  • 3 = F12 settings use the shortcut that contains the modifiers ctrl and shift
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Enable Fast Pair (fast Bluetooth pairing)
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting this policy will force Fast Pair to be enabled or disabled. Fast Pair is a new Bluetooth pairing flow that links paired peripherals with a GAIA account. This allows other ChromeOS (and Android) devices signed in with the same GAIA account to pair automatically. If unset, the default value is disabled for enterprise users and enabled for non managed accounts.

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Specifies whether in-product Google Chrome surveys are shown to users.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 120
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Google Chrome in-product surveys collect user feedback for the browser. Survey responses are not associated with user accounts. When this policy is Enabled or not set, in-product surveys may be shown to users. When this policy is Disabled, in-product surveys are not shown to users.

This policy has no effect if MetricsReportingEnabled is set to Disabled, which disables in-product surveys as well.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Fetch keepalive duration on Shutdown
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 90
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 90
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls the duration (in seconds) allowed for keepalive requests on browser shutdown.

When specified, browser shutdown can be blocked up to the specified seconds, to process keepalive ( requests.

The default value (0) means this feature is disabled.

  • Minimum:0
  • Maximum:5
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown" value="1"/>
Back to top


Allow file or directory picker APIs to be called without prior user gesture
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 113
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

For security reasons, the showOpenFilePicker(), showSaveFilePicker() and showDirectoryPicker() web APIs require a prior user gesture ("transient activation") to be called or will otherwise fail.

With this policy set, admins can specify origins on which these APIs can be called without prior user gesture.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

If this policy is unset, all origins will require a prior user gesture to call these APIs.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOriginsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Enable Floating Workspace Service
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

When a user switches between Google ChromeOS devices, Google Chrome Service will launch browser and app windows from the previous device onto the new device. Setting the policy to Enabled will launch browser and app windows from current user's last used Google ChromeOS device automatically upon login. Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset will let full restore settings determine what to be launched upon login.

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Enable Sounds in Focus Mode for ChromeOS
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 129
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Focus Mode is a feature that controls Do Not Disturb on a timer and is intended to reduce user distraction. A feature of Focus Mode allows users to listen to a limited set of music to help them focus. This policy controls access to this feature.

If the policy is unset, all sounds are disabled for managed users.

Setting the policy to Enabled will allow access to all sounds in Focus Mode.

Setting the policy to EnabledFocusSoundsOnly will enable the sound feature with just Focus Sounds.

Setting the policy to Disabled will disable sounds in Focus Mode.

  • "enabled" = Enable all sounds in Focus Mode.
  • "focus-sounds" = Enable Focus Mode with only Focus Sounds.
  • "disabled" = Disable sounds in Focus Mode.
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ForceBrowserSignin (Deprecated)

Enable force sign in for Google Chrome
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 64
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 66
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 65
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This policy is deprecated, consider using BrowserSignin instead.

If this policy is set to true, user has to sign in to Google Chrome with their profile before using the browser. And the default value of BrowserGuestModeEnabled will be set to false. Note that existing unsigned profiles will be locked and inaccessible after enabling this policy. For more information, see help center article.

If this policy is set to false or not configured, user can use the browser without sign in to Google Chrome.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Ephemeral profile
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 32
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 32
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 32
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

If set to enabled this policy forces the profile to be switched to ephemeral mode. If this policy is specified as an OS policy (e.g. GPO on Windows) it will apply to every profile on the system; if the policy is set as a Cloud policy it will apply only to a profile signed in with a managed account.

In this mode the profile data is persisted on disk only for the length of the user session. Features like browser history, extensions and their data, web data like cookies and web databases are not preserved after the browser is closed. However this does not prevent the user from downloading any data to disk manually, save pages or print them.

If the user has enabled sync all this data is preserved in their sync profile just like with regular profiles. Incognito mode is also available if not explicitly disabled by policy.

If the policy is set to disabled or left not set signing in leads to regular profiles.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Force Google SafeSearch
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 41
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 41
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 41
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 41
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 41
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means SafeSearch in Google Search is always active, and users can't change this setting.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means SafeSearch in Google Search is not enforced.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Force logout the user when their account becomes unauthenticated
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 81
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Force logout the user when their primary account's authentication token becomes invalid. This policy can protect the user from access to restricted content on Google web properties. If this policy is set to True, the user will be logged out as soon as their authentication token becomes invalid and attempts to restore this token fail. If this policy is set to False or unset, the user can continue working in an unauthenticated state.

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Maximize the first browser window on first run
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 43
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True means Chrome maximizes the first window shown on first run.

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset means that Chrome might maximize the first window, depending on the screen size.

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Controls whether unload event handlers can be disabled.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 117
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 117
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 117
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 117
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

unload event handlers are being deprecated. Whether they fire depends on the unload Permissions-Policy. Currently, they are allowed by policy by default. In the future they will gradually move to being disallowed by default and sites must explicitly enable them using Permissions-Policy headers. This enterprise policy can be used to opt out of this gradual deprecation by forcing the default to remain as enabled.

Pages may depend on unload event handlers to save data or signal the end of a user session to the server. This is not recommended as it is unreliable and impacts performance by blocking use of BackForwardCache. Recommended alternatives exist, however the unload event has been used for a long time. Some applications may still rely on them.

If this policy is set to false or not set, then unload events handlers will be gradually deprecated in-line with the deprecation rollout and sites which do not set Permissions-Policy header will stop firing `unload` events.

If this policy is set to true then unload event handlers will continue to work by default.

NOTE: This policy had an incorrectly documented default of `true` in M117. The unload event did and will not change in M117, so this policy has no effect in that version.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

ForceSafeSearch (Deprecated)

Force SafeSearch
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 25
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated, please use ForceGoogleSafeSearch and ForceYouTubeRestrict instead. This policy is ignored if either the ForceGoogleSafeSearch, the ForceYouTubeRestrict or the (deprecated) ForceYouTubeSafetyMode policies are set.

Forces queries in Google Web Search to be done with SafeSearch set to active and prevents users from changing this setting. This setting also forces Moderate Restricted Mode on YouTube.

If you enable this setting, SafeSearch in Google Search and Moderate Restricted Mode YouTube is always active.

If you disable this setting or do not set a value, SafeSearch in Google Search and Restricted Mode in YouTube is not enforced.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Force minimum YouTube Restricted Mode
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 55
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 55
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 55
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 55
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 55
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy enforces a minimum Restricted mode on YouTube and prevents users from picking a less restricted mode. If you set it to:

* Strict, Strict Restricted mode on YouTube is always active.

* Moderate, the user may only pick Moderate Restricted mode and Strict Restricted mode on YouTube, but can't turn off Restricted mode.

* Off or if no value is set, Restricted mode on YouTube isn't enforced by Chrome. External policies such as YouTube policies might still enforce Restricted mode.

  • 0 = Do not enforce Restricted Mode on YouTube
  • 1 = Enforce at least Moderate Restricted Mode on YouTube
  • 2 = Enforce Strict Restricted Mode for YouTube
Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the Android YouTube app. If Safety Mode on YouTube should be enforced, installation of the Android YouTube app should be disallowed.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), 0 (Linux), 0 (Android), 0 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ForceYouTubeRestrict" value="0"/>
Back to top

ForceYouTubeSafetyMode (Deprecated)

Force YouTube Safety Mode
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 41
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 41
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 41
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 41
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 41
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated. Consider using ForceYouTubeRestrict, which overrides this policy and allows more fine-grained tuning.

Forces YouTube Moderate Restricted Mode and prevents users from changing this setting.

If this setting is enabled, Restricted Mode on YouTube is always enforced to be at least Moderate.

If this setting is disabled or no value is set, Restricted Mode on YouTube is not enforced by Google Chrome. External policies such as YouTube policies might still enforce Restricted Mode, though.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the Android YouTube app. If Safety Mode on YouTube should be enforced, installation of the Android YouTube app should be disallowed.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Configure the content and order of preferred languages
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy allows admins to configure the order of the preferred languages in Google Chrome's settings.

The order of the list will appear in the same order under the "Order languages based on your preference" section in chrome://settings/languages. Users won't be able to remove or reorder languages set by the policy, but will be able to add languages underneath those set by the policy. Users will also have full control over the browser's UI language and translation/spell check settings, unless enforced by other policies.

Leaving the policy unset lets users manipulate the entire list of preferred languages.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ForcedLanguages\1 = "en-US"
[ "en-US" ]
<array> <string>en-US</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ForcedLanguagesDesc" value="1&#xF000;en-US"/>
Back to top


Enable the full restore feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to enable the full restore feature. If this policy is true, apps and app windows will be restored or not restored after a crash or reboot based on the restore app setting. If this policy is false, only browser windows are automatcially launched.

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Configure app restore on login
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 121
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: Yes, Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls whether and how Google ChromeOS restores the last session on login. This policy has an effect only if the FullRestoreEnabled policy is set to true.

  • 1 = Always restore the last session.
  • 2 = Ask the user on login whether to restore the last session.
  • 3 = Do not restore the last session.
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Enable fullscreen alert
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Specifies whether the fullscreen alert should be shown when the device returns from sleep or dark screen.

When the policy is unset or set to True, an alert will be shown to remind the users to exit fullscreen before entering password. When the policy is set to False, no alert would be shown.

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Allow fullscreen mode
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 31
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 31
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 31
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset means that, with appropriate permissions, users, apps, and extensions can enter Fullscreen mode (in which only web content appears).

Setting the policy to False means users, apps, and extensions can't enter Fullscreen mode.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the Android apps. They will be able to enter fullscreen mode even if this policy is set to False.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Limit the time for which a user authenticated via GAIA without SAML can log in offline at the lock screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 92
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

While logging in through the lock screen, Google ChromeOS can authenticate against a server (online) or using a cached password (offline).

When this policy is set to -2, it will match the value of the login screen offline signin time limit which comes from GaiaOfflineSigninTimeLimitDays.

When the policy is unset, or set to a value of -1, it will not enforce online authentication on the lock screen and will allow the user to use offline authentication unless a different reason than this policy enforces an online authentication.

If the policy is set to a value of 0, online authentication will always be required.

When this policy is set to any other value, it specifies the number of days since the last online authentication after which the user must use online authentication again in the next login through the lock screen.

This policy affects users who authenticated using GAIA without SAML.

The policy value should be specified in days.

  • Minimum:-2
  • Maximum:365
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Enable the ghost window feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to enable the ghost window feature. If this policy is true, ARC ghost windows will be created before ARC boots after a crash or reboot based on the restore app setting. If this policy is false, there is no ghost window created before ARC boots. Arc apps are restored after ARC boots

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Enable globally scoped HTTP auth cache
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 80
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy configures a single global per profile cache with HTTP server authentication credentials.

If this policy is unset or disabled, the browser will use the default behavior of cross-site auth, which as of version 80, will be to scope HTTP server authentication credentials by top-level site, so if two sites use resources from the same authenticating domain, credentials will need to be provided independently in the context of both sites. Cached proxy credentials will be reused across sites.

If the policy is enabled, HTTP auth credentials entered in the context of one site will automatically be used in the context of another.

Enabling this policy leaves sites open to some types of cross-site attacks, and allows users to be tracked across sites even without cookies by adding entries to the HTTP auth cache using credentials embedded in URLs.

This policy is intended to give enterprises depending on the legacy behavior a chance to update their login procedures, and will be removed in the future.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Control Google ChromeOS access to Google location services
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 124
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Set Google ChromeOS geolocation system availability level.

This is an additional layer of control, sitting below the permission layer for apps and websites. E.g. If this policy is set to either Block or OnlyAllowedForSystemServices, no apps or websites can resolve location, regardless of their respective location permission. But if it's set to Allow, apps and websites can individually get location if they have permission.

Users can't override the admin selection. Leaving the policy unset gives users the consumer experience, i.e. they can freely modify the system location setting, and where the default is Allow.

Note: This policy deprecates the ArcGoogleLocationServicesEnabled policy. Also when this policy is set, DefaultGeolocationSetting will no longer affect the Android location preference on Google ChromeOS.

  • 0 = Block system geolocation access to all clients
  • 1 = Allow system geolocation access
  • 2 = Only allow system geolocation access to system services
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Enable Google Search Side Panel
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 115
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 115
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 115
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 115
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If set to Enabled or not set, Google Search Side Panel is allowed on all web pages.

If set to Disabled, Google Search Side Panel is not available on any webpage.

GenAI capabilities that are part of this feature are not available for Educational or Enterprise accounts.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


List of names that will bypass the HSTS policy check
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 78
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 78
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 78
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 78
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies a list of hostnames that bypass preloaded HSTS upgrades from http to https.

Only single-label hostnames are allowed in this policy, and this policy only applies to "static" HSTS-preloaded entries (for instance, "app", "new", "search", "play"). This policy does not prevent HSTS upgrades for servers that have "dynamically" requested HSTS upgrades using a Strict-Transport-Security response header.

Supplied hostnames must be canonicalized: Any IDNs must be converted to their A-label format, and all ASCII letters must be lowercase. This policy only applies to the specific single-label hostnames specified, not to subdomains of those names.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\HSTSPolicyBypassList\1 = "meet"
[ "meet" ]
<array> <string>meet</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="HSTSPolicyBypassListDesc" value="1&#xF000;meet"/>
Back to top


Use graphics acceleration when available
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 46
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 46
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 46
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset turns on graphics acceleration, if available.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns off graphics acceleration.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Control use of the Headless Mode
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 106
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting this policy to Enabled or leaving the policy unset allows use of the headless mode. Setting this policy to Disabled denies use of the headless mode.

  • 1 = Allow use of the Headless Mode
  • 2 = Do not allow use of the Headless Mode
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="HeadlessMode" value="2"/>
Back to top


Hide the web store from the New Tab Page and app launcher
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 26
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 26
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 26
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 68
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Hide the Chrome Web Store app and footer link from the New Tab Page and Google ChromeOS app launcher.

When this policy is set to true, the icons are hidden.

When this policy is set to false or is not configured, the icons are visible.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable High Efficiency Mode
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 108
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 108
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 108
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 108
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy enables or disables the High Efficiency Mode setting. This setting makes it so that tabs are discarded after some period of time in the background to reclaim memory. If this policy is unset, the end user can control this setting in chrome://settings/performance.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Show a view of Chrome history with groups of pages
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 97
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 107
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls the visibility of the Chrome history page organized into groups of pages.

If the policy is set to Enabled, a Chrome history page organized into groups will be visible at chrome://history/grouped.

If the policy is set to Disabled, a Chrome history page organized into groups will not be visible at chrome://history/grouped.

If the policy is left unset, a Chrome history page organized into groups will be visible at chrome://history/grouped by default.

Please note, if ComponentUpdatesEnabled policy is set to Disabled, but HistoryClustersVisible is set to Enabled or unset, a Chrome history page organized into groups will still be available at chrome://history/grouped, but may be less relevant to the user.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Control the shortcut used to trigger the Home/End "six pack" keys
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy determines the behavior for remapping the Home/End keys within the 'remap keys' subpage. The 'remap keys' subpage allows users to customize keyboard keys. If enabled, this policy prevents users from customizing these specific remappings. If the policy is not set, search-based shortcuts will act as the default and allows users to configure the shortcuts.

  • 0 = Home/End settings are disabled
  • 1 = Home/End settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier
  • 2 = Home/End settings use the shortcut that contains the search modifier
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HTTP Allowlist
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 112
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 112
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies a list of hostnames or hostname patterns (such as '[*.]') that will not be upgraded to HTTPS and will not show an error interstitial if HTTPS-First Mode is enabled. Organizations can use this policy to maintain access to servers that do not support HTTPS, without needing to disable HTTPS Upgrades and/or HTTPS-First Mode.

Supplied hostnames must be canonicalized: Any IDNs must be converted to their A-label format, and all ASCII letters must be lowercase.

Blanket host wildcards (i.e., "*" or "[*]") are not allowed. Instead, HTTPS-First Mode and HTTPS Upgrades should be explicitly disabled via their specific policies.

Note: This policy does not apply to HSTS upgrades.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\HttpAllowlist\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\HttpAllowlist\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="HttpAllowlistDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Allow HTTPS-Only Mode to be enabled
Data type:
String [Android:choice, Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 94
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 112
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether users can enable HTTPS-Only Mode (Always Use Secure Connections) in Settings. HTTPS-Only Mode upgrades all navigations to HTTPS. If this setting is not set or set to allowed, users will be allowed to enable HTTPS-Only Mode. If this setting is set to disallowed, users will not be allowed to enable HTTPS-Only Mode. If this setting is set to force_enabled, HTTPS-Only Mode will be enabled in Strict mode and users will not be able to disable it. If this setting is set to force_balanced_enabled, HTTPS-Only Mode will be enabled in Balanced mode and users will not be able to disable it. force_enabled is supported from M112 onwards, force_balanced_enabled is supported from M129 onwards. If you set this policy to a value that is not supported by the version of Chrome that receives the policy, Chrome will default to the allowed setting.

The separate HttpAllowlist policy can be used to exempt specific hostnames or hostname patterns from being upgraded to HTTPS by this feature.

  • "allowed" = Do not restrict users' HTTPS-Only Mode setting
  • "disallowed" = Do not allow users to enable any HTTPS-Only Mode
  • "force_enabled" = Force enable HTTPS-Only Mode in Strict mode
  • "force_balanced_enabled" = Force enable HTTPS-Only Mode in Balanced Mode
Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="HttpsOnlyMode" value="disallowed"/>
Back to top


Enable automatic HTTPS upgrades
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 112
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 112
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 112
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Google Chrome attempts to upgrade some navigations from HTTP to HTTPS, when possible. This policy can be used to disable this behavior. If set to "true" or left unset, this feature will be enabled by default.

The separate HttpAllowlist policy can be used to exempt specific hostnames or hostname patterns from being upgraded to HTTPS by this feature.

See also the HttpsOnlyMode policy.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Import autofill form data from default browser on first run
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 39
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 39
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 39
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled imports autofill form data from the previous default browser on first run. Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means no autofill form data is imported on first run.

Users can trigger an import dialog and the autofill form data checkbox will be checked or unchecked to match this policy's value.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Import bookmarks from default browser on first run
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 15
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled imports bookmarks from the previous default browser on first run. Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means no bookmarks are imported on first run.

Users can trigger an import dialog and the bookmarks checkbox will be checked or unchecked to match this policy's value.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Import browsing history from default browser on first run
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 15
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled imports browsing history from the previous default browser on first run. Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means no browsing history is imported on first run.

Users can trigger an import dialog and the browsing history checkbox will be checked or unchecked to match this policy's value.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Import of homepage from default browser on first run
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 15
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled imports the homepage from the previous default browser on first run. Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means the homepage isn't imported on first run.

Users can trigger an import dialog and the homepage checkbox will be checked or unchecked to match this policy's value.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Import saved passwords from default browser on first run
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 15
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls only the first run import behavior after installation. It enables more seamless transition to Google Chrome in environments where a different browser was extensively used prior to installing the browser. This policy does not affect password manager capabilities for Google accounts.

Setting the policy to Enabled imports saved passwords from the previous default browser on first run and manual importing from the settings page is also possible. Setting the policy to Disabled means no saved passwords are imported on first run and manual importing from the Settings page is blocked. Leaving the policy unset means no saved passwords are imported on first run but the user can choose to do that from the settings page.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Import search engines from default browser on first run
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 15
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 15
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled imports the default search engine from the previous default browser on first run. Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means the default search engine isn't imported on first run.

Users can trigger an import dialog and the default search engine checkbox will be checked or unchecked to match this policy's value.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

IncognitoEnabled (Deprecated)

Enable Incognito mode
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated. Please, use IncognitoModeAvailability instead. Enables Incognito mode in Google Chrome.

If this setting is enabled or not configured, users can open web pages in incognito mode.

If this setting is disabled, users cannot open web pages in incognito mode.

If this policy is left not set, this will be enabled and the user will be able to use incognito mode.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Incognito mode availability
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 14
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 14
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 14
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 14
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Specifies whether the user may open pages in Incognito mode in Google Chrome.

If 'Enabled' is selected or the policy is left unset, pages may be opened in Incognito mode.

If 'Disabled' is selected, pages may not be opened in Incognito mode.

If 'Forced' is selected, pages may be opened ONLY in Incognito mode. Note that 'Forced' does not work for Android-on-Chrome

Note: On iOS, if the policy is changed during a session, it will only take effect on relaunch.

  • 0 = Incognito mode available
  • 1 = Incognito mode disabled
  • 2 = Incognito mode forced
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Android), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="IncognitoModeAvailability" value="1"/>
Back to top

InsecureFormsWarningsEnabled (Deprecated)

Enable warnings for insecure forms
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 122
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls the treatment for insecure forms (forms that submit over HTTP) embedded in secure (HTTPS) sites in the browser. If the policy is enabled or unset, a full page warning will be shown when an insecure form is submitted. Additionally, a warning bubble will be shown next to the form fields when they are focused, and autofill will be disabled for those forms. If the policy is disabled, warnings will not be shown for insecure forms, and autofill will work normally.

This policy is intended to be removed in Chrome 130.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Control the shortcut used to trigger the Insert "six pack" key
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy determines the default behavior for remapping the Insert key within the 'remap keys' subpage. The 'remap keys' subpage allows users to customize keyboard keys. If enabled, this policy prevents users from customizing these specific remappings. If the policy is not set, search-based shortcuts will act as the default.

  • 0 = Setting a shortcut for the "Insert" action is disabled.
  • 2 = Insert shortcut setting uses the shortcut that contains the search modifier
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Enable insights extension for reporting usage metrics
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 103
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

The insights extension reports user internet download and upload speed, user idle time, and application insights.

If the policy is set to enabled, the insights extension will be installed and report metrics.

If the policy is not set or set to disabled, then the insights extension will not be installed and will not report metrics.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the reporting done by Android.

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Allow Instant Tethering to be used.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 60
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this setting is enabled, users will be allowed to use Instant Tethering, which allows their Google phone to share its mobile data with their device.

If this setting is disabled, users will not be allowed to use Instant Tethering.

If this policy is left not set, the default is not allowed for enterprise-managed users and allowed for non-managed users.

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Control the IntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 85
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

When enabled the IntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature causes JavaScript timers in background tabs to be aggressively throttled and coalesced, running no more than once per minute after a page has been backgrounded for 5 minutes or more.

This is a web standards compliant feature, but it may break functionality on some websites by causing certain actions to be delayed by up to a minute. However, it results in significant CPU and battery savings when enabled. See for more details.

If this policy is set to enabled then the feature will be force enabled, and users will not be able to override this.

If this policy is set to disabled then the feature will be force disabled, and users will not be able to override this.

If this policy is left unset then the feature will be controlled by its own internal logic, which can be manually configured by users.

Note that the policy is applied per renderer process, with the most recent value of the policy setting in force when a renderer process starts. A full restart is required to ensure that all loaded tabs receive a consistent policy setting. It is harmless for processes to be running with different values of this policy.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Intranet Redirection Behavior
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 88
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy configures behavior for intranet redirection via DNS interception checks. The checks attempt to discover whether the browser is behind a proxy that redirects unknown host names.

If this policy is not set, the browser will use the default behavior of DNS interception checks and intranet redirect suggestions. In M88, they are enabled by default but will be disabled by default in the future release.

DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled is a related policy that may also disable DNS interception checks; this policy is a more flexible version which may separately control intranet redirection infobars and may be expanded in the future. If either DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled or this policy requests to disable interception checks, the checks will be disabled.

  • 0 = Use default browser behavior.
  • 1 = Disable DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
  • 2 = Disable DNS interception checks; allow did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
  • 3 = Allow DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="IntranetRedirectBehavior" value="1"/>
Back to top


Enable Site Isolation for specified origins
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 63
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 63
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 63
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 63
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy means each of the named origins in a comma-separated list runs in a dedicated process. Each named origin's process will only be allowed to contain documents from that origin and its subdomains. For example, specifying allows in the same process, but not or

Since Google Chrome 77, you can also specify a range of origins to isolate using a wildcard. For example, specifying https://[*.] will give every origin underneath its own dedicated process, including itself,, and

Note that all sites (i.e., scheme plus eTLD+1, such as are already isolated by default on Desktop platforms, as noted in the SitePerProcess policy. This IsolateOrigins policy is useful to isolate specific origins at a finer granularity (e.g.,

Also note that origins isolated by this policy will be unable to script other origins in the same site, which is otherwise possible if two same-site documents modify their document.domain values to match. Administrators should confirm this uncommon behavior is not used on an origin before isolating it.

Setting the policy to off or leaving it unset lets users change this setting.

Note: For Android, use the IsolateOriginsAndroid policy instead.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="IsolateOrigins" value=",,https://[*.]"/>
Back to top


Enable Site Isolation for specified origins on Android devices
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 68
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy means each of the named origins in a comma-separated list runs in a dedicated process on Android. Each named origin's process will only be allowed to contain documents from that origin and its subdomains. For example, specifying allows in the same process, but not or Note that Android isolates certain sensitive sites by default starting in Google Chrome version 77, and this policy extends that mode to isolate specific additional origins.

Since Google Chrome 77, you can also specify a range of origins to isolate using a wildcard. For example, specifying https://[*.] will give every origin underneath its own dedicated process, including itself,, and

Note that origins isolated by this policy will be unable to script other origins in the same site, which is otherwise possible if two same-site documents modify their document.domain values to match. Administrators should confirm this uncommon behavior is not used on an origin before isolating it.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns off any form of site isolation, including isolation of sensitive sites and field trials of IsolateOriginsAndroid, SitePerProcessAndroid, and other site isolation modes. Users can still turn on IsolateOrigins manually, through the command line flag.

Leaving the policy unset lets users change this setting.

Note: Isolating too many sites on Android may cause performance problems, especially on low-memory devices. This policy applies only to Chrome on Android running on devices with strictly more than 1 GB of RAM. To apply the policy on non-Android platforms, use IsolateOrigins.

Example value:
Back to top


Configure list of force-installed Isolated Web Apps
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies a list of isolated web apps (IWAs) that install silently. IWAs are applications that have useful security properties unavailable to normal web pages. They are packaged in a Signed Web Bundle. The public key of the Signed Web Bundle is used to create the Web Bundle ID that identifies the IWA. So far this policy works for Managed Guest Session only.

Each list item of the policy is an object which has two mandatory fields: the update manifest URL and Web Bundle ID of the Isolated Web App. Each item can also have an optional field with the IWA release channel name. If the "update_channel" is not set, then the value of "default" will be used.

{ "items": { "properties": { "update_channel": { "description": "The name of the IWA's update/release channel. This value can be any string; no restrictions are imposed. If no value is provided, the \"default\" channel will be used.", "type": "string" }, "update_manifest_url": { "type": "string" }, "web_bundle_id": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "update_manifest_url", "web_bundle_id" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
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JavascriptEnabled (Deprecated)

Enable JavaScript
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated, please use DefaultJavaScriptSetting instead.

Can be used to disabled JavaScript in Google Chrome.

If this setting is disabled, web pages cannot use JavaScript and the user cannot change that setting.

If this setting is enabled or not set, web pages can use JavaScript but the user can change that setting.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


List of URLs which are allowed to remain in full screen mode without showing a notification
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 99
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configure a list of URLs that are allowed to stay in full screen mode without showing a notification when the device returns from the lock screen.

Normally, full screen mode is turned off when returning from the lock screen in order to reduce the risk of phishing attacks. This policy allows to specify URLs that will be considered trusted sources which are permitted to continue full screen mode on unlock. It is set by specifying a list of URL patterns formatted according to this format ( ). E.g., it is possible to always keep full screen mode on unlock and disable the notifications altogether by specifying the wildcard character * matching all URLs.

Setting this policy to an empty list or leaving it unset means no URLs are allowed to continue full screen mode without a notification.

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Key Permissions
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 45
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy grants access to corporate keys to extensions or Android applications. Keys are designated for corporate usage only if they're generated using the chrome.enterprise.platformKeys API on a managed account. Users can't grant or withdraw access to corporate keys to or from extensions or Android applications.

By default, an extension or an Android applications can't use a key designated for corporate usage, which is equivalent to setting allowCorporateKeyUsage to False for it. Only if allowCorporateKeyUsage is set to True for an extension or an Android application can it use any platform key marked for corporate usage to sign arbitrary data. Only grant this permission if the extension or the Android application is trusted to secure access to the key against attackers.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

Corporate keys can be used by Android applications that are installed and listed in this policy.

{ "additionalProperties": { "properties": { "allowCorporateKeyUsage": { "description": "If set to true, this extension can use all keys that are designated for corporate usage to sign arbitrary data. If set to false, it cannot access any such keys and the user cannot grant such permission either. As an exception, an extension can access such a key exactly once if the same extension generated that key.", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


Enable keyboard focusable scrollers
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 127
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 127
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 127
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 127
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 127
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 127
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy provides a temporary opt-out for the new keyboard focusable scrollers behavior.

When this policy is Enabled or unset, scrollers without focusable children are keyboard-focusable by default.

When this policy is Disabled, scrollers will not be keyboard-focusable by default.

This policy is a temporary workaround, and will be removed in M135.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow origins to access browser permissions available to the web kiosk install origin.
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 129
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy allows listed additional origins to access browser permissions (e.g. geo location, camera, microphone) which are already available to the web kiosk applications install origin.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

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Make the Lacros browser available
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 92
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This setting provides several availability options for the Lacros browser.

If the policy is set to user_choice, the user can enable Lacros and make it primary.

If the policy is set to lacros_disallowed, the user cannot use Lacros.

If the policy is set to side_by_side, Lacros is enabled but is not the primary browser.

If the policy is set to lacros_primary, Lacros is enabled and is the primary browser.

If the policy is unset, the default is lacros_disallowed for enterprise-managed users and user_choice for non-managed users.

In the future it will be possible to make Lacros the only available browser in Google ChromeOS with lacros_only value.

  • "user_choice" = Allow users to enable Lacros and make it the primary browser
  • "lacros_disallowed" = Prevent users from using Lacros
  • "side_by_side" = Enable Lacros
  • "lacros_primary" = Enable Lacros and make it the primary browser
  • "lacros_only" = Make Lacros the only available browser (not implemented yet)
Back to top


Choose what happens with user data after Lacros is disabled
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 110
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This setting decides how much user data is kept after Lacros is disabled.

If the policy is set to none or unset, backward data migration is not performed.

If the policy is set to keep_none, all user data is removed. This is the safest option.

If the policy is set to keep_safe_data, most user data is removed. Only browser independent files are kept (such as Downloads).

If the policy is set to keep_all, all user data is kept. This option has a high risk of failure, requiring a powerwash to recover.

  • "none" = After Lacros is disabled, data migration is not performed. The Lacros folder is removed and users continue using the remaining data.
  • "keep_none" = After Lacros is disabled, all user data is removed on next login.
  • "keep_safe_data" = After Lacros is disabled, we attempt to keep as much user data as possible, while removing all browser data.
  • "keep_all" = After Lacros is disabled, we attempt to migrate all data.
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Select Lacros browser binary
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 112
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This setting configures which Lacros browser to use.

If the policy is set to user_choice, the user can decide which Lacros browser to load: binary from rootfs or stateful partition. If the user has not set any preference, the binary with the newest version will be chosen.

If the policy is set to rootfs, always load rootfs binary of Lacros browser.

If the policy is unset, the default is rootfs for enterprise-managed users and user_choice for non-managed users.

Note that changing the policy's value may cause Lacros browser's data loss if the browser's version it changes to is older than the current one. For example, if the policy changes from user_choice to rootfs, and the first one was updated. Or if Google ChromeOS was updated together with rootfs Lacros browser, and stateful has not been updated yet. In such scenarios the correct data migration is not guaranteed.

Using user_choice or rootfs is a safe option. Switching from rootfs to user_choice is safe as well.

  • "user_choice" = Allow users to select Lacros browser binary
  • "rootfs" = Always load rootfs Lacros browser
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Allow Google Lens camera assisted search
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Leaving the policy unset or setting it to Enabled allows users to search with their cameras using Google Lens. Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't see the Google Lens button in the search box when Google Lens camera assisted search is supported.

Example value:
true (Android)
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Allow Google Lens button to be shown in the search box on the New Tab page if supported.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 109
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 109
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 109
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 109
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Leaving the policy unset or setting it to Enabled allows users to view and use the Google Lens button in the search box on the New Tab page. Setting the policy to Disabled means users will not see the Google Lens button in the search box on the New Tab page.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enables the Lens / Gallery App integration on Google ChromeOS
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 128
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls the availability of the Lens integration in the Gallery App on Google ChromeOS

When the policy is enabled or not set, users can use Lens to search selections of media that they are viewing in the Gallery App. When the policy is disabled this feature is disabled.

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Settings for the Lens Overlay feature
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 126
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 126
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 126
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 126
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Lens Overlay lets users issue Google searches by interacting with a screenshot of the current page laid over the actual web contents.

There is no user setting to control this feature, it is generally made available to all users with Google as their default search engine unless disabled by this policy.

When policy is set to 0 - Enabled or not set, the feature will be available to users. When policy is set to 1 - Disabled, the feature will not be available.

  • 0 = Enable
  • 1 = Disable
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="LensOverlaySettings" value="1"/>
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Allow Google Lens region search menu item to be shown in context menu if supported.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 94
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Leaving the policy unset or setting it to Enabled allows users to view and use the Google Lens region search menu item in the context menu. Setting the policy to Disabled means users will not see the Google Lens region search menu item in the context menu when Google Lens region search is supported.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable read aloud (text distillation and text-to-speech synthesis) for web pages
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 122
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to be true allows users to have eligible web pages read aloud using text-to-speech. This is achieved by server side content distillation and audio synthesis. Setting to false disables this feature. If this policy is set to default or unset, read aloud is enabled.

Example value:
true (Android)
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Automatic start of online re-authentication on the lock screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 126
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

On the lock screen users have an option to open an online re-authentication window and use it for authentication process to re-enter their session. This policy can be used to automatically open the window if online re-authentication is required.

If the policy is set to Enabled and online re-authentication is required, the online re-authentication window is opened automatically.

If the policy is set to Disabled or unset, the online re-authentication window has to be opened manually.

Online re-authentication can become required for a number of reasons, such as password change, but it can be also enforced by certain policies such as GaiaLockScreenOfflineSigninTimeLimitDays or SamlLockScreenOfflineSigninTimeLimitDays.

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Allows users to play media when the device is locked
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset displays media controls on the lock screen if users lock the device when media is playing.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns media controls on the lock screen off.

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Show the display password button on the login and lock screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

When enabled, this feature shows a button on the login and lock screen that allows the password to be displayed. It is represented as an eye icon on the password textfield. The button is absent when the feature is disabled.

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Suppress lookalike domain warnings on domains
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy prevents the display of lookalike URL warnings on the sites listed. These warnings are typically shown on sites that Google Chrome believes might be trying to spoof another site the user is familiar with.

If the policy is enabled and set to one or more domains, no lookalike warnings pages will be shown when the user visits pages on that domain.

If the policy is not set, or set to an empty list, warnings may appear on any site the user visits.

