The Chrome Enterprise policy list is moving! Please update your bookmarks to
Both Chromium and Google Chrome have some groups of policies that depend on each other to provide control over a feature. These sets are represented by the following policy groups. Given that policies can have multiple sources, only values coming from the highest priority source will be applied. Values coming from a lower priority source in the same group will be ignored. The order of priority is defined in
Policy Name | Description |
ActiveDirectoryManagement | Microsoft® Active Directory® management settings |
DeviceMachinePasswordChangeRate | Machine password change rate |
DeviceUserPolicyLoopbackProcessingMode | User policy loopback processing mode |
DeviceKerberosEncryptionTypes | Allowed Kerberos encryption types |
DeviceGpoCacheLifetime | GPO cache lifetime |
DeviceAuthDataCacheLifetime | Authentication data cache lifetime |
ChromadToCloudMigrationEnabled | Enable the migration of Chromad devices into cloud management |
Attestation | Attestation |
AttestationEnabledForDevice | Enable remote attestation for the device |
AttestationEnabledForUser | Enable remote attestation for the user |
AttestationExtensionAllowlist | Extensions allowed to to use the remote attestation API |
AttestationForContentProtectionEnabled | Enable the use of remote attestation for content protection for the device |
BrowserEventReporting | Browser Event Reporting |
ReportingEndpoints | Reporting Endpoints |
BrowserIdle | Idle Browser Actions |
IdleTimeout | Delay before running idle actions |
IdleTimeoutActions | Actions to run when the computer is idle |
BrowserSwitcher | Legacy Browser Support |
AlternativeBrowserPath | Alternative browser to launch for configured websites. |
AlternativeBrowserParameters | Command-line parameters for the alternative browser. |
BrowserSwitcherChromePath | Path to Chrome for switching from the alternative browser. |
BrowserSwitcherChromeParameters | Command-line parameters for switching from the alternative browser. |
BrowserSwitcherDelay | Delay before launching alternative browser (milliseconds) |
BrowserSwitcherEnabled | Enable the Legacy Browser Support feature. |
BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl | URL of an XML file that contains URLs to load in an alternative browser. |
BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl | URL of an XML file that contains URLs that should never trigger a browser switch. |
BrowserSwitcherKeepLastChromeTab | Keep last tab open in Chrome. |
BrowserSwitcherUrlList | Websites to open in alternative browser |
BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist | Websites that should never trigger a browser switch. |
BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelist | Use Internet Explorer's SiteList policy for Legacy Browser Support. |
CloudReporting | Cloud Reporting |
ReportVersionData | Report OS and Google Chrome Version Information |
ReportPolicyData | Report Google Chrome Policy Information |
ReportMachineIDData | Report Machine Identification information |
ReportUserIDData | Report User Identification information |
ReportExtensionsAndPluginsData | Report Extensions and Plugins information |
CloudExtensionRequestEnabled | Enables Google Chrome extension installation requests |
CloudReportingEnabled | Enables Google Chrome cloud reporting |
CloudProfileReportingEnabled | Enable Google Chrome cloud reporting for managed profile |
CloudReportingUploadFrequency | Frequency of cloud reporting in hours |
CookiesSettings | Cookies settings |
DefaultCookiesSetting | Default cookies setting |
CookiesAllowedForUrls | Allow cookies on these sites |
CookiesBlockedForUrls | Block cookies on these sites |
CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls | Limit cookies from matching URLs to the current session |
DateAndTime | Date and time |
CalendarIntegrationEnabled | Enable Google Calendar Integration |
SystemTimezone | Timezone |
SystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection | Configure the automatic timezone detection method |
DefaultSearchProvider | Default search provider |
DefaultSearchProviderEnabled | Enable the default search provider |
DefaultSearchProviderName | Default search provider name |
DefaultSearchProviderKeyword | Default search provider keyword |
DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL | Default search provider search URL |
DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL | Default search provider suggest URL |
DefaultSearchProviderInstantURL | Default search provider instant URL |
DefaultSearchProviderIconURL | Default search provider icon |
DefaultSearchProviderEncodings | Default search provider encodings |
DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs | List of alternate URLs for the default search provider |