A hostname can be allowed with a complete host match, or any domain match. For example, a URL like "" may have warnings suppressed if this list includes either "" or "".

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\LookalikeWarningAllowlistDomains\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\LookalikeWarningAllowlistDomains\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="LookalikeWarningAllowlistDomainsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Add restrictions on managed accounts
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 94
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Default behavior (Policy unset) When an account is added in the content area a small dialog may appear asking the user to create a new profile. This dialog is dismissable.

ManagedAccountsSigninRestriction = 'primary_account' If a user signs into a Google service for the first time in a Google Chrome browser, a dialog will appear asking the user to create a new profile for their enterprise account. The user may click Cancel and get signed out, or Continue to create a new profile. Any existing browsing data will not be added to the new profile. The newly created profile is allowed to have secondary accounts, for example the user can sign into another account in the content area.

ManagedAccountsSigninRestriction = 'primary_account_strict' This is the same behavior as 'primary_account' except the newly created profile is not allowed to have secondary accounts.

ManagedAccountsSigninRestriction = 'primary_account_keep_existing_data' This is the same behavior as 'primary_account' except a checkbox will be added to the dialog to allow the user to keep local browsing data. If the user checks the box, then the existing profile data becomes associated with the Managed account. - All existing browsing data will be present in the new profile. - This data includes bookmarks, history, password, autofill data, open tabs, cookies, cache, web storage, extensions, etc. If the user does not check the box: - The old profile will continue to exist, no data will be lost. - A new profile will be created.

ManagedAccountsSigninRestriction = 'primary_account_strict_keep_existing_data' This is the same behavior as 'primary_account_keep_existing_data' except the newly created profile is not allowed to have secondary accounts.

  • "primary_account" = A Managed account must be a primary account and importing existing browsing data is allowed at the time of profile creation
  • "primary_account_strict" = A Managed account must be a primary account and have no secondary accounts and importing existing browsing data is allowed at the time of profile creation
  • "none" = No restrictions on managed accounts
  • "primary_account_keep_existing_data" = A Managed account must be a primary account and the user can import existing data at the time of its creation
  • "primary_account_strict_keep_existing_data" = A Managed account must be a primary account and have no secondary accounts and the user can import existing data at the time of its creation
Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ManagedAccountsSigninRestriction" value="primary_account"/>
Back to top


Managed Bookmarks
Data type:
Dictionary [Android:string, Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 37
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 37
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 37
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 37
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy sets up a list of bookmarks where each one is a dictionary with the keys "name" and "url". These keys hold the bookmark's name and target. Admins can set up a subfolder by defining a bookmark without a "url" key, but with an additional "children" key. This key also has a list of bookmarks, some of which can also be folders. Chrome amends incomplete URLs as if they were submitted through the address bar. For example, "" becomes "".

Users can't change the folders the bookmarks are placed in (though they can hide it from the bookmark bar). The default folder name for managed bookmarks is "Managed bookmarks" but it can be changed by adding a new sub-dictionary to the policy with a single key named "toplevel_name" with the desired folder name as its value. Managed bookmarks are not synced to the user account and extensions can't modify them.

{ "items": { "id": "BookmarkType", "properties": { "children": { "items": { "$ref": "BookmarkType" }, "type": "array" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "toplevel_name": { "type": "string" }, "url": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ManagedBookmarks = [ { "toplevel_name": "My managed bookmarks folder" }, { "name": "Google", "url": "" }, { "name": "Youtube", "url": "" }, { "children": [ { "name": "Chromium", "url": "" }, { "name": "Chromium Developers", "url": "" } ], "name": "Chrome links" } ]
ManagedBookmarks: [ { "toplevel_name": "My managed bookmarks folder" }, { "name": "Google", "url": "" }, { "name": "Youtube", "url": "" }, { "children": [ { "name": "Chromium", "url": "" }, { "name": "Chromium Developers", "url": "" } ], "name": "Chrome links" } ]
<key>ManagedBookmarks</key> <array> <dict> <key>toplevel_name</key> <string>My managed bookmarks folder</string> </dict> <dict> <key>name</key> <string>Google</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>name</key> <string>Youtube</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>children</key> <array> <dict> <key>name</key> <string>Chromium</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>name</key> <string>Chromium Developers</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> </array> <key>name</key> <string>Chrome links</string> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ManagedBookmarks" value="{"toplevel_name": "My managed bookmarks folder"}, {"name": "Google", "url": ""}, {"name": "Youtube", "url": ""}, {"children": [{"name": "Chromium", "url": ""}, {"name": "Chromium Developers", "url": ""}], "name": "Chrome links"}"/>
Back to top


Sets managed configuration values to websites to specific origins
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 89
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 89
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy defines the return value of Managed Configuration API for given origin.

Managed configuration API is a key-value configuration that can be accessed via navigator.managed.getManagedConfiguration() javascript call. This API is only available to origins which correspond to force-installed web applications via WebAppInstallForceList.

{ "items": { "properties": { "managed_configuration_hash": { "type": "string" }, "managed_configuration_url": { "type": "string" }, "origin": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "origin", "managed_configuration_url", "managed_configuration_hash" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin = [ { "managed_configuration_hash": "asd891jedasd12ue9h", "managed_configuration_url": "", "origin": "" }, { "managed_configuration_hash": "djio12easd89u12aws", "managed_configuration_url": "", "origin": "" } ]
ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin: [ { "managed_configuration_hash": "asd891jedasd12ue9h", "managed_configuration_url": "", "origin": "" }, { "managed_configuration_hash": "djio12easd89u12aws", "managed_configuration_url": "", "origin": "" } ]
<key>ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin</key> <array> <dict> <key>managed_configuration_hash</key> <string>asd891jedasd12ue9h</string> <key>managed_configuration_url</key> <string></string> <key>origin</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>managed_configuration_hash</key> <string>djio12easd89u12aws</string> <key>managed_configuration_url</key> <string></string> <key>origin</key> <string></string> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin" value="{"managed_configuration_hash": "asd891jedasd12ue9h", "managed_configuration_url": "", "origin": ""}, {"managed_configuration_hash": "djio12easd89u12aws", "managed_configuration_url": "", "origin": ""}"/>
Back to top


Reduce Managed-guest session auto-launch notifications
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Controls the privacy warning of the managed-guest session on Google ChromeOS.

If this policy is set to False, the privacy warnings on the login screen and the auto-launch notification inside the managed-guest session will get deactivated.

This policy should not be used for devices used by the general public.

If the policy is set to True or not set, the privacy warning notification in the auto-launched managed-guest session will be pinned until the user dismisses it.

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Maximal number of concurrent connections to the proxy server
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 14
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 14
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 14
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies the maximal number of simultaneous connections to the proxy server. Some proxy servers can't handle a high number of concurrent connections per client, which is solved by setting this policy to a lower value. The value should be lower than 100 and higher than 6. Some web apps are known to consume many connections with hanging GETs, so setting a value below 32 may lead to browser networking hangs if there are too many web apps with hanging connections open. Lower below the default at your own risk.

Leaving the policy unset means a default of 32 is used.

Example value:
0x00000020 (Windows), 32 (Linux), 32 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="MaxConnectionsPerProxy" value="32"/>
Back to top


Maximum fetch delay after a policy invalidation
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 30
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies the maximum delay in milliseconds between receiving a policy invalidation and fetching the new policy from the device management service. Valid values range from 1,000 (1 second) to 300,000 (5 minutes). Values outside this range will be clamped to the respective boundary.

Leaving the policy unset means Google Chrome uses the default value of 10 seconds.

  • Minimum:1000
  • Maximum:300000
Example value:
0x00002710 (Windows), 10000 (Linux), 10000 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="MaxInvalidationFetchDelay" value="10000"/>
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Enable Media Recommendations
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 87
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 87
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 87
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

By default the browser will show media recommendations that are personalized to the user. Setting this policy to Disabled will result in these recommendations being hidden from the user. Setting this policy to Enabled or leaving it unset will result in the media recommendations being shown to the user.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Change Memory Saver Mode Savings
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 126
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 126
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 126
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 126
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy changes the savings level of Memory Saver.

This only takes effect when Memory Saver is enabled through settings or through the HighEfficiencyModeEnabled policy, and will affect how heuristics are used to determine when to discard tabs. For example, reducing the lifetime of an inactive tab before discarding it can save memory, but it also means that tabs will be reloaded more frequently which can lead to bad user experience and cost more network traffic.

Setting the policy to 0 - Memory Saver will get moderate memory savings. Tabs become inactive after a longer period of time

Setting the policy to 1 - Memory Saver will get balanced memory savings. Tabs become inactive after an optimal period of time.

Setting the policy to 2 - Memory Saver will get maximum memory savings. Tabs become inactive after a shorter period of time.

If this policy is unset, the end user can control this setting in chrome://settings/performance.

  • 0 = Moderate memory savings.
  • 1 = Balanced memory savings.
  • 2 = Maximum memory savings.
Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), 0 (Linux), 0 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="MemorySaverModeSavings" value="0"/>
Back to top


Enable reporting of usage and crash-related data
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 110
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

When this policy is Enabled, anonymous reporting of usage and crash-related data about Google Chrome to Google is recommended to be enabled by default. Users will still be able to change this setting.

When this policy is Disabled, anonymous reporting is disabled and no usage or crash data is sent to Google. Users won't be able to change this setting.

When this policy is not set, users can choose the anonymous reporting behavior at installation or first run, and can change this setting later.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

(For Google ChromeOS, see DeviceMetricsReportingEnabled.)

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Re-enable deprecated/removed Mutation Events
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 124
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 124
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 124
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy provides a temporary opt-back-in to a deprecated and removed set of platform events called Mutation Events. When this policy is Enabled, mutation events will continue to be fired, even if they've been disabled by default for normal web users. When this policy is Disabled or unset, these events may not be fired. This policy is a temporary workaround, and will be removed in M135.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Show cards on the New Tab Page
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 88
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls the visibility of cards on the New Tab Page. Cards surface entry points to launch common user journeys based on the user's browsing behavior.

If the policy is set to Enabled, the New Tab Page will show cards if content is available.

If the policy is set to Disabled, the New Tab Page won't show cards.

If the policy is not set, the user can control the card visibility. The default is visible.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Show content suggestions on the New Tab page
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 54
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset displays autogenerated content suggestions on the New Tab page, based on the user's browsing history, interests, or location.

Setting the policy to False prevents autogenerated content suggestions from appearing on the New Tab page.

Example value:
true (Android)
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Allow users to customize the background on the New Tab page
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 80
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If the policy is set to false, the New Tab page won't allow users to customize the background. Any existing custom background will be permanently removed even if the policy is set to true later.

If the policy is set to true or unset, users can customize the background on the New Tab page.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Show the middle slot announcement on the New Tab Page
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 99
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 99
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 99
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 99
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls the visibility of the middle slot announcement on the New Tab Page.

If the policy is set to Enabled, the New Tab Page will show the middle slot announcement if it is available.

If the policy is set to Disabled, the New Tab Page will not show the middle slot announcement even if it is available.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Forces Native Client (NaCl) to be allowed to run.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 116 until version 119
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 116 until version 119
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 116 until version 119
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to True allows Native Client to continue to run even if the default behavior is that Native Client is disabled. Setting the policy to False will use the default behavior.

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Force Windows executable Native Messaging hosts to launch directly
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether native host executables launch directly on Windows.

Setting the policy to Enabled forces Google Chrome to launch native messaging hosts implemented as executables directly.

Setting the policy to Disabled will result in Google Chrome launching hosts using cmd.exe as an intermediary process.

Leaving the policy unset allows Google Chrome to decide which approach to use.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow Nearby Share to be enabled.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this setting is enabled, users will be allowed to opt in to Nearby Share, which allows them to send and receive files from people closeby.

If this setting is disabled, users will not be allowed to opt in to Nearby Share.

If this policy is left not set, the default is not allowed for enterprise-managed users and allowed for non-managed users.

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Enable network prediction
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 38
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 38
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 38
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 38
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 38
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls network prediction in Google Chrome. It controls DNS prefetching, TCP, and SSL preconnection and prerendering of webpages.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. Leaving it unset turns on network prediction, but the user can change it.

  • 0 = Predict network actions on any network connection
  • 1 = Predict network actions on any network that is not cellular. (Deprecated in 50, removed in 52. After 52, if value 1 is set, it will be treated as 0 - predict network actions on any network connection.)
  • 2 = Do not predict network actions on any network connection
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Android), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="NetworkPredictionOptions" value="1"/>
Back to top


Enable the network service sandbox
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 96
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This policy controls whether or not the network service process runs sandboxed. If this policy is enabled, the network service process will run sandboxed. If this policy is disabled, the network service process will run unsandboxed. This leaves users open to additional security risks related to running the network service unsandboxed. If this policy is not set, the default configuration for the network sandbox will be used. This may vary depending on Google Chrome release, currently running field trials, and platform. This policy is intended to give enterprises flexibility to disable the network sandbox if they use third party software that interferes with the network service sandbox.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


The list of note-taking apps allowed on the Google ChromeOS lock screen
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies the apps that users can turn on as a note-taking app on the Google ChromeOS lock screen.

If the preferred app is on the lock screen, a UI element for launching the preferred note-taking app appears on the screen. When launched, the app can create a window on top of the lock screen and create notes in this context. The app can import created notes to the primary user session, when the session is unlocked. Only Google Chrome note-taking apps are supported on the lock screen.

Setting the policy means users can turn on an app on the lock screen if the app's extension ID is in the policy list value. So, setting it to an empty list will turn off note-taking on the lock screen. The policy with an app ID doesn't necessarily mean that users can turn the app on as a note-taking app on the lock screen. For example, on Google Chrome 61, the set of available apps is also restricted by the platform.

Leaving the policy unset amounts to no restrictions on the set of apps users can enable on the lock screen imposed by the policy.

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User-level network configuration
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 16
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy allows pushing network configuration per-user for each Google Chrome device. The network configuration is a JSON-formatted string, as defined by the Open Network Configuration format.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

Android apps can use the network configurations and CA certificates set via this policy, but do not have access to some configuration options.

Expanded schema description:
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Control the enablement of ChromeOS "Help me write" feature
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 124
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy enables or disables "Help me write" for ChromeOS.

If this policy is set to Enabled, "Help me write" will be enabled.

If this policy is set to Disabled, "Help me write" will be disabled.

If this policy is set to Unset, "Help me write" will be enabled on non-managed devices and disabled for enterprise-managed devices.

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Allows origin-keyed agent clustering by default.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy allows origin-keyed agent clustering by default.

The Origin-Agent-Cluster HTTP header controls whether a document is isolated in an origin-keyed agent cluster, or in a site-keyed agent cluster. This has security implications since an origin-keyed agent cluster allows isolating documents by origin. The developer-visible consequence of this is that the document.domain accessor can no longer be set.

The default behaviour - when no Origin-Agent-Cluster header has been set - changes in M111 from site-keyed to origin-keyed.

If this policy is enabled or not set, the browser will follow this new default from that version on.

If this policy is disabled this change is reversed and documents without Origin-Agent-Cluster headers will be assigned to site-keyed agent clusters. As a consequence, the document.domain accessor remains settable by default. This matches the legacy behaviour.

See for additional details.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


ChromeOS color mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 104
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Controls the theme used to render UI during OOBE and in session (dark/light/auto). The auto mode automatically switches between dark and light themes on sunrise and sunset. This policy should be recommended, giving users the possibility to change the theme in system settings.

  • "light" = Use the Light theme
  • "dark" = Use the Dark theme
  • "auto" = Use the Auto mode
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Origins or hostname patterns for which restrictions on insecure origins should not apply
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 69
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 69
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies a list of origins (URLs) or hostname patterns (such as * for which security restrictions on insecure origins won't apply. Organizations can specify origins for legacy applications that can't deploy TLS or set up a staging server for internal web development, so developers can test out features requiring secure contexts without having to deploy TLS on the staging server. This policy also prevents the origin from being labeled "Not Secure" in the address bar.

Setting a list of URLs in this policy amounts to setting the command-line flag --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure to a comma-separated list of the same URLs. The policy overrides the command-line flag and UnsafelyTreatInsecureOriginAsSecure, if present.

For more information on secure contexts, see Secure Contexts ( ).

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin\2 = "*"
[ "", "*" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>*</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOriginDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;*"/>
Back to top


Control the shortcut used to trigger the PageUp/PageDown "six pack" keys
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy determines the behavior for remapping the PageUp/PageDown keys within the 'remap keys' subpage. The 'remap keys' subpage allows users to customize keyboard keys. If enabled, this policy prevents users from customizing these specific remappings. If the policy is not set, search-based shortcuts will act as the default and allows users to configure the shortcuts.

  • 0 = PageUp/PageDown settings are disabled
  • 1 = PageUp/PageDown settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier
  • 2 = PageUp/PageDown settings use the shortcut that contains the search modifier
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Allows users to track their packages on Chrome.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

When the policy is not set or set to Enabled, users will be able to track their packages on Google Chrome through the New Tab Page. When the policy is set to Disabled, users will not be able to track their packages on Google Chrome through the New Tab Page.

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Allow websites to query for available payment methods.
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 80
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to set whether websites are allowed to check if the user has payment methods saved.

If this policy is set to disabled, websites that use PaymentRequest.canMakePayment or PaymentRequest.hasEnrolledInstrument API will be informed that no payment methods are available.

If the setting is enabled or not set then websites are allowed to check if the user has payment methods saved.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable PDF Annotations
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls if the PDF viewer in Google Chrome can annotate PDFs.

When this policy is not set, or is set to true, then the PDF viewer will be able to annotate PDFs.

When this policy is set to false, then the PDF viewer will not be able to annotate PDFs.

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Use Skia renderer for PDF rendering
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 115
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 115
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 115
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 115
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 115
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls whether the PDF viewer in Google Chrome uses Skia renderer.

When this policy is enabled, the PDF viewer uses Skia renderer.

When this policy is disabled, the PDF viewer uses its current AGG renderer.

When this policy is not set, the PDF renderer will be chosen by the browser.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Use out-of-process iframe PDF Viewer
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 126
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 126
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 126
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Controls whether the PDF viewer in Google Chrome uses an out-of-process iframe (OOPIF). This will be the new PDF viewer architecture in the future, as it is simpler and makes adding new features easier. The existing GuestView PDF viewer is an outdated, complex architecture that is being deprecated.

When this policy is set to Enabled or not set, Google Chrome will be able to use the OOPIF PDF viewer architecture. Once Enabled or not set, the default behavior will be decided by Google Chrome.

When this policy is set to Disabled, Google Chrome will strictly use the existing GuestView PDF viewer. It embeds a web page with a separate frame tree into another web page.

This policy will be removed in the future, after the OOPIF PDF viewer feature has fully rolled out.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow Phone Hub to be enabled.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 89
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this setting is enabled, users will be allowed to opt in to Phone Hub, which allows them to interact with their phone on a ChromeOS device.

If this setting is disabled, users will not be allowed to opt in to Phone Hub.

If this policy is left not set, the default is not allowed for enterprise-managed users and allowed for non-managed users.

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Allow recent photos and videos taken on the phone to be accessed via Phone Hub.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this setting is enabled, users who have already opted in to Phone Hub will be able to view and download recent photos and videos taken on their phone on ChromeOS.

If this setting is disabled, users will not be allowed to use this feature. If the PhoneHubAllowed policy is disabled, users also will not be allowed to use this feature.

If this policy is left not set, the default is allowed for both enterprise-managed users and non-managed users.

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Allow Phone Hub notifications to be enabled.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 89
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this setting is enabled, users who have already opted in to Phone Hub, will be able to send/receive their phone's notifications on ChromeOS.

If this setting is disabled, users will not be allowed to use this feature. If the PhoneHubAllowed policy is disabled, users also will not be allowed to use this feature.

If this policy is left not set, the default is allowed for both enterprise-managed users and non-managed users.

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Allow Phone Hub task continuation to be enabled.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 89
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this setting is enabled, users who have already opted in to Phone Hub, will be able to continue tasks such as viewing their phone's webpages on ChromeOS.

If this setting is disabled, users will not be allowed to use this feature. If the PhoneHubAllowed policy is disabled, users also will not be allowed to use this feature.

If this policy is left not set, the default is allowed for both enterprise-managed users and non-managed users.

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Control the autocorrect feature on the physical keyboard
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable or disable the autocorrect feature on the physical keyboard.

If this policy is set to Enabled or left unset, it will allow the autocorrect feature on the physical keyboard.

If this policy is set to Disabled, it will disallow the autocorrect feature on the physical keyboard.

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Control the predictive writing feature on the physical keyboard
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable or disable the predictive writing feature on the physical keyboard.

If this policy is set to Enabled or left unset, it will allow the predictive writing feature on the physical keyboard.

If this policy is set to Disabled, it will disallow the predictive writing feature on the physical keyboard.

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List of pinned apps to show in the launcher
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 20
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy fixes which application identifiers Google ChromeOS shows as pinned apps in the launcher bar, and users can't change them.

Specify Chrome apps by their ID, such as pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia; Android apps by their package name, such as; web apps by the URL used in WebAppInstallForceList, such as; System Web Apps by their snake case name, such as camera. Isolated Web Apps by their web bundle ID, such as egoxo6biqdjrk62rman4vvr5cbq2ozsyydig7jmdxcmohdob2ecaaaic.

Leaving it unset lets users change the list of pinned apps in the launcher.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy can also be used to pin Android apps.

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Enables the concept of policy atomic groups
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 78
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 78
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 78
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 78
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 105
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 105
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means policies coming from an atomic group that don't share the source with the highest priority from that group get ignored.

Setting the policy to Disabled means no policy is ignored because of its source. Policies are ignored only if there's a conflict, and the policy doesn't have the highest priority.

If this policy is set from a cloud source, it can't target a specific user.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Allow merging dictionary policies from different sources
Data type:
List of strings [Android:multi-select]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 76
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 76
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 76
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 76
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 105
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 105
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Metapolicy Type: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy allows merging of selected policies when they come from different sources, with the same scopes and level. This merging is in the first level keys of the dictionary from each source. The key coming from the highest priority source takes precedence.

Use the wildcard character '*' to allow merging of all supported dictionary policies.

If a policy is in the list and there's conflict between sources with:

* The same scopes and level: The values merge into a new policy dictionary.

* Different scopes or level: The policy with the highest priority applies.

If a policy isn't in the list and there's conflict between sources, scopes, or level, the policy with the highest priority applies.

  • "ContentPackManualBehaviorURLs" = Managed user manual exception URLs
  • "DeviceLoginScreenPowerManagement" = Power management on the login screen
  • "ExtensionSettings" = Extension management settings
  • "KeyPermissions" = Key Permissions
  • "PowerManagementIdleSettings" = Power management settings when the user becomes idle
  • "ScreenBrightnessPercent" = Screen brightness percent
  • "ScreenLockDelays" = Screen lock delays
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PolicyDictionaryMultipleSourceMergeList\1 = "ExtensionSettings"
[ "ExtensionSettings" ]
<array> <string>ExtensionSettings</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PolicyDictionaryMultipleSourceMergeList" value=""ExtensionSettings""/>
Back to top


Allow merging list policies from different sources
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 75
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 75
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 75
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 105
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Metapolicy Type: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy allows merging of selected policies when they come from different sources, with the same scopes and level.

Use the wildcard character '*' to allow merging of all list policies.

If a policy is in the list and there's conflict between sources with:

* The same scopes and level: The values merge into a new policy list.

* Different scopes or level: The policy with the highest priority applies.

If a policy isn't in the list and there's conflict between sources, scopes, or level, the policy with the highest priority applies.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PolicyListMultipleSourceMergeList\1 = "ExtensionInstallAllowlist" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PolicyListMultipleSourceMergeList\2 = "ExtensionInstallBlocklist"
[ "ExtensionInstallAllowlist", "ExtensionInstallBlocklist" ]
<array> <string>ExtensionInstallAllowlist</string> <string>ExtensionInstallBlocklist</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PolicyListMultipleSourceMergeListDesc" value="1&#xF000;ExtensionInstallAllowlist&#xF000;2&#xF000;ExtensionInstallBlocklist"/>
Back to top


Refresh rate for user policy
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies the period in milliseconds at which the device management service is queried for user policy information. Valid values range from 1,800,000 (30 minutes) to 86,400,000 (1 day). Values outside this range will be clamped to the respective boundary.

Leaving the policy unset uses the default value of 3 hours.

Note: Policy notifications force a refresh when the policy changes, making frequent refreshes unnecessary. So, if the platform supports these notifications, the refresh delay is 24 hours (ignoring defaults and the value of this policy).

  • Minimum:1800000
  • Maximum:86400000
Example value:
0x0036ee80 (Windows), 3600000 (Linux), 3600000 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PolicyRefreshRate" value="3600000"/>
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Enable post-quantum key agreement for TLS
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 116
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 116
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy configures whether Google Chrome will offer a post-quantum key agreement algorithm in TLS, using the ML-KEM NIST standard. Prior to Google Chrome 131, the algorithm was Kyber, an earlier draft iteration of the standard. This allows supporting servers to protect user traffic from being later decrypted by quantum computers.

If this policy is Enabled, Google Chrome will offer a post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections. User traffic will then be protected from quantum computers when communicating with compatible servers.

If this policy is Disabled, Google Chrome will not offer a post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections. User traffic will then be unprotected from quantum computers.

If this policy is not set, Google Chrome will follow the default rollout process for offering a post-quantum key agreement.

Offering a post-quantum key agreement is backwards-compatible. Existing TLS servers and networking middleware are expected to ignore the new option and continue selecting previous options.

However, devices that do not correctly implement TLS may malfunction when offered the new option. For example, they may disconnect in response to unrecognized options or the resulting larger messages. Such devices are not post-quantum-ready and will interfere with an enterprise's post-quantum transition. If encountered, administrators should contact the vendor for a fix.

This policy is a temporary measure and will be removed sometime after Google Chrome version 141. It may be Enabled to allow you to test for issues, and may be Disabled while issues are being resolved.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Manage the deprecated prefixed video fullscreen API's availability
Data type:
String [Android:choice, Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 124
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 124
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 124
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to enabled will allow the prefixed video-specific fullscreen APIs (e.g. Video.webkitEnterFullscreen()) to be used from Javascript.

Setting the policy to disabled will prevent the prefixed video-specific fullscreen APIs from being used in Javascript, leaving only the standard fullscreen APIs (e.g. Element.requestFullscreen()).

Setting the policy to runtime-enabled will allow the PrefixedFullscreenVideo runtime enabled feature flag to determine whether the prefixed video-specific fullscreen APIs are available to websites.

If the policy is unset, the behavior defaults to runtime-enabled.

Note: this policy is a temporary solution to help transition away from webkit-prefixed fullscreen APIs. It will tentatively be removed in M130, or in the few following releases.

  • "runtime-enabled" = Follows regular deprecation timelines for the PrefixedVideoFullscreen API
  • "disabled" = Disables prefixed video fullscreen APIs
  • "enabled" = Enables prefixed video fullscreen APIs
Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PrefixedVideoFullscreenApiAvailability" value="disabled"/>
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Switch the primary mouse button to the right button
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 81
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Switch the primary mouse button to the right button.

If this policy is set to enabled, the right button of the mouse will always be the primary key.

If this policy is set to disabled, the left button of the mouse will always be the primary key.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the left button of the mouse will be the primary key initially, but can be switched by the user anytime.

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Profile picker availability on startup
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 89
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 105
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Specifies whether the profile picker is enabled, disabled or forced at the browser startup.

By default the profile picker is not shown if the browser starts in guest or incognito mode, a profile directory and/or urls are specified by command line, an app is explicitly requested to open, the browser was launched by a native notification, there is only one profile available or the policy ForceBrowserSignin is set to true.

If 'Enabled' (0) is selected or the policy is left unset, the profile picker will be shown at startup by default, but users will be able to enable/disable it.

If 'Disabled' (1) is selected, the profile picker will never be shown, and users will not be able to change the setting.

If 'Forced' (2) is selected, the profile picker cannot be suppressed by the user. The profile picker will be shown even if there is only one profile available.

  • 0 = Profile picker available at startup
  • 1 = Profile picker disabled at startup
  • 2 = Profile picker forced at startup
Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), 0 (Linux), 0 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ProfilePickerOnStartupAvailability" value="0"/>
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Prompt users to re-authenticate to the profile
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 121
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 121
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 121
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

When set to DoNotPrompt or left unset, Google Chrome does not automatically prompt the user to re-authenticate to the browser.

When set to PromptInTab, when the user's authentication expires, immediately open a new tab with the Google login page. This only happens if using Chrome Sync.

  • 0 = Do not prompt for reauth
  • 1 = Prompt for reauth in a tab
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ProfileReauthPrompt" value="1"/>
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PromotionalTabsEnabled (Deprecated)

Enable showing full-tab promotional content
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 69
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset lets Google Chrome show users product information as full-tab content.

Setting the policy to False prevents Google Chrome from showing product information as full-tab content.

Setting the policy controls the presentation of the welcome pages that help users sign in to Google Chrome, set Google Chrome as users' default browser, or otherwise inform them of product features.

This is deprecated - use PromotionsEnabled instead.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable showing promotional content
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 128
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset lets Google Chrome show users product promotional content.

Setting the policy to False prevents Google Chrome from showing product promotional content.

Setting the policy controls the presentation of promotional content, including the welcome pages that help users sign in to Google Chrome, set Google Chrome as users' default browser, or otherwise inform them of product features.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Ask where to save each file before downloading
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 64
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 64
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 64
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 64
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 92
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means users are asked where to save each file before downloading. Setting the policy to Disabled has downloads start immediately, and users aren't asked where to save the file.

Leaving the policy unset lets users change this setting.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Prompt when multiple certificates match
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 96
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 96
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether the user is prompted to select a client certificate when more than one certificate matches AutoSelectCertificateForUrls. If this policy is set to Enabled, the user is prompted to select a client certificate whenever the auto-selection policy matches multiple certificates. If this policy is set to Disabled or not set, the user may only be prompted when no certificate matches the auto-selection.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Proxy settings
Data type:
Dictionary [Android:string, Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 18
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 18
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 18
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 18
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy configures the proxy settings for Chrome and ARC-apps, which ignore all proxy-related options specified from the command line.

Leaving the policy unset lets users choose their proxy settings.

Setting the ProxySettings policy accepts the following fields: * ProxyMode, which lets you specify the proxy server Chrome uses and prevents users from changing proxy settings * ProxyPacUrl, a URL to a proxy .pac file, or a PAC script encoded as a data URL with MIME type application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig * ProxyPacMandatory, which prevents the network stack from falling back to direct connections with invalid or unavailable PAC script * ProxyServer, a URL of the proxy server * ProxyBypassList, a list of hosts for which the proxy will be bypassed

The ProxyServerMode field is deprecated in favor of the ProxyMode field.

For ProxyMode, if you choose the value: * direct, a proxy is never used and all other fields are ignored. * system, the systems's proxy is used and all other fields are ignored. * auto_detect, all other fields are ignored. * fixed_servers, the ProxyServer and ProxyBypassList fields are used. * pac_script, the ProxyPacUrl, ProxyPacMandatory and ProxyBypassList fields are used.

Note: For more detailed examples, visit The Chromium Projects ( ).

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

Only a subset of proxy configuration options are made available to Android apps. Android apps may voluntarily choose to use the proxy. You cannot force them to use a proxy.

{ "properties": { "ProxyBypassList": { "type": "string" }, "ProxyMode": { "enum": [ "direct", "auto_detect", "pac_script", "fixed_servers", "system" ], "type": "string" }, "ProxyPacMandatory": { "type": "boolean" }, "ProxyPacUrl": { "type": "string" }, "ProxyServer": { "type": "string" }, "ProxyServerMode": { "enum": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ProxySettings = { "ProxyBypassList": ",,https://internalsite/", "ProxyMode": "fixed_servers", "ProxyServer": "" }
ProxySettings: { "ProxyBypassList": ",,https://internalsite/", "ProxyMode": "fixed_servers", "ProxyServer": "" }
<key>ProxySettings</key> <dict> <key>ProxyBypassList</key> <string>,,https://internalsite/</string> <key>ProxyMode</key> <string>fixed_servers</string> <key>ProxyServer</key> <string></string> </dict>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ProxySettings" value=""ProxyBypassList": ",,https://internalsite/", "ProxyMode": "fixed_servers", "ProxyServer": """/>
Back to top


Enable QR Code Generator
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 128
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 128
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: Yes, Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy enables the QR Code generator feature in Google Chrome.

If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the QR Code Generator feature is enabled.

If you disable this policy, the QR Code Generator feature is disabled.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow QUIC protocol
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 43
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 43
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 43
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 43
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset allows the use of QUIC protocol in Google Chrome.

Setting the policy to Disabled disallows the use of QUIC protocol.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Force downloading of Office documents (e.g. .docx) instead of opening them in the Basic Editor
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 118
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

When enabled, this policy forces navigations to any Office documents with a MIME type normally handled by the Basic Editor to download the file.

If the policy is disabled then these documents will instead be automatically opened in the Basic Editor.

Leaving this policy unset for regular users is functionally equivalent to it being enabled (i.e. files will be downloaded); leaving the policy unset for enterprise users is functionally equivalent to it being disabled (i.e. files will be opened in the Basic Editor).

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Set the time of the first user relaunch notification
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 76
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allows you to set the time period, in milliseconds, between the first notification that a Google ChromeOS device must be restarted to apply a pending update and the end of the time period specified by the RelaunchNotificationPeriod policy.

If not set, the default period of 259200000 milliseconds (three days) is used for Google ChromeOS devices.

For rollback and other Google ChromeOS updates that will powerwash the device, the user is always notified immediately when the update is available, independently of the value of this policy.

  • Minimum:3600000
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Notify a user that a browser relaunch or device restart is recommended or required
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 66
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 66
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 66
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 70
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Notify users that Google Chrome must be relaunched or Google ChromeOS must be restarted to apply a pending update.

This policy setting enables notifications to inform the user that a browser relaunch or device restart is recommended or required. If not set, Google Chrome indicates to the user that a relaunch is needed via subtle changes to its menu, while Google ChromeOS indicates such via a notification in the system tray. If set to 'Recommended', a recurring warning will be shown to the user that a relaunch is recommended. The user can dismiss this warning to defer the relaunch. If set to 'Required', a recurring warning will be shown to the user indicating that a browser relaunch will be forced once the notification period passes. The default period is seven days for Google Chrome and four days for Google ChromeOS, and may be configured via the RelaunchNotificationPeriod policy setting.

The user's session is restored following the relaunch/restart.

  • 1 = Show a recurring prompt to the user indicating that a relaunch is recommended
  • 2 = Show a recurring prompt to the user indicating that a relaunch is required
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RelaunchNotification" value="1"/>
Back to top


Set the time period for update notifications
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 67
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 67
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allows you to set the time period, in milliseconds, over which users are notified that Google Chrome must be relaunched or that a Google ChromeOS device must be restarted to apply a pending update.

Over this time period, the user will be repeatedly informed of the need for an update. For Google ChromeOS devices, a restart notification appears in the system tray according to the RelaunchHeadsUpPeriod policy. For Google Chrome browsers, the app menu changes to indicate that a relaunch is needed once one third of the notification period passes. This notification changes color once two thirds of the notification period passes, and again once the full notification period has passed. The additional notifications enabled by the RelaunchNotification policy follow this same schedule.

If not set, the default period of 604800000 milliseconds (one week) is used.

  • Minimum:3600000
Example value:
0x240c8400 (Windows), 604800000 (Linux), 604800000 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RelaunchNotificationPeriod" value="604800000"/>
Back to top


Set the time interval for relaunch
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 93
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Specify a target time window for the end of the relaunch notification period.

Users are notified of the need for a browser relaunch or device restart based on the RelaunchNotification and RelaunchNotificationPeriod policy settings. Browsers and devices are forcibly restarted at the end of the notification period when the RelaunchNotification policy is set to 'Required'. This RelaunchWindow policy can be used to defer the end of the notification period so that it falls within a specific time window.

If this policy is not set, the default target time window for Google ChromeOS is between 2 AM and 4 AM. The default target time window for Google Chrome is the whole day (i.e., the end of the notification period is never deferred).

Note: Though the policy can accept multiple items in entries, all but the first item are ignored. Warning: Setting this policy may delay application of software updates.

{ "properties": { "entries": { "items": { "properties": { "duration_mins": { "description": "Time period (minutes) that specifies the length of the relaunch window.", "maximum": 1440, "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "start": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "start", "duration_mins" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\RelaunchWindow = { "entries": [ { "duration_mins": 240, "start": { "hour": 2, "minute": 15 } } ] }
RelaunchWindow: { "entries": [ { "duration_mins": 240, "start": { "hour": 2, "minute": 15 } } ] }
<key>RelaunchWindow</key> <dict> <key>entries</key> <array> <dict> <key>duration_mins</key> <integer>240</integer> <key>start</key> <dict> <key>hour</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>minute</key> <integer>15</integer> </dict> </dict> </array> </dict>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RelaunchWindow" value=""entries": [{"duration_mins": 240, "start": {"hour": 2, "minute": 15}}]"/>
Back to top


Allow remote debugging
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 93
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 93
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 93
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Controls whether users may use remote debugging.

If this policy is set to Enabled or not set, users may use remote debugging by specifying --remote-debugging-port and --remote-debugging-pipe command line switches.

If this policy is set to Disabled, users are not allowed to use remote debugging.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable Renderer App Container
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 104
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means Renderer App Container configuration will be enabled on supported platforms.

Setting the policy to Disabled has a detrimental effect on the security and stability of Google Chrome as it will weaken the sandbox that renderer processes use. Only turn off the policy if there are compatibility issues with third-party software that must run inside renderer processes.

Note: Read more about Process mitigation policies ( ).

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled (Deprecated)

Enable Renderer Code Integrity
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 78
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset turns Renderer Code Integrity on.

Setting the policy to Disabled has a detrimental effect on Google Chrome's security and stability as unknown and potentially hostile code can load inside Google Chrome's renderer processes. Only turn off the policy if there are compatibility issues with third-party software that must run inside Google Chrome's renderer processes.

This policy was removed in Chrome 118 and is ignored if set.

Note: Read more about Process mitigation policies ( ).

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Report information about usage of Linux apps
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 70
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If Linux app support is on, setting the policy to Enabled sends information about Linux apps usage back to the server.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means no usage information is reported.

Back to top


Require online OCSP/CRL checks for local trust anchors
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 109
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to True means Google Chrome always performs revocation checking for successfully validated server certificates signed by locally installed CA certificates. If Google Chrome can't get revocation status information, Google Chrome treats these certificates as revoked (hard-fail).

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset means Google Chrome uses existing online revocation-checking settings.

On macOS, this policy has no effect if the ChromeRootStoreEnabled policy is set to False.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Restrict accounts that are visible in Google Chrome
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Contains a list of patterns which are used to control the visibility of accounts in Google Chrome.

Each Google account on the device will be compared to patterns stored in this policy to determine the account visibility in Google Chrome. The account will be visible if its name matches any pattern on the list. Otherwise, the account will be hidden.

Use the wildcard character '*' to match zero or more arbitrary characters. The escape character is '\', so to match actual '*' or '\' characters, put a '\' in front of them.

If this policy is not set, all Google accounts on the device will be visible in Google Chrome.

Example value:
[ "*", "" ]
Back to top


Restrict which Google accounts are allowed to be set as browser primary accounts in Google Chrome
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 21
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 21
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 21
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Contains a regular expression which is used to determine which Google accounts can be set as browser primary accounts in Google Chrome (i.e. the account that is chosen during the Sync opt-in flow).

An appropriate error is displayed if a user tries to set a browser primary account with a username that does not match this pattern.

If this policy is left not set or blank, then the user can set any Google account as a browser primary account in Google Chrome.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RestrictSigninToPattern" value=".*@example\\.com"/>
Back to top


Configure the list of extension IDs exempt from the restricted managed guest session clean-up procedure
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

The policy only applies to managed guest sessions. Setting the policy specifies a list of extension IDs that are exempt from the restricted managed guest session clean-up procedure (see DeviceRestrictedManagedGuestSessionEnabled). Leaving the policy unset means no extensions are exempt from the reset procedure.

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Set the roaming profile directory
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 57
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Configures the directory that Google Chrome will use for storing the roaming copy of the profiles.

If you set this policy, Google Chrome will use the provided directory to store the roaming copy of the profiles if the RoamingProfileSupportEnabled policy has been enabled. If the RoamingProfileSupportEnabled policy is disabled or left unset the value stored in this policy is not used.

See for a list of variables that can be used.

On non-Windows platforms, this policy must be set for roaming profiles to work.

On Windows, if this policy is left unset, the default roaming profile path will be used.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RoamingProfileLocation" value="${roaming_app_data}\\chrome-profile"/>
Back to top


Enable the creation of roaming copies for Google Chrome profile data
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 57
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 88
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

If you enable this setting, the settings stored in Google Chrome profiles like bookmarks, autofill data, passwords, etc. will also be written to a file stored in the Roaming user profile folder or a location specified by the Administrator through the RoamingProfileLocation policy. Enabling this policy disables cloud sync.

If this policy is disabled or left not set only the regular local profiles will be used.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow proceeding from the SSL warning page
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 44
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 44
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 44
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 44
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 44
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users click through warning pages Google Chrome shows when users navigate to sites that have SSL errors.

Setting the policy to Disabled prevent users from clicking through any warning pages.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow proceeding from the SSL warning page on specific origins
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 90
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 90
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 90
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 90
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If SSLErrorOverrideAllowed is Disabled, setting the policy lets you set a list of origin patterns that specify the sites where a user can click through warning pages Google Chrome shows when users navigate to sites that have SSL errors. Users will not be able to click through SSL warning pages on origins that are not on this list.

If SSLErrorOverrideAllowed is Enabled or unset, this policy does nothing.

Leaving the policy unset means SSLErrorOverrideAllowed applies for all sites.

For detailed information on valid input patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOriginsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Enable Safe Browsing for trusted sources
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 61
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means downloaded files are sent to be analyzed by Safe Browsing, even when it's from a trusted source.

Setting the policy to Disabled means downloaded files won't be sent to be analyzed by Safe Browsing when it's from a trusted source.

These restrictions apply to downloads triggered from webpage content, as well as the Download link menu option. These restrictions don't apply to the save or download of the currently displayed page or to saving as PDF from the printing options.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Control SafeSites adult content filtering.
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 116
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 69
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy controls the SafeSites URL filter, which uses the Google Safe Search API to classify URLs as pornographic or not.

When this policy is set to:

* Do not filter sites for adult content, or not set, sites aren't filtered

* Filter top level sites for adult content, pornographic sites are filtered

  • 0 = Do not filter sites for adult content
  • 1 = Filter top level sites (but not embedded iframes) for adult content
Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), 0 (Linux), 0 (Android), 0 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SafeSitesFilterBehavior" value="0"/>
Back to top


Limit the time for which a user authenticated via SAML can log in offline at the lock screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 92
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

While logging in through the lock screen, Google ChromeOS can authenticate against a server (online) or using a cached password (offline).

When this policy is set to -2, it will match the value of the login screen offline signin time limit which comes from SAMLOfflineSigninTimeLimit.

When the policy is unset or set to a value of -1, it will not enforce online authentication on the lock screen and will allow the user to use offline authentication unless a different reason than this policy enforces an online authentication.

If the policy is set to a value of 0, online authentication will always be required.

When this policy is set to any other value, it specifies the number of days since the last online authentication after which the user must use online authentication again in the next login through the lock screen.

This policy affects users who authenticated using SAML.

The policy value should be specified in days.

  • Minimum:-2
  • Maximum:365
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Allow Chrome to block navigations toward external protocols in sandboxed iframes
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 96
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 96
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 96
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Chrome will block navigations toward external protocols inside sandboxed iframe. See

When True, this lets Chrome blocks those navigations.

When False, this prevents Chrome from blocking those navigations.

This defaults to True: security feature enabled.

This can be used by administrators who need more time to update their internal website affected by this new restriction. This Enterprise policy is temporary; it's intended to be removed after Google Chrome version 117.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Disable saving browser history
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means browsing history is not saved, tab syncing is off and users can't change this setting.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset saves browsing history.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Select task scheduler configuration
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 74
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy instructs Google ChromeOS to use the task scheduler configuration identified by the specified name. This policy can be set to Conservative or Performance, which tune the task scheduler for stability or maximum performance, respectively.

If unset, users make their own choice.

  • "conservative" = Optimize for stability.
  • "performance" = Optimize for performance.
Back to top


Set location to store screen captures
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 126
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Sets the directory where Screen Captures (both screenshot and screen recordings) are being saved. If the policy is set as recommended, the value will be used by default, but user will be able to change it. Otherwise the user can't change it and the captures are always saved to the defined directory.

The policy uses same format as DownloadDirectory policy The location could be set to either local filesystem or Google Drive (with '${google_drive}' prefix) or Microsoft OneDrive (with '${microsoft_onedrive}' prefix). If the policy is set to empty string, it'll force the screen captures to be stored in the local "Downloads" directory. See a list of variables you can use ( ).

Leaving the policy unset means Google ChromeOS uses the default "Downloads" directory to store screen captures, and users can change it.

Back to top


Allow screen capture without prior user gesture
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 113
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

For security reasons, the getDisplayMedia() web API requires a prior user gesture ("transient activation") to be called or will otherwise fail.

With this policy set, admins can specify origins on which this API can be called without prior user gesture.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

If this policy is unset, all origins will require a prior user gesture to call this API.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOriginsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Enable scrolling to text specified in URL fragments
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 83
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 83
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This feature allows for hyperlinks and address bar URL navigations to target specific text within a web page, which will be scrolled to once the loading of the web page is complete.

If you enable or don't configure this policy, web page scrolling to specific text fragments via URL will be enabled.

If you disable this policy, web page scrolling to specific text fragments via URL will be disabled.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable search suggestions
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True turns on search suggestions in Google Chrome's address bar. Setting the policy to False turns off these search suggestions.

Suggestions based on bookmarks or history are unaffected by the policy.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, search suggestions are on at first, but users can turn them off any time.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow Sign-in To Additional Google Accounts
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 65
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This setting allows users to switch between Google Accounts within the content area of their browser window and in Android applications, after they sign into their Google ChromeOS device.

If this policy is set to false, signing in to a different Google Account from a non-Incognito browser content area and Android applications will not be allowed.

If this policy is unset or set to true, the default behavior will be used: signing in to a different Google Account from the browser content area and Android applications will be allowed, except for child accounts where it will be blocked for non-Incognito content area.

In case signing in to a different account shouldn't be allowed via the Incognito mode, consider blocking that mode using the IncognitoModeAvailability policy.

Note that users will be able to access Google services in an unauthenticated state by blocking their cookies.

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URLs/domains automatically permitted direct Security Key attestation
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 65
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 65
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies WebAuthn RP IDs for which no prompt appears when attestation certificates from security keys are requested. A signal is also sent to the security key indicating that enterprise attestation may be used. Without this, when sites request attestation of security keys, users are prompted in Google Chrome version 65 and later.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SecurityKeyPermitAttestation\1 = ""
[ "" ]
<array> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SecurityKeyPermitAttestationDesc" value="1&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Action on security token removal (e.g., smart card) for Google ChromeOS.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Specifies what happens when a user who is authenticating via a security token (e.g., with a smart card) removes that token while in a session. IGNORE: Nothing happens. LOCK: The screen is locked until the user authenticates again. LOGOUT: The session is ended and the user is logged out. If this policy is not set, it defaults to IGNORE.

  • "IGNORE" = No action happens.
  • "LOGOUT" = Log the user out.
  • "LOCK" = Lock the current session.
Back to top


Duration of the notification on smart card removal for Google ChromeOS.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy only takes effect when the policy SecurityTokenSessionBehavior is set to LOCK or LOGOUT, and a user who authenticates via a smart card removes that smart card. Then, this policy specifies for how many seconds a notification which informs the user of the impending action is displayed. This notification is blocking the screen. The action will only happen after this notification expires. The user can prevent the action from happening by re-inserting the smart card before the notification expires. If this policy is set to zero, no notification will be displayed and the action happens immediately.

  • Minimum:0
  • Maximum:9999
Back to top


Controls whether the new HTML parser behavior for the <select> element is enabled
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 131
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 131
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 131
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 131
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 131
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

The HTML parser is being changed to allow additional HTML tags inside the <select> element. This policy allows the old HTML parser behavior to be used until M136.

If this policy is enabled or not set, then the HTML parser will allow additional tags inside the <select> element.

If this policy is disabled, then the HTML parser will restrict which tags can be put inside the <select> element.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Limit the length of a user session
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 25
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

When this policy is set, it specifies the length of time after which a user is automatically logged out, terminating the session. The user is informed about the remaining time by a countdown timer shown in the system tray.

When this policy is not set, the session length is not limited.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds. Values are clamped to a range of 30 seconds to 24 hours.

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Set the recommended locales for a managed session
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 38
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy (as recommended only) moves recommended locales for a managed session to the top of the list, in the order in which they appear in the policy. The first recommended locale is preselected.

If not set, the current UI locale is preselected.

For more than one recommended locale, the assumption is that users want to choose among these locales. Locale and keyboard layout selection is prominent when starting a managed session. Otherwise, the assumption is that most users want the preselected locale. Locale and keyboard layout selection is less prominent when starting a managed session.

If you set the policy and turn automatic sign-in on (see the DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginId and DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginDelay policies), the managed session uses the first recommended locale and the most popular matching keyboard layout.

The preselected keyboard layout is always the most popular layout matching the preselected locale. Users can always choose any locale supported by Google ChromeOS for their session.

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Specifies whether SharedArrayBuffers can be used in a non cross-origin-isolated context
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 91
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Specifies whether SharedArrayBuffers can be used in a non cross-origin-isolated context. Google Chrome will require cross-origin isolation when using SharedArrayBuffers from Google Chrome 91 onward (2021-05-25) for Web Compatibility reasons. Additional details can be found on:

When set to Enabled, sites can use SharedArrayBuffer with no restrictions.

When set to Disabled or not set, sites can only use SharedArrayBuffers when cross-origin isolated.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable the Shared Clipboard Feature
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Enable the Shared Clipboard feature which allows users to send text between Chrome Desktops and an Android device when Sync is enabled and the user is Signed-in.

If this policy is set to true, the capability of sending text, cross device, for chrome user is enabled.

If this policy is set to false, the capability of sending text, cross device, for chrome user is disabled.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, the shared clipboard feature is enabled by default.

It is up to the admins to set policies in all platforms they care about. It's recommended to set this policy to one value in all platforms.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Control the shelf position
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Control the position of the Google ChromeOS shelf.

If this policy is set to 'Bottom', the shelf will be placed at the bottom of the screen.

If this policy is set to 'Left', the shelf will be placed on the left side of the screen.

If this policy is set to 'Right', the shelf will be placed on the right side of the screen.

If you set this policy as mandatory, users cannot change or override it.

If the policy is left not set, the shelf will be be positioned at the bottom of the screen by default and the user can change the shelf's position.

  • "Left" = Position the shelf on the left side of the screen
  • "Bottom" = Position the shelf at the bottom of the screen
  • "Right" = Position the shelf on the right side of the screen
Back to top


Control shelf auto-hiding
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 25
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Always will autohide the Google ChromeOS shelf. Setting the policy to Never ensures the shelf never autohides.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, users decide whether the shelf autohides.

  • "Always" = Always auto-hide the shelf
  • "Never" = Never auto-hide the shelf
Back to top


Allow the shopping list feature to be enabled
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 107
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 107
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 107
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 107
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 107
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 112
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls the availability of the shopping list feature. If enabled, users will be presented with UI to track the price of the product displayed on the current page. The tracked product will be shown in the bookmarks side panel. If this policy is set to Enabled or not set, the shopping list feature will be available to users. If this policy is set to Disabled, the shopping list feature will be unavailable.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow customization of system shortcuts
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls whether customization of system shortcuts is allowed.

When this policy is enabled or unset, users will be able to customize system shortcuts through the Key Shortcuts App.

When this policy is disabled, the Key Shortcuts app will be in read-only mode, disallowing any customization.

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Enable displaying the introduction screen for in-session AI features during sign-in flow
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 125
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls if the introduction screen for in-session AI features is shown to the user during the first sign-in flow.

If set to disabled, the AI introduction screen will not be displayed.

If set to enabled, the AI introduction screen will be displayed.

If unset, the AI introduction screen will be skipped for enterprise-managed users and displayed for unmanaged users.

Back to top


Show the apps shortcut in the bookmark bar
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 37
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 37
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 37
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True displays the apps shortcut. Setting the policy to False means this shortcut never appears.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, users decide to show or hide the apps shortcut from the bookmark bar context menu.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable displaying display size setting screen during sign-in
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 119
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls if the display size setting screen is shown to the user during the first sign-in. If set to false, the display size setting screen will not be displayed. If set to true, the display size setting screen will be displayed.

Back to top


Show Full URLs
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This feature enables display of the full URL in the address bar. If this policy is set to True, then the full URL will be shown in the address bar, including schemes and subdomains. If this policy is set to False, then the default URL display will apply. If this policy is left unset, then the default URL display will apply and the user will be able to toggle between default and full URL display with a context menu option.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable displaying the introduction screen for Gemini during sign-in flow
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls if the introduction screen for Gemini is shown to the user during the first sign-in flow.

If set to disabled, the Gemini introduction screen will not be displayed.

If set to enabled, the Gemini introduction screen will be displayed.

If unset, the Gemini introduction screen will be skipped for enterprise-managed users and displayed for unmanaged users.

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Add a logout button to the system tray
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 25
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True displays a big, red sign-out button in the system tray during active sessions while the screen isn't locked.

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset means no button appears.

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Enable displaying touchpad scrolling direction screen during sign-in
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 119
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls if the touchpad scrolling direction screen is shown to the user during the first sign-in. If set to false, the touchpad scrolling direction screen will not be displayed. If set to true, the touchpad scrolling direction screen will be displayed.

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Allow showing the most recent default search engine results page in a Browser side panel
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 101
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 101
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 101
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving the policy unset means that users can bring up their most recent default search engine results page in a side panel via toggling an icon in the toolbar.

Setting the policy to Disabled removes the icon from the toolbar that opens the side panel with the default search engine results page.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 75
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 75
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 75
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset means Google Chrome will accept web contents served as Signed HTTP Exchanges.

Setting the policy to False prevents Signed HTTP Exchanges from loading.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

SigninAllowed (Deprecated)

Allow sign in to Google Chrome
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 27
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 27
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 27
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 38
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated, consider using BrowserSignin instead.

Allows the user to sign in to Google Chrome.

Setting this policy to Enabled will allow the user to sign in to Google Chrome. Setting this policy to Disabled will prevent sign in. It also blocks apps and extensions that use the chrome.identity API from functioning. To avoid that, use SyncDisabled instead.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable signin interception
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 89
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This settings enables or disables signin interception.

When this policy not set or is enabled, the signin interception dialog triggers when a Google account is added on the web, and the user may benefit from moving this account to another (new or existing) profile.

When this is disabled, the signin interception dialog does not trigger. When this is disabled, a dialog will still be shown if managed account profile separation is enforced by ManagedAccountsSigninRestriction.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Require Site Isolation for every site
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 63
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 63
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 63
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 63
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Since Google Chrome 67, site isolation has been enabled by default on all Desktop platforms, causing every site to run in its own process. A site is a scheme plus eTLD+1 (e.g., Setting this policy to Enabled does not change that behavior; it only prevents users from opting out (for example, using Disable site isolation in chrome://flags). Since Google Chrome 76, setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset doesn't turn off site isolation, but instead allows users to opt out.

IsolateOrigins might also be useful for isolating specific origins at a finer granularity than site (e.g.,

On Google ChromeOS version 76 and earlier, set the DeviceLoginScreenSitePerProcess device policy to the same value. (If the values don't match, a delay can occur when entering a user session.)

Note: For Android, use the SitePerProcessAndroid policy instead.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable Site Isolation for every site
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 68
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled isolates all sites on Android, such that each site runs in its own process, and it prevents users from opting out. A site is a scheme plus eTLD+1 (e.g., Note that Android isolates certain sensitive sites by default starting in Google Chrome version 77, and this policy extends that default site isolation mode to apply to all sites.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns off any form of site isolation, including isolation of sensitive sites and field trials of IsolateOriginsAndroid, SitePerProcessAndroid, and other site isolation modes. Users can still turn the policy on manually.

Leaving the policy unset means users can change this setting.

IsolateOriginsAndroid might also be useful for isolating specific origins at a finer granularity than site (e.g.,

Note: Support for isolating every site on Android will improve, but currently it may cause performance problems, especially on low-end devices. This policy applies only to Chrome on Android running on devices with strictly more than 1 GB of RAM. To isolate specific sites while limiting performance impact for users, use IsolateOriginsAndroid with a list of the sites you want to isolate. To apply the policy on non-Android platforms, use SitePerProcess.

Example value:
true (Android)
Back to top


Site search settings
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 128
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy provides a list of sites that users can quickly search using shortcuts in the address bar. Users can initiate a search by typing the shortcut or @shortcut (e.g. @work), followed by Space or Tab, in the address bar.

The following fields are required for each site: name, shortcut, url.

The name field corresponds to the site or search engine name to be shown to the user in the address bar.

The shortcut can include plain words and characters, but cannot include spaces or start with the @ symbol. Shortcuts must also be unique.

For each entry, the url field specifies the URL of the search engine used during a search with the corresponding keyword. The URL must include the string '{searchTerms}', replaced in the query by the user's search terms. Invalid entries and entries with duplicate shortcuts are ignored.

Site search entries configured as featured are displayed in the address bar when the user types "@". Up to three entries can be selected as featured.

Users cannot edit or disable site search entries set by policy, but they can add new shortcuts for the same URL. In addition, users cannot create new site search entries with a shortcut previously created via this policy.

In case of a conflict with a shortcut previously created by the user, the user setting takes precedence. However, users can still trigger the option created by the policy by typing "@" in the search bar. For example, if the user already defined "work" as a shortcut to URL1 and the policy defines "work" as a shortcut to URL2, then typing "work" in the search bar will trigger a search to URL1, but typing "@work" in the search bar will trigger a search to URL2.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

{ "items": { "properties": { "featured": { "type": "boolean" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "shortcut": { "type": "string" }, "url": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "shortcut", "name", "url" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SiteSearchSettings = [ { "featured": true, "name": "Google Wikipedia", "shortcut": "wikipedia", "url": "" }, { "name": "YouTube", "shortcut": "youtube", "url": "" } ]
SiteSearchSettings: [ { "featured": true, "name": "Google Wikipedia", "shortcut": "wikipedia", "url": "" }, { "name": "YouTube", "shortcut": "youtube", "url": "" } ]
<key>SiteSearchSettings</key> <array> <dict> <key>featured</key> <true/> <key>name</key> <string>Google Wikipedia</string> <key>shortcut</key> <string>wikipedia</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>name</key> <string>YouTube</string> <key>shortcut</key> <string>youtube</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SiteSearchSettings" value="{"featured": true, "name": "Google Wikipedia", "shortcut": "wikipedia", "url": ""}, {"name": "YouTube", "shortcut": "youtube", "url": ""}"/>
Back to top


Allow SMS Messages to be synced from phone to Chromebook.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 70
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled lets users set up their devices to sync their text messages to Chromebooks. Users must explicitly opt in to this feature by completing a setup flow. On completion, users can send and receive texts on their Chromebooks.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't set up text syncing.

Leaving the policy unset means that by default, the feature isn't allowed for managed users but is allowed for other users.

Back to top


Enable or disable spell checking web service
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 22
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 22
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled puts a Google web service in use to help resolve spelling errors. This policy only controls the use of the online service. Setting the policy to Disabled means this service is never used.

Leaving the policy unset lets users choose whether to use the spellcheck service.

The spell check can always use a downloaded dictionary locally unless the feature is disabled by SpellcheckEnabled in which case this policy will have no effect.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable spellcheck
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 65
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 65
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled turns spellcheck on, and users can't turn it off. On Microsoft® Windows®, Google ChromeOS and Linux®, spellcheck languages can be switched on or off individually, so users can still turn spellcheck off by switching off every spellcheck language. To avoid that, use the SpellcheckLanguage to force-enable specific spellcheck languages.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns off spellcheck from all sources, and users can't turn it on. The SpellCheckServiceEnabled, SpellcheckLanguage and SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist policies have no effect when this policy is set to False.

Leaving the policy unset lets users turn spellcheck on or off in the language settings.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Force enable spellcheck languages
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 65
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 65
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Force-enables spellcheck languages. Unrecognized languages in the list will be ignored.

If you enable this policy, spellcheck will be enabled for the languages specified, in addition to the languages for which the user has enabled spellcheck.

If you do not set this policy, or disable it, there will be no change to the user's spellcheck preferences.

If the SpellcheckEnabled policy is set to false, this policy will have no effect.

If a language is included in both this policy and the SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist policy, this policy is prioritized and the spellcheck language is enabled.

The currently supported languages are: af, bg, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-US, es, es-419, es-AR, es-ES, es-MX, es-US, et, fa, fo, fr, he, hi, hr, hu, id, it, ko, lt, lv, nb, nl, pl, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, sh, sk, sl, sq, sr, sv, ta, tg, tr, uk, vi.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SpellcheckLanguage\1 = "fr" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SpellcheckLanguage\2 = "es"
[ "fr", "es" ]
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SpellcheckLanguageDesc" value="1&#xF000;fr&#xF000;2&#xF000;es"/>
Back to top


Force disable spellcheck languages
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Force-disables spellcheck languages. Unrecognized languages in that list will be ignored.

If you enable this policy, spellcheck will be disabled for the languages specified. The user can still enable or disable spellcheck for languages not in the list.

If you do not set this policy, or disable it, there will be no change to the user's spellcheck preferences.

If the SpellcheckEnabled policy is set to false, this policy will have no effect.

If a language is included in both this policy and the SpellcheckLanguage policy, the latter is prioritized and the spellcheck language will be enabled.

The currently supported languages are: af, bg, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-US, es, es-419, es-AR, es-ES, es-MX, es-US, et, fa, fo, fr, he, hi, hr, hu, id, it, ko, lt, lv, nb, nl, pl, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, sh, sk, sl, sq, sr, sv, ta, tg, tr, uk, vi.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist\1 = "fr" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist\2 = "es"
[ "fr", "es" ]
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SpellcheckLanguageBlocklistDesc" value="1&#xF000;fr&#xF000;2&#xF000;es"/>
Back to top


Enable Standardized Browser Zoom Behavior
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 128
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 128
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy enables conformance to the newly-adopted specification of CSS zoom.

When this policy is Enabled or unset, the CSS "zoom" property will adhere to the specification:

When Disabled, the CSS "zoom" property will fall back to its legacy pre-standardized behavior.

This policy is a temporary reprieve to allow time to migrate web content to the new behavior. There is also an origin trial ("DisableStandardizedBrowserZoom") that corresponds to the behavior when this policy is Disabled. This policy will be removed and the "Enabled" behavior made permanent in milestone 134.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Suppress launching of browser window
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 76
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True prevents the browser window from launching at the start of the session.

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset allows the window to launch.

Note: The browser window might not launch due to other policies or command-line flags.

Back to top


Enable strict MIME type checking for worker scripts
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 107
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 107
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 107
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 107
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 107
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy enables strict MIME type checking for worker scripts.

When enabled or unset, then worker scripts will use strict MIME type checking for JavaScript, which is the new default behaviour. Worker scripts with legacy MIME types will be rejected.

When disabled, then worker scripts will use lax MIME type checking, so that worker scripts with legacy MIME types, e.g. text/ascii, will continue to be loaded and executed.

Browsers traditionally used lax MIME type checking, so that resources with a number of legacy MIME types were supported. E.g. for JavaScript resources, text/ascii is a legacy supported MIME type. This may cause security issues, by allowing to load resources as scripts that were never intended to be used as such. Chrome will transition to use strict MIME type checking in the near future. The enabled policy will track the default behaviour. Disabling this policy allows administrators to retain the legacy behaviour, if desired.

See for details about JavaScript / ECMAScript media types.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow subApps APIs to be called without prior user gesture or requiring user confirmation.
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

For security reasons, the subApps.add(), subApps.remove() and subApps.list() web APIs require a prior user gesture ("transient activation") to be called or will otherwise fail. In addition, the user will be requested to confirm the operation via a confirmation dialog.

With this policy set, admins can specify origins on which these APIs can be called without prior user gesture, nor asking the user for confirmation.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

If this policy is unset, all origins will require a prior user gesture to call these APIs, and will present a confirmation dialog to the user.

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Display the logout confirmation dialog
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 92
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

The policy only applies to managed guest sessions. Setting the policy to True or leaving it unset will show a dialog asking the user to confirm or deny logout when the last window is closed. Setting the policy to False will prevent the dialog from being displayed and therefore also disables auto-logout after closing the last window.

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Enable Suggested Content
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This feature enables suggestions for new content to explore. Includes apps, webpages, and more. If this policy is set to True, then suggestions for new content to explore will be enabled. If this policy is set to False, then suggestions for new content to explore will be disabled. If this policy is left unset, then suggestions for new content to explore will be disabled for managed users and enabled for other users.

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Suppress JavaScript Dialogs triggered from different origin subframes
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 91
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

As described in , JavaScript modal dialogs, triggered by window.alert, window.confirm, and window.prompt, will be blocked in Google Chrome if triggered from a subframe whose origin is different from the main frame origin.

This policy allows overriding that change. If the policy is set to enabled or unset, JavaScript dialogs triggered from a different origin subframe will be blocked. If the policy is set to disabled, JavaScript dialogs triggered from a different origin subframe will not be blocked.

This policy will be removed from Google Chrome in the future.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Suppress the unsupported OS warning
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 49
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 49
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 49
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 49
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled suppresses the warning that appears when Google Chrome is running on an unsupported computer or operating system.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means the warnings appear on unsupported systems.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Disable synchronization of data with Google
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled turns off data synchronization in Google Chrome using Google-hosted synchronization services. To fully turn off Chrome Sync services, we recommend that you turn off the service in the Google Admin console.

If the policy is set to Disabled or not set, users are allowed to choose whether to use Chrome Sync.

Note: Do not turn on this policy when RoamingProfileSupportEnabled is Enabled, because that feature shares the same client-side functionality. The Google-hosted synchronization is off completely in this case.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

Disabling Chrome Sync will cause Android Backup and Restore to not function properly.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


List of types that should be excluded from synchronization
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 79
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this policy is set all specified data types will be excluded from synchronization both for Chrome Sync as well as for roaming profile synchronization. This can be beneficial to reduce the size of the roaming profile or limit the type of data uploaded to the Chrome Sync Servers.

The current data types for this policy are: "apps", "autofill", "bookmarks", "extensions", "preferences", "passwords", "payments", "productComparison", "readingList", "savedTabGroups", "tabs", "themes", "typedUrls", "wifiConfigurations". Those names are case sensitive!

Notes: Dynamic Policy Refresh is supported only in Google Chrome version 123 and later. Disabling "autofill" also disables "payments". "typedUrls" refers to all browsing history.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SyncTypesListDisabled\1 = "bookmarks"
[ "bookmarks" ]
<array> <string>bookmarks</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SyncTypesListDisabledDesc" value="1&#xF000;bookmarks"/>
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Configure the camera, browser settings, os settings, scanning, web store, canvas, explore, crosh, gallery, terminal and recorder features to be disabled
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allows you to set a list of Google ChromeOS features to be disabled.

Disabling any of these features means that the user can't access it from the UI and will see it as "disabled by admin". The user experience of disabled features is decided by SystemFeaturesDisableMode

If the policy is left not set, all Google ChromeOS features will be enabled by default and the user can use any of them.

Note: The scanning feature is currently disabled by default via a feature flag. If the user enables the feature via the feature flag, the feature can still be disabled by this policy.

  • "browser_settings" = Browser Settings
  • "os_settings" = OS Settings
  • "camera" = Camera
  • "scanning" = Scanning (supported since version 87)
  • "web_store" = Web Store (supported since version 89)
  • "canvas" = Canvas (supported since version 90)
  • "google_news" = Unsupported
  • "explore" = Explore (supported since version 91)
  • "crosh" = Crosh (supported since version 99)
  • "gallery" = Gallery (supported since version 117)
  • "terminal" = Terminal (supported since version 117)
  • "print_jobs" = Print Jobs (supported since version 129)
  • "key_shortcuts" = Key Shortcuts (supported since version 129)
  • "recorder" = Recorder (supported since version 130)
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Set the user experience of disabled features
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 91
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Controls the user experience of disabled features listed in SystemFeaturesDisableList.

If this policy is set to "blocked", the disabled features will become unusable but still visible to users.

If this policy is set to "hidden", the disabled features will become unusable and invisible to users.

If this policy is left unset or has an invalid value, the disable mode of system features will be "blocked".

  • "blocked" = Block the disabled features
  • "hidden" = Hide and block the disabled features
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Configures System-proxy service for Google ChromeOS.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configures the availability of System-proxy service and the proxy credentials for system services. If the policy is not set, System-proxy service will not be available.

{ "properties": { "policy_credentials_auth_schemes": { "description": "The authentication schemes for which the policy credentials can be applied. Can be one of:\n * basic\n * digest\n * ntlm\n Leaving this option empty will allow all three schemes to be used.", "items": { "enum": [ "basic", "digest", "ntlm" ], "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "system_proxy_enabled": { "type": "boolean" }, "system_services_password": { "description": "The password for authenticating system services to the remote web proxy.", "sensitiveValue": true, "type": "string" }, "system_services_username": { "description": "The username for authenticating system services to the remote web proxy.", "sensitiveValue": true, "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
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Allows applications to capture and override default system shortcuts.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 127
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls shortcut behavior on Google ChromeOS.

If this policy is unset or set to NormalSystemPriority, all Google ChromeOS system shortcuts will always activate as expected.