DefaultSearchProviderSearchTermsReplacementKey | Parameter controlling search term placement for the default search provider |
DefaultSearchProviderImageURL | Parameter providing search-by-image feature for the default search provider |
DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL | Default search provider new tab page URL |
DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams | Parameters for search URL which uses POST |
DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams | Parameters for suggest URL which uses POST |
DefaultSearchProviderInstantURLPostParams | Parameters for instant URL which uses POST |
DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams | Parameters for image URL which uses POST |
DirectSocketsSettings | Direct Sockets settings |
DefaultDirectSocketsSetting | Control use of the Direct Sockets API |
DirectSocketsAllowedForUrls | Allow Direct Sockets API on these sites |
DirectSocketsBlockedForUrls | Block Direct Sockets API on these sites |
DefaultDirectSocketsPrivateNetworkAccessSetting | Control access to private network in the Direct Sockets API |
DirectSocketsPrivateNetworkAccessAllowedForUrls | Allow private network access in the Direct Sockets API on these sites |
DirectSocketsPrivateNetworkAccessBlockedForUrls | Block private network access in the Direct Sockets API on these sites |
Display | Display |
DeviceDisplayResolution | Set display resolution and scale factor |
DisplayRotationDefault | Set default display rotation, reapplied on every reboot |
Drive | Drive |
DriveDisabled | Disable Drive in the Google ChromeOS Files app |
DriveDisabledOverCellular | Disable Google Drive over cellular connections in the Google ChromeOS Files app |
DriveFileSyncAvailable | Google ChromeOS file sync |
Extensions | Extensions |
ExtensionInstallAllowlist | Configure extension installation allow list |
ExtensionInstallBlocklist | Configure extension installation blocklist |
ExtensionInstallForcelist | Configure the list of force-installed apps and extensions |
ExtensionInstallSources | Configure extension, app, and user script install sources |
ExtensionAllowedTypes | Configure allowed app/extension types |
ExtensionAllowInsecureUpdates | Allow insecure algorithms in integrity checks on extension updates and installs |
ExtensionSettings | Extension management settings |
ExtensionManifestV2Availability | Control Manifest v2 extension availability |
ExtensionUnpublishedAvailability | Control availability of extensions unpublished on the Chrome Web Store. |
ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls | Configure a list of origins that grant extended background lifetime to the connecting extensions. |
FloatingSso | Floating SSO Service settings |
FloatingSsoEnabled | Enable Floating SSO Service |
FloatingSsoDomainBlocklist | Floating SSO Service blocked domain list |
FloatingSsoDomainBlocklistExceptions | Floating SSO Service domain blocklist exception list |
GoogleCast | Google Cast |
CastReceiverEnabled | Enable casting content to the device |
CastReceiverName | Name of the Google Cast destination |
Homepage | Homepage |
HomepageLocation | Configure the home page URL |
HomepageIsNewTabPage | Use New Tab Page as homepage |
NewTabPageLocation | Configure the New Tab page URL |
ShowHomeButton | Show Home button on toolbar |
ImageSettings | Image settings |
DefaultImagesSetting | Default images setting |
ImagesAllowedForUrls | Allow images on these sites |
ImagesBlockedForUrls | Block images on these sites |
JavascriptSettings | Javascript settings |
DefaultJavaScriptSetting | Default JavaScript setting |
JavaScriptAllowedForUrls | Allow JavaScript on these sites |
JavaScriptBlockedForUrls | Block JavaScript on these sites |
KerberosPrefilledConfig | Kerberos prefilled configuration |
KerberosCustomPrefilledConfig | Prefilled configuration for Kerberos tickets |
KerberosUseCustomPrefilledConfig | Change the prefilled configuration for Kerberos tickets |
KeygenSettings | Keygen settings |
DefaultKeygenSetting | Default key generation setting |
KeygenAllowedForUrls | Allow key generation on these sites |
KeygenBlockedForUrls | Block key generation on these sites |
Kiosk | Kiosk settings |
DeviceLocalAccounts | Device-local accounts |
DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginId | Device-local account for auto-login |
DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginDelay | Device-local account auto-login timer |
DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginBailoutEnabled | Enable bailout keyboard shortcut for auto-login |
DeviceLocalAccountPromptForNetworkWhenOffline | Enable network configuration prompt when offline |
KioskTroubleshootingToolsEnabled | Enable Kiosk troubleshooting tools |
LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorSettings | Legacy SameSite cookie behavior settings |
LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled | Default legacy SameSite cookie behavior setting |
LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList | Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on these sites |
LocalFontsSettings | Local Fonts settings |
DefaultLocalFontsSetting | Default Local Fonts permission setting |
LocalFontsAllowedForUrls | Allow Local Fonts permission on these sites |
LocalFontsBlockedForUrls | Block Local Fonts permission on these sites |
LoginScreenOrigins | Login and screen origins |
DeviceLoginScreenIsolateOrigins | Enable Site Isolation for specified origins |
DeviceLoginScreenSitePerProcess | Enable Site Isolation for every site |
NativeMessaging | Native messaging |
NativeMessagingBlocklist | Configure native messaging blocklist |
NativeMessagingAllowlist | Configure native messaging allowlist |
NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts | Allow user-level Native Messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions) |
NetworkFileShares | Network File Shares settings |
NetworkFileSharesAllowed | Controls Network File Shares for ChromeOS availability |
NetBiosShareDiscoveryEnabled | Controls Network File Share discovery via NetBIOS |
NTLMShareAuthenticationEnabled | Controls enabling NTLM as an authentication protocol for SMB mounts |
NetworkFileSharesPreconfiguredShares | List of preconfigured network file shares. |
NotificationsSettings | Notification settings |
DefaultNotificationsSetting | Default notification setting |
NotificationsAllowedForUrls | Allow notifications on these sites |
NotificationsBlockedForUrls | Block notifications on these sites |
PasswordManager | Password manager |
DeletingUndecryptablePasswordsEnabled | Enable deleting undecryptable passwords |
PasswordManagerEnabled | Enable saving passwords to the password manager |
PasswordManagerAllowShowPasswords | Allow users to show passwords in Password Manager (deprecated) |
PasswordSharingEnabled | Enable sharing user credentials with other users |
ThirdPartyPasswordManagersAllowed | Allow using Third-Party Password Managers in Google Chrome on Android |
PasswordProtection | Password protection |
PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger | Password protection warning trigger |
PasswordProtectionLoginURLs | Configure the list of enterprise login URLs where password protection service should capture salted hashes of passwords. |
PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL | Configure the change password URL. |
PinUnlock | Pin unlock |
PinUnlockMinimumLength | Set the minimum length of the lock screen PIN |
PinUnlockMaximumLength | Set the maximum length of the lock screen PIN |
PinUnlockWeakPinsAllowed | Enable users to set weak PINs for the lock screen PIN |
PinUnlockAutosubmitEnabled | Enable PIN auto-submit feature on the lock and login screen. |
PluginVm | PluginVm |
PluginVmAllowed | Allow devices to use a PluginVm on Google ChromeOS |
PluginVmDataCollectionAllowed | Allow PluginVm Product Analytics |
PluginVmImage | PluginVm image |
PluginVmLicenseKey | PluginVm license key |
PluginVmRequiredFreeDiskSpace | Required free disk space for PluginVm |
PluginVmUserId | PluginVm user id |
UserPluginVmAllowed | Allow users to use a PluginVm on Google ChromeOS |
PluginsSettings | Plugins settings |
DefaultPluginsSetting | Default Flash setting |
PluginsAllowedForUrls | Allow the Flash plugin on these sites |
PluginsBlockedForUrls | Block the Flash plugin on these sites |
PopupsSettings | Pop-ups settings |
DefaultPopupsSetting | Default pop-ups setting |
PopupsAllowedForUrls | Allow pop-ups on these sites |
PopupsBlockedForUrls | Block pop-ups on these sites |
PrivacySandbox | Privacy sandbox settings controls |
PrivacySandboxPromptEnabled | Choose whether the Privacy Sandbox prompt can be shown to your users |
PrivacySandboxAdTopicsEnabled | Choose whether the Privacy Sandbox Ad topics setting can be disabled |
PrivacySandboxSiteEnabledAdsEnabled | Choose whether the Privacy Sandbox Site-suggested ads setting can be disabled |
PrivacySandboxAdMeasurementEnabled | Choose whether the Privacy Sandbox ad measurement setting can be disabled |
PrivateNetworkRequestSettings | Private network request settings |
InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed | Specifies whether to allow websites to make requests to more-private network endpoints in an insecure manner |
InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls | Allow the listed sites to make requests to more-private network endpoints in an insecure manner. |
ProfileSeparation | Profile Separation |
ProfileSeparationSettings | Enterprise profile separation settings |
ProfileSeparationDataMigrationSettings | Profile separation data migration settings |
ProfileSeparationDomainExceptionList | Enterprise profile separation secondary domain allowlist |
Proxy | Proxy |
ProxyMode | Choose how to specify proxy server settings |
ProxyServerMode | Choose how to specify proxy server settings |