If this policy is set to ShouldIgnoreCommonVdiShortcuts, a predetermined list of Launcher key shortcuts will never activate a shortcut.

If this policy is set to ShouldIgnoreCommonVdiShortcutsFullscreenOnly, a predetermined list of Launcher key shortcuts will never activate a shortcut while an app is fullscreen.

If this policy is set to AllowPassthroughOfSearchBasedShortcuts, shortcuts with the Search key flow through to apps and are not consumed by the OS.

If this policy is set to AllowPassthroughOfSearchBasedShortcutsFullscreenOnly, shortcuts with the Search key flow through to apps and are not consumed by the OS, but only when the focused app is fullscreen.

  • 0 = All system shortcuts will always activate as expected.
  • 1 = A predetermined list of shortcuts with the launcher key will never perform an action.
  • 2 = A predetermined list of shortcuts with the launcher key will never perform an action while fullscreen only.
  • 3 = Shortcuts with the search key are sent to the app first before being handled by the OS.
  • 4 = Shortcuts with the search key are sent to the app first before being handled by the OS only when the focused app is fullscreen.
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Configure TPM firmware update behavior
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 63
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy configures availability and behavior of TPM firmware updates.

Specify individual settings in JSON properties:

* allow-user-initiated-powerwash: If set to true, users can trigger the powerwash flow to install a TPM firmware update.

* allow-user-initiated-preserve-device-state (available starting in Google Chrome version 68): If set to true, users can invoke the TPM firmware update flow that preserves device-wide state, including enterprise enrollment, but loses user data.

* auto-update-mode (available starting in Google Chrome version 75): Controls how automatic TPM firmware updates are enforced for vulnerable TPM firmware. All flows preserve local device state. If set to:

* 1 or left not set, TPM firmware updates are not enforced.

* 2, TPM firmware updates at the next reboot after user acknowledges the update.

* 3, TPM firmware updates at the next reboot.

* 4, TPM firmware updates after enrollment, before user sign-in.

Leaving the policy unset renders TPM firmware update unavailable.

{ "properties": { "allow-user-initiated-powerwash": { "type": "boolean" }, "allow-user-initiated-preserve-device-state": { "type": "boolean" }, "auto-update-mode": { "enum": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }
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URL pattern Exceptions to tab discarding
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 108
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 108
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 108
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 108
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy makes it so that any URL matching one or more of the patterns it specifies (using the URLBlocklist filter format) will never be discarded by the browser. This applies to memory pressure and high efficiency mode discarding. A discarded page is unloaded and its resources fully reclaimed. The tab its associated with remains in the tabstrip, but making it visible will trigger a full reload.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\TabDiscardingExceptions\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\TabDiscardingExceptions\2 = "https://*" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\TabDiscardingExceptions\3 = "*"
[ "", "https://*", "*" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>https://*</string> <string>*</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="TabDiscardingExceptionsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;https://*&#xF000;3&#xF000;*"/>
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Enable ending processes in Task Manager
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 52
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 52
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 52
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 52
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Disabled prevents users from ending processes in the Task Manager.

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users end processes in the Task Manager.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Set the Terms of Service for a device-local account
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy means Google ChromeOS downloads the Terms of Service and presents them to users whenever a device-local account session starts. Users can only sign in to the session after accepting the Terms of Service.

Leaving the policy unset means no Terms of Service appear.

The policy should be set to a URL from which Google ChromeOS can download the Terms of Service. The Terms of Service must be plain text, served as MIME type text/plain. No markup is allowed.

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Enable third party software injection blocking
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 65
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset prevents third-party software from injecting executable code into Google Chrome's processes.

Setting the policy to Disabled allows this software to inject such code into Google Chrome's processes.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
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Configuring the ToS behavior during first-run for CCT
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice]
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

By default the Terms of Service are shown when CCT is first-run. Setting this policy to SkipTosDialog will cause the Terms of Service dialog to not appear during the first-run-experience or subsequent runs. Setting this policy to StandardTosDialog or leaving it unset will cause the Terms of Service dialog to appear during the first-run-experience. The other caveats are:

- This policy only works on fully managed Android devices that can be configured by Unified Endpoint Management vendors.

- If this policy is SkipTosDialog the BrowserSignin policy will have no effect.

- If this policy is SkipTosDialog metrics​ will not be sent to the server.

- If this policy is SkipTosDialog the browser will have limited functionality.

- If this policy is SkipTosDialog admins must communicate this to end users of the device.

  • 1 = Use default browser behavior, shows the ToS and waits for the user to accept.
  • 2 = Automatically skips ToS and loads the browser.
Example value:
2 (Android)
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Set limit on megabytes of memory a single Chrome instance can use.
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configures the amount of memory that a single Google Chrome instance can use before tabs start being discarded (I.E. the memory used by the tab will be freed and the tab will have to be reloaded when switched to) to save memory.

If the policy is set, browser will begin to discard tabs to save memory once the limitation is exceeded. However, there is no guarantee that the browser is always running under the limit. Any value under 1024 will be rounded up to 1024.

If this policy is not set, the browser will only begin attempts to save memory once it has detected that the amount of physical memory on its machine is low.

  • Minimum:1024
Example value:
0x00000800 (Windows), 2048 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="TotalMemoryLimitMb" value="2048"/>
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Enable the touch virtual keyboard
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 37
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls the touch virtual keyboard, acting as a supplementary policy to the VirtualKeyboardEnabled policy.

If accessibility virtual keyboard is turned on, this policy has no effect.

Otherwise, this policy has the following effect: If this policy is not set, the virtual keyboard is displayed based on the default system heuristics, such as whether there are keyboards attached. If this policy is set to True, the virtual keyboard is always displayed. If this policy is set to False, the virtual keyboard is never displayed.

The virtual keyboard may change to a compact layout depending on the input method.

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Enable Translate
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 12
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 12
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True provides translation functionality when it's appropriate for users by showing an integrated translate toolbar in Google Chrome and a translate option on the right-click context menu. Setting the policy to False shuts off all built-in translate features.

If you set the policy, users can't change this function. Leaving it unset lets them change the setting.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Enable capability to send files to the Trash (on supported filesystems) in the Google ChromeOS Files app
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 109
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True allows users of Google ChromeOS Files app to see a Trash bin and files under My files and Downloads (including their user created descendants) will be sent there on deletion.

If the policy is set to False the files that previously resided in trash will still be available by showing hidden files and finding the .Trash directory under My files or Downloads.

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Allow access to a list of URLs
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 86
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 98
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy provides access to the listed URLs, as exceptions to URLBlocklist. See that policy's description for the format of entries of this list. For example, setting URLBlocklist to * will block all requests, and you can use this policy to allow access to a limited list of URLs. Use it to open exceptions to certain schemes, subdomains of other domains, ports, or specific paths, using the format specified at ( ). The most specific filter determines if a URL is blocked or allowed. The URLAllowlist policy takes precedence over URLBlocklist. This policy is limited to 1,000 entries.

This policy also allows enabling the automatic invocation by the browser of external application registered as protocol handlers for the listed protocols like "tel:" or "ssh:".

Leaving the policy unset allows no exceptions to URLBlocklist.

From Google Chrome version 92, this policy is also supported in the headless mode.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

Android apps may voluntarily choose to honor this list. You cannot force them to honor it.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLAllowlist\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLAllowlist\2 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLAllowlist\3 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLAllowlist\4 = "https://server:8080/path" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLAllowlist\5 = ""
[ "", "", "", "https://server:8080/path", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> <string></string> <string>https://server:8080/path</string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="URLAllowlistDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;;3&#xF000;;4&#xF000;https://server:8080/path&#xF000;5&#xF000;"/>
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Block access to a list of URLs
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 86
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 98
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 106
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the URLBlocklist policy stops web pages with prohibited URLs from loading. Administrators can specify the list of URL patterns to be blocked. If left unset, no URLs are blocked in the browser. Up to 1,000 exceptions can be defined in URLAllowlist. See how to format a URL pattern ( ).

Note: This policy does not apply to in-page JavaScript URLs with dynamically loaded data. If you blocked, then could still load it using XMLHTTPRequest. Additionally, this policy does not prevent web pages from updating the URL shown in the omnibox to a blocked one using the JavaScript History API.

From Google Chrome version 73, you can block javascript://* URLs. But, this only affects JavaScript entered in the address bar or, for example, bookmarklets.

From Google Chrome version 92, this policy is also supported in the headless mode.

Note: Blocking internal chrome://* and chrome-untrusted://* URLs can lead to unexpected errors or can be circumvented in some cases. Instead of blocking certain internal URLs, see if there are more specific policies available. For example:

- Instead of blocking chrome://settings/certificates, use CACertificateManagementAllowed.

- Instead of blocking chrome-untrusted://crosh, use SystemFeaturesDisableList.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

Android apps may voluntarily choose to honor this list and can't be forced to do this.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLBlocklist\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLBlocklist\2 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLBlocklist\3 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLBlocklist\4 = "https://server:8080/path" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLBlocklist\5 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLBlocklist\6 = "file://*" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLBlocklist\7 = "custom_scheme:*" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLBlocklist\8 = "*"
[ "", "", "", "https://server:8080/path", "", "file://*", "custom_scheme:*", "*" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> <string></string> <string>https://server:8080/path</string> <string></string> <string>file://*</string> <string>custom_scheme:*</string> <string>*</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="URLBlocklistDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;;3&#xF000;;4&#xF000;https://server:8080/path&#xF000;5&#xF000;;6&#xF000;file://*&#xF000;7&#xF000;custom_scheme:*&#xF000;8&#xF000;*"/>
Back to top


Make Unified Desktop available and turn on by default
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 47
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to True turns on Unified Desktop, which allows applications to span multiple displays. Users can turn off Unified Desktop for individual displays.

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset turns off Unified Desktop, and users can't turn it on.

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UnsafelyTreatInsecureOriginAsSecure (Deprecated)

Origins or hostname patterns for which restrictions on insecure origins should not apply
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 65
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 65
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Deprecated in M69. Use OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin instead.

The policy specifies a list of origins (URLs) or hostname patterns (such as "*") for which security restrictions on insecure origins will not apply.

The intent is to allow organizations to allow origins for legacy applications that cannot deploy TLS, or to set up a staging server for internal web development so that their developers can test out features requiring secure contexts without having to deploy TLS on the staging server. This policy will also prevent the origin from being labeled "Not Secure" in the omnibox.

Setting a list of URLs in this policy has the same effect as setting the command-line flag '--unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure' to a comma-separated list of the same URLs. If the policy is set, it will override the command-line flag.

This policy is deprecated in M69 in favor of OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin. If both policies are present, OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin will override this policy.

For more information on secure contexts, see

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\UnsafelyTreatInsecureOriginAsSecure\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\UnsafelyTreatInsecureOriginAsSecure\2 = "*"
[ "", "*" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>*</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="UnsafelyTreatInsecureOriginAsSecureDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;*"/>
Back to top


Enable URL-keyed anonymized data collection
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 69
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 70
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means URL-keyed anonymized data collection, which sends URLs of pages the user visits to Google to make searches and browsing better, is always active.

Setting the policy to Disabled results in no URL-keyed anonymized data collection.

If this policy is left unset, the user will be able to change this setting manually.

In Google ChromeOS Kiosk, this policy doesn't offer the option to "Allow the user to decide". If this policy is unset for Google ChromeOS Kiosk, URL-keyed anonymized data collection is always active. When set for Google ChromeOS Kiosk, this policy enables URL-keyed metrics collection for kiosk apps.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allowlist of USB detachable devices
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No

Setting the policy defines the list of USB devices users can detach from their kernel driver to use through the chrome.usb API directly inside a web app. Entries are pairs of USB Vendor Identifier and Product Identifier to identify specific hardware.

If not set, the list of a detachable USB devices is empty.

{ "items": { "id": "UsbDeviceIdInclusive", "properties": { "product_id": { "type": "integer" }, "vendor_id": { "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Back to top


Show a notification when a USB device is detected
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 110
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If this setting is enabled, a notification is shown to the user when a USB device gets plugged in on Google ChromeOS.

If this setting is disabled, no notifications about plugged-in USB devices will be shown to the user.

If this policy is left unset, users will receive the notifications about plugged-in USB devices.

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Enable or disable the User-Agent Reduction.
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 98
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 98
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 98
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 98
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 98
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

The User-Agent HTTP request header is scheduled to be reduced. In order to facilitate testing and compatibility, this policy can enable the reduction feature for all websites, or disable the ability for origin trials or field trials to enable the feature.

To learn more about the User-Agent Reduction and its timeline, read here:

  • 0 = User Agent reduction will be controllable via Field-Trials and Origin-Trials.
  • 1 = User Agent reduction disabled, and not enabled by Field-Trials or Origin-Trials.
  • 2 = User Agent reduction will be enabled for all origins.
Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), 0 (Linux), 0 (Android), 0 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="UserAgentReduction" value="0"/>
Back to top


Allow customization of user avatar image using Google profile image or local images.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 114
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this policy is disabled, the user's Google ChromeOS avatar image cannot be set using local files, the device camera, or the user's Google profile image.

The user may set the avatar image from any of these options if this policy is enabled or not set.

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User avatar image
Data type:
External data reference
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 34
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy allows you to configure the avatar image representing the user on the login screen. The policy is set by specifying the URL from which Google ChromeOS can download the avatar image and a cryptographic hash used to verify the integrity of the download. The image must be in JPEG format, its size must not exceed 512kB. The URL must be accessible without any authentication.

The avatar image is downloaded and cached. It will be re-downloaded whenever the URL or the hash changes.

If this policy is set, Google ChromeOS will download and use the avatar image.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If the policy is left not set, the user can choose the avatar image representing them on the login screen.

{ "properties": { "hash": { "description": "The SHA-256 hash of the avatar image.", "type": "string" }, "url": { "description": "The URL from which the avatar image can be downloaded.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


Set user data directory
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 11
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Configures the directory that Google Chrome will use for storing user data.

If you set this policy, Google Chrome will use the provided directory regardless whether the user has specified the '--user-data-dir' flag or not. To avoid data loss or other unexpected errors this policy should not be set to a directory used for other purposes, because Google Chrome manages its contents.

See for a list of variables that can be used.

If this policy is left not set the default profile path will be used and the user will be able to override it with the '--user-data-dir' command line flag.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="UserDataDir" value="${users}/${user_name}/Chrome"/>
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Limits the number of user data snapshots retained for use in case of emergency rollback.
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 83
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Following each major version update, Chrome will create a snapshot of certain portions of the user's browsing data for use in case of a later emergency version rollback. If an emergency rollback is performed to a version for which a user has a corresponding snapshot, the data in the snapshot is restored. This allows users to retain such settings as bookmarks and autofill data.

If this policy is not set, the default value of 3 is used

If the policy is set, old snapshots are deleted as needed to respect the limit. If the policy is set to 0, no snapshots will be taken

Example value:
0x00000003 (Windows), 3 (Linux), 3 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="UserDataSnapshotRetentionLimit" value="3"/>
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Set the display name for device-local accounts
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 25
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Controls the account name Google ChromeOS shows on the login screen for the corresponding device-local account.

If this policy is set, the login screen will use the specified string in the picture-based login chooser for the corresponding device-local account.

If the policy is left not set, Google ChromeOS will use the device-local account's email account ID as the display name on the login screen.

This policy is ignored for regular user accounts.

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Allow user feedback
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 77
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 77
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 77
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 77
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users send feedback to Google through Menu > Help > Report an Issue or key combination.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't send feedback to Google.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow or deny video capture
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 25
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 25
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means that, with the exception of URLs set in the VideoCaptureAllowedUrls list, users get prompted for video capture access.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns off prompts, and video capture is only available to URLs set in the VideoCaptureAllowedUrls list.

Note: The policy affects all video input (not just the built-in camera).

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


URLs that will be granted access to video capture devices without prompt
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 29
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 29
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy means you specify the URL list whose patterns get matched to the security origin of the requesting URL. A match grants access to video capture devices without prompt

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Note, however, that the pattern "*", which matches any URL, is not supported by this policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\VideoCaptureAllowedUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\VideoCaptureAllowedUrls\2 = "https://[*.]"
[ "", "https://[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>https://[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="VideoCaptureAllowedUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;https://[*.]"/>
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The virtual keyboard resizes the layout viewport by default
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 108
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to True causes the virtual keyboard to resize the layout viewport by default. Other states (False/unset) have no effect.

Note that this only affects the default resizing behavior: if a page requests a specific behavior using a <meta> tag or the Virtual Keyboard API, then that requested behavior will still apply.

Note also that this is an "escape hatch" policy that's intended to be short-lived.

Example value:
true (Android)
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Let the on-screen keyboard appear when appropriate.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

When the policy is set to True or unset, the on-screen keyboard can appear when it predicts that the user is about to use it.

When the policy to set to False, the on-screen keyboard only appears if the user explicitly taps on an input field or if an application requests it.

For example, suppose the user uses the virtual keyboard to type their username in a two-stage login screen. When the login screen transitions to the password stage, if the policy is True, the virtual keyboard may remain visible, even though the user did not tap on the password input field. If the policy is False, then the virtual keyboard will disappear.

This policy does not apply if the virtual keyboard is disabled (e.g. using the TouchVirtualKeyboardEnabled policy, or if the device is connected to a physical keyboard).

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Specify VM CLI permission
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 77
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Instructs Google ChromeOS to enable or disable virtual machine management console tools.

If the policy is set to true or left unset, the user will be able to use VM management CLI. Otherwise, all of VM management CLI is disabled and hidden.

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Allow the user to manage VPN connections
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 71
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users manage (disconnect or modify) VPN connections. If the VPN connection is created using a VPN app, the UI inside the app isn't affected. So, users might still be able to use the app to modify the VPN connection. Use this policy with the Always on VPN feature, which lets the admin decide to establish a VPN connection when starting a device.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns off the Google ChromeOS user interfaces that would let the user disconnect or modify VPN connections.

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Enable WPAD optimization
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 35
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 35
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 35
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 35
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset turns on WPAD (Web Proxy Auto-Discovery) optimization in Google Chrome.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns off WPAD optimization, causing Google Chrome to wait longer for DNS-based WPAD servers.

Whether or not this policy is set, users can't change the WPAD optimization setting.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Wallpaper selection from Google Photos
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this policy is disabled, the user's Google ChromeOS wallpaper image cannot be selected from a Google Photos album.

The user can choose a Google Photos image as wallpaper if this policy is enabled or not set.

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Wallpaper image
Data type:
External data reference
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 35
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If you set the policy, Google ChromeOS

downloads and uses the wallpaper image you set for the user's desktop and sign-in screen background, and users can't change it. Specify the URL (that's accessible without authentication) which Google ChromeOS

can download the wallpaper image from, as well as a cryptographic hash (in JPEG format with a file size up to 16 MB) to verify its integrity.

If not set, users choose the image for the desktop and sign-in screen background.

{ "properties": { "hash": { "description": "The SHA-256 hash of the wallpaper image.", "type": "string" }, "url": { "description": "The URL from which the wallpaper image can be downloaded.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
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Show a warning dialog when the user is attempting to quit
Data type:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 102
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Controls "Warn Before Quitting (⌘Q)" dialog when the user is attempting to quit browser.

If this policy is set to Enabled or not set, a warning dialog is shown when the user is attempting to quit.

If this policy is set to Disabled, a warning dialog is not shown when the user is attempting to quit.

Example value:
<true /> (Mac)
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Allow detecting plain text entities in web pages.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy decides if plain text entities are detected on webpages, letting users trigger contextual actions by interacting with them. The policy has multiple properties, one for each entity type. The entity types are default, addresses ... .

If the value for an entity is unset, the behavior of the default entity is applied. The default behavior for default is enabled.

The values for each entity types are default, enabled, disabled or longpressonly. If the value is set to default, the behavior of the default entity is applied. If the value is set to enabled, entities are detected, underlines and triggered either by one tap or long press. If the value is set to disabled, entities are not detected and not actionable. If the value is set to longpressonly, entities are detected and only actionable using long press.

{ "properties": { "addresses": { "enum": [ "default", "enabled", "disabled", "longpressonly" ], "type": "string" }, "calendar": { "enum": [ "default", "enabled", "disabled", "longpressonly" ], "type": "string" }, "default": { "enum": [ "enabled", "disabled", "longpressonly" ], "type": "string" }, "email": { "enum": [ "default", "enabled", "disabled", "longpressonly" ], "type": "string" }, "package": { "enum": [ "default", "enabled", "disabled", "longpressonly" ], "type": "string" }, "phonenumbers": { "enum": [ "default", "enabled", "disabled", "longpressonly" ], "type": "string" }, "units": { "enum": [ "default", "enabled", "disabled", "longpressonly" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


Configure list of force-installed Web Apps
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 75
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 75
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 75
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies a list of web apps that install silently, without user interaction, and which users can't uninstall or turn off.

Each list item of the policy is an object with a mandatory member: url (the URL of the web app to install)

and 6 optional members: - default_launch_container (for how the web app opens—a new tab is the default)

- create_desktop_shortcut (True if you want to create Linux and Microsoft® Windows® desktop shortcuts).

- fallback_app_name (Starting with Google Chrome version 90, allows you to override the app name if it is not a Progressive Web App (PWA), or the app name that is temporarily installed if it is a PWA but authentication is required before the installation can be completed. If both custom_name and fallback_app_name are provided, the latter will be ignored.)

- custom_name (Starting with Google ChromeOS version 99, and version 112 on all other desktop operating systems, allows you to permanently override the app name for all web apps and PWAs.)

- custom_icon (Starting with Google ChromeOS version 99, and version 112 on all other desktop operating systems, allows you to override the app icon of installed apps. The icons have to be square, maximal 1 MB in size, and in one of the following formats: jpeg, png, gif, webp, ico. The hash value has to be the SHA256 hash of the icon file. The url should be accessible without authentication to ensure the icon can be used upon app installation.)

- install_as_shortcut (Starting with Google Chrome version 107). If enabled the given url will be installed as a shortcut, as if done via the "Create Shortcut..." option in the desktop browser GUI. Note that when installed as a shortcut it won't be updated if the manifest in url changes. If disabled or unset, the web app at the given url will be installed normally.

See PinnedLauncherApps for pinning apps to the Google ChromeOS shelf.

{ "items": { "properties": { "create_desktop_shortcut": { "type": "boolean" }, "custom_icon": { "properties": { "hash": { "type": "string" }, "url": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "url", "hash" ], "type": "object" }, "custom_name": { "type": "string" }, "default_launch_container": { "enum": [ "tab", "window" ], "type": "string" }, "fallback_app_name": { "type": "string" }, "install_as_shortcut": { "type": "boolean" }, "url": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "url" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebAppInstallForceList = [ { "create_desktop_shortcut": true, "default_launch_container": "window", "url": "" }, { "default_launch_container": "tab", "url": "" }, { "default_launch_container": "window", "fallback_app_name": "Editor", "url": "" }, { "custom_name": "My important document", "default_launch_container": "window", "install_as_shortcut": true, "url": "" }, { "custom_icon": { "hash": "c28f469c450e9ab2b86ea47038d2b324c6ad3b1e9a4bd8960da13214afd0ca38", "url": "" }, "url": "" } ]
WebAppInstallForceList: [ { "create_desktop_shortcut": true, "default_launch_container": "window", "url": "" }, { "default_launch_container": "tab", "url": "" }, { "default_launch_container": "window", "fallback_app_name": "Editor", "url": "" }, { "custom_name": "My important document", "default_launch_container": "window", "install_as_shortcut": true, "url": "" }, { "custom_icon": { "hash": "c28f469c450e9ab2b86ea47038d2b324c6ad3b1e9a4bd8960da13214afd0ca38", "url": "" }, "url": "" } ]
<key>WebAppInstallForceList</key> <array> <dict> <key>create_desktop_shortcut</key> <true/> <key>default_launch_container</key> <string>window</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>default_launch_container</key> <string>tab</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>default_launch_container</key> <string>window</string> <key>fallback_app_name</key> <string>Editor</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>custom_name</key> <string>My important document</string> <key>default_launch_container</key> <string>window</string> <key>install_as_shortcut</key> <true/> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>custom_icon</key> <dict> <key>hash</key> <string>c28f469c450e9ab2b86ea47038d2b324c6ad3b1e9a4bd8960da13214afd0ca38</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebAppInstallForceList" value="{"create_desktop_shortcut": true, "default_launch_container": "window", "url": ""}, {"default_launch_container": "tab", "url": ""}, {"default_launch_container": "window", "fallback_app_name": "Editor", "url": ""}, {"custom_name": "My important document", "default_launch_container": "window", "install_as_shortcut": true, "url": ""}, {"custom_icon": {"hash": "c28f469c450e9ab2b86ea47038d2b324c6ad3b1e9a4bd8960da13214afd0ca38", "url": ""}, "url": ""}"/>
Back to top


Web App management settings
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 102
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 102
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 102
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy allows an admin to specify settings for installed web apps. This policy maps a Web App ID to its specific setting. A default configuration can be set using the special ID *, which applies to all web apps without a custom configuration in this policy.

The manifest_id field is the Manifest ID for the Web App. See for instructions on how to determine the Manifest ID for an installed web app. The run_on_os_login field specifies if a web app can be run during OS login. If this field is set to blocked, the web app will not run during OS login and the user will not be able to enable this later. If this field is set to run_windowed, the web app will run during OS login and the user will not be able to disable this later. If this field is set to allowed, the user will be able to configure the web app to run at OS login. The default configuration only allows the allowed and blocked values. (Since version 117) The prevent_close_after_run_on_os_login field specifies if a web app shall be prevented from closing in any way (e.g. by the user, task manager, web APIs). This behavior can only be enabled if run_on_os_login is set to run_windowed. If the app were already running, this property will only come into effect after the app is restarted. If this field is not defined, apps will be closable by users. (Since version 118) The force_unregister_os_integration field specifies if all OS integration for a web app, i.e. shortcuts, file handlers, protocol handlers etc will be removed or not. If an app is already running, this property will come into effect after the app has restarted. This should be used with caution, since this can override any OS integration that is set automatically during the startup of the web applications system. Currently only works on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms.

{ "items": { "properties": { "force_unregister_os_integration": { "type": "boolean" }, "manifest_id": { "type": "string" }, "prevent_close_after_run_on_os_login": { "type": "boolean" }, "run_on_os_login": { "enum": [ "allowed", "blocked", "run_windowed" ], "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "manifest_id" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebAppSettings = [ { "manifest_id": "https://foo.example/index.html", "run_on_os_login": "allowed" }, { "manifest_id": "https://bar.example/index.html", "run_on_os_login": "allowed" }, { "manifest_id": "https://foobar.example/index.html", "prevent_close_after_run_on_os_login": true, "run_on_os_login": "run_windowed" }, { "manifest_id": "*", "run_on_os_login": "blocked" }, { "force_unregister_os_integration": true, "manifest_id": "https://foo.example/index.html" } ]
WebAppSettings: [ { "manifest_id": "https://foo.example/index.html", "run_on_os_login": "allowed" }, { "manifest_id": "https://bar.example/index.html", "run_on_os_login": "allowed" }, { "manifest_id": "https://foobar.example/index.html", "prevent_close_after_run_on_os_login": true, "run_on_os_login": "run_windowed" }, { "manifest_id": "*", "run_on_os_login": "blocked" }, { "force_unregister_os_integration": true, "manifest_id": "https://foo.example/index.html" } ]
<key>WebAppSettings</key> <array> <dict> <key>manifest_id</key> <string>https://foo.example/index.html</string> <key>run_on_os_login</key> <string>allowed</string> </dict> <dict> <key>manifest_id</key> <string>https://bar.example/index.html</string> <key>run_on_os_login</key> <string>allowed</string> </dict> <dict> <key>manifest_id</key> <string>https://foobar.example/index.html</string> <key>prevent_close_after_run_on_os_login</key> <true/> <key>run_on_os_login</key> <string>run_windowed</string> </dict> <dict> <key>manifest_id</key> <string>*</string> <key>run_on_os_login</key> <string>blocked</string> </dict> <dict> <key>force_unregister_os_integration</key> <true/> <key>manifest_id</key> <string>https://foo.example/index.html</string> </dict> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebAppSettings" value="{"manifest_id": "https://foo.example/index.html", "run_on_os_login": "allowed"}, {"manifest_id": "https://bar.example/index.html", "run_on_os_login": "allowed"}, {"manifest_id": "https://foobar.example/index.html", "run_on_os_login": "run_windowed", "prevent_close_after_run_on_os_login": true}, {"manifest_id": "*", "run_on_os_login": "blocked"}, {"manifest_id": "https://foo.example/index.html", "force_unregister_os_integration": true}"/>
Back to top


Enable adaptive buffering for Web Audio
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 131
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 131
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 131
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether the browser uses adaptive buffering for Web Audio, which may decrease audio glitches but may increase latency by a variable amount.

Setting the policy to Enabled will always use adaptive buffering.

Setting the policy to Disabled or not set will allow the browser feature launch process to decide if adaptive buffering is used.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Configure allowed WebAuthn factors
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 101
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy controls which WebAuthn factors can be used.

To allow:

* Every WebAuthn factor, use ["all"] (includes factors added in the future).

* Only PIN, use ["PIN"].

* PIN and fingerprint, use ["PIN", "FINGERPRINT"].

If the policy is unset or set to an empty list, no WebAuthn factors are available for managed devices.

  • "all" = All
  • "PIN" = PIN
  • "FINGERPRINT" = Fingerprint
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Allow collection of WebRTC event logs from Google services
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 70
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 70
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 70
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 70
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means Google Chrome can collect WebRTC event logs from Google services such as Hangouts Meet and upload them to Google. These logs have diagnostic information for debugging issues with audio or video meetings in Google Chrome, such as the time and size of RTP packets, feedback about congestion on the network, and metadata about time and quality of audio and video frames. These logs have no audio or video content from the meeting. To make debugging easier, Google might associate these logs, by means of a session ID, with other logs collected by the Google service itself.

Setting the policy to Disabled results in no collection or uploading of such logs.

Leaving the policy unset on versions up to and including M76 means Google Chrome defaults to not being able to collect and upload these logs. Starting at M77, Google Chrome defaults to being able to collect and upload these logs from most profiles affected by cloud-based, user-level enterprise policies. From M77 up to and including M80, Google Chrome can also collect and upload these logs by default from profiles affected by Google Chrome on-premise management.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


The IP handling policy of WebRTC
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 91
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 91
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy allows restricting which IP addresses and interfaces WebRTC uses when attempting to find the best available connection. See RFC 8828 section 5.2 ( When unset, defaults to using all available interfaces.

  • "default" = WebRTC will use all available interfaces when searching for the best path.
  • "default_public_and_private_interfaces" = WebRTC will only use the interface connecting to the public Internet, but may connect using private IP addresses.
  • "default_public_interface_only" = WebRTC will only use the interface connecting to the public Internet, and will not connect using private IP addresses.
  • "disable_non_proxied_udp" = WebRTC will use TCP on the public-facing interface, and will only use UDP if supported by a configured proxy.
Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebRtcIPHandling" value="default"/>
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URLs for which local IPs are exposed in WebRTC ICE candidates
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Patterns in this list will be matched against the security origin of the requesting URL. If a match is found or chrome://flags/#enable-webrtc-hide-local-ips-with-mdns is Disabled, the local IP addresses are shown in WebRTC ICE candidates. Otherwise, local IP addresses are concealed with mDNS hostnames. Please note that this policy weakens the protection of local IPs if needed by administrators.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls\2 = "**"
[ "", "**" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>**</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;**"/>
Back to top


Allow WebRTC text logs collection from Google Services
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 113
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 113
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to enabled means Google Chrome can collect WebRTC text logs from Google services such as Google Meet and upload them to Google. These logs have diagnostic information for debugging issues with audio or video meetings in Google Chrome, such as textual metadata describing incoming and outgoing WebRTC streams, WebRTC specific log entries and additional system information. These logs have no audio or video content from the meeting. Setting the policy to disabled results in no uploading of such logs to Google. Logs would still accumulate locally on the user's device. Leaving the policy unset means Google Chrome defaults to being able to collect and upload these logs.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Restrict the range of local UDP ports used by WebRTC
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 54
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 54
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 54
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 54
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 54
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

If the policy is set, the UDP port range used by WebRTC is restricted to the specified port interval (endpoints included).

If the policy is not set, or if it is set to the empty string or an invalid port range, WebRTC is allowed to use any available local UDP port.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="WebRtcUdpPortRange" value="10000-11999"/>
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Allow creating WebXR's "immersive-ar" sessions
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 90
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Configures whether the sites that the user navigates to are allowed to create immersive Augmented Reality sessions using WebXR Device API.

When this policy is unset or enabled, the WebXR Device API will accept "immersive-ar" during session creation, thus allowing the users to enter Augmented Reality experiences.

When this policy is disabled, the WebXR Device API will reject requests to create sessions with mode set to "immersive-ar". The existing "immersive-ar" sessions (if any) will not be terminated.

For more details about "immersive-ar" sessions, please see WebXR Augmented Reality Module specification.

Example value:
true (Android)
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Allow Wi-Fi network configurations to be synced across Google ChromeOS devices and a connected Android phone.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 89
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this setting is enabled, users will be allowed to sync Wi-Fi network configurations between their Google ChromeOS device(s) and a connected Android phone. Before Wi-Fi network configurations can sync, users must explicitly opt in to this feature by completing a setup flow.

If this setting is disabled, users will not be allowed to sync Wi-Fi network configurations.

This feature depends on the wifiConfigurations datatype in Chrome Sync being enabled. If wifiConfigurations is disabled in the SyncTypesListDisabled policy, or Chrome Sync is disabled in the SyncDisabled policy this feature will not be enabled.

If this policy is left not set, the default is not allowed for managed users.

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Enable Window Occlusion
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 90
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Enables window occlusion in Google Chrome.

If you enable this setting, to reduce CPU and power consumption Google Chrome will detect when a window is covered by other windows, and will suspend work painting pixels.

If you disable this setting Google Chrome will not detect when a window is covered by other windows.

If this policy is left not set, occlusion detection will be enabled.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
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Native Messaging

Configures policies for Native Messaging. Blocked native messaging hosts won't be allowed unless they are whitelisted.
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Configure native messaging allowlist
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies which native messaging hosts aren't subject to the deny list. A deny list value of * means all native messaging hosts are denied, unless they're explicitly allowed.

All native messaging hosts are allowed by default. But, if all native messaging hosts are denied by policy, the admin can use the allow list to change that policy.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingAllowlist\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingAllowlist\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="NativeMessagingAllowlistDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Configure native messaging blocklist
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies which native messaging hosts shouldn't be loaded. A deny list value of * means all native messaging hosts are denied, unless they're explicitly allowed.

Leaving the policy unset means Google Chrome loads all installed native messaging hosts.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingBlocklist\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingBlocklist\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="NativeMessagingBlocklistDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : NativeMessaging
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Allow user-level Native Messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions)
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 34
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 34
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 34
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means Google Chrome can use native messaging hosts installed at the user level.

Setting the policy to Disabled means Google Chrome can only use these hosts if installed at the system level.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

Network File Shares settings

Configure Network File Share related policies.
Back to top


Controls enabling NTLM as an authentication protocol for SMB mounts
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 71
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means the Network File Shares feature for Google ChromeOS uses NTLM for authentication to SMB shares if necessary. Setting the policy to Disabled turns off NTLM authentication to SMB shares.

Leaving the policy unset means the behavior defaults to off for managed users and on for other users.

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Controls Network File Share discovery via NetBIOS
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 70
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means share discovery (the Network File Shares feature for Google ChromeOS) uses the NetBIOS Name Query Request protocol to discover shares on the network. Setting the policy to Disabled means share discovery won't use this protocol to discover shares.

Leaving the policy unset means the behavior defaults to off for managed users and on for other users.

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Controls Network File Shares for ChromeOS availability
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 70
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled lets users use Network File Shares for Google ChromeOS. Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't use this feature.

Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : NetworkFileShares
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List of preconfigured network file shares.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 71
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies a list of preset network file shares. Each item is an object with 2 properties: share_url and mode.

The share URL should be share_url.

For mode, it should be drop_down or pre_mount:

* drop_down indicates that share_url will be added to the share discovery list.

* pre_mount indicates that share_url will be mounted.

{ "items": { "properties": { "mode": { "enum": [ "drop_down", "pre_mount" ], "type": "string" }, "share_url": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "share_url", "mode" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
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Network settings

Controls device-wide network configuration.
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Make Access-Control-Allow-Methods matching in CORS preflight spec conformant
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 109
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 109
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 109
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 109
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 109
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether request methods are uppercased when matching with Access-Control-Allow-Methods response headers in CORS preflight.

If the policy is Disabled, request methods are uppercased. This is the behavior on or before Google Chrome 108.

If the policy is Enabled or not set, request methods are not uppercased, unless matching case-insensitively with DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST, or PUT. This would reject fetch(url, {method: 'Foo'}) + "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: FOO" response header, and would accept fetch(url, {method: 'Foo'}) + "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: Foo" response header.

Note: request methods "post" and "put" are not affected, while "patch" is affected.

This policy is intended to be temporary and will be removed in the future.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable compression dictionary transport support
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 118
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 118
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 118
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 118
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This feature enables the use of dictionary-specific content encodings in the Accept-Encoding request header ("sbr" and "zst-d") when dictionaries are available for use.

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means Google Chrome will accept web contents using the compression dictionary transport feature. Setting the policy to Disabled turns off the compression dictionary transport feature.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


DataURL Whitespace Preservation for all media types
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 130
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 130
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 130
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 130
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 130
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This policy provides a temporary opt-out for changes to how Chrome handles whitepsace in data URLS. Previously, whitespace would be kept only if the top level media type was text or contained the media type string xml. Now, whitespace will be preserved in all data URLs, regardless of media type.

If this policy is left unset or is set to True, the new behavior is enabled.

When this policy is set to False, the old behavior is enabled.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Enable data roaming
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 12
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled allows data roaming for the device.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset renders data roaming unavailable.

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Device MAC address source when docked
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy lets the administrator change the MAC (media access control) address when connecting a device to the dock. When a dock is connected to some device models, by default, the device's designated dock's MAC address helps identify the device on Ethernet.

If 'DeviceDockMacAddress' is selected or the policy is left unset, the device's designated dock MAC address will be used.

If 'DeviceNicMacAddress' is selected, the device's NIC (network interface controller) MAC address will be used.

If 'DockNicMacAddress' is selected, the dock's NIC MAC address will be used.

Users can't change this setting.

  • 1 = Device's designated dock MAC address
  • 2 = Device's built-in NIC MAC address
  • 3 = Dock's built-in NIC MAC address
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Device network hostname template
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 65
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to a string applies the string as the device hostname during DHCP request. The string can have variables ${ASSET_ID}, ${SERIAL_NUM}, ${MAC_ADDR}, ${MACHINE_NAME}, ${LOCATION} to be replaced with values on the device before using it as a hostname. The resulting substitution should be a valid hostname (per RFC 1035, section 3.1).

Leaving the policy unset or if the value after substitution isn't a valid hostname, no hostname is set in DHCP request.

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Allow user to configure their device hostname
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 97
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Determine whether a user is allowed to configure the device hostname.

If DeviceHostnameTemplate is set, the admininistrator sets hostname and the user cannot choose regardless of what this policy is set to. If this policy is set to True and DeviceHostnameTemplate is not set, the admininistrator does not set hostname and the user can choose one. If this policy is set to False and DeviceHostnameTemplate is not set, the admininistrator does not set hostname and the user cannot choose one, hence the default name is used.

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Device-level network configuration
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 16
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy allows pushing network configuration for all users of a Google ChromeOS device. The network configuration is a JSON-formatted string, as defined by the Open Network Configuration format.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

Android apps can use the network configurations and CA certificates set via this policy, but do not have access to some configuration options.

Expanded schema description:
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Enable WiFi
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Disabled means Google ChromeOS turns off Wi-Fi, and users can't change it.

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users turn Wi-Fi on or off.

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Enable 802.11r Fast Transition
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 72
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled means that Fast Transition is used when the wireless access point supports it. It applies to all users and interfaces on the device.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means that Fast Transition isn't used.

Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : WiFi
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Specify domains to be excluded from being resolved using DNS-over-HTTPS
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

List of domains to be excluded from being resolved using DNS-over-HTTPS. This policy is ignored when the secure DNS mode is set to off (always use plain-text DNS).

If DnsOverHttpsIncludedDomains is also set, a more specific domain is preferred. Specificity refers to the number of dots ('.') in the domain. When a domain matches both policies, default to use DNS-over-HTTPS for the domain.

The domains are expected to be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or as domain suffixes noted using a special wildcard prefix '*'.

Incorrectly formatted domains will be ignored.

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Specify domains to be resolved using DNS-over-HTTPS
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

List of domains to be resolved using DNS-over-HTTPS. Other domains not included in the list will not be resolved using DNS-over-HTTPS. This policy is ignored when the secure DNS mode is set to off (always use plain-text DNS).

If the list is empty or unset, all domains will be resolved using DNS-over-HTTPS whenever possible. This is the same behavior with an included domains list with the value of ["*"].

If DnsOverHttpsExcludedDomains is also set, a more specific domain is preferred. Specificity refers to the number of dots ('.') in the domain. When a domain matches both policies, default to use DNS-over-HTTPS for the domain.

The domains are expected to be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or as domain suffixes noted using a special wildcard prefix '*'.

Incorrectly formatted domains will be ignored.

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Specify a salt value to be used in DnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers when evaluating identity information
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 110
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This salt is used as a salt value when hashing identity information included in the DnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers string.

The salt must be a string between 8 and 32 characters.

In version 114 and later, this policy is optional if the DnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers policy is set. If this policy is not set, then the identifiers in the template URIs configured via the DnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers policy are hashed without a salt.

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Specify URI template of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver with identity information
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 110
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

The URI template of the desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver. To specify multiple DNS-over-HTTPS resolvers, separate the corresponding URI templates with spaces. This policy is very similar to DnsOverHttpsTemplates which it will override if specified. In contrast to the DnsOverHttpsTemplates policy, this policy supports specifying identity information. Identifiers are specified using variable placeholders which are replaced with user or device information in Google Chrome. The identifiers are not sent to the DNS server in plain text; instead they are hashed with the SHA-256 algorithm and uppercase hex encoded.

Identifiers are specified between curly brackets, preceded by the dollar sign. For user identification, use the following placeholders USER_EMAIL, USER_EMAIL_DOMAIN and USER_EMAIL_NAME. For device identification, use the following placeholders DEVICE_DIRECTORY_ID, DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER, DEVICE_ASSET_ID and DEVICE_ANNOTATED_LOCATION.

Before version 122, device identifiers were not replaced for unaffiliated users. Starting version 122, the device placeholders are replaced with the value DEVICE_NOT_MANAGED, which is hashed and hex encoded.

Starting version 125, the device ip addresses can be added as template URI using the placeholder DEVICE_IP_ADDRESSES. This placeholder will be replaced by a hex string representing the network byte order of the IPv4 address and/or IPv6 address associated with the current network, if the network is managed by policy. The IPv4 address is prefixed with the value 0010; the IPv6 address is prefixed with 0020. For dual-stack networks, both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses will be used for the placeholder replacement. Multiple addresses are added consecutively, without a delimiter. For unaffiliated users, the replacement only happens if the network is managed by user policy. If the IP addresses placeholder cannot be replaced by the device IP address, it is replaced with an empty string.

If the DnsOverHttpsMode is set to "secure" then either this policy or DnsOverHttpsTemplates must be set and not empty.

If the DnsOverHttpsMode is set to "automatic" and this policy is set then the URI templates specified will be used; if this policy is unset then hardcoded mappings will be used to attempt to upgrade the users current DNS resolver to a DoH resolver operated by the same provider.

If the URI template contains a dns variable, requests to the resolver will use GET; otherwise requests will use POST.

In version 114 and later, DnsOverHttpsSalt is optional if this policy is set.

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Enable IPv6 reachability check override
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 120
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to true overrides the IPv6 reachability check. This means that the system will always query AAAA records when resolving host names. It applies to all users and interfaces on the device.

Setting the policy to false or leaving it unset does not overrides the IPv6 reachability check. The system only queries AAAA records when it is reachable to a global IPv6 host.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable throttling network bandwidth
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 56
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy turns network throttling on or off. This means that the system is throttled to achieve the provided upload and download rates (in kbits/s). It applies to all users and interfaces on the device.

{ "properties": { "download_rate_kbits": { "description": "Desired download rate in kbits/s.", "type": "integer" }, "enabled": { "description": "A boolean flag indicating if throttling is enabled.", "type": "boolean" }, "upload_rate_kbits": { "description": "Desired upload rate in kbits/s.", "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "enabled", "upload_rate_kbits", "download_rate_kbits" ], "type": "object" }
Back to top


Enable system DNS resolution outside of the network service
Data type:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting this policy to true causes system DNS resolution (getaddrinfo()) to possibly run outside of the network process, depending on system configuration and feature flags.

Setting this policy to false causes system DNS resolution (getaddrinfo()) to run in the network process rather than the browser process. This may force the network service sandbox to be disabled, degrading the security of Google Chrome.

If this policy is not set, system DNS resolution may run in the network service, outside of the network service, or partially inside and partially outside, depending on system configuration and feature flags.

Example value:
false (Linux), false (Android)
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Enable zstd content-encoding support
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 119
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 119
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 119
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 119
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 119
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

This feature enables the use of "zstd" in the Accept-Encoding request header, and support for decompressing zstd-compressed web content.

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means Google Chrome will accept web contents compressed with zstd. Setting the policy to Disabled turns off the zstd content-encoding feature.

This policy is intended to be temporary and will be removed in the future.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

Parental supervision settings

Controls parental supervision policies, that are applied to child accounts only. These policies are not set in the admin console, but configured directly by Kids API Server.
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The valid version of Edu Coexistence Terms of Service
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 89
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy indicates current valid version of Edu Coexistence Terms of Service. It is compared with the version last accepted by the parent and used to prompt parent permission renewal when needed.

When this policy is set Terms of Service version can be validated. When this policy is unset it is not possible to verify validity of Edu Coexistence Terms of Service.

This policy is only used for Family Link users.

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Parent Access Code Configuration
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 73
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy specifies configuration that is used to generate and verify Parent Access Code.

|current_config| is always used for generating access code and should be used for validating access code only when it cannot be validated with |future_config|. |future_config| is the primary config used for validating access code. |old_configs| should be used for validating access code only when it cannot be validated with |future_config| nor |current_config|.

The expected way of using this policy is to gradually rotate access code configuration. New configuration is always put into |future_config| and at the same time the existing value is moved into |current_config|. |current_config|'s previous values are moved into |old_configs| and removed after rotation cycle is finished.

This policy applies only to child user. When this policy is set Parent Access Code can be verified on child user's device. When this policy is unset it is not possible to verify Parent Access Code on child user's device.

{ "properties": { "current_config": { "description": "Configuration used to generate and verify Parent Access Code.", "id": "Config", "properties": { "access_code_ttl": { "description": "Time that access code is valid for (in seconds).", "maximum": 3600, "minimum": 60, "type": "integer" }, "clock_drift_tolerance": { "description": "The allowed difference between the clock on child and parent devices (in seconds).", "maximum": 1800, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "shared_secret": { "description": "Secret shared between child and parent devices.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "future_config": { "description": "Configuration used to generate and verify Parent Access Code.", "properties": { "access_code_ttl": { "description": "Time that access code is valid for (in seconds).", "maximum": 3600, "minimum": 60, "type": "integer" }, "clock_drift_tolerance": { "description": "The allowed difference between the clock on child and parent devices (in seconds).", "maximum": 1800, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "shared_secret": { "description": "Secret shared between child and parent devices.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "old_configs": { "items": { "description": "Configuration used to generate and verify Parent Access Code.", "properties": { "access_code_ttl": { "description": "Time that access code is valid for (in seconds).", "maximum": 3600, "minimum": 60, "type": "integer" }, "clock_drift_tolerance": { "description": "The allowed difference between the clock on child and parent devices (in seconds).", "maximum": 1800, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "shared_secret": { "description": "Secret shared between child and parent devices.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "sensitiveValue": true, "type": "object" }
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Per-App Time Limits
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allows to set per-app usage restrictions. Usage restrictions can be applied to the apps installed on Google ChromeOS for the given user. Restrictions should be passed in |app_limits| list. Only one entry per-app is allowed. Apps not included in the list have no restrictions. It is not possible to block apps that are essential for the operating system, the restrictions for such apps will be ignored. App is uniquely identified by |app_id|. Since different types of apps can use different id format |app_type| needs to be specified next to |app_id|. Per-App Time Limits only support |ARC| apps currently. Android package name is used as |app_id|. Support for other types of applications will be added in the future, for now they can be specified in the policy, but the restrictions will take no effect. There are two types of available restrictions: |BLOCK| and |TIME_LIMIT|. |BLOCK| makes app unavailable for the user. If |daily_limit_mins| is specified with |BLOCK| restriction |daily_limit_mins| will be ignored. |TIME_LIMITS| applies daily usage limit and makes app unavailable after the limit is reached on the given day. Usage limit is specified in |daily_limit_mins|. Usage limit is reset daily at the UTC time passed in |reset_at|. This policy is only used for child users. This policy is complementary to 'UsageTimeLimit'. Restrictions specified in 'UsageTimeLimit' like screen time and bedtime will be enforced regardless of 'PerAppTimeLimits'.

{ "properties": { "activity_reporting_enabled": { "description": "The value of app activity collection toggle. If set to true user app activity will be reported to the server with purpose of being displayed in child and parent Google Chrome app. If set to false Per-app time limits feature will still work, but no data will be reported to the server and therefore displayed in Google Chrome.", "type": "boolean" }, "app_limits": { "items": { "properties": { "app_info": { "properties": { "app_id": { "type": "string" }, "app_type": { "enum": [ "ARC", "BUILT-IN", "EXTENSION", "WEB", "CROSTINI" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "daily_limit_mins": { "maximum": 1440, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "last_updated_millis": { "description": "UTC timestamp for the last time this entry was updated. Sent as a string because the timestamp would not fit in an integer", "type": "string" }, "restriction": { "enum": [ "BLOCK", "TIME_LIMIT" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "reset_at": { "description": "The time of the day in local time when usage quota is renewed.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }
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Per-App Time Limits Allowlist
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy specifies which applications and URLs should be allowed for per-app usage restrictions. The configured allowlist is applied to the apps installed on Google ChromeOS for the given user with per-app time limits. The configured allowlist can only be applied to child user accounts and take effect when PerAppTimeLimits policy is set. The configured allowlist is applied to applications and URLs so that they will not be blocked by per-app time limits. Accessing allowed URLs will not count towards the chrome time limit. Add url regular expressions to |url_list| to allow urls that match any of the regular expressions in the list. Add an application with its |app_id| and |app_type| to |app_list| to allow the application.

{ "properties": { "app_list": { "items": { "properties": { "app_id": { "type": "string" }, "app_type": { "enum": [ "ARC", "BUILT-IN", "EXTENSION", "WEB", "CROSTINI" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "url_list": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }
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Time Limit
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allows you to lock the user's session based on the client time or the usage quota of the day.

The |time_window_limit| specifies a daily window in which the user's session should be locked. We only support one rule for each day of the week, therefore the |entries| array may vary from 0-7 in size. |starts_at| and |ends_at| are the beginning and the end of the window limit, when |ends_at| is smaller than |starts_at| it means that the |time_limit_window| ends on the following day. |last_updated_millis| is the UTC timestamp for the last time this entry was updated, it is sent as a string because the timestamp wouldn't fit in an integer.

The |time_usage_limit| specifies a daily screen quota, so when the user reaches it, the user's session is locked. There is a property for each day of the week, and it should be set only if there is an active quota for that day. |usage_quota_mins| is the amount of time that the managed device can be use in a day and |reset_at| is the time when the usage quota is renewed. The default value for |reset_at| is midnight ({'hour': 0, 'minute': 0}). |last_updated_millis| is the UTC timestamp for the last time this entry was updated, it is sent as a string because the timestamp wouldn't fit in an integer.

|overrides| is provided to invalidate temporarily one or more of the previous rules. * If neither time_window_limit nor time_usage_limit is active |LOCK| can be used to lock the device. * |LOCK| temporarily locks a user session until the next time_window_limit or time_usage_limit starts. * |UNLOCK| unlocks a user's session locked by time_window_limit or time_usage_limit. |created_time_millis| is the UTC timestamp for the override creation, it is sent as a String because the timestamp wouldn't fit in an integer It is used to determine whether this override should still be applied. If the current active time limit feature (time usage limit or time window limit) started after the override was created, it should not take action. Also if the override was created before the last change of the active time_window_limit or time_usage_window it should not be applied.

Multiple overrides may be sent, the newest valid entry is the one that is going to be applied.

{ "properties": { "overrides": { "items": { "properties": { "action": { "enum": [ "LOCK", "UNLOCK" ], "type": "string" }, "action_specific_data": { "properties": { "duration_mins": { "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "created_at_millis": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "time_usage_limit": { "properties": { "friday": { "id": "TimeUsageLimitEntry", "properties": { "last_updated_millis": { "type": "string" }, "usage_quota_mins": { "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "monday": { "properties": { "last_updated_millis": { "type": "string" }, "usage_quota_mins": { "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "reset_at": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "id": "Time", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" }, "saturday": { "properties": { "last_updated_millis": { "type": "string" }, "usage_quota_mins": { "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "sunday": { "properties": { "last_updated_millis": { "type": "string" }, "usage_quota_mins": { "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "thursday": { "properties": { "last_updated_millis": { "type": "string" }, "usage_quota_mins": { "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "tuesday": { "properties": { "last_updated_millis": { "type": "string" }, "usage_quota_mins": { "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "wednesday": { "properties": { "last_updated_millis": { "type": "string" }, "usage_quota_mins": { "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "time_window_limit": { "properties": { "entries": { "items": { "properties": { "effective_day": { "enum": [ "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" ], "type": "string" }, "ends_at": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" }, "last_updated_millis": { "type": "string" }, "starts_at": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }
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Password manager

Configures the password manager.
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Enable deleting undecryptable passwords
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 128
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 128
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls whether the built-in password manager can delete undecryptable passwords from its database. This is required to restore the full functionality of the built-in password manager, but it may include a permanent data loss. Undecryptable password values will not become decryptable on their own and, if fixing them is possible, it usually requires complex user actions.

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means that users with undecryptable passwords saved to the built-in password manager will lose them. Passwords that are still in a working state will remain untouched.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users will leave their password manager data untouched, but will experience a broken password manager functionality.

If the policy is set, users can't change it in Google Chrome.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on Android apps.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : PasswordManager
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Enable dismissing compromised password alerts for entered credentials
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 100
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 100
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 100
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset gives the user the option to dismiss/restore compromised password alerts.

If you disable this setting, users will not be able to dismiss alerts about compromised passwords. If enabled, users will be able to dismiss alerts about compromised passwords.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Enable leak detection for entered credentials
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 79
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled lets users have Google Chrome check whether usernames and passwords entered were part of a leak.

If the policy is set, users can't change it in Google Chrome. If not set, credential leak checking is allowed, but the user can turn it off.

This behavior will not trigger if Safe Browsing is disabled (either by policy or by the user). In order to force Safe Browsing on, use the SafeBrowsingEnabled policy or the SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel policy.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Enable saving passwords to the password manager
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls the browser's ability to automatically remember passwords on websites and save them in the built-in password manager. It does not limit access or change the contents of passwords saved in the password manager and possibly synchronized to the Google account profile and Android.

Setting the policy to Enabled means users have Google Chrome remember passwords and provide them the next time they sign in to a site.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't save new passwords, but previously saved passwords will still work.

If the policy is set, users can't change it in Google Chrome. If not set, the user can turn off password saving.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on Android apps.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Enable sharing user credentials with other users
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 120
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled lets users send to and receive from family members (according to Family Service) their passwords. When the policy is Enabled or not set, there is a button in the Password Manager allowing to send a password. The received passwords are stored into user's account and are available in the Password Manager.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't send passwords from Password Manager to other users, and can't receive passwords from other users.

The feature is not available if synchronization of Passwords is turned off (either via user settings or SyncDisabled policy is Enabled).

Managed accounts aren't eligible to join or create a family group and therefore cannot share passwords.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Allow using Third-Party Password Managers in Google Chrome on Android
Data type:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 131
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to true lets users use a third-party password manager. That password manager will handle saving and filling for all password, payment and autofill data. When the policy is true or not set, a setting will allow to switch between Google Chrome's buit-in password manager and the password manager configured in Android settings. Since Google Chrome uses the same data as Autofill with Google, the setting can only be changed to use third-party password managers if a manager other than Autofill with Google is configured in Android's system settings.

Setting the policy to false means Google Chrome will always use the built-in password manager.

This policy doesn't affect third-party password managers that use accessibility APIs.

Example value:
true (Android)
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Configure PluginVm related policies.
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Allow devices to use a PluginVm on Google ChromeOS
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 72
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled turns on PluginVm for the device, as long as other settings also allow it. PluginVmAllowed and UserPluginVmAllowed must be True, and either PluginVmLicenseKey or PluginVmUserId must be set for PluginVm to run.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means PluginVm isn't on for the device.

Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : PluginVm
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Allow PluginVm Product Analytics
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allow PluginVm to collect PluginVm usage data.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, PluginVm is not allowed to collect data. If set to true, PluginVm might collect PluginVm usage data that is then combined and thoroughly analyzed to improve PluginVm experience.

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PluginVm image
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 72
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies the PluginVm image for a user. Specify this policy as a JSON format string, with URL stating where to download the image and hash as a SHA-256 hash used to verify the integrity of the download.

{ "properties": { "hash": { "description": "The SHA-256 hash of the PluginVm image.", "type": "string" }, "url": { "description": "The URL from which the PluginVm image can be downloaded.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
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Required free disk space for PluginVm
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Free disk space (in GB) required to install PluginVm.

If this policy is left unset, PluginVm installation fails if free disk space available on the device is less than 20 GB (default value). If this policy is set, PluginVm installation fails if free disk space available on the device is less than required by policy.

  • Minimum:0
  • Maximum:1000
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PluginVm user id
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy specifies the PluginVm licensing user id for this device.

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Allow users to use a PluginVm on Google ChromeOS
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allow this user to run PluginVm.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, PluginVm is not enabled for the user. If set to true, PluginVm is enabled for the user as long as other settings also allow it. PluginVmAllowed and UserPluginVmAllowed need to be true, and either PluginVmLicenseKey or PluginVmUserId need to be set for PluginVm to be allowed to run.

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Power and shutdown

Controls settings related to power management and rebooting.
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Power management on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy lets you set how Google ChromeOS behaves when there is no user activity for some amount of time while the sign-in screen appears. The policy controls multiple settings. For their individual semantics and value ranges, see the corresponding policies that control power management within a session.

The deviations from these policies are:

* The actions to take on idle or lid close cannot be to end the session.

* The default action taken on idle when running on AC power is to shut down.

Leaving the policy or any of its settings unset results in the use of the default values for the various power settings.

{ "properties": { "AC": { "description": "Power management settings applicable only when running on AC power", "id": "DeviceLoginScreenPowerSettings", "properties": { "Delays": { "properties": { "Idle": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the idle action is taken, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "ScreenDim": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the screen is dimmed, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "ScreenOff": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the screen is turned off, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "IdleAction": { "description": "Action to take when the idle delay is reached", "enum": [ "Suspend", "Shutdown", "DoNothing" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "Battery": { "description": "Power management settings applicable only when running on AC power", "properties": { "Delays": { "properties": { "Idle": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the idle action is taken, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "ScreenDim": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the screen is dimmed, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "ScreenOff": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the screen is turned off, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "IdleAction": { "description": "Action to take when the idle delay is reached", "enum": [ "Suspend", "Shutdown", "DoNothing" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "LidCloseAction": { "description": "Action to take when the lid is closed", "enum": [ "Suspend", "Shutdown", "DoNothing" ], "type": "string" }, "UserActivityScreenDimDelayScale": { "description": "Percentage by which the screen dim delay is scaled when user activity is observed while the screen is dimmed or soon after the screen has been turned off", "minimum": 100, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }
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Automatic reboot on device shutdown
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 41
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means Google ChromeOS triggers a restart when users shut down the device. Google ChromeOS replaces all shutdown buttons in the UI with restart buttons. If the users shut down devices using the power button, they won't automatically restart, even if the policy is on.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means Google ChromeOS lets them shut down the device.

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Limit device uptime by automatically rebooting
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy limits the device uptime by scheduling automatic restarts, which you can delay by up to 24 hours if a user is on the device. The policy value should be specified in seconds. Values are clamped to be at least 3,600 (one hour).

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, the device uptime isn't limited.

Note: Automatic restarts are only on while the sign-in screen appears or during a kiosk app session.

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Power management

Configure power management in Google ChromeOS. These policies let you configure how Google ChromeOS behaves when the user remains idle for some amount of time.
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Allow screen wake locks
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 28
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Unless AllowWakeLocks is set to Disabled, setting AllowScreenWakeLocks to Enabled or leaving it unset allows screen wake locks for power management. Extensions can request screen wake locks through the power management extension API and ARC apps.

Setting the policy to Disabled demotes screen wake lock requests to system wake lock requests.

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Allow wake locks
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 71
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset allows wake locks for power management. Extensions can request wake locks through the power management extension API and ARC apps.

Setting the policy to Disabled means wake lock requests are ignored.

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Set advanced battery charge mode day config
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled is set to Enabled, then setting DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig lets you set up advanced battery charge mode. From charge_start_time until charge_end_time, the device's battery will only be allowed to charge to full once. For the remainder of the period, the batteries are kept in a lower charging state. The value for charge_start_time must be less than charge_end_time.

Leaving the policy unset keeps advanced battery charge mode off.

Valid values for minute field in charge_start_time and charge_end_time are 0, 15, 30, 45.

{ "properties": { "entries": { "items": { "properties": { "charge_end_time": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" }, "charge_start_time": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" }, "day": { "enum": [ "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }
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Enable advanced battery charge mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

The policy prolongs the usable life of a system batteries by charging them to full capacity only once per day. For the remainder of the day, batteries are kept in a lower charge state that is better for storage, even when the system is plugged into a power source.

If DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig is set, setting DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled to Enabled keeps advanced battery charge mode power management policy on (if supported on the device). Using a standard charging algorithm and other techniques outside work hours, this mode lets users maximize battery health. During work hours, the system uses an express charge, which lets the battery charge faster. Specify the time when the system is used most each day by the start time and the duration.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset keeps advanced battery charge mode off.

Users are unable to change this setting.

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Set battery charge custom start charging in percent
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If DeviceBatteryChargeMode is set to "custom", then setting DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStartCharging customizes when the battery starts charging, based the percentage of battery charge. The value must be at least 5 percentage points below DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging.

Leaving the policy unset applies the standard battery charge mode.

  • Minimum:50
  • Maximum:95
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Set battery charge custom stop charging in percent
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If DeviceBatteryChargeMode is set to "custom", then setting DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging customizes when the battery stops charging, based on the percentage of battery charge. DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStartCharging must be at least 5 percentage points below DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging.

Leaving the policy unset applies the "standard" battery charge mode.

  • Minimum:55
  • Maximum:100
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Battery charge mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Unless DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled is specified, which overrides DeviceBatteryChargeMode, then setting DeviceBatteryChargeMode specifies battery charge mode power management policy (if supported on the device). To extend battery life, the policy dynamically controls battery charging by minimizing stress and wear-out.

Leaving the policy unset (if supported on the device) applies the standard battery charge mode, and users can't change it.

Note: If Custom battery charge mode is selected, then also specify DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStartCharging and DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging.

  • 1 = Fully charge battery at a standard rate.
  • 2 = Charge battery using fast charging technology.
  • 3 = Charge battery for devices that are primarily connected to an external power source.
  • 4 = Adaptive charge battery based on battery usage pattern.
  • 5 = Charge battery while it is within a fixed range.
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Enable boot on AC (alternating current)
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled keeps boot on AC on, if supported on the device. Boot on AC provides an opportunity for the system to restart from Off or Hibernate after inserting the line power.

Setting the policy to Disabled keeps boot on AC off.

If you set this policy, users can't change it. If not set, boot on AC is off, and users can't turn it on.

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Enable Charging Sounds
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Enable the charging sounds feature.

This feature is responsible to play the charging sounds.

If this policy is set to enabled, the charging sounds will be played when the device is connected to an AC charger.

If this policy is set to disabled, no charging sound will be played.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, this feature is disabled initially on the managed Google ChromeOS devices, but users can enable or disable it at any time.

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Enable Low Battery Sound
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Enable the low battery sound feature.

This feature is responsible to play the low battery sound.

If this policy is set to enabled, the low battery sound will be played when the battery level or the remaining time drops below a threshold.

If this policy is set to disabled, no low battery sound will be played.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If this policy is left unset, this feature is disabled for existing users, or enabled for new users initially on the managed Google ChromeOS devices, but users can enable or disable it at any time.

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Enable adaptive charging model to hold charging process to extend battery life
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 102
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Specifies whether an adaptive charging model is allowed to hold charging process to extend battery life.

When the device is on AC, the adaptive charging model evaluates if charging process should be hold to extend battery life. If the adaptive charging model holds the charging process, it'll keep the battery at a certain level (i.e. 80%) and then charge the device to 100% when the user needs it. If this policy is set to True, the adaptive charging model will be enabled and allowed to hold the charging process to extend battery life. If this policy is set to False or unset, the adaptive charging model will not influence the charging process.

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Set power peak shift battery threshold in percent
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If DevicePowerPeakShiftEnabled is Enabled, then setting DevicePowerPeakShiftBatteryThreshold sets power peak shift battery threshold in percent.

Leaving the policy unset keeps power peak shift off.

  • Minimum:15
  • Maximum:100
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Set power peak shift day config
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If DevicePowerPeakShiftEnabled is Enabled, setting DevicePowerPeakShiftDayConfig sets power peak shift day configuration.

Leaving the policy unset keeps power peak shift off.

Valid values for the minute field in start_time, end_time and charge_start_time are 0, 15, 30, 45.

{ "properties": { "entries": { "items": { "properties": { "charge_start_time": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" }, "day": { "enum": [ "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" ], "type": "string" }, "end_time": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" }, "start_time": { "description": "Time interpreted in local wall-clock 24h format.", "properties": { "hour": { "maximum": 23, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "minute": { "maximum": 59, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "hour", "minute" ], "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


Enable peak shift power management
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled and setting DevicePowerPeakShiftBatteryThreshold and DevicePowerPeakShiftDayConfig keeps power peak shift on, if supported on the device. Power peak shift power management policy is a power-saving policy that minimizes alternating current usage during peak times. For each weekday, you can set a start and end time to run in power peak shift mode. As long as the battery stays above the threshold specified, during these times, the device runs from the battery (even if the alternating current is attached). After the specified end time, the device runs from alternating current (if attached), but won't charge the battery. The device will again function normally using alternating current and recharging the battery after the specified charge start time.

Setting the policy to Disabled keeps power peak shift off.

If unset, power peak shift is off at first. Users can't change this setting.

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Enable USB power share
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled turns on the USB power share power management policy.

Certain devices have a specific USB port with a lightning bolt or battery icon for charging devices using the system battery. This policy affects the charging behavior of this port while the system is in sleep and shut down modes. It doesn't affect the other USB ports and the charging behavior while the system is awake, when the USB port always provides power.

When sleeping, power is supplied to the USB port when the device is plugged in to the wall charger or if the battery level exceeds 50%. When shut down, power is supplied to the USB port when the device is plugged in to the wall charger.

Setting the policy to Disabled means no power is supplied.

Leaving the policy unset means the policy is on, and users can't turn it off.

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IdleAction (Deprecated)

Action to take when the idle delay is reached
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

This policy provides a fallback value for the more-specific IdleActionAC and IdleActionBattery policies. If this policy is set, its value gets used if the respective more-specific policy is not set.

When this policy is unset, behavior of the more-specific policies remains unaffected.

  • 0 = Suspend
  • 1 = Log the user out
  • 2 = Shut down
  • 3 = Do nothing
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IdleActionAC (Deprecated)

Action to take when the idle delay is reached while running on AC power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

When this policy is set, it specifies the action that Google ChromeOS takes when the user remains idle for the length of time given by the idle delay, which can be configured separately.

When this policy is unset, the default action is taken, which is suspend.

If the action is suspend, Google ChromeOS can separately be configured to either lock or not lock the screen before suspending.

  • 0 = Suspend
  • 1 = Log the user out
  • 2 = Shut down
  • 3 = Do nothing
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IdleActionBattery (Deprecated)

Action to take when the idle delay is reached while running on battery power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

When this policy is set, it specifies the action that Google ChromeOS takes when the user remains idle for the length of time given by the idle delay, which can be configured separately.

When this policy is unset, the default action is taken, which is suspend.

If the action is suspend, Google ChromeOS can separately be configured to either lock or not lock the screen before suspending.

  • 0 = Suspend
  • 1 = Log the user out
  • 2 = Shut down
  • 3 = Do nothing
Back to top

IdleDelayAC (Deprecated)

Idle delay when running on AC power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

Specifies the length of time without user input after which the idle action is taken when running on AC power.

When this policy is set, it specifies the length of time that the user must remain idle before Google ChromeOS takes the idle action, which can be configured separately.

When this policy is unset, a default length of time is used.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds.

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IdleDelayBattery (Deprecated)

Idle delay when running on battery power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

Specifies the length of time without user input after which the idle action is taken when running on battery power.

When this policy is set, it specifies the length of time that the user must remain idle before Google ChromeOS takes the idle action, which can be configured separately.

When this policy is unset, a default length of time is used.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds.

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IdleWarningDelayAC (Deprecated)

Idle warning delay when running on AC power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 27
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

Specifies the length of time without user input after which a warning dialog is shown when running on AC power.