ProxyServer | Address or URL of proxy server |
ProxyPacUrl | URL to a proxy .pac file |
ProxyBypassList | Proxy bypass rules |
ProxySettings | Proxy settings |
QuickUnlock | Quick unlock |
QuickUnlockModeAllowlist | Configure allowed quick unlock modes |
QuickUnlockTimeout | Set how often user has to enter password to use quick unlock |
RemoteAccess | Remote access |
RemoteAccessClientFirewallTraversal | Enable firewall traversal from remote access client |
RemoteAccessHostClientDomain | Configure the required domain name for remote access clients |
RemoteAccessHostClientDomainList | Configure the required domain names for remote access clients |
RemoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal | Enable firewall traversal from remote access host |
RemoteAccessHostDomain | Configure the required domain name for remote access hosts |
RemoteAccessHostDomainList | Configure the required domain names for remote access hosts |
RemoteAccessHostRequireTwoFactor | Enable two-factor authentication for remote access hosts |
RemoteAccessHostTalkGadgetPrefix | Configure the TalkGadget prefix for remote access hosts |
RemoteAccessHostRequireCurtain | Enable curtaining of remote access hosts |
RemoteAccessHostAllowClientPairing | Enable or disable PIN-less authentication for remote access hosts |
RemoteAccessHostAllowGnubbyAuth | Allow gnubby authentication for remote access hosts |
RemoteAccessHostAllowRelayedConnection | Enable the use of relay servers by the remote access host |
RemoteAccessHostUdpPortRange | Restrict the UDP port range used by the remote access host |
RemoteAccessHostMatchUsername | Require that the name of the local user and the remote access host owner match |
RemoteAccessHostTokenUrl | URL where remote access clients should obtain their authentication token |
RemoteAccessHostTokenValidationUrl | URL for validating remote access client authentication token |
RemoteAccessHostTokenValidationCertificateIssuer | Client certificate for connecting to RemoteAccessHostTokenValidationUrl |
RemoteAccessHostDebugOverridePolicies | Policy overrides for Debug builds of the remote access host |
RemoteAccessHostAllowUiAccessForRemoteAssistance | Allow remote users to interact with elevated windows in remote assistance sessions |
RemoteAccessHostAllowFileTransfer | Allow remote access users to transfer files to/from the host |
RemoteAccessHostEnableUserInterface | Enable connection-related UI on the host desktop when a connection is active |
RemoteAccessHostAllowRemoteAccessConnections | Allow remote access connections to this machine |
RemoteAccessHostMaximumSessionDurationMinutes | Maximum session duration allowed for remote access connections |
RemoteAccessHostClipboardSizeBytes | The maximum size, in bytes, that can be transferred between client and host via clipboard synchronization |
RemoteAccessHostAllowRemoteSupportConnections | Allow remote support connections to this machine |
RemoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseRemoteSupportConnections | Allow enterprise remote support connections to this machine |
RemoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseFileTransfer | Enable file transfer capability in enterprise remote support sessions |
RemoteAccessHostAllowUrlForwarding | Allow remote access users to open host-side URLs in their local client browser |
RemoteAccessHostAllowPinAuthentication | Allow PIN and pairing authentication methods for remote access hosts |
RestoreOnStartup | Action on startup |
RestoreOnStartup | Action on startup |
RestoreOnStartupURLs | URLs to open on startup |
DeviceTransferSAMLCookies | Transfer SAML IdP cookies during login |
SafeBrowsing | Safe Browsing settings |
SafeBrowsingEnabled | Enable Safe Browsing |
SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingEnabled | Enable Safe Browsing Extended Reporting |
SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel | Safe Browsing Protection Level |
SafeBrowsingAllowlistDomains | Configure the list of domains on which Safe Browsing will not trigger warnings. |
SafeBrowsingProxiedRealTimeChecksAllowed | Allow Safe Browsing Proxied Real Time Checks |
SafeBrowsingSurveysEnabled | Allow Safe Browsing Surveys |
SafeBrowsingDeepScanningEnabled | Allow download deep scanning for Safe Browsing-enabled users |
DisableSafeBrowsingProceedAnyway | Disable proceeding from the Safe Browsing warning page |
ScreenCaptureSettings | Screen Capture settings |
ScreenCaptureAllowed | Allow or deny screen capture |
ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins | Allow Desktop, Window, and Tab capture by these origins |
WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins | Allow Window and Tab capture by these origins |
TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins | Allow Tab capture by these origins |
SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins | Allow Same Origin Tab capture by these origins |