When this policy is set, it specifies the length of time that the user must remain idle before Google ChromeOS shows a warning dialog telling the user that the idle action is about to be taken.

When this policy is unset, no warning dialog is shown.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds. Values are clamped to be less than or equal the idle delay.

The warning message is only shown if the idle action is to logout or shut down.

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IdleWarningDelayBattery (Deprecated)

Idle warning delay when running on battery power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 27
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

Specifies the length of time without user input after which a warning dialog is shown when running on battery power.

When this policy is set, it specifies the length of time that the user must remain idle before Google ChromeOS shows a warning dialog telling the user that the idle action is about to be taken.

When this policy is unset, no warning dialog is shown.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds. Values are clamped to be less than or equal the idle delay.

The warning message is only shown if the idle action is to logout or shut down.

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Action to take when the user closes the lid
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies the action that Google ChromeOS takes when the user closes the device's lid.

Leaving the policy unset means the Suspend action is taken.

Note: If the action is Suspend, Google ChromeOS can separately be set up to lock or not lock the screen before suspending.

  • 0 = Suspend
  • 1 = Log the user out
  • 2 = Shut down
  • 3 = Do nothing
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Power management settings when the user becomes idle
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 35
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy controls the power management strategy when the user idles.

There are 4 actions:

* The screen dims if the user is idle for the time specified by ScreenDim.

* The screen turns off if the user is idle for the time specified by ScreenOff.

* A warning dialog appears if the user remains idle for the time specified by IdleWarning. It warns the user that the idle action will be taken and only appears if the idle action is to sign out or shut down.

* The action specified by IdleAction is taken if the user is idle for the time specified by Idle.

For each of the above actions, the delay should be specified in milliseconds and must be set to a value greater than zero to trigger the corresponding action. If the delay is set to zero, Google ChromeOS won't take the corresponding action.

For each of the above delays, when the time is unset, a default value is used.

ScreenDim values will be clamped to be less than or equal to ScreenOff. ScreenOff and IdleWarning will be clamped to be less than or equal to Idle.

IdleAction can be one of 4 actions:

* Suspend

* Logout

* Shutdown

* DoNothing

If the IdleAction is not set, Suspend is taken.

Note: There are separate settings for AC power and battery.

{ "properties": { "AC": { "description": "Delays and actions to take when the device is idle and running on AC power", "id": "PowerManagementDelays", "properties": { "Delays": { "properties": { "Idle": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the idle action is taken, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "IdleWarning": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which a warning dialog is shown, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "ScreenDim": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the screen is dimmed, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "ScreenOff": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the screen is turned off, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "IdleAction": { "description": "Action to take when the idle delay is reached", "enum": [ "Suspend", "Logout", "Shutdown", "DoNothing" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "Battery": { "description": "Delays and actions to take when the device is idle and running on AC power", "properties": { "Delays": { "properties": { "Idle": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the idle action is taken, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "IdleWarning": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which a warning dialog is shown, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "ScreenDim": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the screen is dimmed, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "ScreenOff": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the screen is turned off, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "IdleAction": { "description": "Action to take when the idle delay is reached", "enum": [ "Suspend", "Logout", "Shutdown", "DoNothing" ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


Specify whether audio activity affects power management
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means the user is not considered idle while audio plays. This prevents the idle timeout from being reached and the idle action from being taken. However, screen dimming, screen off, and screen lock will still occur after their configured timeouts despite audio activity.

Setting the policy to Disabled means the system can consider users idle despite audio activity.

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Specify whether video activity affects power management
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset means the user is not considered idle while video plays. This prevents the idle delay, screen dim delay, screen off delay, and screen lock delay from being reached and the corresponding actions from being taken.

Setting the policy to Disabled means the system can consider users idle despite video activity.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

Video playing in Android apps is not taken into consideration, even if this policy is set to True.

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Enable smart dim model to extend the time until the screen is dimmed
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 70
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset turns the smart dim model on and can extend the time until the screen dims. If it delays the time, the screen off, screen lock, and idle delays adjust to maintain the same distances from the screen dim delay as originally set.

Setting the policy to Disabled means the smart dim model won't influence screen dimming.

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Percentage by which to scale the screen dim delay in presentation mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If PowerSmartDimEnabled is Disabled, then setting PresentationScreenDimDelayScale specifies the percent that the screen dim delay scales when the device is presenting. When the screen dim delay scales, the screen off, screen lock, and idle delays adjust to maintain the same distances from the screen dim delay as originally set.

Leaving the policy unset puts a default scale factor in use.

Note: The scale factor must be 100% or more.

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Screen brightness percent
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 72
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies screen brightness percent, turning autobrightness features off. Initial screen brightness adjusts to the policy value, but users can change it.

Leaving the policy unset doesn't affect user screen controls or autobrightness features.

Note: The policy values should be specified in percents from 0 to 100.

{ "properties": { "BrightnessAC": { "description": "Screen brightness percent when running on AC power", "maximum": 100, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "BrightnessBattery": { "description": "Screen brightness percent when running on battery power", "maximum": 100, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top

ScreenDimDelayAC (Deprecated)

Screen dim delay when running on AC power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

Specifies the length of time without user input after which the screen is dimmed when running on AC power.

When this policy is set to a value greater than zero, it specifies the length of time that the user must remain idle before Google ChromeOS dims the screen.

When this policy is set to zero, Google ChromeOS does not dim the screen when the user becomes idle.

When this policy is unset, a default length of time is used.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds. Values are clamped to be less than or equal the screen off delay (if set) and the idle delay.

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ScreenDimDelayBattery (Deprecated)

Screen dim delay when running on battery power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

Specifies the length of time without user input after which the screen is dimmed when running on battery power.

When this policy is set to a value greater than zero, it specifies the length of time that the user must remain idle before Google ChromeOS dims the screen.

When this policy is set to zero, Google ChromeOS does not dim the screen when the user becomes idle.

When this policy is unset, a default length of time is used.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds. Values are clamped to be less than or equal the screen off delay (if set) and the idle delay.

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ScreenLockDelayAC (Deprecated)

Screen lock delay when running on AC power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use ScreenLockDelays instead.

Specifies the length of time without user input after which the screen is locked when running on AC power.

When this policy is set to a value greater than zero, it specifies the length of time that the user must remain idle before Google ChromeOS locks the screen.

When this policy is set to zero, Google ChromeOS does not lock the screen when the user becomes idle.

When this policy is unset, a default length of time is used.

The recommended way to lock the screen on idle is to enable screen locking on suspend and have Google ChromeOS suspend after the idle delay. This policy should only be used when screen locking should occur a significant amount of time sooner than suspend or when suspend on idle is not desired at all.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds. Values are clamped to be less than the idle delay.

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ScreenLockDelayBattery (Deprecated)

Screen lock delay when running on battery power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use ScreenLockDelays instead.

Specifies the length of time without user input after which the screen is locked when running on battery power.

When this policy is set to a value greater than zero, it specifies the length of time that the user must remain idle before Google ChromeOS locks the screen.

When this policy is set to zero, Google ChromeOS does not lock the screen when the user becomes idle.

When this policy is unset, a default length of time is used.

The recommended way to lock the screen on idle is to enable screen locking on suspend and have Google ChromeOS suspend after the idle delay. This policy should only be used when screen locking should occur a significant amount of time sooner than suspend or when suspend on idle is not desired at all.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds. Values are clamped to be less than the idle delay.

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Screen lock delays
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 35
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy specifies the length of time in milliseconds without user input after which the screen locks when running on AC power or battery. Values are clamped to be less than the idle delay in PowerManagementIdleSettings.

When set to zero, Google ChromeOS doesn't lock the screen when the user becomes idle. If unset, a default time is used.

Recommendation: Lock the screen on idle by turning on screen locking on suspend and have Google ChromeOS suspend after the idle delay. Only use this policy when screen locking should occur a significant amount of time sooner than suspend or when you don't want suspend on idle.

{ "properties": { "AC": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the screen is locked when running on AC power, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "Battery": { "description": "The length of time without user input after which the screen is locked when running on battery, in milliseconds", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top

ScreenOffDelayAC (Deprecated)

Screen off delay when running on AC power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

Specifies the length of time without user input after which the screen is turned off when running on AC power.

When this policy is set to a value greater than zero, it specifies the length of time that the user must remain idle before Google ChromeOS turns off the screen.

When this policy is set to zero, Google ChromeOS does not turn off the screen when the user becomes idle.

When this policy is unset, a default length of time is used.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds. Values are clamped to be less than or equal the idle delay.

Back to top

ScreenOffDelayBattery (Deprecated)

Screen off delay when running on battery power
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 26
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Note that this policy is deprecated and will be removed in Google ChromeOS version 85. Please use PowerManagementIdleSettings instead.

Specifies the length of time without user input after which the screen is turned off when running on battery power.

When this policy is set to a value greater than zero, it specifies the length of time that the user must remain idle before Google ChromeOS turns off the screen.

When this policy is set to zero, Google ChromeOS does not turn off the screen when the user becomes idle.

When this policy is unset, a default length of time is used.

The policy value should be specified in milliseconds. Values are clamped to be less than or equal the idle delay.

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Percentage by which to scale the screen dim delay if the user becomes active after dimming
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If PowerSmartDimEnabled is Disabled, then setting UserActivityScreenDimDelayScale specifies the percent that the screen dim delay scales when there's user activity while the screen dims or soon after the screen turns off. When the dim delay scales, the screen off, screen lock and idle delays adjust to maintain the same distances from the screen dim delay as originally set.

Leaving the policy unset puts a default scale factor in use.

Note: The scale factor must be 100% or more.

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Wait for initial user activity
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 32
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled means that power management delays and session length limits don't start until after the first user activity occurs in a session.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means power management delays and the time limit begin immediately at session start.

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Controls printing settings.
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Enable Google Cloud Print proxy
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 17
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 17
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 17
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets Google Chrome act as a proxy between Google Cloud Print and legacy printers connected to the machine. Using their Google Account, users may turn on the cloud print proxy by authentication.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't turn on the proxy, and the machine can't share its printers with Google Cloud Print.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Default printer selection rules
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 48
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 48
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 48
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 48
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy sets the rules for selecting the default printer in Google Chrome, overriding the default rules. Printer selection occurs the first time users try to print, when Google Chrome seeks a printer matching the specified attributes. In case of a less than perfect match, Google Chrome can be set to select any matching printer, depending on the order printers are discovered.

Leaving the policy unset or set to attributes for which there's no match means the built-in PDF printer is the default. If there's no PDF printer, Google Chrome defaults to none.

Currently, all printers are classified as "local". Printers connected to Google Cloud Print are considered "cloud", but Google Cloud Print is no longer supported.

Note: Omitting a field means all values match for that particular field. For example, not specifying idPattern means Print Preview accepts all printer IDs. Regular expression patterns must follow the JavaScript RegExp syntax, and matches are case sensistive.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on Android apps.

{ "properties": { "idPattern": { "description": "Regular expression to match printer ID.", "type": "string" }, "kind": { "description": "Whether to limit the search of the matching printer to a specific set of printers.", "enum": [ "local", "cloud" ], "type": "string" }, "namePattern": { "description": "Regular expression to match printer display name.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
Example value:
"{ "kind": "local", "idPattern": ".*public", "namePattern": ".*Color" }"
Windows (Intune):
<data id="DefaultPrinterSelection" value="{ \"kind\": \"local\", \"idPattern\": \".*public\", \"namePattern\": \".*Color\" }"/>
Back to top


Allow print job history to be deleted
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls whether print job history can be deleted.

Locally stored print jobs can be deleted through the print management app or through deleting the users's browser history.

When this policy is enabled or unset, the user will be able to delete their print job history through the print management app or through deleting their browser history.

When this policy is disabled, the user will not be able to delete their print job history through the print management app or through deleting their browser history.

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External print servers
Data type:
External data reference
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Provides configurations of available print servers.

This policy allows you to provide configuration of external print servers to Google ChromeOS devices as JSON file.

The size of the file must not exceed 1MB and must contain an array of records (JSON objects). Each record must contain fields "id", "url" and "display_name" with strings as values. Values of "id" fields must be unique.

The file is downloaded and cached. The cryptographic hash is used to verify the integrity of the download. The file will be re-downloaded whenever the URL or the hash changes.

When this policy is set to correct value, devices will try to query specified print servers for available printers using IPP protocol.

If this policy is unset or set to incorrect value, none of the provided server printers are visible to users.

Currently, the number of print servers is limited to 16. Only the first 16 print servers from the list will be queried.

This policy is similar to ExternalPrintServers, except this policy is applied by device.

{ "properties": { "hash": { "description": "The SHA-256 hash of the file.", "type": "string" }, "url": { "description": "URL to a JSON file with a list of print servers.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


Enabled external print servers
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Specifies the subset of print servers that will be queried for server printers. This applies only to the DeviceExternalPrintServers policy.

If this policy is used, only the server printers with ids matching the values in this policy are available to the user through device policy.

The ids must correspond to the "id" field in the file specified in DeviceExternalPrintServers.

If this policy is not set, filtering is omitted and all print servers provided by DeviceExternalPrintServers are taken into account.

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Enterprise printer configuration file for devices
Data type:
External data reference
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy provides configurations for enterprise printers bound to devices. Its format matches the Printers dictionary, with an additional required "id" or "guid" field for each printer for allow listing or deny listing. The file size can't exceed 5MB and is in JSON format. A file with about 21,000 printers encodes as a 5MB file. The cryptographic hash helps verify download integrity. The file is downloaded, cached, and redownloaded when the URL or the hash changes. Google ChromeOS downloads the file for printer configurations and makes printers available along with DevicePrintersAccessMode, DevicePrintersAllowlist, and DevicePrintersBlocklist.

This policy:

* doesn't affect whether users can configure printers on individual devices

* supplements PrintersBulkConfiguration and individual users' printer setups

If unset, there are no device printers, and the other DevicePrinter* policies are ignored.

{ "properties": { "hash": { "type": "string" }, "url": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


Device printers configuration access policy.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy designates which access policy applies to bulk printer configuration, controlling which printers from DevicePrinters are available for users.

* BlocklistRestriction (value 0), DevicePrintersBlocklist can restrict access to the specified printers

* AllowlistPrintersOnly (value 1), DevicePrintersAllowlist designates only those printers which are selectable

* AllowAll (value 2), all printers are allowed.

Leaving the policy unset applies AllowAll.

  • 0 = All printers are shown except those in the blocklist.
  • 1 = Only printers in the allowlist are shown to users
  • 2 = Allow all printers from the configuration file.
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Enabled enterprise device printers
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If AllowlistPrintersOnly is chosen for DevicePrintersAccessMode, then setting DevicePrintersAllowlist specifies which printers users can use. Only the printers with IDs matching the values in this policy are available to users. The IDs must correspond to the "id" or "guid" fields in the file specified in DevicePrinters

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Disabled enterprise device printers
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

If BlocklistRestriction is chosen for DevicePrintersAccessMode, then setting DevicePrintersBlocklist specifies which printers users can't use. All printers are provided to users, except for the IDs listed in this policy. The IDs must correspond to the "id" or "guid" fields in the file specified in DevicePrinters.

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Template for the 'client-name' Internet Printing Protocol attribute
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls the value of the 'client-info' Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) attribute in print jobs.

Setting the policy has the effect of sending an additional 'client-info' value to print jobs submitted to IPP printers. The 'client-type' member of the added 'client-info' value will be set to 'other'. The 'client-name' member of the added 'client-info' value will be set to the value of the policy after substitution of placeholder variables. Supported placeholder variables are ${DEVICE_DIRECTORY_API_ID}, ${DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER}, ${DEVICE_ASSET_ID}, ${DEVICE_ANNOTATED_LOCATION}. Unsupported placeholder variables will not be substituted.

The resulting value after substitution of placeholder variables is considered valid if it is not longer than 127 characters and only contains the following characters: lowercase and uppercase letters of the English alphabet, digits, dashes ('-'), dots ('.') and underscores ('_').

Note that, for privacy reasons, this policy takes effect only when the connection to the printer is secure (ipps:// URI scheme) and the user submitting the print job is affiliated. Also, note that this policy only applies to printers that support 'client-info'.

If the policy is unset, set to an empty or invalid value, an additional 'client-info' value will not be added to print job requests.

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Disable Print Preview
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 18
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 18
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 18
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled has Google Chrome open the system print dialog instead of the built-in print preview when users request a printout.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset has print commands trigger the print preview screen.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


External print servers
Data type:
External data reference
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Provides configurations of available print servers.

This policy allows you to provide configuration of external print servers to Google ChromeOS devices as JSON file.

The size of the file must not exceed 1MB and must contain an array of records (JSON objects). Each record must contain fields "id", "url" and "display_name" with strings as values. Values of "id" fields must be unique.

The file is downloaded and cached. The cryptographic hash is used to verify the integrity of the download. The file will be re-downloaded whenever the URL or the hash changes.

When this policy is set to correct value, devices will try to query specified print servers for available printers using IPP protocol.

If this policy is unset or set to incorrect value, none of the provided server printers are visible to users.

Currently, the number of print servers is limited to 16. Only the first 16 print servers from the list will be queried.

{ "properties": { "hash": { "description": "The SHA-256 hash of the file.", "type": "string" }, "url": { "description": "URL to a JSON file with a list of print servers.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


Enabled external print servers
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Specifies the subset of print servers that will be queried for server printers.

If this policy is used, only the server printers with ids matching the values in this policy are available to the user.

The ids must correspond to the "id" field in the file specified in ExternalPrintServers.

If this policy is not set, filtering is omitted and all print servers are taken into account.

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Out-of-process print drivers allowed
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Controls if Google Chrome interacts with printer drivers from a separate service process. Platform printing calls to query available printers, get print driver settings, and submit documents for printing to local printers are made from a service process. Moving such calls out of the browser process helps improve stability and reduce frozen UI behavior in Print Preview.

When this policy is set to Enabled or not set, Google Chrome will use a separate service process for platform printing tasks.

When this policy is set to Disabled, Google Chrome will use the browser process for platform printing tasks.

This policy will be removed in the future, after the out-of-process print drivers feature has fully rolled out.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Print Headers and Footers
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 70
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 70
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 70
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 70
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled turns headers and footers on in print preview. Setting the policy to Disabled turns them off in print preview.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If unset, users decides whether headers and footers appear.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Set the time period in days for storing print jobs metadata
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy controls how long print jobs metadata is stored on the device, in days.

When this policy is set to a value of -1, the print jobs metadata is stored indefinitely. When this policy is set to a value of 0, the print jobs metadata is not stored at all. When this policy is set to any other value, it specifies the period of time during which the metadata of completed print jobs is stored on the device.

If not set, the default period of 90 days is used for Google ChromeOS devices.

The policy value should be specified in days.

  • Minimum:-1
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Print PDF as Image Available
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 94
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls how Google Chrome makes the Print as image option available on Microsoft® Windows® and macOS when printing PDFs.

When printing a PDF on Microsoft® Windows® or macOS, sometimes print jobs need to be rasterized to an image for certain printers to get correct looking output.

When this policy is set to Enabled, Google Chrome will make the Print as image option available in the Print Preview when printing a PDF.

When this policy is set to Disabled or not set Google Chrome the Print as image option will not be available to users in Print Preview and PDFs will be printed as usual without being rasterized to an image before being sent to the destination.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Print PDF as Image Default
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 95
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 95
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 95
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls if Google Chrome makes the Print as image option default to set when printing PDFs.

When this policy is set to Enabled, Google Chrome will default to setting the Print as image option in the Print Preview when printing a PDF.

When this policy is set to Disabled or not set Google Chrome then the user selection for Print as image option will be initially unset. The user will be allowed to select it for each individual PDFs print job, if the option is available.

For Microsoft® Windows® or macOS this policy only has an effect if PrintPdfAsImageAvailability is also enabled.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Print PostScript Mode
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 95
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls how Google Chrome prints on Microsoft® Windows®.

When printing to a PostScript printer on Microsoft® Windows® different PostScript generation methods can affect printing performance.

When this policy is set to Default, Google Chrome will use a set of default options when generating PostScript. For text in particular, text will always be rendered using Type 3 fonts.

When this policy is set to Type42, Google Chrome will render text using Type 42 fonts if possible. This should increase printing speed for some PostScript printers.

When this policy is not set, Google Chrome will be in Default mode.

  • 0 = Default
  • 1 = Type42
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PrintPostScriptMode" value="1"/>
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Use System Default Printer as Default
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 61
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 61
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 61
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means Google Chrome uses the OS default printer as the default destination for print preview.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means Google Chrome uses the most recently used printer as the default destination for print preview.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Print Rasterization Mode
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 84
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls how Google Chrome prints on Microsoft® Windows®.

When printing to a non-PostScript printer on Microsoft® Windows®, sometimes print jobs need to be rasterized to print correctly.

When this policy is set to Full, Google Chrome will do full page rasterization if necessary.

When this policy is set to Fast, Google Chrome will avoid rasterization if possible, reducing the amount of rasterization can help reduce print job sizes and increase printing speed.

When this policy is not set, Google Chrome will be in Full mode.

  • 0 = Full
  • 1 = Fast
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PrintRasterizationMode" value="1"/>
Back to top


Print Rasterize PDF DPI
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 94
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 94
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 94
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls print image resolution when Google Chrome prints PDFs with rasterization.

When printing a PDF using the Print to image option, it can be beneficial to specify a print resolution other than a device's printer setting or the PDF default. A high resolution will significantly increase the processing and printing time while a low resolution can lead to poor imaging quality.

This policy allows a particular resolution to be specified for use when rasterizing PDFs for printing.

If this policy is set to zero or not set at all then the system default resolution will be used during rasterization of page images.

Example value:
0x0000012c (Windows), 300 (Linux), 300 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PrintRasterizePdfDpi" value="300"/>
Back to top


Disable printer types on the deny list
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

The printers of types placed on the deny list will be disabled from being discovered or having their capabilities fetched.

Placing all printer types on the deny list effectively disables printing, as there would be no available destinations to send a document for printing.

In versions before 102, including cloud on the deny list has the same effect as setting the CloudPrintSubmitEnabled policy to false. In order to keep Google Cloud Print destinations discoverable, the CloudPrintSubmitEnabled policy must be set to true and cloud must not be on the deny list. Beginning in version 102, Google Cloud Print destinations are not supported and will not appear regardless of policy values.

If the policy is not set, or is set to an empty list, all printer types will be available for discovery.

Extension printers are also known as print provider destinations, and include any destination that belongs to a Google Chrome extension.

Local printers are also known as native printing destinations, and include destinations available to the local machine and shared network printers.

  • "privet" = Zeroconf-based (mDNS + DNS-SD) protocol destinations (Deprecated)
  • "extension" = Extension-based destinations
  • "pdf" = The 'Save as PDF' destination, as well as the 'Save to Google Drive' destination on Google ChromeOS devices
  • "local" = Local printer destinations
  • "cloud" = Google Cloud Print (Deprecated)
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PrinterTypeDenyList\1 = "local" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PrinterTypeDenyList\2 = "pdf"
[ "local", "pdf" ]
<array> <string>local</string> <string>pdf</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PrinterTypeDenyList" value=""local", "pdf""/>
Back to top


Configures a list of printers
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets administrators set up a list of printers for their users. Printer selection occurs the first time users try to print.

Using the policy:

* Customize free-form display_name and description for ease of printer selection.

* Help users identify printers using manufacturer and model.

* uri should be an address reachable from a client computer, including the scheme, port, and queue.

* Optionally provide uuid to help deduplicate zeroconf printers.

* Either use the model name for effective_model or set autoconf to True. Printers with both or no properties get ignored.

PPDs are downloaded after the printer is used, and frequently used PPDs are cached. This policy doesn't affect whether users can configure printers on individual devices.

Note: For Microsoft® Active Directory® managed devices, this policy supports expansion of ${MACHINE_NAME[,pos[,count]]} to the Microsoft® Active Directory® machine name or a substring of it. For example, if the machine name is CHROMEBOOK, then ${MACHINE_NAME,6,4} gets replaced by the 4 characters starting after the 6th position, in other words, BOOK. The position is zero-based.

{ "items": { "id": "PrinterTypeInclusive", "properties": { "description": { "type": "string" }, "display_name": { "type": "string" }, "manufacturer": { "type": "string" }, "model": { "type": "string" }, "ppd_resource": { "id": "PpdResourceInclusive", "properties": { "autoconf": { "description": "Boolean flag indicating whether IPP Everywhere should be used to set up the printer.", "type": "boolean" }, "effective_model": { "description": "This field must match one of the strings which represent a Google ChromeOS supported printer. The string will be used to identify and install the appropriate PPD for the printer. More information can be found at", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "uri": { "type": "string" }, "uuid": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
Back to top


Printer configuration access policy.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy designates which access policy applies to bulk printer configuration, controlling which printers from PrintersBulkConfiguration are available for users.

* BlocklistRestriction (value 0) uses PrintersBulkBlocklist to restrict access to the specified printers

* AllowlistPrintersOnly (value 1) uses PrintersBulkAllowlist to designate only those printers which are selectable

* AllowAll (value 2) displays all printers

Leaving the policy unset puts AllowAll in use.

  • 0 = All printers are shown except those in the blocklist.
  • 1 = Only printers in the allowlist are shown to users
  • 2 = Allow all printers from the configuration file.
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Enabled enterprise printers
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If AllowlistPrintersOnly is chosen for PrintersBulkAccessMode, then setting PRINTERS_BULK_ALLOWLIST specifies which printers users can use. Only the printers with IDs matching the values in this policy are available to the user. The IDs must correspond to the "id" or "guid" fields in the file specified in PrintersBulkConfiguration.

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Disabled enterprise printers
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If BlocklistRestriction is chosen for PrintersBulkAccessMode, then setting PrintersBulkBlocklist specifies which printers users can't use. All printers are provided to the user, except for the IDs listed in this policy. The IDs must correspond to the "id" or "guid" fields in the file specified in PrintersBulkConfiguration.

Back to top


Enterprise printer configuration file
Data type:
External data reference
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting this policy configure enterprise printers. Its format matches the Printers dictionary, with an additional required "id" or "guid" field for each printer for allow listing or deny listing. The file size can't exceed 5MB and is in JSON format. A file with about 21,000 printers encodes as a 5MB file. The cryptographic hash helps verify download integrity. The file is downloaded, cached, and redownloaded when the URL or the hash changes. Google ChromeOS downloads the file for printer configurations and makes printers available along with PrintersBulkAccessMode, PrintersBulkAllowlist, and PrintersBulkBlocklist.

This policy has no effect on whether users can configure printers on individual devices. It is intended to be supplementary to the configuration of printers by individual users.

If you set the policy, users can't change it.

{ "properties": { "hash": { "type": "string" }, "url": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
Back to top


Extensions allowed to skip confirmation dialog when sending print jobs via chrome.printing API
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy specifies the allowed extensions to skip print job confirmation dialog when they use the Printing API function chrome.printing.submitJob() for sending a print job.

If an extension is not in the list, or the list is not set, the print job confirmation dialog will be shown to the user for every chrome.printing.submitJob() function call.

Back to top


Restrict background graphics printing mode
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 80
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Restricts background graphics printing mode. Unset policy is treated as no restriction.

  • "any" = Allow printing both with and without background graphics
  • "enabled" = Allow printing only with background graphics
  • "disabled" = Allow printing only without background graphics
Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes" value="enabled"/>
Back to top


Restrict printing color mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 71
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy sets printing to color only, monochrome only, or no color mode restriction. Leaving the policy unset results in no restriction.

  • "any" = Allow all color modes
  • "color" = Color printing only
  • "monochrome" = Monochrome printing only
Back to top


Restrict printing duplex mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 71
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy restricts printing duplex mode.

Leaving the policy unset or empty results in no restriction.

  • "any" = Allow all duplex modes
  • "simplex" = Simplex printing only
  • "duplex" = Duplex printing only
Back to top


Restrict PIN printing mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Restricts PIN printing mode. Unset policy is treated as no restriction. If the mode is unavailable this policy is ignored. Note that PIN printing feature is enabled only for printers that use one of IPPS, HTTPS, USB or IPP-over-USB protocols.

  • "any" = Allow printing both with and without PIN
  • "pin" = Allow printing only with PIN
  • "no_pin" = Allow printing only without PIN
Back to top


Default background graphics printing mode
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 80
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 80
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Overrides default background graphics printing mode.

  • "enabled" = Enable background graphics printing mode by default
  • "disabled" = Disable background graphics printing mode by default
Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault" value="enabled"/>
Back to top


Default printing color mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 72
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy overrides the default printing color mode. If the mode is unavailable, this policy is ignored.

  • "color" = Enable color printing
  • "monochrome" = Enable monochrome printing
Back to top


Default printing duplex mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 72
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy overrides the default printing duplex mode. If the mode is unavailable, this policy is ignored.

  • "simplex" = Enable simplex printing
  • "short-edge" = Enable short edge duplex printing
  • "long-edge" = Enable long edge duplex printing
Back to top


Enable printing
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 39
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users print in Google Chrome, and users can't change this setting.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't print from Google Chrome. Printing is off in the three dots menu, extensions, and JavaScript applications.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on Android apps.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable Printing LPAC Sandbox
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 128
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset enables the LPAC Sandbox for printing services whenever the system configuration supports it.

Setting the policy to Disabled has a detrimental effect on Google Chrome's security as services used for printing might run in a weaker sandbox configuration.

Only turn off the policy if there are compatibility issues with third party software that prevent printing services from operating correctly inside the LPAC Sandbox.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Maximal number of sheets allowed to use for a single print job
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Specifies the maximal number of sheets user is allowed to print for a single print job.

If not set, no limitations are applied and user can print any documents.

  • Minimum:1
Back to top


Default printing page size
Data type:
Dictionary [Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 84
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 84
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 84
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 84
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Overrides default printing page size.

name should contain one of the listed formats or 'custom' if required paper size is not in the list. If 'custom' value is provided custom_size property should be specified. It describes the desired height and width in micrometers. Otherwise custom_size property shouldn't be specified. Policy that violates these rules is ignored.

If the page size is unavailable on the printer chosen by the user this policy is ignored.

{ "properties": { "custom_size": { "properties": { "height": { "description": "Height of the page in micrometers", "type": "integer" }, "width": { "description": "Width of the page in micrometers", "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "width", "height" ], "type": "object" }, "name": { "enum": [ "custom", "asme_f_28x40in", "iso_2a0_1189x1682mm", "iso_a0_841x1189mm", "iso_a10_26x37mm", "iso_a1_594x841mm", "iso_a2_420x594mm", "iso_a3_297x420mm", "iso_a4-extra_235.5x322.3mm", "iso_a4-tab_225x297mm", "iso_a4_210x297mm", "iso_a5-extra_174x235mm", "iso_a5_148x210mm", "iso_a6_105x148mm", "iso_a7_74x105mm", "iso_a8_52x74mm", "iso_a9_37x52mm", "iso_b0_1000x1414mm", "iso_b10_31x44mm", "iso_b1_707x1000mm", "iso_b2_500x707mm", "iso_b3_353x500mm", "iso_b4_250x353mm", "iso_b5-extra_201x276mm", "iso_b5_176x250mm", "iso_b6_125x176mm", "iso_b6c4_125x324mm", "iso_b7_88x125mm", "iso_b8_62x88mm", "iso_b9_44x62mm", "iso_c0_917x1297mm", "iso_c10_28x40mm", "iso_c1_648x917mm", "iso_c2_458x648mm", "iso_c3_324x458mm", "iso_c4_229x324mm", "iso_c5_162x229mm", "iso_c6_114x162mm", "iso_c6c5_114x229mm", "iso_c7_81x114mm", "iso_c7c6_81x162mm", "iso_c8_57x81mm", "iso_c9_40x57mm", "iso_dl_110x220mm", "jis_exec_216x330mm", "jpn_chou2_111.1x146mm", "jpn_chou3_120x235mm", "jpn_chou4_90x205mm", "jpn_hagaki_100x148mm", "jpn_kahu_240x322.1mm", "jpn_kaku2_240x332mm", "jpn_oufuku_148x200mm", "jpn_you4_105x235mm", "na_10x11_10x11in", "na_10x13_10x13in", "na_10x14_10x14in", "na_10x15_10x15in", "na_11x12_11x12in", "na_11x15_11x15in", "na_12x19_12x19in", "na_5x7_5x7in", "na_6x9_6x9in", "na_7x9_7x9in", "na_9x11_9x11in", "na_a2_4.375x5.75in", "na_arch-a_9x12in", "na_arch-b_12x18in", "na_arch-c_18x24in", "na_arch-d_24x36in", "na_arch-e_36x48in", "na_b-plus_12x19.17in", "na_c5_6.5x9.5in", "na_c_17x22in", "na_d_22x34in", "na_e_34x44in", "na_edp_11x14in", "na_eur-edp_12x14in", "na_f_44x68in", "na_fanfold-eur_8.5x12in", "na_fanfold-us_11x14.875in", "na_foolscap_8.5x13in", "na_govt-legal_8x13in", "na_govt-letter_8x10in", "na_index-3x5_3x5in", "na_index-4x6-ext_6x8in", "na_index-4x6_4x6in", "na_index-5x8_5x8in", "na_invoice_5.5x8.5in", "na_ledger_11x17in", "na_legal-extra_9.5x15in", "na_legal_8.5x14in", "na_letter-extra_9.5x12in", "na_letter-plus_8.5x12.69in", "na_letter_8.5x11in", "na_number-10_4.125x9.5in", "na_number-11_4.5x10.375in", "na_number-12_4.75x11in", "na_number-14_5x11.5in", "na_personal_3.625x6.5in", "na_super-a_8.94x14in", "na_super-b_13x19in", "na_wide-format_30x42in", "om_dai-pa-kai_275x395mm", "om_folio-sp_215x315mm", "om_invite_220x220mm", "om_italian_110x230mm", "om_juuro-ku-kai_198x275mm", "om_large-photo_200x300", "om_pa-kai_267x389mm", "om_postfix_114x229mm", "om_small-photo_100x150mm", "prc_10_324x458mm", "prc_16k_146x215mm", "prc_1_102x165mm", "prc_2_102x176mm", "prc_32k_97x151mm", "prc_3_125x176mm", "prc_4_110x208mm", "prc_5_110x220mm", "prc_6_120x320mm", "prc_7_160x230mm", "prc_8_120x309mm", "roc_16k_7.75x10.75in", "roc_8k_10.75x15.5in", "jis_b0_1030x1456mm", "jis_b1_728x1030mm", "jis_b2_515x728mm", "jis_b3_364x515mm", "jis_b4_257x364mm", "jis_b5_182x257mm", "jis_b6_128x182mm", "jis_b7_91x128mm", "jis_b8_64x91mm", "jis_b9_45x64mm", "jis_b10_32x45mm" ], "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "name" ], "type": "object" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PrintingPaperSizeDefault = { "custom_size": { "height": 297000, "width": 210000 }, "name": "custom" }
PrintingPaperSizeDefault: { "custom_size": { "height": 297000, "width": 210000 }, "name": "custom" }
<key>PrintingPaperSizeDefault</key> <dict> <key>custom_size</key> <dict> <key>height</key> <integer>297000</integer> <key>width</key> <integer>210000</integer> </dict> <key>name</key> <string>custom</string> </dict>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PrintingPaperSizeDefault" value=""custom_size": {"height": 297000, "width": 210000}, "name": "custom""/>
Back to top


Default PIN printing mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 75
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Overrides default PIN printing mode. If the mode is unavailable this policy is ignored.