SensorsSettings | Sensors settings |
DefaultSensorsSetting | Default sensors setting |
SensorsAllowedForUrls | Allow access to sensors on these sites |
SensorsBlockedForUrls | Block access to sensors on these sites |
SkyVaultSettings | SkyVault (all data in cloud) settings |
LocalUserFilesAllowed | Enable local user files |
LocalUserFilesMigrationDestination | Local user files migration destination |
SupervisedUsers | Supervised users |
SupervisedUsersEnabled | Enable supervised users |
SupervisedUserCreationEnabled | Enable creation of supervised users |
SupervisedUserContentProviderEnabled | Enable the supervised user content provider |
ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSettings | Third-party storage partitioning settings |
DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting | Default third-party storage partitioning setting |
ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins | Disable third-party storage partitioning for specific top-level origins |
UserAndDeviceReporting | User and device reporting |
EnableDeviceGranularReporting | Enable granular reporting controls |
ReportDeviceVersionInfo | Report OS and firmware version |
ReportDeviceBootMode | Report device boot mode |
ReportDeviceUsers | Report device users |
ReportDeviceActivityTimes | Report device activity times |
ReportDeviceAudioStatus | Report device audio status |
ReportDeviceLocation | Report device location |
ReportDeviceNetworkConfiguration | Report network configuration |
ReportDeviceNetworkInterfaces | Report device network interfaces |
ReportDeviceNetworkStatus | Report network status |
ReportDeviceHardwareStatus | Report hardware status |
ReportDeviceSessionStatus | Report information about active kiosk sessions |
ReportDeviceGraphicsStatus | Report display and graphics statuses |
ReportDeviceCrashReportInfo | Report information about crash reports. |
ReportDeviceOsUpdateStatus | Report OS update status |
ReportDeviceBoardStatus | Report board status |
ReportDeviceCpuInfo | Report CPU info |
ReportDeviceTimezoneInfo | Report Timezone info |
ReportDeviceMemoryInfo | Report memory info |
ReportDeviceBacklightInfo | Report backlight info |
ReportDevicePeripherals | Report peripheral details |
ReportDevicePowerStatus | Report power status |
ReportDeviceSecurityStatus | Report device security status |
ReportDeviceStorageStatus | Report storage status |
ReportDeviceAppInfo | Report applications information |
ReportDeviceBluetoothInfo | Report Bluetooth info |
ReportDeviceFanInfo | Report fan info |
ReportDeviceVpdInfo | Report VPD info |
ReportDeviceSystemInfo | Report system info |
ReportDevicePrintJobs | Report print jobs |
ReportDeviceLoginLogout | Report login/logout |
DeviceReportRuntimeCounters | Report device runtime counters |
ReportUploadFrequency | Frequency of device status report uploads |
ReportArcStatusEnabled | Report information about status of Android |
HeartbeatEnabled | Send network packets to the management server to monitor online status |
HeartbeatFrequency | Frequency of monitoring network packets |
LogUploadEnabled | Send system logs to the management server |
DeviceMetricsReportingEnabled | Enable metrics reporting |
DeviceReportXDREvents | Report extended detection and response (XDR) events |
DeviceExtensionsSystemLogEnabled | Enable extensions system logging |
WebPrintingSettings | Web Printing settings |
DefaultWebPrintingSetting | Control use of the WebPrinting API |
WebPrintingAllowedForUrls | Allow WebPrinting API on these sites |
WebPrintingBlockedForUrls | Block WebPrinting API on these sites |
WebUsbSettings | Web USB settings |
DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting | Control use of the WebUSB API |
DeviceLoginScreenWebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls | Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to USB devices with the given vendor and product IDs on the login screen. |
WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls | Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to USB devices with the given vendor and product IDs. |
WebUsbAskForUrls | Allow WebUSB on these sites |
WebUsbBlockedForUrls | Block WebUSB on these sites |
WiFi | WiFi |
DeviceWiFiFastTransitionEnabled | Enable 802.11r Fast Transition |
DeviceWiFiAllowed | Enable WiFi |
WindowManagementSettings | Window Management settings |
DefaultWindowManagementSetting | Default Window Management permission setting |
WindowManagementAllowedForUrls | Allow Window Management permission on these sites |
WindowManagementBlockedForUrls | Block Window Management permission on these sites |
DefaultWindowPlacementSetting | Default Window Placement permission setting |
WindowPlacementAllowedForUrls | Allow Window Placement permission on these sites |
WindowPlacementBlockedForUrls | Block Window Placement permission on these sites |