  • "pin" = Enable PIN printing by default
  • "no_pin" = Disable PIN printing by default
Back to top


Send username and filename to native printers
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 72
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Send username and filename to native printers server with every print job. The default is not to send.

Setting this policy to true also disables printers that use protocols other than IPPS, USB, or IPP-over-USB since username and filename shouldn't be sent over the network openly.

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Allow access to CUPS printers
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to control if users can access non-enterprise printers

If the policy is set to True, or not set at all, users will be able to add, configure, and print using their own printers.

If the policy is set to False, users will not be able to add and configure their own printers. They will also not be able to print using any previously configured printers.

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Privacy Sandbox policies

A group of policies related to Privacy Sandbox. See for details about Google Chrome effort to deprecate third-party cookies.
Back to top


Choose whether the Privacy Sandbox ad measurement setting can be disabled
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 111
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

A policy to control whether the Privacy Sandbox Ad measurement setting can be disabled for your users.

If you set this policy to Disabled, then the Ad measurement setting will be turned off for your users. If you set this policy to Enabled or keep it unset, your users will be able to turn on or off the Privacy Sandbox Ad measurement setting on their device.

Setting this policy requires setting the PrivacySandboxPromptEnabled policy to Disabled.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Choose whether the Privacy Sandbox Ad topics setting can be disabled
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 111
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

A policy to control whether the Privacy Sandbox Ad topics setting can be disabled for your users.

If you set this policy to Disabled, then the Ad topics setting will be turned off for your users. If you set this policy to Enabled or keep it unset, your users will be able to turn on or off the Privacy Sandbox Ad topics setting on their device.

Setting this policy requires setting the PrivacySandboxPromptEnabled policy to Disabled.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Choose whether the Privacy Sandbox prompt can be shown to your users
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 111
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

A policy to control whether your users see the Privacy Sandbox prompt. The prompt is a user-blocking flow which informs your users of the Privacy Sandbox settings. See for details about Chrome’s effort to deprecate third-party cookies.

If you set this policy to Disabled, then Google Chrome won’t show the Privacy Sandbox prompt. If you set this policy to Enabled or keep it unset, then Google Chrome determines whether the Privacy Sandbox prompt can be shown or not and then show it if possible.

If any of the following policies are set, it’s required to set this policy to Disabled: PrivacySandboxAdTopicsEnabled PrivacySandboxSiteEnabledAdsEnabled PrivacySandboxAdMeasurementEnabled

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : PrivacySandbox
Back to top


Choose whether the Privacy Sandbox Site-suggested ads setting can be disabled
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 111
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 111
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 111
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

A policy to control whether the Privacy Sandbox Site-suggested ads setting can be disabled for your users.

If you set this policy to Disabled, then the Site-suggested ads setting will be turned off for your users. If you set this policy to Enabled or keep it unset, your users will be able to turn on or off the Privacy Sandbox Site-suggested ads setting on their device.

Setting this policy requires setting the PrivacySandboxPromptEnabled policy to Disabled.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

Privacy screen settings

Controls user and device policies for the privacy screen feature.
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Set the state of privacy screen on the login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: Yes, Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Set the state of the privacy screen feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to True, privacy screen will be enabled when the login screen is shown.

If this policy is set to False, privacy screen will be disabled when the login screen is shown.

When this policy is set, the user cannot override the value when the login screen is shown.

If this policy is left unset, the privacy screen is disabled initially, but remains controllable by the user when the login screen is shown.

Back to top


Enable privacy screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: Yes, Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Enable/disable the privacy screen feature.

If this policy is set to True, privacy screen will always be enabled.

If this policy is set to False, privacy screen will always be disabled.

When this policy is set, the user cannot override the value.

If this policy is left unset, privacy screen is disabled initially but can be controlled by the user.

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Private network request settings

A group of policies related to private network request settings. See
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Specifies whether to allow websites to make requests to more-private network endpoints in an insecure manner
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 92
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 92
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 92
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Controls whether websites are allowed to make requests to more-private network endpoints in an insecure manner.

When this policy is set to true, all Private Network Access checks are disabled for all origins. This may allow attackers to perform CSRF attacks on private network servers.

When this policy is either not set or set to false, the default behavior for requests to more-private network endpoints will depend on the user's personal configuration for the BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequests, PrivateNetworkAccessSendPreflights, and PrivateNetworkAccessRespectPreflightResults feature flags, which may be set by field trials or on the command line.

This policy relates to the Private Network Access specification. See for more details.

A network endpoint is more private than another if: 1) Its IP address is localhost and the other is not. 2) Its IP address is private and the other is public. In the future, depending on spec evolution, this policy might apply to all cross-origin requests directed at private IPs or localhost.

When this policy is set to true, websites are allowed to make requests to any network endpoint, subject to other cross-origin checks.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : PrivateNetworkRequestSettings
Back to top


Allow the listed sites to make requests to more-private network endpoints in an insecure manner.
Data type:
List of strings [Android:string] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Android WebView restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 92
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 92
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 92
  • Android System WebView (Android) since version 92
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

List of URL patterns. Requests initiated from websites served by matching origins are not subject to Private Network Access checks.

If unset, this policy behaves as if set to the empty list.

For origins not covered by the patterns specified here, the global default value will be used either from the InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed policy, if it is set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise.

For detailed information on valid URL patterns, please see

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
[ "", "[*.]" ]
<array> <string></string> <string>[*.]</string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrlsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;[*.]"/>
Back to top


Specifies whether to apply restrictions to requests to more-private network endpoints
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 120
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

When this policy is set to Enabled, any time when a warning is supposed to be displayed in the DevTools due to Private Network Access checks failing, the main request will be blocked instead.

When this policy is set to Disabled or unset, all Private Network Access warnings will not be enforced and the requests will not be blocked.

See for Private Network Access restrictions.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

Proxy server

Allows you to specify the proxy server used by Google Chrome and prevents users from changing proxy settings. If you choose to never use a proxy server and always connect directly, all other options are ignored. If you choose to auto detect the proxy server, all other options are ignored. For detailed examples, visit: If you enable this setting, Google Chrome and ARC-apps ignore all proxy-related options specified from the command line. Leaving these policies not set will allow the users to choose the proxy settings on their own.
Back to top

ProxyBypassList (Deprecated)

Proxy bypass rules
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated, please use ProxySettings instead.

Setting the policy means Google Chrome bypasses any proxy for the list of hosts given here. This policy only takes effect if the ProxySettings policy isn't specified and you specified either fixed_servers or pac_script for ProxyMode.

Leave this policy unset if you selected any other mode for setting proxy policies.

Note: For more detailed examples, visit The Chromium Projects ( ).

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

You cannot force Android apps to use a proxy. A subset of proxy settings is made available to Android apps, which they may voluntarily choose to honor. See the ProxyMode policy for more details.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ProxyBypassList" value=",,https://internalsite/"/>
Back to top

ProxyMode (Deprecated)

Choose how to specify proxy server settings
Data type:
String [Android:choice, Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 10
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 10
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated, please use ProxySettings instead.

Setting the policy to Enabled lets you specify the proxy server Chrome uses and prevents users from changing proxy settings. Chrome and ARC-apps ignore all proxy-related options specified from the command line. The policy only takes effect if the ProxySettings policy isn't specified.

Other options are ignored if you choose: * direct = Never use a proxy server and always connect directly * system = Use system proxy settings * auto_detect = Auto detect the proxy server

If you choose to use: * fixed_servers = Fixed proxy servers. You can specify further options with ProxyServer and ProxyBypassList. Only the HTTP proxy server with the highest priority is available for ARC-apps. * pac_script = A .pac proxy script. Use ProxyPacUrl to set the URL to a proxy .pac file.

Leaving the policy unset lets users choose the proxy settings.

Note: For detailed examples, visit The Chromium Projects ( ).

  • "direct" = Never use a proxy
  • "auto_detect" = Auto detect proxy settings
  • "pac_script" = Use a .pac proxy script
  • "fixed_servers" = Use fixed proxy servers
  • "system" = Use system proxy settings
Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ProxyMode" value="direct"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : Proxy
Back to top

ProxyPacUrl (Deprecated)

URL to a proxy .pac file
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated, please use ProxySettings instead.

Setting the policy lets you specify a URL to a proxy .pac file. This policy only takes effect if the ProxySettings policy isn't specified and you selected pac_script with ProxyMode.

Leave this policy unset if you selected any other mode for setting proxy policies.

Note: For detailed examples, visit The Chromium Projects ( ).

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

You cannot force Android apps to use a proxy. A subset of proxy settings is made available to Android apps, which they may voluntarily choose to honor. See the ProxyMode policy for more details.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ProxyPacUrl" value=""/>
Back to top

ProxyServer (Deprecated)

Address or URL of proxy server
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated, please use ProxySettings instead.

Setting the policy lets you specify the URL of the proxy server. This policy only takes effect if the ProxySettings policy isn't specified and you selected fixed_servers with ProxyMode.

Leave this policy unset if you selected any other mode for setting proxy policies.

Note: For detailed examples, visit The Chromium Projects ( ).

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

You cannot force Android apps to use a proxy. A subset of proxy settings is made available to Android apps, which they may voluntarily choose to honor. See the ProxyMode policy for more details.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ProxyServer" value=""/>
Back to top

ProxyServerMode (Deprecated)

Choose how to specify proxy server settings
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated, use ProxyMode instead.

Allows you to specify the proxy server used by Google Chrome and prevents users from changing proxy settings.

This policy only takes effect if the ProxySettings policy has not been specified.

If you choose to never use a proxy server and always connect directly, all other options are ignored.

If you choose to use system proxy settings or auto detect the proxy server, all other options are ignored.

If you choose manual proxy settings, you can specify further options in 'Address or URL of proxy server', 'URL to a proxy .pac file' and 'Comma-separated list of proxy bypass rules'. Only the HTTP proxy server with the highest priority is available for ARC-apps.

For detailed examples, visit:

If you enable this setting, Google Chrome ignores all proxy-related options specified from the command line.

Leaving this policy not set will allow the users to choose the proxy settings on their own.

  • 0 = Never use a proxy
  • 1 = Auto detect proxy settings
  • 2 = Manually specify proxy settings
  • 3 = Use system proxy settings
Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

You cannot force Android apps to use a proxy. A subset of proxy settings is made available to Android apps, which they may voluntarily choose to honor. See the ProxyMode policy for more details.

Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Android), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ProxyServerMode" value="2"/>
Back to top

Quick Answers

Controls settings for Quick Answers.
Back to top


Enable Quick Answers Definition
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy gives Quick Answers permission to access selected content and send the info to the server to get definition results.

If the policy is enabled or not set, Quick Answers Definition will be enabled. If the policy is disabled, Quick Answers Definition will be disabled.

Back to top


Enable Quick Answers
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy gives Quick Answers permission to access selected content and send the info to the server.

If the policy is enabled, Quick Answers will be enabled. If the policy is disabled, Quick Answers will be disabled. If the policy is not set, users can decide whether to enable or disable Quick Answers.

Back to top


Enable Quick Answers Translation
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy gives Quick Answers permission to access selected content and send the info to the server to get translation results.

If the policy is enabled or not set, Quick Answers translation will be enabled. If the policy is disabled, Quick Answers translation will be disabled.

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Enable Quick Answers Unit Conversion
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy gives Quick Answers permission to access selected content and send the info to the server to get unit conversion results.

If the policy is enabled or not set, Quick Answers unit conversion will be enabled. If the policy is disabled, Quick Answers unit conversion will be disabled.

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Quick unlock

Configures quick unlock related policies.
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Enable PIN auto-submit feature on the lock and login screen.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

The PIN auto-submit feature changes how PINs are entered in Google ChromeOS. Instead of showing the same textfield that is used for password input, this feature shows a special UI that clearly shows to the user how many digits are necessary for their PIN. As a consequence, the user's PIN length will be stored outside the user encrypted data. Only supports PINs that are between 6 and 12 digits long.

If the policy is set to true, users will have PIN auto-submit on the lock and login screen. If the policy is set to false or not set, users will not have PIN auto-submit on the lock and login screen.

If this policy is set, users will not have the option of enabling the feature.

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Set the maximum length of the lock screen PIN
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 57
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy means the configured maximum PIN length is enforced. A value of 0 or less means the user may set a PIN of any length. If the value is less than PinUnlockMinimumLength but greater than 0, the maximum length is set to the minimum length.

Leaving the policy unset means no maximum length is enforced.

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Set the minimum length of the lock screen PIN
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 57
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy enforces the minimum PIN length chosen. (Values below 1 are rounded up to the minimum of 1.)

Leaving the policy unset enforces a minimal PIN length of 6 digits, the recommended minimum.

Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : PinUnlock
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Enable users to set weak PINs for the lock screen PIN
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 57
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled allows weak PINs. Some characteristics of weak PINs: only one digit (1111), digits increase by 1 (1234), digits decrease by 1 (4321), and common PINs. Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't set weak, easy-to-guess PINs.

If policy is not set, users get a warning, not an error, for a weak PIN.

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Configure allowed quick unlock modes
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Setting the policy controls which quick unlock modes can unlock the lock screen.

To allow:

* Every quick unlock mode, use ["all"] (includes modes added in the future).

* Only PIN unlock, use ["PIN"].

* PIN and fingerprint, use ["PIN", "FINGERPRINT"].

If the policy is unset or set to an empty list, no quick unlock modes are available for managed devices.

  • "all" = All
  • "PIN" = PIN
  • "FINGERPRINT" = Fingerprint
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : QuickUnlock
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Set how often user has to enter password to use quick unlock
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 57
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy controls how often the lock screen requests the password for quick unlock. Each time the lock screen appears, if the last password entry occurred before the time window specified by the value chosen, quick unlock won't be available. If users stay on the lock screen past this amount of time, a password is requested next time they enter the wrong code or re-enter the lock screen, whichever comes first.

Leaving the policy unset means users using quick unlock enter their password on the lock screen daily.

  • 0 = Password entry is required every six hours
  • 1 = Password entry is required every twelve hours
  • 2 = Password entry is required every two days (48 hours)
  • 3 = Password entry is required every week (168 hours)
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Related Website Sets Settings

Controls policies for the Related Website Sets feature.
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Enable Related Website Sets
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 120
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy allows to control the Related Website Sets feature enablement.

This policy overrides the FirstPartySetsEnabled policy.

When this policy is unset or set to True, the Related Website Sets feature is enabled.

When this policy is set to False, the Related Website Sets feature is disabled.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), false (Android), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Override Related Website Sets.
Data type:
Dictionary [Android:string, Windows:REG_SZ] (encoded as a JSON string, for details see
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 120
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 120
  • Google Chrome (Fuchsia) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

This policy provides a way to override the list of sets the browser uses for Related Website Sets features.

This policy overrides the FirstPartySetsOverrides policy.

Each set in the browser's list of Related Website Sets must meet the requirements of a Related Website Set. A Related Website Set must contain a primary site and one or more member sites. A set can also contain a list of service sites that it owns, as well as a map from a site to all of its ccTLD variants. See for more information on how Google Chrome uses Related Website Sets.

All sites in a Related Website Set must be a registrable domain served over HTTPS. Each site in a Related Website Set must also be unique, meaning a site cannot be listed more than once in a Related Website Set.

When this policy is given an empty dictionary, the browser uses the public list of Related Website Sets.

For all sites in a Related Website Set from the replacements list, if a site is also present on a Related Website Set in the browser's list, then that site will be removed from the browser's Related Website Set. After this, the policy's Related Website Set will be added to the browser's list of Related Website Sets.

For all sites in a Related Website Set from the additions list, if a site is also present on a Related Website Set in the browser's list, then the browser's Related Website Set will be updated so that the new Related Website Set can be added to the browser's list. After the browser's list has been updated, the policy's Related Website Set will be added to the browser's list of Related Website Sets.

The browser's list of Related Website Sets requires that for all sites in its list, no site is in more than one set. This is also required for both the replacements list and the additions list. Similarly, a site cannot be in both the replacements list and the additions list.

Wildcards (*) are not supported as a policy value, nor within any Related Website Set in these lists.

All sets provided by the policy must be valid Related Website Sets, if they aren't then an appropriate error will be outputted.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

{ "properties": { "additions": { "items": { "properties": { "associatedSites": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "ccTLDs": { "additionalProperties": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "type": "object" }, "primary": { "type": "string" }, "serviceSites": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "primary", "associatedSites" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "replacements": { "items": { "properties": { "associatedSites": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "ccTLDs": { "additionalProperties": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "type": "object" }, "primary": { "type": "string" }, "serviceSites": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "primary", "associatedSites" ], "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }
Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides = { "additions": [ { "associatedSites": [ "https://associate2.test" ], "ccTLDs": { "https://associate2.test": [ "" ] }, "primary": "https://primary2.test", "serviceSites": [ "https://associate2-content.test" ] } ], "replacements": [ { "associatedSites": [ "https://associate1.test" ], "ccTLDs": { "https://associate1.test": [ "" ] }, "primary": "https://primary1.test", "serviceSites": [ "https://associate1-content.test" ] } ] }
RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides: { "additions": [ { "associatedSites": [ "https://associate2.test" ], "ccTLDs": { "https://associate2.test": [ "" ] }, "primary": "https://primary2.test", "serviceSites": [ "https://associate2-content.test" ] } ], "replacements": [ { "associatedSites": [ "https://associate1.test" ], "ccTLDs": { "https://associate1.test": [ "" ] }, "primary": "https://primary1.test", "serviceSites": [ "https://associate1-content.test" ] } ] }
<key>RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides</key> <dict> <key>additions</key> <array> <dict> <key>associatedSites</key> <array> <string>https://associate2.test</string> </array> <key>ccTLDs</key> <dict> <key>https://associate2.test</key> <array> <string></string> </array> </dict> <key>primary</key> <string>https://primary2.test</string> <key>serviceSites</key> <array> <string>https://associate2-content.test</string> </array> </dict> </array> <key>replacements</key> <array> <dict> <key>associatedSites</key> <array> <string>https://associate1.test</string> </array> <key>ccTLDs</key> <dict> <key>https://associate1.test</key> <array> <string></string> </array> </dict> <key>primary</key> <string>https://primary1.test</string> <key>serviceSites</key> <array> <string>https://associate1-content.test</string> </array> </dict> </array> </dict>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides" value=""additions": [{"associatedSites": ["https://associate2.test"], "ccTLDs": {"https://associate2.test": [""]}, "primary": "https://primary2.test", "serviceSites": ["https://associate2-content.test"]}], "replacements": [{"associatedSites": ["https://associate1.test"], "ccTLDs": {"https://associate1.test": [""]}, "primary": "https://primary1.test", "serviceSites": ["https://associate1-content.test"]}]"/>
Back to top

Remote access

Configure remote access options in Chrome Remote Desktop host. Chrome Remote Desktop host is a native service that runs on the target machine that a user can connect to using Chrome Remote Desktop application. The native service is packaged and executed separately from the Google Chrome browser. These policies are ignored unless the Chrome Remote Desktop host is installed.
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Enable or disable PIN-less authentication for remote access hosts
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 30
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users pair clients and hosts at connection time, eliminating the need to enter a PIN every time.

Setting the policy to Disabled makes this feature unavailable.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable file transfer capability in enterprise remote support sessions
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

If this policy is enabled, admin-initiated enterprise remote support sessions will allow the transfer of files between the client and the host.

This policy does not affect remote access scenarios.

Leaving this policy unset or setting to Disabled disallows file transfer.

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Allow enterprise remote support connections to this machine
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

If this policy is disabled, remote support sessions cannot be started using the admin console.

This policy does not affect remote access scenarios.

This policy prevents enterprise admins from connecting to managed Google ChromeOS devices.

This policy has no effect if enabled, left empty, or is not set.

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Allow remote access users to transfer files to/from the host
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 74
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 74
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 74
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset allows users connected to a remote access host to transfer files between the client and the host. This doesn't apply to remote assistance connections, which don't support file transfer.

Setting the policy to Disabled disallows file transfer.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow PIN and pairing authentication methods for remote access hosts
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 123
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 123
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled allows the remote access host to use PIN and pairing authentications when accepting client connections.

Setting the policy to Disabled disallows PIN or pairing authentications.

Leaving it unset lets the host decide whether PIN and/or pairing authentications can be used.

Note: If the setting results in no mutually supported authentication methods by both the host and the client, then the connection will be rejected.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Enable the use of relay servers by the remote access host
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 36
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 36
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 36
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

If RemoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal is set to Enabled, setting RemoteAccessHostAllowRelayedConnection to Enabled or leaving it unset allows the use of remote clients to use relay servers to connect to this machine when a direct connection is not available, for example, because of firewall restrictions.

Setting the policy to Disabled doesn't turn remote access off, but only allows connections from the same network (not NAT traversal or relay).

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow remote access connections to this machine
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 89
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

If this policy is Disabled, the remote access host service cannot be started or configured to accept incoming connections. This policy does not affect remote support scenarios.

This policy has no effect if it is set to Enabled, left empty, or is not set.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow remote support connections to this machine
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 97
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

If this policy is disabled, the remote support host cannot be started or configured to accept incoming connections.

This policy does not affect remote access scenarios.

This policy does not prevent enterprise admins from connecting to managed Google ChromeOS devices.

This policy has no effect if enabled, left empty, or is not set.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow remote users to interact with elevated windows in remote assistance sessions
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 55
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means the remote assistance host runs in a process with uiAccess permissions. This lets remote users interact with elevated windows on the local user's desktop.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means the remote assistance host runs in the user's context, and remote users can't interact with elevated windows on the desktop.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Allow remote access users to open host-side URLs in their local client browser
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 123
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 123
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset may allow users connected to a remote access host to open host-side URLs in their local client browser.

Setting the policy to Disabled will prevent the remote access host from sending URLs to the client.

This setting doesn't apply to remote assistance connections as the feature is not supported for that connection mode.

Note: This feature is not yet generally available so enabling it does not mean that the feature will be visible in the client UI.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top

RemoteAccessHostClientDomain (Deprecated)

Configure the required domain name for remote access clients
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 22
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 41
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

This policy is deprecated. Please use RemoteAccessHostClientDomainList instead.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RemoteAccessHostClientDomain" value=""/>
Back to top


Configure the required domain names for remote access clients
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 60
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 60
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 60
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 60
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy specifies the client domain names that are imposed on remote access clients, and users can't change them. Only clients from one of the specified domains can connect to the host.

Setting the policy to an empty list or leaving it unset applies the default policy for the connection type. For remote assistance, this allows clients from any domain to connect to the host. For anytime remote access, only the host owner can connect.

See also RemoteAccessHostDomainList.

Note: This setting overrides RemoteAccessHostClientDomain, if present.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\RemoteAccessHostClientDomainList\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\RemoteAccessHostClientDomainList\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RemoteAccessHostClientDomainListDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


The maximum size, in bytes, that can be transferred between client and host via clipboard synchronization
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 97
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 97
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 97
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

If this policy is set, clipboard data sent to and from the host will be truncated to the limit set by this policy.

If a value of 0 is set, then clipboard sync is disabled.

This policy affects both remote access and remote support scenarios.

This policy has no effect if it is not set.

Setting the policy to a value that is not within the min/max range may prevent the host from starting.

Please note that the actual upper bound for the clipboard size is based on the maximum WebRTC data channel message size which this policy does not control.

  • Minimum:0
  • Maximum:2147483647
Example value:
0x00100000 (Windows), 1048576 (Linux), 1048576 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RemoteAccessHostClipboardSizeBytes" value="1048576"/>
Back to top

RemoteAccessHostDomain (Deprecated)

Configure the required domain name for remote access hosts
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 22
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 41
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

This policy is deprecated. Please use RemoteAccessHostDomainList instead.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RemoteAccessHostDomain" value=""/>
Back to top


Configure the required domain names for remote access hosts
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 60
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 60
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 60
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 60
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy specifies the host domain names that are imposed on remote access hosts, and users can't change them. Hosts can be shared only using accounts registered on one of the specified domain names.

Setting the policy to an empty list or leaving it unset means hosts can be shared using any account.

See also RemoteAccessHostClientDomainList.

Note: This setting will override RemoteAccessHostDomain, if present.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\RemoteAccessHostDomainList\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\RemoteAccessHostDomainList\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RemoteAccessHostDomainListDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
Back to top


Enable firewall traversal from remote access host
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 14
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 14
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 14
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 41
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset allows the usage of STUN servers, letting remote clients discover and connect to this machine, even if separated by a firewall.

Setting the policy to Disabled when outgoing UDP connections are filtered by the firewall means the machine only allows connections from client machines within the local network.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Require that the name of the local user and the remote access host owner match
Data type:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 25
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 25
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled has the remote access host compare the name of the local user the host is associated with and the name of the Google Account registered as the host owner ("johndoe," if the host is owned by ""). This host won't start if the host owner's name differs from the name of the local user that the host is associated with. To enforce that the owner's Google Account is associated with a specific domain, use the policy with RemoteAccessHostDomain.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means the remote access host can be associated with any local user.

Example value:
false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Back to top


Maximum session duration allowed for remote access connections
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 89
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 89
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

If this policy is set, remote access connections will automatically disconnect after the number of minutes defined in the policy have elapsed. This does not prevent the client from reconnecting after the maximum session duration has been reached. Setting the policy to a value that is not within the min/max range may prevent the host from starting. This policy does not affect remote support scenarios.

This policy has no effect if it is not set. In this case, remote access connections will have no maximum duration on this machine.

  • Minimum:30
  • Maximum:10080
Example value:
0x000004b0 (Windows), 1200 (Linux), 1200 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RemoteAccessHostMaximumSessionDurationMinutes" value="1200"/>
Back to top


Enable curtaining of remote access hosts
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 23
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 23
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 23
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled turns off remote access hosts' physical input and output devices during a remote connection.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset lets both local and remote users interact with the host while it's shared.

Example value:
0x00000000 (Windows), false (Linux), <false /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Restrict the UDP port range used by the remote access host
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 36
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 36
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 36
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 41
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No, Platform Only: Yes

Setting the policy restricts the UDP port range used by the remote access host in this machine.

Leaving the policy unset or set to an empty string means the remote access host can use any available port.

Note: If RemoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal is Disabled, the remote access host will use UDP ports in the 12400-12409 range.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RemoteAccessHostUdpPortRange" value="12400-12409"/>
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Remote attestation

Configure the remote attestation with TPM mechanism.
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Extensions allowed to to use the remote attestation API
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy specifies the allowed extensions to use the Enterprise Platform Keys API functions for remote attestation. Extensions must be on this list to use the API.

If an extension is not in the list, or the list is not set, the call to the API fails with an error code.

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Enable the use of remote attestation for content protection for the device
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 31
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets Google ChromeOS devices use remote attestation (Verified Access) to get a certificate issued by the Google ChromeOS CA that asserts the device is eligible to play protected content. This process involves sending hardware endorsement information to the Google ChromeOS CA which uniquely identifies the device.

Setting the policy to Disabled means the device won't use remote attestation for content protection, and the device may not play protected content.

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URLs that will be granted access to perform the device attestation during SAML authentication
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy configures which URLs will be granted access to use remote attestation of device identity during the SAML flow on the sign-in screen.

Specifically, if a URL matches one of the patterns provided through this policy, it will be allowed to receive a HTTP header containing a response to a remote attestation challenge, attesting device identity and device state.

If this policy is not set or is set to an empty list, no URL is allowed to use remote attestation on the sign-in screen.

URLs must have HTTPS scheme, e.g. "".

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see

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Safe Browsing settings

Configure Safe Browsing related policies.
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Disable proceeding from the Safe Browsing warning page
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 22
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 22
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled prevents users from proceeding past the warning page the Safe Browsing service shows to the malicious site. This policy only prevents users from proceeding on Safe Browsing warnings such as malware and phishing, not for SSL certificate-related issues such as invalid or expired certificates.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means users can choose to proceed to the flagged site after the warning appears.

See more about Safe Browsing ( ).

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Configure the change password URL.
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 69
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy sets the URL for users to change their password after seeing a warning in the browser. The password protection service sends users to the URL (HTTP and HTTPS protocols only) you designate through this policy. For Google Chrome to correctly capture the salted hash of the new password on this change password page, make sure your change password page follows these guidelines ( ).

Turning the policy off or leaving it unset means the service sends users to to change their password.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL" value=""/>
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Configure the list of enterprise login URLs where password protection service should capture salted hashes of passwords.
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 69
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy sets the list of enterprise login URLs (HTTP and HTTPS protocols only). Password protection service will capture salted hashes of passwords on these URLs and use them for password reuse detection. For Google Chrome to correctly capture password salted hashes, ensure your sign-in pages follow these guidelines ( ).

Turning this setting off or leaving it unset means the password protection service only captures the password salted hashes on

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PasswordProtectionLoginURLs\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\PasswordProtectionLoginURLs\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PasswordProtectionLoginURLsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
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Password protection warning trigger
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 69
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 69
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 69
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you control the triggering of password protection warning. Password protection alerts users when they reuse their protected password on potentially suspicious sites.

Use PasswordProtectionLoginURLs and PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL to set which password to protect.

If this policy is set to:

* PasswordProtectionWarningOff, no password protection warning will be shown.

* PasswordProtectionWarningOnPasswordReuse, password protection warning will be shown when the user reuses their protected password on a non-allowed site.

* PasswordProtectionWarningOnPhishingReuse, password protection warning will be shown when the user reuses their protected password on a phishing site.

Leaving the policy unset has the password protection service only protect Google passwords, but users can change this setting.

  • 0 = Password protection warning is off
  • 1 = Password protection warning is triggered by password reuse
  • 2 = Password protection warning is triggered by password reuse on phishing page
Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), 1 (Linux), 1 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger" value="1"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : PasswordProtection
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Configure the list of domains on which Safe Browsing will not trigger warnings.
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 86
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 86
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled means Safe Browsing will trust the domains you designate. It won't check them for dangerous resources such as phishing, malware, or unwanted software. Safe Browsing's download protection service won't check downloads hosted on these domains. Its password protection service won't check for password reuse.

Leaving the policy unset means default Safe Browsing protection applies to all resources.

This policy does not support regular expressions; however, subdomains of a given domain are allowlisted. Fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) are not required.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SafeBrowsingAllowlistDomains\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\SafeBrowsingAllowlistDomains\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SafeBrowsingAllowlistDomainsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
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Allow download deep scanning for Safe Browsing-enabled users
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 119
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 119
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 119
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 119
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

When this policy is enabled or left unset, Google Chrome can send suspicious downloads from Safe Browsing-enabled users to Google to scan for malware, or prompt users to provide a password for encrypted archives. When this policy is disabled, this scanning will not be performed. This policy does not impact download content analysis configured by Chrome Enterprise Connectors.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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SafeBrowsingEnabled (Deprecated)

Enable Safe Browsing
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 30
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy is deprecated in Google Chrome 83, please use SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel instead.

Setting the policy to Enabled keeps Chrome's Safe Browsing feature on. Setting the policy to Disabled keeps Safe Browsing off.

If you set this policy, users can't change it or override the "Enable phishing and malware protection" setting in Chrome. If not set, "Enable phishing and malware protection" is set to True, but the user can change it.

See more about Safe Browsing ( ).

If the policy SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel is set, the value of the policy SafeBrowsingEnabled is ignored.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : SafeBrowsing
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Enable Safe Browsing Extended Reporting
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 66
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 66
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 66
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 66
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled turns on Google Chrome's Safe Browsing Extended Reporting, which sends some system information and page content to Google servers to help detect dangerous apps and sites.

Setting the policy to Disabled means reports are never sent.

If you set this policy, users can't change it. If not set, users can decide whether to send reports or not.

See more about Safe Browsing ( ).

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy is not supported within Arc.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
Back to top


Safe Browsing Protection Level
Data type:
Integer [Android:choice, Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 83
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 87
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 88
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allows you to control whether Google Chrome's Safe Browsing feature is enabled and the mode it operates in.

If this policy is set to 'NoProtection' (value 0), Safe Browsing is never active.

If this policy is set to 'StandardProtection' (value 1, which is the default), Safe Browsing is always active in the standard mode.

If this policy is set to 'EnhancedProtection' (value 2), Safe Browsing is always active in the enhanced mode, which provides better security, but requires sharing more browsing information with Google.

If you set this policy as mandatory, users cannot change or override the Safe Browsing setting in Google Chrome.

If this policy is left not set, Safe Browsing will operate in Standard Protection mode but users can change this setting.

See for more info on Safe Browsing.

  • 0 = Safe Browsing is never active.
  • 1 = Safe Browsing is active in the standard mode.
  • 2 = Safe Browsing is active in the enhanced mode. This mode provides better security, but requires sharing more browsing information with Google.
Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy is not supported within Arc.

Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Android), 2 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel" value="2"/>
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Allow Safe Browsing Proxied Real Time Checks
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 118
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 118
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 118
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 118
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 118
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 119
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This controls whether Safe Browsing's standard protection mode is allowed to send partial hashes of URLs to Google through a proxy via Oblivious HTTP in order to determine whether they are safe to visit.

The proxy allows browsers to upload partial hashes of URLs to Google without them being linked to the user's IP address. The policy also allows browsers to upload the partial hashes of URLs with higher frequency for better Safe Browsing protection quality.

This policy will be ignored if Safe Browsing is disabled or set to enhanced protection mode.

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset allows the higher-protection proxied lookups.

Setting the policy to Disabled disallows the higher-protection proxied lookups. Partial hashes of URLs will be uploaded to Google directly with much lower frequency, which will degrade protection.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), true (Android), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Allow Safe Browsing Surveys
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 117
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 117
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 117
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

When this policy is enabled or left unset, the user may receive surveys related to Safe Browsing. When this policy is disabled, the user will not receive surveys related to Safe Browsing.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Saml user identity management settings

Controls settings for users authenticated via SAML with an external IdP
Back to top


Enables online re-authentication on lock screen for SAML users
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 98
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Enables online user signin on a lock screen. If the policy is set to true online re-authentication on the lock screen is triggered e.g. by SAMLOfflineSigninTimeLimit. The re-authentication is enforced immediately when on the lock screen or next time a user locks the screen after the condition is met. If the policy is set to false or unset users can always unlock the screen with their local credentials.

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Limit the time for which a user authenticated via SAML can log in offline
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 34
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

During login, Google ChromeOS can authenticate against a server (online) or using a cached password (offline).

When this policy is set to a value of -1, the user can authenticate offline indefinitely. When this policy is set to any other value, it specifies the length of time since the last online authentication after which the user must use online authentication again.

Leaving this policy not set will make Google ChromeOS use a default time limit of 14 days after which the user must use online authentication again.

This policy affects only users who authenticated using SAML.

The policy value should be specified in seconds.

  • Minimum:-1
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Password synchronization between third-party SSO providers and Chrome devices
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 98
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Enables SAML password sync between multiple Chrome devices by monitoring the value of password sync token and sending a user through the online re-authentication if password was updated and needs to be synchronized.

Enables a page at chrome://password-change that lets SAML users change their SAML passwords while in-session, which ensures that the SAML password and the device lockscreen password are kept in-sync.

This policy also enables notifications that warn SAML users if their SAML passwords are soon to expire so that they can deal with this immediately by doing an in-session password change. But, these notifications will only be shown if password expiry information is sent to the device by the SAML identity provider during the SAML login flow.

Setting this policy to Disabled or not set, SAML password can't be changed at chrome://password-change and there won't be any notification when SAML passwords are soon to expire.

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How many days in advance to notify SAML users when their password is due to expire
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 98
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy has no effect unless SamlInSessionPasswordChangeEnabled is true. If that policy is true, and this policy is set to (for example) 14, that means SAML users will be notified 14 days in advance that their password is due to expire on a certain date. Then they can deal with this immediately by doing an in-session password change and updating their password before it expires. But, these notifications will only be shown if password expiry information is sent to the device by the SAML identity provider during the SAML login flow. Setting this policy to zero means the users will not be notified in advance - they will only be notified once the password has already expired.

If this policy is set, the user cannot change or override it.

  • Minimum:0
  • Maximum:90
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Controls policies for Screencast.
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Enable Screencast dogfood for Family Link users
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 102
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy enables Screencast feature for Family Link users and gives it permission to create and transcribe screen recording and upload to Drive. This policy does not affect other types of users. This policy does not affect ProjectorEnabled policy for enterprise users.

If the policy is enabled, Screencast dogfood will be enabled for Family Link users. If the policy is disabled, Screencast dogfood will be disabled for Family Link users. If the policy is not set, Screencast dogfood will be by default disabled for Family Link users.

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Enable Screencast
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 99
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

This policy gives Screencast permission to create and transcribe screen recording and upload to Drive for enterprise users. This policy does not affect Family Link users. This policy does not affect ProjectorDogfoodForFamilyLinkEnabled policy for Family Link users.

If the policy is unset or enabled, Screencast will be enabled. If the policy is disabled, Screencast will be disabled.

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Screensaver Settings

Controls the screensaver settings for the device sign-in screen, and user lock screen.
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Device screensaver login screen enabled.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configures the device-level screensaver for the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, the Google ChromeOS device will show a screensaver when it is idle in the login screen.

If this policy is set to false, or unset, the screensaver will not be displayed in the login screen.

The device screensaver displays the images referenced by the DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenImages policy. If DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenImages is unset, or it is set to an empty list, or to a list without any valid images, the screensaver for the login screen will not be displayed.

The idle timeout to start the screensaver, and the interval that an image is displayed can be modified with the DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenIdleTimeoutSeconds, and the DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenDisplayIntervalSeconds policies respectively. If any of these policies are unset, their default values will be use instead.

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Device screensaver login screen idle timeout.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configures the time in seconds that the device will wait idle before showing the screensaver for the login screen.

Valid values range from 1 second to 9999 seconds. Leaving the policy unset means Google ChromeOS uses the default value of 7 seconds.

This policy will not have any effect when the DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenEnabled policy is set to false.

  • Minimum:1
  • Maximum:9999
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Device screensaver login screen image display interval.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configures the interval in seconds to display an image when the screensaver for the login screen has multiple images to display.

Valid values range from 1 second to 9999 seconds. Leaving the policy unset means Google ChromeOS uses the default value of 60 seconds.

This policy will not have any effect when the DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenEnabled policy is set to false.

  • Minimum:1
  • Maximum:9999
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Device screensaver login screen image source.
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Configures the list of images to display in the screensaver for the login screen.

Each item must be a URL referencing an image file. The image format must be JPEG, and the file size must not exceed 8MB. Invalid URLs and unsupported images will be ignored. The Google ChromeOS device will download these images, and keep them in a local cache.

The number of images to display in the screensaver is limited to 25. Only the first 25 URL entries from the list will be used.

This policy will not have any effect if the DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenEnabled policy is set to false.

If this policy is unset, or the list does not contain any valid image references, the screensaver for the login screen will not be displayed, regardless of the value set in the DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenEnabled policy.

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User screensaver lock screen enabled.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Configures the user screensaver for the lock screen.

If this policy is set to true, the Google ChromeOS device will show a screensaver when it is idle in the lock screen.

If this policy is set to false, or unset, the screensaver will not be displayed in the lock screen.

The user screensaver displays the images referenced by the ScreensaverLockScreenImages policy. If ScreensaverLockScreenImages is unset, or it is set to an empty list, or to a list without any valid images, the screensaver for the lock screen will not be displayed.

The idle timeout to start the screensaver, and the interval that an image is displayed can be modified with the ScreensaverLockScreenIdleTimeoutSeconds, and the ScreensaverLockScreenDisplayIntervalSeconds policies respectively. If any of these policies are unset, their default values will be use instead.

Back to top


User screensaver lock screen idle timeout.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Configures the time in seconds that the device will wait idle before showing the screensaver for the lock screen.

Valid values range from 1 second to 9999 seconds. Leaving the policy unset means Google ChromeOS uses the default value of 7 seconds.

This policy will not have any effect when the ScreensaverLockScreenEnabled policy is set to false.

  • Minimum:1
  • Maximum:9999
Back to top


User screensaver lock screen image display interval.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Configures the interval in seconds to display an image when the screensaver for the lock screen has multiple images to display.

Valid values range from 1 second to 9999 seconds. Leaving the policy unset means Google ChromeOS uses the default value of 60 seconds.

This policy will not have any effect when the ScreensaverLockScreenEnabled policy is set to false.

  • Minimum:1
  • Maximum:9999
Back to top


User screensaver lock screen image source.
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 116
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Configures the list of images to display in the screensaver for the lock screen.

Each item must be a URL referencing an image file. The image format must be JPEG, and the file size must not exceed 8MB. Invalid URLs and unsupported images will be ignored. The Google ChromeOS device will download these images, and keep them in a local cache.

The number of images to display in the screensaver is limited to 25. Only the first 25 URL entries from the list will be used.

This policy will not have any effect if the ScreensaverLockScreenEnabled policy is set to false.

If this policy is unset, or the list does not contain any valid image references, the screensaver for the lock screen will not be displayed, regardless of the value set in the ScreensaverLockScreenEnabled policy.

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Controls the behavior of the sign-in screen, where users log into their accounts. Settings include who can log in, what type of accounts are allowed, what authentication methods should be used, as well as general accessibility, input method and locale settings.
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Bind Google credentials to a device
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 124
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: Yes, Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Controls the state of the Device Bound Session Credentials feature.

Device Bound Session Credentials protects Google authentication cookies against cookie theft by regularly providing a cryptographic proof of device possession to Google servers.

If this policy is set to false, Device Bound Session Credentials feature will be disabled.

If this policy is set to true, Device Bound Session Credentials feature will be enabled.

If this policy is unset, Google Chrome will follow the default rollout process for the Device Bound Session Credentials feature, which means that the feature will be gradually rolled out to an increasing number of users.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows)
Windows (Intune):
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Allow creation of new user accounts
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 12
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Controls whether Google ChromeOS allows new user accounts to be created.

If this policy is set to false, only users present in DeviceUserAllowlist will be able to login.

If this policy is set to true or not configured, all users will be able to login.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy controls whether new users can be added to Google ChromeOS. It does not prevent users from signing in to additional Google accounts within Android. If you want to prevent this, configure the Android-specific accountTypesWithManagementDisabled policy as part of ArcPolicy.

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Automatically reload authentication flow on ChromeOS
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 129
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Sets the time interval (in minutes) used to automatically reload the user's authentication flow on their Google ChromeOS device. This policy is introduced to handle the expiry of some services used in authentication flows when the device is left idle for some time.

When the policy is unset or has a value of zero, the authentication flow will never be reloaded.

When the policy is set to a positive value, the authentication flow will automatically be reloaded by the set interval.

The maximum possible reload interval is one week (10080 minutes).

This policy affects both login and lockscreen authentication flows.

  • Minimum:0
  • Maximum:10080
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Autofill username on SAML IdP page
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 107
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Specifies a url parameter name which will be used on the SAML IdP login page to autofill the username field.

User's email assosiated with their Google ChromeOS profile will be used as a value for the url parameter. So this setting should be disabled if users are expected to use different emails with SAML IdP.

If this setting is unset, users will need to manually enter their username on the SAML IdP login page.

This policy affects online authentication on sign-in and lock screens.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on Android apps.

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Wipe user data on sign-out
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 19
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Determines whether Google ChromeOS keeps local account data after logout. If set to true, no persistent account data are kept by Google ChromeOS and all data from the user session will be discarded after logout. If this policy is set to false or not configured, the device will keep (encrypted) local user data.

Note: Since M114, specific kiosk apps are allowed to override the behavior of this policy for their app for special use cases, such as student assessments.

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Allow addition of Family Link accounts to the device
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Controls whether Google ChromeOS allows new Family Link user accounts to be added on the device. This policy is only useful in combination with DeviceUserAllowlist. It allows Family Link accounts additionally to the accounts defined in the allowlist. This policy does not affect the behavior of other sign-in policies. Particularly it will not have any effect when: - Adding new users to the device is disabled with DeviceAllowNewUsers policy. - Adding all users is allowed with DeviceUserAllowlist policy.

If this policy is set to false (or not configured), no additional rules will be applied to Family Link accounts. If this policy is set to true, new Family Link user accounts will be allowed additionally to those defined in DeviceUserAllowlist.

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Enable guest mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 12
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

If this policy is set to true or not configured, Google ChromeOS will enable guest logins. Guest logins are anonymous user sessions and do not require a password.

If this policy is set to false, Google ChromeOS will not allow guest sessions to be started.

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Automatically select client certificates for these sites on the sign-in screen
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 65
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Allows you to specify a list of url patterns that specify sites for which a client certificate is automatically selected on the sign-in screen in the frame hosting the SAML flow, if the site requests a certificate. An example usage is to configure a device-wide certificate to be presented to the SAML IdP.

The value is an array of stringified JSON dictionaries, each with the form { "pattern": "$URL_PATTERN", "filter" : $FILTER }, where $URL_PATTERN is a content setting pattern. $FILTER restricts the client certificates the browser automatically selects from. Independent of the filter, only certificates that match the server's certificate request are selected.

Examples for the usage of the $FILTER section:

* When $FILTER is set to { "ISSUER": { "CN": "$ISSUER_CN" } }, only client certificates issued by a certificate with the CommonName $ISSUER_CN are selected.

* When $FILTER contains both the "ISSUER" and the "SUBJECT" sections, only client certificates that satisfy both conditions are selected.

* When $FILTER contains a "SUBJECT" section with the "O" value, a certificate needs at least one organization matching the specified value to be selected.

* When $FILTER contains a "SUBJECT" section with a "OU" value, a certificate needs at least one organizational unit matching the specified value to be selected.

* When $FILTER is set to {}, the selection of client certificates is not additionally restricted. Note that filters provided by the web server still apply.

If this policy is left not set, no auto-selection will be done for any site.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see

{ "items": { "properties": { "filter": { "properties": { "ISSUER": { "properties": { "CN": { "type": "string" }, "L": { "type": "string" }, "O": { "type": "string" }, "OU": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "SUBJECT": { "properties": { "CN": { "type": "string" }, "L": { "type": "string" }, "O": { "type": "string" }, "OU": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "pattern": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }
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Enable domain name autocomplete during user sign in
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 44
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

If this policy is set to a blank string or not configured, Google ChromeOS will not show an autocomplete option during user sign-in flow. If this policy is set to a string representing a domain name, Google ChromeOS will show an autocomplete option during user sign-in allowing the user to type in only their user name without the domain name extension. The user will be able to overwrite this domain name extension. If the value of the policy is not a valid domain, the policy will not be applied.

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Configure the list of installed apps and extensions on the login screen
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 60
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Specifies a list of apps and extensions that are installed silently on the login screen, without user interaction, and which cannot be uninstalled or disabled by the user.

Permissions requested by the apps/extensions are granted implicitly, without user interaction, including any additional permissions requested by future versions of the app/extension. Google Chrome restricts the set of permissions that the extensions can request.

Note that, for security and privacy reasons, only apps and extensions that belong to the allow list bundled into Google Chrome can be installed. All other items will be ignored.

If an app or extension that previously had been force-installed is removed from this list, it is automatically uninstalled by Google Chrome.

Each list item of the policy is a string that contains an extension ID and, optionally, an "update" URL separated by a semicolon (;). The extension ID is the 32-letter string found e.g. on chrome://extensions when in developer mode. The "update" URL, if specified, should point to an update manifest XML document as described at By default, the Chrome Web Store's update URL is used (which currently is ""). Note that the "update" URL set in this policy is only used for the initial installation; subsequent updates of the extension employ the update URL indicated in the extension's manifest.

For example, khpfeaanjngmcnplbdlpegiifgpfgdco; installs the Smart Card Connector app from the standard Chrome Web Store "update" URL. For more information about hosting extensions, see:

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Device sign-in screen keyboard layouts
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 58
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Configures which keyboard layouts are allowed on the Google ChromeOS sign-in screen.

If this policy is set to a list of input method identifiers, the given input methods will be available on the sign-in screen. The first given input method will be preselected. While a user pod is focused on the sign-in screen, the user's last used input method will be available in addition to the input methods given by this policy. If this policy is not set, the input methods on the sign-in screen will be derived from the locale in which the sign-in screen is displayed. Values which are not valid input method identifiers will be ignored.

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Device sign-in screen locale
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 58
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No

Configures the locale which is enforced on the Google ChromeOS sign-in screen.

If this policy is set, the sign-in screen will always be displayed in the locale which is given by the first value of this policy (the policy is defined as a list for forward compatibility). If this policy is not set or is set to an empty list, the sign-in screen will be displayed in the locale of the last user session. If this policy is set to a value which is not a valid locale, the sign-in screen will be displayed in a fallback locale (currently, en-US).

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Prompt when multiple certificates match on the sign-in screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls whether the user is prompted to select a client certificate on the sign-in screen in the frame hosting the SAML flow when more than one certificate matches DeviceLoginScreenAutoSelectCertificateForUrls. If this policy is set to Enabled, the user is asked to select the client certificate whenever the auto-selection policy matches multiple certificates. If this policy is set to Disabled or not set, the user is never prompted to select a client certificate on the sign-in screen. Note: This policy is in general not recommended, since it imposes potential privacy risks (in case device-wide TPM-backed certificates are used) and presents poor user experience.

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Force the sign-in screen to show or hide system information.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Specify whether the system information (e.g. ChromeOS version, device serial number) is always shown (or hidden) on the login screen.

If the policy is set to true, the system information will be shown forcedly. If the policy is set to false, the system information will be hidden forcedly. If the policy is unset, default hehavior (being shown for Canary / Dev channel) is effective. Users can toggle the visibility by specific operations (e.g., Alt-V).

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Control automatic cleanup during login
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 99
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: No

When this policy is set to true, automatic cleanup is executed during login to ensure enough free disk space is available. Cleanup will only run when strictly necessary, but will still impact the login time. Setting the policy to false (the default) ensures the login time is not affected.

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Integrated second factor authentication mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 61
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: No

Specifies how the on-board secure element hardware can be used to provide a second-factor authentication if it is compatible with this feature. The machine power button is used to detect the user physical presence.

If 'Disabled' is selected, no second factor is provided.

If 'U2F' is selected, the integrated second factor will behave according the FIDO U2F specification.

If 'U2F_EXTENDED' is selected, the integrated second factor will provide the U2F functions plus some extensions for individual attestation.

  • 1 = Second factor disabled
  • 2 = U2F (Universal Second Factor)
  • 3 = U2F plus extensions for individual attestation
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Show numeric keyboard for password
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 80
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to true displays numeric keyboard by default for entering password on the login screen. Users still could switch to the normal keyboard.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set or set to false, it has no effect.

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Show usernames on login screen
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 12
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

If this policy is set to true or not configured, Google ChromeOS will show existing users on the login screen and allow to pick one.

If this policy is set to false, Google ChromeOS will not show existing users on the login screen. The normal sign-in screen (prompting for the user email and password or phone) or the SAML interstitial screen (if enabled via the LoginAuthenticationBehavior policy) will be shown, unless a Managed Session is configured. When a Managed Session is configured, only the Managed Session accounts will be shown, allowing to pick one of them.

Note that this policy does not affect whether the device keeps or discards the local user data.

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Transfer SAML IdP cookies during login
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 38
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Specifies whether authentication cookies set by a SAML IdP during login should be transferred to the user's profile.

When a user authenticates via a SAML IdP during login, cookies set by the IdP are written to a temporary profile at first. These cookies can be transferred to the user's profile to carry forward the authentication state.

When this policy is set to true, cookies set by the IdP are transferred to the user's profile every time they authenticate against the SAML IdP during login.

When this policy is set to false or unset, cookies set by the IdP are transferred to the user's profile during their first login on a device only.

This policy affects users whose domain matches the device's enrollment domain only. For all other users, cookies set by the IdP are transferred to the user's profile during their first login on the device only.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

Cookies transferred to the user's profile are not accessible to Android apps.

Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : SAML
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Login user allow list
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 87
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Defines the list of users that are allowed to login to the device. Entries are of the form user@domain, such as To allow arbitrary users on a domain, use entries of the form *@domain.

If this policy is not configured, there are no restrictions on which users are allowed to sign in. Note that creating new users still requires the DeviceAllowNewUsers policy to be configured appropriately. If DeviceFamilyLinkAccountsAllowed is enabled, Family Link users will be allowed additionally to the accounts defined in this policy.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy controls who may start a Google ChromeOS session. It does not prevent users from signing in to additional Google accounts within Android. If you want to prevent this, configure the Android-specific accountTypesWithManagementDisabled policy as part of ArcPolicy.

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Device wallpaper image
Data type:
External data reference
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 61
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Configure device-level wallpaper image that is shown on the login screen if no user has yet signed in to the device. The policy is set by specifying the URL from which the ChromeOS device can download the wallpaper image and a cryptographic hash used to verify the integrity of the download. The image must be in JPEG format, its file size must not exceed 16MB. The URL must be accessible without any authentication. The wallpaper image is downloaded and cached. It will be re-downloaded whenever the URL or the hash changes.

If the device wallpaper policy is set, the ChromeOS device will download and use the wallpaper image on the login screen if no user has yet signed in to the device. Once the user logs in, the user's wallpaper policy kicks in.

If the device wallpaper policy is left not set, it's the user's wallpaper policy to decide what to show if the user's wallpaper policy is set.

{ "properties": { "hash": { "description": "The SHA-256 hash of the wallpaper image.", "type": "string" }, "url": { "description": "The URL from which the wallpaper image can be downloaded.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
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Configure the login authentication behavior
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 51
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

When this policy is set, the login authentication flow will be in one of the following ways depending on the value of the setting:

If set to GAIA, login will be done via the normal GAIA authentication flow.

If set to SAML_INTERSTITIAL, login will automatically redirect to SAML IdP by default. The user is still allowed to go back to the normal GAIA login flow.

Note: the additional user confirmation screen, which was shown on Google Chrome until version 99, isn't displayed anymore. If SAML IdP isn't configured and this policy is set to SAML_INTERSTITIAL, redirect will fail with the 400 error.

  • 0 = Authentication via the default GAIA flow
  • 1 = Redirect to SAML IdP by default (prior to Google Chrome 99 user confirmation is needed)
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URLs that will be granted access to video capture devices on SAML login pages
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 52
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Patterns in this list will be matched against the security origin of the requesting URL. If a match is found, access to video capture devices will be granted on SAML login pages. If no match is found, access will be automatically denied. Wildcard patterns are not allowed.

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Enterprise profile separation secondary domain allowlist
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 119
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 119
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 119
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If this policy is unset, account logins will not be required to create a new separate profile.

If this policy is set, account logins from the listed domains will not be required to create a new separate profile.

This policy can be set to an empty string so that all account logins are required to create a new separate profile.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ProfileSeparationDomainExceptionList\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ProfileSeparationDomainExceptionList\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="ProfileSeparationDomainExceptionListDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
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Account recovery
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 112
Supported features:
Can Be Mandatory: Yes, Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: No, Per Profile: Yes

Specifies whether the account recovery service is activated for your users on Google ChromeOS devices.

When the policy is enabled, the user data recovery is activated. When the policy is disabled or not set, the user data recovery is not activated. Setting the policy level to recommended lets users change the account recovery activation through the settings page. Setting the policy level to mandatory means users can't change the account recovery activation.

On the policy value change the update process is completed on the next login to Google ChromeOS device, after the new policy value was fetched.

Note: This setting only applies to new accounts that get added on Google ChromeOS devices.

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Startup, Home page and New Tab page

Configure the pages to load on startup, the default home page and the default new tab page in Google Chrome and prevents users from changing them. The user's home page settings are only completely locked down if you either select the home page to be the new tab page, or set it to be a URL and specify a home page URL. If you don't specify the home page URL, then the user is still able to set the home page to the new tab page by specifying 'chrome://newtab'. The policy 'URLs to open on startup' is ignored unless you select 'Open a list of URLs' in 'Action on startup'.
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Use New Tab Page as homepage
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled makes the New Tab page the user's homepage, ignoring any homepage URL location. Setting the policy to Disabled means that their homepage is never the New Tab page, unless the user's homepage URL is set to chrome://newtab.

If you set the policy, users can't change their homepage type in Google Chrome. If not set, the user decides whether or not the New Tab page is their homepage.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Configure the home page URL
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Android restriction name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 81
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy sets the default homepage URL in Google Chrome. You open the homepage using the Home button. On desktop, the RestoreOnStartup policies control the pages that open on startup.

If the homepage is set to the New Tab Page, by the user or HomepageIsNewTabPage, this policy has no effect.

The URL needs a standard scheme, such as or When this policy is set, users can't change their homepage URL in Google Chrome.

Leaving both HomepageLocation and HomepageIsNewTabPage unset lets users choose their homepage.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="HomepageLocation" value=""/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : Homepage
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Configure the New Tab page URL
Data type:
String [Windows:REG_SZ]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 58
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 58
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 58
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 58
  • Google Chrome (iOS) since version 99
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy configures the default New Tab page URL and prevents users from changing it.

The New Tab page opens with new tabs and windows.

This policy doesn't decide which pages open on start up. Those are controlled by the RestoreOnStartup policies. This policy does affect the homepage, if that's set to open the New Tab page, as well as the startup page if it's set to open the New Tab page.

It is a best practice to provide fully canonicalized URL, if the URL is not fully canonicalized Google Chrome will default to https://.

Leaving the policy unset or empty puts the default New Tab page in use.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
Windows (Intune):
<data id="NewTabPageLocation" value=""/>
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Action on startup
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy lets you specify system behavior on startup. Turning this setting off amounts to leaving it unset as Google Chrome must have specified start up behavior.

If you set the policy, users can't change it in Google Chrome. If not set, users can change it.

Setting this policy to RestoreOnStartupIsLastSession or RestoreOnStartupIsLastSessionAndURLs turns off some settings that rely on sessions or that perform actions on exit, such as clearing browsing data on exit or session-only cookies.

If this policy is set to RestoreOnStartupIsLastSessionAndURLs, browser will restore previous session and open a separate window to show URLs that are set from RestoreOnStartupURLs. Note that users can choose to keep those URLs open and they will also be restored in the future session.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

  • 5 = Open New Tab Page
  • 1 = Restore the last session
  • 4 = Open a list of URLs
  • 6 = Open a list of URLs and restore the last session
Example value:
0x00000004 (Windows), 4 (Linux), 4 (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RestoreOnStartup" value="4"/>
Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : RestoreOnStartup
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URLs to open on startup
Data type:
List of strings
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If RestoreOnStartup is set to RestoreOnStartupIsURLs, then setting RestoreOnStartupURLs to a list of URLs specify which URLs open.

If not set, the New Tab page opens on start up.

On Microsoft® Windows®, this policy is only available on instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Browser Cloud Management.

Example value:
Windows (Windows clients):
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\RestoreOnStartupURLs\1 = "" Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\RestoreOnStartupURLs\2 = ""
[ "", "" ]
<array> <string></string> <string></string> </array>
Windows (Intune):
<data id="RestoreOnStartupURLsDesc" value="1&#xF000;;2&#xF000;"/>
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Show Home button on toolbar
Data type:
Boolean [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
  • Google Chrome (Linux) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Mac) since version 8
  • Google Chrome (Windows) since version 8
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled shows the Home button on Google Chrome's toolbar. Setting the policy to Disabled keeps the Home button from appearing.

If you set the policy, users can't change it in Google Chrome. If not set, users chooses whether to show the Home button.

Example value:
0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)
Windows (Intune):
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Turn SkyVault on or off

Configure policies to control whether user data is allowed on the device, and whether existing data should be uploaded to the cloud.
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Enable local user files
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 126
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: No, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

This policy controls whether Google ChromeOS users can store data locally or not. Setting this policy to False blocks local storage on Google ChromeOS - users cannot store any data locally, and cannot access any local directories. Setting this policy to True or leaving it unset allows local storage on Google ChromeOS - there are no restrictions on where users can store data, or which directories they can access.

Policy atomic group:
This policy is part of the following atomic group (only policies from the highest priority source present in the group are applied) : SkyVaultSettings
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User and device reporting

Controls what kind of user and device information is reported.
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Enable device activity heartbeat reporting
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 113
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Reports device activity state on enrolled devices for affiliated users.

If the policy is Disabled or left unset, device activity state will not be reported. If Enabled, the device activity state is reported to the server allowing it to detect if the device is offline, as long as the user is affiliated.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Enable extensions system logging
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 125
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Enterprise extensions can add logs via the chrome.systemLog API to a system log file.

Setting the policy to Enabled will allow the logs to be persisted in the system log file for a limited amount of time. Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset does not allow the logs to be added to the system log file which means that logs will not be persisted between sessions.

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Send hardware data to Google to support improvements to ChromeOS Flex
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 120
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: No

Allows some services on Google ChromeOS Flex to send additional hardware data.

This hardware data is used for overall improvements to Google ChromeOS Flex. For example, we might analyze the impact of a crash based on CPU, or prioritize a bugfix based on how many devices share a component.

If the policy is Enabled or left unset, additional hardware details will be sent from Google ChromeOS Flex devices. If Disabled, only standard hardware data will be sent.

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Enable metrics reporting
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 14
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled has Google ChromeOS report usage metrics and diagnostic data, including crash reports, back to Google. Setting the policy to Disabled turns off metrics and diagnostic data reporting.

For managed devices, this policy is enabled by default and sends metrics to Google.

For unmanaged devices, the user can make the decision to send the metrics.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy also controls Android usage and diagnostic data collection.

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Report network events
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 114
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report network connection and signal strength events on enrolled devices.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the information will not be reported. If set to true, the device's network events will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report device runtime counters
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 121
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to enabled has enrolled devices report device runtime counters (Intel vPro Gen 14+ only).

Setting the policy to disabled or leaving it unset would make enrolled devices not record or report device runtime counters.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report extended detection and response (XDR) events
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 110
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to True has enrolled devices report information related to extended detection and response (XDR) events.

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset means enrolled devices don't report extended detection and response (XDR) events.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Send network packets to the management server to monitor online status
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 43
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled sends monitoring network packets (heartbeats) to the management server to monitor online status, to allow the server to detect if the device is offline.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset sends no packets.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Frequency of monitoring network packets
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 43
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy determines how frequently to send monitoring network packets, in milliseconds. Intervals range from 30 seconds to 24 hours. Values outside this range are clamped to this range.

If not set, the default interval of 3 minutes applies.

  • Minimum:30000
Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Send system logs to the management server
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 46
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled sends system logs to the management server, to allow admins to monitor system logs.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset reports no system logs.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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App inventory reporting
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Reports app inventory data for affiliated users.

Setting the policy controls app install, launch and uninstall event reporting for specified app types. If unset, no app events will be reported.

  • "chrome_apps_and_extensions" = Chrome apps and extensions
  • "progressive_web_apps" = Progressive Web Apps
  • "android_apps" = Android applications
  • "linux_apps" = Linux applications
  • "system_apps" = System applications
  • "games" = Games
  • "browser" = Browser
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App usage reporting
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 117
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Reports app usage telemetry data for affiliated users.

Setting the policy controls app usage telemetry reporting for specified app types. If unset, no app usage telemetry will be reported.

  • "chrome_apps_and_extensions" = Chrome apps and extensions
  • "progressive_web_apps" = Progressive Web Apps
  • "android_apps" = Android applications
  • "linux_apps" = Linux applications
  • "system_apps" = System applications
  • "games" = Games
  • "browser" = Browser
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Report information about status of Android
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 55
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

If Android apps are on, then setting the policy to True has enrolled devices report Android status information.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means enrolled devices don't report Android status information

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Report CRD sessions
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 99
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report CRD sessions events on enrolled devices for affiliated users.

If the policy is Disabled or left unset, the information will not be reported. If Enabled, the CRD events will be reported, if the user is affiliated

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report device activity times
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 18
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset has enrolled devices report time periods when a user is active on the device.

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don't record or report activity times.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report applications information
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report information for a device's application inventory and usage.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the information will not be reported. If set to true, the device's applications and usage will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report device audio status
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to enabled or leaving it unset has enrolled devices report device audio volume.

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don't record or report audio status. Exception: System volume level information is controlled by ReportDeviceHardwareStatus for M95 and below.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report backlight info
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report information about a device's backlights.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the information will not be reported. If set to true, the device's backlight information will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report Bluetooth info
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report a device's Bluetooth information.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the information will not be reported. If set to true, the device's Bluetooth information will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report board status
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 73
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled has enrolled devices report hardware statistics for SoC components.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means enrolled devices don't report the statistics.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report device boot mode
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 18
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset has enrolled devices report the state of the device's dev switch when the machine booted.

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don't report the state of the dev switch.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report CPU info
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 81
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

This policy is set to Enabled by default. It controls the enrolled devices to report the CPU model name, architecture, and maximum clock speed (and CPU utilization and temperature for M96 and above).

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don’t report any CPU information. Exception CPU utilization and temperature reporting is controlled by ReportDeviceHardwareStatus for M95 and below.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report information about crash reports.
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report information related to crash reports, such as remote id, capture timestamp and cause.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the crash report information will not be reported. If set to true, crash report information will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report fan info
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report a device's fan information.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the information will not be reported. If set to true, the device's fan information will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report display and graphics statuses
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 81
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report information related to display, such as refresh rate, and information related to graphics, such as driver version.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the display and graphics statuses will not be reported. If set to true, display and graphics statuses will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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ReportDeviceHardwareStatus (Deprecated)

Report hardware status
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 42
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

This policy is deprecated as of M96. Please use ReportDeviceCpuInfo, ReportDeviceMemoryInfo, ReportDeviceStorageStatus, ReportDeviceSecurityStatus, and ReportDeviceAudioStatus instead.

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset has enrolled devices report hardware statistics such as CPU/RAM usage.

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don't report the hardware statistics.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report login/logout
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report users login/logout events on enrolled devices including failed logins.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the information will not be reported. If set to true, the device's login/logout events will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report memory info
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

This policy is set to Enabled by default. It controls the enrolled devices to report the memory information.

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don’t report any memory information. Exception: free memory information is controlled by ReportDeviceHardwareStatus for M95 or below.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report network configuration
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report users network configuration on enrolled devices.

If the policy is set to false, the information will not be reported. If set to true or unset, the device's network configuration will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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ReportDeviceNetworkInterfaces (Deprecated)

Report device network interfaces
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 29
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

This policy is deprecated in M96. Please use ReportDeviceNetworkConfiguration and ReportDeviceNetworkStatus instead.

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset has enrolled devices report the list of network interfaces with their types and hardware addresses.

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don't report the network interface.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report network status
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report users network status on enrolled devices.

If the policy is set to false, the information will not be reported. If set to true or unset, the device's network status will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report OS update status
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 79
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report OS update information such as update status, platform version, last update check and last reboot.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the OS update information will not be reported. If set to true, OS update information will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report peripheral details
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 101
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to True has enrolled devices report information related to peripherals that are plugged into the device.

Setting the policy to False or leaving it unset means enrolled devices don't report peripherals information.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report power status
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 73
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled has enrolled devices report hardware statistics and identifiers related to power.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means enrolled devices don't report power statistics.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report print jobs
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 91
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report a device's print jobs.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the information will not be reported. If set to true, the device's print jobs will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report device security status
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 96
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to enabled reports device TPM security status.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means enrolled devices don't record or report TPM security status. Exception: TPM information is controlled by ReportDeviceHardwareStatus for M95 and below.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report information about active kiosk sessions
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 42
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset has enrolled devices report the active kiosk session information such as application ID and version.

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don't report kiosk session information.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report storage status
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 73
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

This policy is set to Enabled by default. It controls the enrolled devices to report hardware statistics and identifiers for storage devices.

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don't report storage statistics. Eexception: Disk size and disk free space is controlled by ReportDeviceHardwareStatus for M95 and below.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report system info
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 86
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report a device's system information.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the information will not be reported. If set to true, the device's system information will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report Timezone info
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 83
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report information for a device's timezone.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the information will not be reported. If set to true, the device's currently set timezone will be reported.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report device users
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 32
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset has enrolled devices report the list of device users that signed in recently.

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don't report the list of users.

When DeviceEphemeralUsersEnabled is enabled, ReportDeviceUsers is ignored and will always be disabled.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report OS and firmware version
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 18
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset has enrolled devices periodically report their OS and firmware version.

Setting the policy to Disabled means enrolled devices don't report version info.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Report VPD info
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 85
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Report a device's VPD information.

If the policy is set to false or left unset, the information will not be reported. If set to true, the device's VPD information will be reported. Vital Product Data (VPD) is a collection of configuration and informational data (such as part and serial numbers) associated with the device.

Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Frequency of device status report uploads
Data type:
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 42
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

Setting the policy determines how frequently to send device status uploads, in milliseconds. The minimum allowed is 60 seconds.

If not set, the default interval of 3 hours applies.

  • Minimum:60000
Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

This policy has no effect on the logging done by Android.

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Website activity reporting allowlist
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allowlist that controls website activity reporting for affiliated users.

Setting the policy controls website URL opened and closed event reporting for allowlisted URLs. If unset, no website events will be reported. For detailed information on valid URL patterns, see Only HTTP and HTTPS URL schemes are allowed for this policy.

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Website telemetry reporting
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Reports website telemetry data for allowed URLs specified by the ReportWebsiteTelemetryAllowlist policy for affiliated users.

Setting the policy controls website telemetry reporting for specified telemetry data types. If unset, no website telemetry data will be reported.

  • "usage" = Usage
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Website telemetry reporting allowlist
Data type:
List of strings
Supported on:
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 123
Supported features:
Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes

Allowlist that controls website telemetry reporting for affiliated users. Telemetry data types being reported are controlled by the ReportWebsiteTelemetry policy.

Setting the policy controls website telemetry reporting for allowlisted URLs. If unset, no website telemetry will be reported. For detailed information on valid URL patterns, see Only HTTP and HTTPS URL schemes are allowed for this policy.

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